Wild For Horses - Cover

Wild For Horses


Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Teen Tanya can think of nothing but horses day-in and day-out. What she wants for her birthday is to go horseback riding, so her mom finally breaks down and the whole family goes to a dude ranch. Tanya, her mom and brother get to ride horses and get ridden while in the process.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Incest   Brother   Sister   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Tanya! Come and set the table for dinner!"

"All right Mom, be there in one second!" Tanya called back.

She was sitting in her room in the middle of her pink shag carpet, looking through one of her horse books. Tanya loved horses. More than anything else.

Of course she had hardly ever even been near a real one.

She had seen them as a little girl, in the circus.

And she had seen them on TV and in the movies.

But she had never even ridden a real horse.

The idea of being on top of all that power and that brute animal force was thrilling to her. And scary too. So she collected books about horses.

Lying on her stomach on the floor, the pretty, pert sixteen year old made a pretty picture. She had lush thick dark hair that glinted with red.

And she had firm, taut white little buttocks that looked like little hillocks now, round and jutting out of her blue panties, as she lay on her stomach.

She was wearing nothing else but a blue t-shirt.

She spread her legs wide on the carpet while she looked through her picture books.

One arm wormed under her body, between her round little hills that were her breasts.

She let one hand slide down into her panties.

Suddenly, her fingers were sliding up and down in a wet canal.

She closed her eyes and thought of riding a horse.

The big black stallion that she had a photograph of, with his front legs rearing up in the air. Her fingers slid into her honey pot and brushed her clit.

"Oooooh, down boy!" she moaned to herself while she writhed.

Just then Jason stuck his head in the door.

"Hey, Mom said for you to come and set the table!"

He looked down at his younger sister. And saw what she was doing.

"Jesus Christ! You're disgusting!" he told her.

Jason, who was seventeen, laughed at his little sister.

Lying on the floor, writhing on her belly, it was all too clear she was playing with her own cunt. And only sixteen years old. Jason thought of himself as very mature and sophisticated. Tanya looked up at him suddenly.

She pulled her fingers out of her cunt and scrambled up to her feet.

"How dare you come in here and spy on me!" she screamed.

"The door was practically wide open," he told her leaning against the door.

"Are you going to wash your hands before you go set the table?"

"Oh shut up! Wouldn't you like to know!" she spat at him.

She pulled on her blue jeans and brushed past him.

"I know you're not getting any of this good stuff," she said coyly.

She slid her wet, cunty fingers across his cheek as she passed.

And she went downstairs to the dining room, stopping in the bathroom along the way to wash her fingers off. Damn that miserable brother, Jason.

He thought he was so tough and old. But she knew that he had his eye on one of her best girlfriends, Ramona. Tanya knew that Jason would give anything to get into Ramona's panties. But Tanya also knew that Ramona didn't give a shit about Jason.

Tanya thought it was funny. She went into the kitchen.

Her mother said, "Well, it's about time. I called you three times."

"Sorry Mom. I was doing my homework," Tanya said.

She took out the silverware and got some dishes.

"Hmmm, homework, my foot. You were probably looking at your horses."

Tanya smiled at her mother and went in to the dining room.

She said, "Mom, have you thought about it anymore?"

"Thought about what?" called her mother, stirring the stew.

"About my party. For my birthday! Did you talk to Daddy?"

"Tanya, I thought we already discussed that. You definitely cannot have a riding party for your birthday. It's much too expensive."

Shit, Tanya murmured under her breath. She wanted a riding party for her birthday more than anything else in the world.

She set the table and went back into the kitchen.

"Oh, Mom, but please! I mean, I'll pay for part of it. I've saved up twenty dollars. And I'll save up more! I'll pay you back! I mean how often does a girl have a birthday!"

Her mother, a pretty woman with strawberry blonde hair, laughed.

"Twenty dollars. You have no sense of values when it comes to money, my girl. A riding party for all your girlfriends could cost up to five hundred dollars. Absolutely not."

She handed her young daughter bread and butter to put on the table.

"But what if I just invited a couple of girls. Just Ramona and Sally!"

Tanya was wailing like a little girl much younger than her age.

