Neighbor's Teasing Wife - Cover

Neighbor's Teasing Wife


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Two neighbors decide that the best way to keep their marriages from going stale, is to put some excitement into it by swapping husbands. Especially after watching them make it with the divorcee down the street.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Reluctant   Cheating   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

Hot from the sun and from the scene she'd just witnessed, Vicky headed for the shower. Maybe cold water would dampen her maddening lust. As she showered, she wondered what to do about her secret.

She'd just watched her best friend's husband commit adultery. Should she tell Joan?

It was hard to answer. She felt she ought to rat on Frank, and yet she didn't want to hurt Joan's feelings. By the time she stepped out of the shower she still hadn't made up her mind.

She wandered naked to the bedroom and started hunting up some clothes. She wanted something very seductive, something that would be sure to arouse Don. She paused and looked longingly at the king-size bed where they'd had such terrific sex.

It seemed so long ago. Don was always tired now, always preoccupied with his job. He'd come home, eat dinner, and fall asleep in front of the TV, leaving Vicky aching with frustration. Well, not tonight!

She picked out a little red jumpsuit, one that hugged her petite curvy body. She stepped into it and walked to the mirror. She was still in her late twenties, and her body was good. She knew any man would find her attractive.

Any man but her husband. Don just didn't seem to be interested in sex any more. Vicky knew she was going to have to work extra hard to get him turned on tonight.

She paraded back and forth in front of the mirror, sticking out her tits and wiggling her ass. The little brunette wished she could be as tall and busty and seductive as Shelly, but she also knew she was no dog.

Well, the outfit would just have to do, because Don was going to get home at any minute. Vicky hurried to the kitchen and mixed a pitcher of martinis. She dropped olives in two glasses and set them to chill. Then she heard her husband's car in the driveway.

"Okay, Vicky, this is it," she said determinedly.

Don came dragging in the door, pooped out as usual. He didn't even took at her as he hung up his jacket and flopped into his recliner. He sure didn't look ready for a roll in the hay, but Vicky vowed to change that.

"Hi, honey," she purred. "I'm so glad to see you. Would you like a martini?"

"Oh, yeah, that'd be great," Don sighed.

Vicky brought the drinks and pulled her chair close to his. "Rough day?" she asked.

"They're all rough days," Don sighed after taking a gulp of his martini. "But it means a lot more money."

"Sometimes I wonder if it's worth the money," Vicky said as she leaned over to kiss him.

She planted her mouth on his and kissed him hungrily, wriggling her tongue between his lips. No response. She probed his mouth with her hot little tongue and sensuously caressed the back of his neck. Still no response.

She drew back and looked at him. "Honey, I really worry about you. You're so tired all the time. Maybe you should think about getting another job."

"What's for dinner?" he asked.

Vicky sighed. "Steak. I'll go fix it."

Maybe he'd feel more refreshed after he'd had something to eat. She watched him closely through dinner. He hardly glanced at her and didn't notice the sexy outfit she was wearing. She might as well have been a piece of furniture.

Later, as she was washing the dishes, Don passed through the kitchen yawning. "Gosh, I'm bushed," he announced. "I think I'll just go right to bed."

"Good idea, honey." Vicky smiled. "I think I'll join you."

She left the rest of the dirty dishes in the sink. There were more important things to take care of. She followed Don into the bedroom and quickly slipped out of her clothes. Usually she wore a nightgown, but she jumped into bed naked. Don didn't even seem to notice that.

"It's so hot tonight," she cooed. "You don't need your pajamas."

"No, I guess not," Don sighed.

He dropped his shorts and Vicky ogled his big hairy body. Even after seven years of marriage, she loved his body, and she felt her hungry pussy swelling, heating and creaming. Don got into bed, and she snuggled up to him.

"I've been thinking about you all day, honey," she purred.

"That's nice," Don muttered, reaching for the light.

"Wait, leave it on awhile," Vicky said, running her hands over his hair-matted chest.

"Oh, you wanta read?" he yawned.

Vicky sighed with exasperation. "No, darling, I want to make love!"

Don just blinked at her, as if he wasn't familiar with that activity. She ran her hands down over his hips and onto his cock. She wrapped her fingers around his meat and started pumping it. No response.

"Vicky, I'm kinda tired," he said.

She pumped his cock harder, faster. "But Don," she said, "we haven't made love in weeks. I'm horny, baby, I'm so horny I could scream!"

"Okay, we'll do it on Saturday night," he said.

"No, Don," Vicky said firmly, "I want it now!"

She slid down beside his cock, stuck out her tongue, and started lashing it all over his prick. Now she was finally getting his attention. He gave a little snort of surprise, then shivered. Maybe he was responding at last.

Vicky took her time, whipping her hot juicy tongue all over his big blue-veined cock. She hadn't done that in a long time, and she'd missed it. Don was always telling her to wait, that they'd do it on the weekend. Well, she couldn't wait any longer.

"Mmmmmm, mmmmmm," she moaned.

She lathered every inch of his prick with her hot spit. She caught the fat purple head of his cock between her lips and teasingly nibbled and sucked at it. Don shivered again. He seemed to be breathing harder.

She knew what he liked best, what excited him more than anything else. Opening her lips wide, she started sucking his prick into the steamy heat of her mouth. As she encased his cock in hot juicy flesh, he groaned.

"Mmmmm, that feels nice," he said.

Well, at least she was making some progress. She sucked in nearly all of his cock, all she could take without choking on it. She firmed her hot lips around the thick shaft and started sucking loudly and hungrily.

"Oh, yeah," Don groaned, "that feels great!"

Vicky gave a muffled moan of lust as she felt his cock finally reacting to her hot greedy sucking. His cock throbbed, swelled and stiffened. She almost came just thinking about it. She sucked harder and drooled all over his mushrooming prick.

Don was panting now, and he kept giving hoarse groans of pleasure as she sucked his throbbing stiff cock. Vicky was shaking with need. Tonight she was going to get laid! It almost seemed too good to be true.

She sucked till his cock was cramming her mouth and almost butting down her throat. Then she drew back and admired her work. Don's prick was massive, spit-soaked, and drooling. It was ready for action--and so was Vicky.

"Mmmmm, honey," she gurgled, climbing on top of him.

Usually they did it with Don on top, but she couldn't wait. She simply couldn't wait another second to feel her husband's massive hard prick inside her. She straddled him and jerked her hips downward, taking the hugely swollen head of his prick into her juicy little cunt-mouth.

"Oh, God," she sobbed, "I need it so bad."

Don's handsome face was flushed with lust, his nostrils flared. She'd gotten his attention, all right. He grabbed her tiny waist and started easing his thick hard cock up her smoldering pussy-hole. Vicky threw back her head and sobbed with relief as the thick column of cock filled her starved cunt.

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