Neighbor's Teasing Wife - Cover

Neighbor's Teasing Wife


Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Two neighbors decide that the best way to keep their marriages from going stale, is to put some excitement into it by swapping husbands. Especially after watching them make it with the divorcee down the street.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Reluctant   Cheating   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

As the hot July sun soaked into her skin, Vicky Andrews felt like tearing off her bikini. She wanted to be totally naked, tan all over. But of course that would have shocked the neighbors.

"Darn," Vicky sighed softly. "I sure am getting some crazy ideas lately."

It wasn't just the idea of wanting to lie around stark naked in the back yard. Yesterday Vicky had gotten the hots for the mailman. He was new on her route, a blond hunk, and he'd looked terrific in his uniform.

Vicky felt ashamed of herself. She was a married woman, and she really did love her husband, Don. But they'd been married for seven years now, and their sex life wasn't as exciting as it used to be. In fact, Vicky thought sadly, it was about as exciting as watching paint dry.

She glanced around to see if anybody was watching, then pressed a hand to her pouting cunt-mound. She had an insane desire to slip her hand down inside her bikini and play with herself. Why, she hadn't masturbated since she was a teenager!

She didn't have to wonder what was giving her all these crazy ideas. She knew. She and Don just weren't making love often enough. He'd just been promoted, and he always seemed to be exhausted when he got home from work. He was just too tired for sex.

Vicky pressed her cunt-mound harder and felt a boiling heat in her pussy. She would have given anything just then to have a man. She imagined a huge stiff cock sliding into her cream-soaked cunt, and she moaned softly.

"Okay, Vicky, get a hold of yourself," she muttered.

Beating off in front of the neighbors wasn't the answer to her problem. But what was? She needed a lot more loving than she was getting, but Don couldn't give it to her. There didn't seem to be any way out of her dilemma.

Then Vicky was distracted from her problems when she heard voices from the next yard. That was the home of her best friend, Joan and her husband Frank. Vicky recognized Frank's voice now, but there was a female voice, too, and it wasn't Joan's.

A six-foot fence separated the two yards, but Vicky knew where a knothole was. Bored, with nothing else to do, she naughtily decided to spy and see who Frank's female guest was. She knelt before the knothole and peered into her neighbors' yard.

Frank was in shorts and a T-shirt, lounging in a chair. His visitor was Shelly, a stunning red-haired divorcee who lived in the next house over. Shelly was wearing what had to be the world's smallest bikini.

Frank was ogling Shelly's tall big-titted body, and the expression in his eyes wasn't brotherly.

"Shame on you, Frank," Vicky whispered.

Of course he didn't hear her, and she didn't want him to. She'd have been terribly embarrassed to be caught spying on him. But she decided she'd better keep spying, just in case Frank was up to something. Joan would want to know.

"I'm really sorry, Shelly," Frank was saying, "but I already lent my hedge clippers."

"Oh, damn," Shelly drawled in her naturally sexy, husky voice.

"But stay and have a drink if you've got time," Frank added.

"Why, Frank, I'd love to!" Shelly smiled.

Now Vicky was riveted by the scene. Shelly was new on the block, and her arrival had made lots of the neighborhood wives nervous. Surely this dazzling young woman wouldn't go long without a man. But would she get a man of her own, or would she seduce someone's husband?

While Frank went to get drinks, Shelly settled himself in the chair next to his, smiling. She tugged at the top of her bikini, loosening it a little so it looked like her big firm tits were about to pop out.

"Bitch," Vicky muttered.

Frank quickly returned with the drinks, and he and Shelly began to chat. She kept brushing his arm with her hand and her long red finger-nails. She really was gorgeous, Vicky had to admit, but she also seemed to be coming on to Joan's husband.

"It's so nice of you to let me stay, Frank," Shelly sighed. "I'm so lonely since my divorce. I really miss having a man in my life."

Frank looked like he was going to choke on the olive from his martini. He blushed a little, swallowed hard, and said, "Aw, come on, Shelly. A beautiful woman like you, lonely? I find that pretty hard to believe."

"It's true, Frank," Shelly purred. "At night I think I'll go crazy. You can't imagine how horny I get."

Frank turned even redder, and Vicky scowled. Shelly was coming on to him all right. And now the bitch had the colossal nerve to remove her bikini bra! She unfastened it and tossed it aside, and Frank's eyes almost popped as he ogled her melon-sized tits and big cone-shaped nipples.

"Mmmmm, that feels better." Shelly smiled. "I hope you don't mind, Frank. Nobody can see us.

"Oh, no, no, I don't mind," Frank practically yelped.

He couldn't take his eyes off her fantastic tits. Vicky really couldn't blame him. Shelly was built like a movie star, all legs and tits and ass, and now she was wantonly displaying her naked tits to Frank.

Would Frank be able to resist her come-on? Judging from the talks Vicky had had with Joan lately, she didn't think so. Joan and Frank's marriage was a lot like hers and Don's--seven years old and getting stale. Frank was probably ripe for the plucking.

"You know what I miss most of all, Frank?" Shelly cooed. "A man's touch. Like this."

She took his hands and set them on her huge naked tits. Frank made a horny croaking noise. He didn't put up any resistance. He started molding and squeezing her tits, and Shelly gurgled with excitement.

Terrific, Vicky thought. Now what do I do?

She wished she hadn't spied, but it was too late to stop. She felt she had to see everything Frank did, so she could report it to Joan. Or should she just open the gate and walk over there and put a stop to this hanky-panky?

She thought about it and decided that Frank and Shelly would probably just tell her to take a hike. She'd stay where she was, gathering information to report to Joan.

Shelly's huge silky-skinned tits seemed to be swelling as Frank molded them. Her long eyelashes were at half mast, and she was smiling seductively. Vicky wasn't surprised when Frank started getting a hard-on.

Still she thought, bastard.

The fly of his shorts was obscenely tented. Shelly noticed, too, but she just grinned. After all, that was what she'd been aiming for. She had her neighbor's husband so hot for her that he couldn't control himself.

"You're getting me awfully excited, Shelly," Frank reported hoarsely.

"Mmmmm, honey, you're getting me excited, too," she purred.

Vicky was really pissed off. Her best friend's husband was about to fall into bed with the neighborhood seductress. But at the same time, Vicky had to admit she was getting turned on by the scene. She wasn't proud of it, but her pussy was on fire.

No wonder. It was two weeks since she'd gotten laid. She had so much lust stored up, she was getting turned on just from watching other people make out. She was definitely going to have to have a talk with Don.

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