"I said the subject is closed. Next thing you'll be wanting a horse. Now, I don't want to hear about this anymore!" And her mother turned away.

Tears came to Tanya's eyes. Having a riding party, getting on top of a real horse for the first time in her life, was her cherished dream. She resolved to approach her father once more on the subject.

After dinner, Mrs. Flowers had a meeting to go to of the Ladies Downtown Beautification Association. She left instructions for Tanya to clean up.

Her friend Ramona was coming over so they could do homework together.

Tanya wanted to get the dishes done quickly so she could talk to her father before Ramona came over. But there were an awful lot of dishes.

Jason was watching her fill the sink with a taunting look on his face.

"Jason, do the dishes for me tonight!" Tanya asked him.

"Shit, no! It's not my night to do the dishes!" he said.

"Come on - I'll do them for you on one of your nights, when you have a date or something," she said. "If you ever have a date with anybody," she added.

Jason blushed and said, "Fuck you," and crossed his arms.

"Jason! Please! It's really important! Look, I'll try to get you a date with Ramona if you do the dishes for me tonight!" she pleaded.

Now Jason was interested. "Really?" he said.

"Yes! I promise! And you know how good I am at convincing people."

"All right. It's a deal. Tell her I'll take her anywhere she wants to go in town."

He gladly picked up the sponge and wrapped a dish towel around his waist.

Singing to herself, Tanya went off to find her father.

He wasn't her real father. He was her step-father.

Her mother had married him only two months ago.

Tanya's real father, an Army lieutenant, was killed many years ago, in war maneuvers in Germany, when Tanya was only two years old and Jason was three.

Loretta Jacobs had raised her two little children alone.

For many years she couldn't even look at another man.

Her husband had been the only man in her life and it took many years to get over the memory of him. But then, last year, she had met Burton Reynolds.

The handsome, powerfully attractive young architect had wooed and won the pretty Loretta Jacobs. And Loretta herself felt it was all too long overdue.

She knew her two unruly children needed a father.

She thought that Burton, with his powerful manner and forceful personality, would be able to bring her two children into hand.

Tanya found Burton in the den, reading the evening paper.

"Burton," she said. Neither she nor Jason called him Dad. It just didn't feel comfortable. They were too old for that.

Burton looked up. "Yes, Tanya. What is it?" he asked her.

Just then the doorbell rang. "Oh shit," she said, "That's probably Ramona."

Burton grinned behind his newspaper at the way his new young daughter talked.

But officially, he reprimanded her. "Don't talk that way," he said.

"Yes, Burton." She ran off to answer the door.

But she found Jason had beaten her to it. He was talking to Ramona at the doorway. "That sure is a cute little apron thing you've got on there, Jason."

Ramona was referring to the dish towel Jason had wrapped around his waist.

Jason blushed, and he pulled the dish towel off and went away muttering angrily.

"That's the last time I do the dishes for her," he was saying.

Both girls looked at each other and giggled.

Ramona had her school books under her arm. Tanya took her by the arm.

"Come on, put your books in here. I told Jason if he did the dishes for me tonight, I'd get you to go out on a date with him," she confided.

"Oh really? Gee, thanks a lot. I suppose I don't get any say in the matter."

Ramona, a pretty, pert blonde crossed her legs as she sat on the arm of a chair.

She lit a cigarette. Her parents didn't care if she smoked.

Tanya wasn't allowed to smoke. She closed the door to her room.

Then she took a puff on Ramona's cigarette. "Mmmm," she breathed the smoke out.

"Look," she added. "Why don't you give Jason a try. He's absolutely pining for you. Think of it this way. You'll be doing a horny boy a favor."

Ramona giggled. "What is it - National Take a Horny Boy out for a Ride in His Car Week?" She laughed again. "Nothing doing. You know I only go for older guys, Tanya."

"Well, Jason is seventeen. He's a year older than we are. Plus you said yourself he's cute. You've got to admit he is." She pressed her point.

Ramona tapped her cigarette in Tanya's gold cup for cheerleading.

"I said he was kind of cute. But I can't stand going out with boys who have no experience. You know, that kind of thing really disgusts me. When they don't know whether to put their fingers up your panties or kiss you on the cheek goodnight. And they're afraid to do one and awkward about doing the other. They make me too jumpy."

