Wild For Horses - Cover

Wild For Horses


Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Teen Tanya can think of nothing but horses day-in and day-out. What she wants for her birthday is to go horseback riding, so her mom finally breaks down and the whole family goes to a dude ranch. Tanya, her mom and brother get to ride horses and get ridden while in the process.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Incest   Brother   Sister   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

A few days later, Loretta Reynolds had to leave town to go to a convention in another city. She was giving a paper about women's rights and the law.

Burton took his new wife out to the airport and kissed her goodbye.

"Are you sure you'll be all right, honey? You and the kids? I left you lots of frozen hamburger patties in the freezer. All you have to do is take them out and cook them. And there are plenty of frozen vegetables and lots of salad."

Burton smiled and put his arm around his wife. "Don't worry about us. We'll be fine. In fact, I'm looking forward to spending some time alone with the kids. We haven't really spent much time alone together."

"I just hope they won't be too much for you. Oh - don't forget to make them take their vitamins. And don't forget to pick up your suit at the cleaners."

He laughed and pulled her close to him. He loved the smell of her fragrance - it was the perfume she used.

"Don't worry!" he said nibbling her car. "Don't forget that I'm an old bachelor man. I'm used to keeping house for myself," he said to her.

She sighed. She let herself be held against his lean hard body. She was so lucky, after all those years of living alone, to find a good strong man who was at the same time, tough and macho, and yet who didn't try to restrict her freedom. He knew how important her career was to her.

She said, "Ohhhh, I'm going to miss you, though."

He said, "I'll miss you too." He held her tight.

She rubbed her groin against his groin. "Especially at night," she added with a laugh.

"Ummmhmmm," he said. They had had an especially good hot night of lovemaking the night before. That was one thing he liked about her going away.

It made their sex life very erotic - the night before she went away on one of her trips, and the night she came back. Absence from each other was good for a marriage.

"Flight Number 216 leaving for Miami is now boarding."

"Oh, honey, that's me. Goodbye now!" She kissed her brawny husband again.

He watched her firm buttocks twitching in her shapely skirt as she walked away.

What a wife, he was thinking. But when he turned away he was thinking of something else. He could feel the rustle of that number - of that teenager - in his pocket.

When he got out to his car in the parking lot, Loretta's plane was taking off. Silently he said goodbye to her and then went to a telephone booth. It was five o'clock on a Friday night. The kids wouldn't be home from school for another hour.

Jason had football practice, and Tanya had cheerleading practice.

Extra-curricular activities, what a wonderful thing, he was thinking as he listened to the phone ringing in Ramona's house. He hoped to God she had her own phone. But then it was very unlikely, even if her mother did answer the phone, that she would recognize Burton Reynolds's voice. That incident with her was over a year ago. And it had only happened once. And a lot of men must call up Ramona.

"Hello?" said a girlish voice, a little high.

"Hello, Ramona, this is Burton Reynolds," Burton said in his deep masculine voice. He lit a cigarette in the phone booth. "I've got an hour. I'd like to come over. Maybe I could take you for a drive," he told her.

Ramona's breath was taken away. For a second she forgot to act sophisticated and cool. "Burton! Oh! I-I didn't expect you to call! I mean so soon!"

He didn't laugh or even respond. He just said coolly, "Perhaps you've changed your mind? I'm sorry - I took your offer seriously."

"Oh no! I mean! Yes! I was serious! I mean I am!"

The poor girl sounded very flustered. And she sounded exactly like what she was - nothing but an infatuated high school girl without much experience with men. For Ramona let on as if she had a lot more experience than she really had.

"Well, come on right over, Burton," she said collecting herself.

He said, "Um, er, is your mother home?"

She laughed now, feeling more in control of herself.

"No, Mom's not here for the evening. We can take as long as you like."

He said, "I'll be right there. See you." He hung up.

Driving over in his car, he told himself he was acting crazy. Jeopardizing everything, his new life, his new marriage, his social position in the community, to get it on with a girl who was underage! But he didn't care. There was still a lot of the rake in him.

After all, it was this girl who had come on to him, not the other way around. And if she was willing, as far as he was concerned, then she wasn't underage.

Ramona lived on the other side of the tracks in town. Literally. A railroad line cut the town in two. She lived in a small, somewhat dilapidated house alone with her mother.

Burton pulled the car up under a tree so it couldn't be seen from the road.

Ramona heard his car pull up and she came out on the front porch to greet him.

"Hi there!" she pulled her long blonde hair nervously.

"Hello, Ramona," he said coolly jumping out of his car.

They went into the small frame house together.

It was one of those houses that were put up by the thousands at one point. It had two bedrooms and a living room, and everything looked as if it had been made pre-fab, which it had. The taste was somewhat tacky.

Ramona led her beau into the living room. She made him sit down on the couch. "Can I fix you a drink?" she asked.

She was feeling somewhat self-conscious about herself. She knew her body was shown off to its best in her pretty yellow dress. And she was wearing her new yellow summer heels. She hoped she looked grown-up.

"Do you know how to fix a drink?" he asked her.

