Neighbor's Teasing Wife - Cover

Neighbor's Teasing Wife


Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Two neighbors decide that the best way to keep their marriages from going stale, is to put some excitement into it by swapping husbands. Especially after watching them make it with the divorcee down the street.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Reluctant   Cheating   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Joan, we've got a problem," Vicky sighed.

"Hey, no shit?" Joan said bitterly. "I can see we've got a problem, honey, but what are we gonna do about it?"

"Well, I think the first thing I need is a drink," Vicky said. "How about you?"

"Make it a double, please!"

With drinks in hand, they discussed their situation. "It's pretty clear," Vicky said. "The guys want somebody new. They're not really too tired for sex."

"Yeah. They just proved that," Joan said. "And you're right. What they want is novelty. I guess I can't really blame them."

"Me either," Vicky said. "I have to admit it, Joan, I look at other men these days, and I wonder how it would be to get it on with them."

"Me, too," Joan confessed. "Well, if the guys want novelty, we have to give it to them, but how? Dye our hair? Get different clothes?"

"I don't think that's gonna do the job," Vicky sighed. "They really want other women. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Don has the hots for you. He'd find you a lot more interesting than he does me."

"Vicky!" Joan cried. "You may be on to something."

They stared at each other, then began to grin. "Hey, you're right, Joan," Vicky said. "I bet it would really turn the guys on to switch partners. I mean, if Don's gotta fuck somebody else, I'd rather it was you."

"Exactly," Joan sad. "That way we could keep it all in the family, so to speak. I wouldn't feel jealous of you, the way I do of Shelly, and I think the guys would really go for it."

"It's settled, then," Vicky said with a wicked grin. "We're gonna put the make on each other's husband."

"And that will leave poor little Shelly out of the picture," Joan cackled.

They spent another hour working out the details of their scheme. By then the men came home. Don and Frank walked into the house with their golf equipment, trying to act innocent.

"Oh, hi, girls," Don said. "Got a drink for us?"

"Joan will fix you a drink at her place, honey," Vicky said. "She needs you to look at some wiring. And Frank, I'd like to borrow you for a couple hours to fix a leaky faucet."

The women had chosen their plan well. Don was no good at plumbing, and Frank was a dummy when it came to wiring. It seemed perfectly natural for the women to trade their husbands' services. Don went off with Joan, leaving Vicky with Frank.

"Where's that faucet?" Frank asked.

"Oh, there's no big rush," Vicky purred. "How about a drink first? You probably had a hard day on the golf course."

"Uh, yeah," Frank said, reddening a little. "A drink would be great, Vicky."

She brought him a drink and sat next to him on the couch, moving so close that she could feel the heat of his exciting male body. She'd always found Frank attractive, and lately she'd been wondering how he was in bed. This seduction was going to be very fun and interesting.

"I'm glad we're alone, Frank," she said. "I need somebody to talk to. Things aren't going very well between Don and me. We hardly ever make love any more."

Frank reddened again. No doubt he had a vivid image in his mind of the day's events, Don fucking Shelly and then getting sucked off by her.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Vicky," he said. "But you have to realize that the longer you're married, the less exciting sex is. Face it. Don's probably feeling restless."

"Yeah, me, too," Vicky sighed. "I know just what you mean, Frank. I could use a little adventure myself. I'd never leave Don or anything like that, but I wouldn't mind getting some new stuff on the side."

Frank's eyes flicked over her petite curvy body. She hoped she was giving him some naughty ideas. That was the whole point of this conversation. She snuggled closer to him, till their thighs touched.

"You'd have to be very careful, Vicky," he said. "You wouldn't want Don to find out."

"Oh, of course not," Vicky breathed, rubbing her tit against his arm. "I'd be very, very careful. And I'm sure you would, too, Frank."

She kissed him, darting her hot little tongue suggestively between his lips. Frank shuddered with excitement. Vicky could see that he wouldn't be hard to seduce. She slipped her tongue fully into his mouth and probed around.

Frank gave a muffled moan. Vicky felt sizzling juice squirting from her cunt and soaking her panties. Her tits welled up and her nipples went stiff. She really looked forward to getting this man into bed.

Now Frank was kissing her, gliding his big hot tongue between her lips, and she creamed uncontrollably. She slipped onto his lap and snaked her arms around his neck. Under her ass she could feel his cock ballooning.

"Uuuuuummmmm," she murmured.

By the time they came up for air, they were both flushed and panting. "You know, Vicky," Frank said hoarsely, "I have a confession to make. I've been attracted to you ever since we first met. But of course I couldn't do anything about it, because you're my best friend's wife."

"And you're my best friend's husband," Vicky gurgled. "But they don't have to know a thing about this, Frank. We've got the perfect opportunity right now."

Frank seemed to agree, because he pulled off her T-shirt and ogled her tightly packed lace bra. Then he reached around her and unfastened the bra and pulled it off. He ogled her luscious firm tits and stiff rosy nipples.

He cupped her sensitive tits and started molding them in his hot hands. Vicky purred with lust. Her tits weren't nearly as big and spectacular as Shelly's, but Frank seemed just as turned on by them. Her stiff nipples throbbed and poked against his palms, and she soaked her jeans with hot pussy-cream.

"Mmmmm, honey, you're getting me so excited," she moaned.

"I'm getting myself pretty excited," he rasped.

He bent down, stuck out his tongue, and started licking her cute stiff nipples. Her nipples were very sensitive when they were swollen with lust, and Vicky squealed with excitement. She loved feeling his big hot tongue lashing the tender buds.

"Mmmmm, yessss, terrific!" she sighed.

Frank lathered her nipples with his hot spit, then sucked the right one into the hot cave of his mouth. As he sucked it, Vicky went on creaming heavily and uncontrollably. She was way overdue for some great, unhurried love-making. All she ever got from Don these days was quick fucks, over too soon to satisfy her bottled- up needs.

Frank turned to her left nipple and sucked it, too. Vicky caressed the back of his neck, wriggled her juicy tongue in his ear, and ran her fingers through his hair. It was so wonderful to be held and loved again.

There was no reason to rush, either. According to their plan, she and Joan would keep each other's husband for at least three hours, even if it meant hog-tying them. They wanted to allow plenty of time for seduction and fun.

Frank sucked her nipples into throbbing wet nubs, and then Vicky decided it was time to return the favor. Grinning, she slid off his lap and onto her knees before him. She tugged at the zipper of his pants, working it over the big hard bulge at his fly.

"Jesus," he said hoarsely, "I wonder if we should be doing this? I mean, Joan and Don are right next door."

And fucking up a storm, I hope, Vicky thought.

But she said soothingly, "Don't worry, honey. It'll take Don hours to do that wiring job. We're perfectly safe."

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