Tanya looked at her friend enviously.

Ramona had a lot more experience than she.

Tanya's parents still wouldn't let her go out on a date alone with a boy.

She wasn't allowed to drive around in a boy's car, and if she went to a party, she had to leave her parents the phone number where she would be, and she had to be home by midnight. But she agreed with Ramona, as if she had as much experience.

"I know what you mean. But how can a guy get experience if an experienced woman won't let him try her out. I mean - shouldn't we experienced women try to help out all the green guys we can? Otherwise, some dumb innocent little girl who's just as dumb as the guy might get her hands on him, and then he'd never know what's what."

Ramona laughed. "You should be on the debating team, not on the cheerleaders. I swear, Tanya. You could convince a horse to walk on two legs!

"Does that mean that you'll do it!!!" Tanya said.

All in all, she did love her older brother. And she did really want to see him happy, and get his first hot date with Ramona. Plus she knew then that he would owe her a favor.

"I'll think about it!" Ramona only promised.

"Good, that means it's settled. Oh, speaking of horses, that reminds me, I want you to come and help me convince Burton to convince my mother to let me have a riding party for my birthday. Come on." Tanya put out Ramona's cigarette.

"Are you still trying to get them to let you do that? I swear, I don't know what it is about you and horses, Tanya," Ramona said.

She picked up the framed picture of Trigger, Tanya's favorite horse.

"I mean, I'd much rather think about going riding on some mature man. Like that hunky stepfather of yours. I think he's groovy. So handsome."

Ramona's eyes went all dreamy as she looked at the horse and thought about Burton Reynolds.

"But just look at the power of the horse," said Tanya grabbing the picture... "Look at the horse's legs, at his neck. You know a horse could knock you down and kill you with just one of his hoofs!" Tanya said, thrilled.

"Mmmmm?" said Ramona vaguely. "So what?" she added unimpressed.

"And when you go riding, you feel all that power between your legs, while the stallion's black mane whips in your face and he carries you along like you're flying!"

Tanya waxed eloquent, thinking of riding a horse.

Ramona only laughed and teasingly pulled her hair.

"What an imagination. You've never even ridden a horse."

"I know! But I've imagined the whole thing so many times. That's why we've got to convince him. Come on, he's in the study, reading the paper."

The two young, nubile sixteen year old girls went into the study.

"Good evening, Ramona, how are you?" handsome Burton Reynolds asked his daughter's young friend. He folded up his evening paper and took out a pipe.

Tanya sat down on one arm of his armchair.

Ramona cuddled up on the other arm. Her chest was heaving.

Proximity to this handsome older man always made her get breathless.

"Well, girls, how's tricks?" Burton asked them.

Ramona licked her lips. Tanya said: "Oh Burton!" Then she added, "How was your day at the office?"

"All right. Lots of work. We got a big new project, to do the new library downtown."

Ramona said, "How fascinating!" She had large breasts and they extended now a good ways out of her tight red t-shirt. She crossed her legs.

"Are you interested in architecture, Ramona?"

"Oh yes, very much, Mr. Reynolds," said Ramona.

He looked up at his daughter's friend. Then he looked at his daughter. What a fine-looking pair of girls, he was thinking. In his younger days, he would have stopped at nothing to get them. But now, he was a settled married man in love with his wife.

"Burton, you know I've saved up some money. And I could make more. I could get a job," Tanya was saying. She put her arm around her stepfather.

"A job? I think that would be an excellent idea. But I'm surprised Tanya. I've never heard you be interested in working before."

He was glad to hear his step-daughter taking a more practical view of things.

He thought Loretta had badly spoiled her daughter.

"Well, you know, I was thinking, if I was making some money on my own, I could pay for some things myself. I mean I know you and Mom aren't always going to pay for me. I just thought I should start taking on some responsibilities myself."

"I couldn't agree with you more, Tanya. You know, girls, I started working when I was twelve years old. Both my parents died when I was very young and I lived in an orphanage. I had to start taking care of myself right away."

"Oh you poor thing, Mr. Reynolds. You mean you didn't have any mother to take care of you?" She leaned over the arm of the chair.

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