"Of course I do. I fix drinks all the time for my mother's dates," she started to say, and then she tried to stop herself. She knew how naive she sounded.

He only laughed. "Okay, I'll have a gin and tonic. You do have gin and tonic?"

"Sure!" She moved across the room haughtily.

But one of her heels caught in the thick shag rug and she almost stumbled.

"Oh!" she cried out catching onto the counter.

Burton laughed. She blushed looking at him over her shoulder.

"It's these shoes," she told him. "I just got them, they're new, and I'm not used to walking on them." She righted herself and fixed the drink.

He noticed that she was also wearing make-up. She had done her eyes and lips and was wearing blush-on.

He didn't like it. He took the drink from her. "Thanks."

She sat down uncertainty beside him. He put his arm around her. She sighed. She started stroking his thighs. They were so thick.

He said, "And is the dress and make-up new too?

She felt her hair self-consciously. "Yes, do you like it?"

He said, "You didn't put that stuff on just for me, did you?"

"No! Of course not! Well, yes. Don't you like it?

He said, "It's all right. But that's not the way I want you to look. It doesn't turn me on. At all." He sipped his drink confidently.

She stood up, quite embarrassed and feeling insecure.

"Oh, well, I can change! I don't have to wear these things. It's just that I thought you would like... I mean, I thought they make me look more grown up."

"That's just it," he told her. "They do make you look more grown up. I want you to look young. To look your age. I want to look at you, while I'm fucking you and think, I'm fucking a slut of a teenager!" he said.

His words went straight to her pussy which started to throb. Her breath and voice came out strangely.

"All right! What should I put on?" she asked him.

He said, "Put on - the shortest little pair of cut-off shorts you have, and a pair of really tiny little panties. And a t- shirt. Don't wear a bra."

"All right!" she said jumping up happily.

But she couldn't resist jumping on his lap and giving him a kiss.

Burton sat there, unmoved by this teenage assault. He felt the girl pressing her lips up against his. He felt her hot tongue plunging into his mouth. He opened his lips a little bit and let her tongue assault him. But as far as he was concerned, this was all teen-stuff.

Gently he pushed her off him. "I don't want to kiss you, Ramona," he told her. "I only want to fuck you. But first I want you to give me a blow job."

She stared at him, her heart pounding. His words thrilled her to the very core. Although she had seen the parade of men going into and out of her mother's bedroom all her life, and seeing adults doing most everything together, she had never really had a lover of her own. Of course many of her mother's lovers were starting to come on to her, trying to corner her in her bedroom and feel her up. But she never let them. They didn't appeal to her.

But now, Burton Reynolds, looking like a hunky movie star, wanted her! Really wanted her! He seemed so confident, cool and mature. And he knew exactly what he wanted. And he was using those dirty words with her. The whole thing excited her more than she had ever been excited in her young life. She laughed and dashed off to her bedroom to change her clothes.

"And bring your clothes out here!" he called after her. "I want to see you change in front of me!" He leaned back on the couch and sipped his drink.

He felt happy. Now, that he was married and could still fool around on the side, he had everything a virile man could want out of life.

Ramona came back into the living room with a pair of blue jean shorts that were cut off and ragged, and a pink t-shirt to wear. She put these things down on the coffee table. Then she slipped out of her yellow high heeled shoes.

Her pretty little toes were painted red. Her toes looked like ripe round candies. She wiggled them in the thick shag carpet. She turned around so her back was to him, and lifted her long blonde hair. She unzipped the back of her dress.

"Will you help me?" she said in a helpless feminine voice that she had learned from her mother. He leaned forward and pulled her zipper down.

"Thanks!" she said breathlessly. She stepped out of her dress. She was wearing a white slip underneath. She stepped out of that too.

Now she had her back to him and she was wearing nothing but a pair of tiny blue panties and a white bra. Self-consciously, her hands went behind her to unhook her bra. Her boobs fell out, suddenly released.

She reached behind her to feel for her t-shirt, giving him a prime view of her big, plump, firm tits, though still she didn't turn all the way around.

For some reason, at this moment that she had been longing for, she felt shy and self-conscious. She slipped the t-shirt over her head and pulled it down.

But still he had seen those big, plump, ripe fruit.

"Mmmmmm," he said as his prick stiffened in his pants. He unzipped his fly and pulled the long hardening rod out and began to play with it.

Ramona was unconscious of what he was doing. Now she was trying to pull the tight short shorts up over her thighs and hips.

He watched her pert buttocks twitch back and forth while she tried to pull the tight denim up over her ass and close the zipper.

Then it was done. She turned around. And saw his cock. It was a long spear of a shaft, sticking out between his fingers. He adjusted his pants so that his big red balls rode clear outside his fly.

"Now, that's better," he said looking at her.

She looked exactly like what she was - a slut of a teenager. Her tits bobbed prettily beneath the thin t-shirt.

He said, "Go down on it. Eat my cock." He held it out to her.

Ramona was trembling. She talked like she had done this stuff before. But she never had. Never before in her life. She had only seen her mother doing it.

