Wife's Wild Ass - Cover

Wife's Wild Ass


Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Never worked in a pet shop before? If you're hot and horny and you are not getting enough at home, then a pet shop can provide plenty of horny animals - even a donkey on occasions.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Cheating   Gang Bang   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Food   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

Things were back to normal in the morning.

By the time Caroline woke up, Jonathon was already dressing to go to the office--and to the charms of his secretary--and Caroline did not get a morning fuck or suck. As always, she was randy and feeling frustrated. She stayed in bed after Jonathon left, but although she rubbed her cunt for awhile, she couldn't really concentrate on the job. She kept thinking about the elk hound.

After awhile she got up and dressed.

Screwing up her nerve, she went to call on Helen Ramsey.

The redhead did not seem particularly surprised by the unexpected visit and she asked Caroline in. They sat in the front room. Caroline was nervous, not sure how to begin.

Helen seemed to realize this because she looked amused and she waited for Caroline to broach the subject.

At last, clearing her throat, Caroline said, "I understand that Darleen has told you that she and I--well--"

"She had told me that you suck each other off," Helen said, getting right to the crux of the matter.

Caroline blushed.

She loved cuntsucking but she still felt embarrassed.

She stammered, "Well, yes--but--"

"She wanted to suck me off, too," Helen said. "I don't fool around with girls, but I don't see anything wrong with it, either. So if you're afraid that I might gossip or something--"

"No, I wanted to explain, to make sure that you didn't have the wrong idea. That is, well, Darleen and I are happily married women. We aren't lesbians. We do eat each other out, but it's all just harmless fun, just making each other feel good."

Helen nodded.

Then she said, "And I suppose that Darleen has told you about my particular amusements?"

"She told me about your dog."

Helen tilted an eyebrow.

"Does it shock you?" she asked.

"It fascinates me," admitted Caroline.

"It certainly fascinated Darleen," said Helen. "That little nymph has been balling my elk hound more than I have, now that she's started. It's almost enough to make me jealous."

She laughed to show she wasn't really serious.

Caroline laughed too and said, "Well, it made me jealous as well. First I supposed that you and Darleen were giving each other head, until she explained--but I still haven't been getting enough tongue from her, now that she's into fucking dogs."

Helen gave Caroline a speculative look.

"What to try it?" she asked.

Caroline blushed. She sure as hell did want to try it, but she was reluctant to admit it.

"I--I'm not sure if--"

Helen knew full well that the other woman was eager to try a dog's prick, but ashamed to openly admit it. Helen said, "Why I asked--I have to go out this morning and my elk hound hasn't had his cock and balls emptied. So if you were interested."

Oh! thought Caroline.

This was better than she had hoped for. She wanted to fuck the dog, no doubt of that, but she wasn't sure that she wanted to do it while another woman was watching her. If she could fuck the big brute in private, that would be much better. She would be able to do whatever she wanted without feeling self-conscious about it. The dog, after all, could never tell on her.

"I-I might."

"Sure, honey. Why don't you stay here with Old Blue? Then you can do it, or not, and no one will ever know unless you tell them. Well, I'll know, I suppose, if he's still horny when I get back. But I won't know for sure what you did. I mean, you might just jack him off or something. And I'll be grateful to you, too, because I don't expect to be feeling like fucking when I get home."

She smiled impishly.

"I have a date with a Doberman," she added.

Caroline felt bemused by the situation. It seemed incredible to her that she had actually come over here with the intention of committing an act of bestiality, that she could possibly fuck an animal. And yet her pussy was smoldering for a hunk of a hound's meat. She sat there rather primly as Helen left the room. Helen returned with the elk hound.

It was a big, handsome brute with a blunt muzzle and intelligent yellow eyes. Its coat was gunmetal grey. And, swaying under its belly, was the gigantic prick that Darleen had so highly praised. His cock wasn't erect at the moment, but even soft his prick was a massive hunk of cock, and it was evident that Helen had told the truth when she had said that his balls had not been drained yet that day, for they were swollen up like over inflated balloons.

The handsome dog gazed speculatively back and forth between his mistress and this new human bitch.

"This is Old Blue," said Helen as if introducing them. Caroline wondered if she was supposed to shake his paw.

"I'm sure you two will get on famously together," said the redhead, grinning. "And enjoy yourself, Caroline."

"I know I will," Caroline whispered, no longer attempting to conceal her desires as she gazed at the powerful canine.

Helen went to the front door. She looked back once, smiling. Then she went out. Caroline wondered if she really did have a date with a Doberman. Did she actually arrange such things in advance? That seemed more wicked than if they just happened on impulse. A girl with a hot cunt was liable to do things that she would never do if her cunt wasn't hot, and arranging to fuck a dog seemed a cold-blooded sort of depravity. Still, Caroline had to admit that she had come over with that in mind, hoping that it would work out that way.

Helen's departure was perfect for Caroline's purposes. Alone with the big dog, she could misbehave as much as she wished without being hampered by inhibitions. She wondered if maybe that was the real reason why Helen had gone out. Perhaps the redhead realized that Caroline would be more comfortable about having her first dog fuck if it were done in privacy, and had gone out of kindness. Well, if that were so, Caroline was certainly grateful.

Now, left alone with the elk hound, Caroline figured that there was no sense in hesitating. She fully intended to screw the brute and there was no point in fooling herself that it was otherwise, deceiving herself that it just happened on impulse instead of by design.

She stood up and took her clothing off.

The hound watched with interest.

His long, pink tongue lolled out over his gleaming fangs and his powerful chest began to expand as his breathing became vigorous. The fat slab of his prick began to swell.

Naked, Caroline sat down again, her legs extended, her thighs apart. She figured that the dog knew more about these things than she did and waited for him to take the initiative.

Old Blue walked over nonchalantly, like some canine Lothario on casual conquest, confident of his powers of seduction and playing it cool. Caroline began to tremble as the brute approached.

Old Blue was well trained. Helen had taught him these tricks from the time he was little more than a puppy, and he had often thanked his lucky stars that he had been bought by such a wonderful mistress. Old Blue was no fool. He knew that, had fate not been so kind to him, he might have been bought by a hunter and have to spend his life chasing fucking elk around the woods.

His long, hot tongue came out.

He slurped up Caroline's crotch.

"Oooooh!" she cried when she felt that wet, slippery tongue slowly glide up her open pussy slot and across her throbbing clit. She squirmed down, her ass on the very edge of the seat, grinding her groin against the dog's surging tongue. He continued to lap merrily away, scooping tonguefuls of cuntjuice out of her flooded cunt hole. Caroline reached down and used her fingers to spread her pussylips wide open, so that the cunt hungry hound could slurp far up her cunt tunnel. She threw her head back, her face switching from side to side, her expression a mask of passion. She looked down, seeing the dog framed by her rising tits and the gentle slope of her thrusting belly. She watched his hot tongue flash as it caressed her cunt. A mist of pussy juice sprayed out. Caroline threw her legs around the dog's sturdy shoulders, clamping him to her cunt. Then she opened her legs wide again, not sure which position suited her best. But Caroline didn't give a damn how she was placed--she would have swung from a chandelier as long as that hot tongue was playing over her pussy.

She hooked her legs around him again.

This time her heels slid down and she began to rub the elk hound's cock between her feet. He lifted his head.

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