She pushed the coffee table aside and knelt between his knees. She took his stick in her hand. He grinned and closed his eyes. "Put your mouth on it. Go down on it."

She opened her mouth and put his dick inside. Then she closed her mouth and pushed her head down on his tool, as she had seen her mother do. She could feel the throbbing of his penis in her mouth!

Her heart was beating fast! She couldn't believe this was really happening! Not with Burton Reynolds - the good-looking man who was Tanya's stepfather!

She opened her eyes to look up at him. She seemed to be doing a good job. His eyes were closed and he was smiling.

He opened his eyes. "What are you looking at?" he asked her.

He loved the way she looked, all cute and pert, her blonde hair falling all over her shoulders, with his big cock in her mouth like a lollipop.

"Lick up and down it," he told her, his nostrils flaring.

She took it out and began licking it. She had never seen a cock with a head as big as his. She nuzzled the big wet head of his dick in her mouth. Then with her tongue she began licking up his throbbing shaft.

"Now stuff it back in your throat, honey, all the way down your mouth!"

She smiled. She loved doing this to him. She loved turning him on.

She knew that he was getting turned on. For his cock was getting bigger and harder in her mouth with every move her tongue made.

She shoved the big head of his penis down her mouth. And she gagged. She came up coughing and choking.

"Not that way," he said looking at her funny. "Have you ever done this before?"

She blushed and looked away. She couldn't lie.

"Well, no. Not exactly. I mean I've seen it done thousands of times!"

"Thousands of times? Well, seeing it isn't doing it. Now let me tell you how to do it. Keep your tongue against the bottom of your mouth, and breathe in. When you breathe in, push my cock in as far as it can go. When you exhale, let up on it a little bit, let it come out. That's how you deep throat. Think you got it?"

She nodded eagerly. She opened her mouth wide and stuck his dick in. She breathed in and his penis slid way down her throat.

He groaned and gripped his balls. "That's it, honey."

She saw what he was doing and she moved his hands away. Now she was fondling his balls with her own slender hands. She exhaled and let his cock come half way out her mouth.

"That's right! That's right!" He reached for her big, firm boobs. He pulled her t-shirt up so her melons were naked. They were full heavy weights in the palms of his hands.

"Mmmm," he sighed. "So good, so good!"

Ramona felt so happy. She was finally getting cock, giving head.

And it wasn't to one of her mother's bums - it was to this good-looking mature man! Now she allowed herself to get really into it.

With Burton squeezing her boobs, her pussy began to tingle. She squatted on the floor and pulled one of his legs between her legs. Then she started rising up and down on his leg, giving her pussy something to rub against. She couldn't wait until he started playing with her cunt.

"Okay, that's enough," he told her. "Anymore and I would come. Stand up."

She stood up. His cock was throbbing hot. Her lips were swollen and stretched.

He said, "Stand up here on the couch. I want to eat your sweet hot pussy now."

She climbed up on the couch uncertainly. She had never done this before either - let a man eat out her cunt. Of course, she sure had dreamed about it a lot. But now that it was actually happening, like before, she was a little shy and afraid. Somehow it wasn't happening the way she had always imagined it.

She always thought she'd be desperately in love with some man, who'd be desperately in love with her. First they'd just kiss a lot, and fool around. And gradually, when they both realized how much they loved each other, he would take her in his arms in bed, and then... they would do all this stuff.

Now, this man was pulling her fly down, while she stood above him on the couch. He was feeling into her pussy crack while she still had her jeans on.

"Mmmmm," he was saying. "This is going to be good!"

She licked her lips nervously. "What do I do?"

"Nothing. You just stand there. And spread your legs good and wide. Don't tell me you've never done this before either?"

She looked away and shook her head. She knew she was coming off like an awful fool, after all her big talk and manner and bragging.

If any of her girlfriends ever knew that most of what she bragged about doing was pure bullshit... Now he was biting through the denim.

He had got the zipper down and he was working her shorts down over her hips.

"Nice big hips, I like that!" he was saying.

He got her shorts off one leg. They hung around the ankle of the other. Now he pulled her cunt down to his face. She was still wearing panties.

"Burton!" She laughed nervously. "What are you doing?"

She felt uncomfortable because she knew her panties were wet and stinking, because she was so excited. She didn't know that a man liked that.

He was sniffing at the crotch of her panties, pulling it into his mouth to taste the taste of her cunt, and pushing his tongue through the thin nylon fabric.

"Mmmmmm, good hot pussy." Suddenly his tongue wormed around the edge of her panties and into her furry muff. She felt his tongue hit the wet surface of her pulsing pussy lips. She gripped his hair to keep her head about her.

"Oh!" she gasped once, closing her eyes and reeling.

"Feel good?" he said with a snarling laugh. He tore her panties down off her completely now.

The girl was holding on to his hair, with her eyes closed, and her legs spread wide apart. Her blonde pussy fur was wet around the edges. Her cunt lips were quivering with anticipation.

She was so hot that she did something without thinking. She split her meat open with her fingers and shoved it against Burton's open lips. He grinned and pressed his tongue in her open slit.

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