Hot Pants Bride - Cover

Hot Pants Bride


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Some people can lose their inhibitions without taking anything. In this story a newlywed wife only needs a couple of drinks, the right manipulation and she will do anything to anyone anytime and anywhere.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Reluctant   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Cheating   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

Beth's perspective changed when she was sober and not possessed with the hots. She knew she had done wrong, cheated again, and this time with two men at once. It had been a thrilling experience and it made her tingle just to think about it, but she had to control her urges, not let her cunt be her master. Doc wanted her to be a party girl and made no bones about it now. He had dozens of influential clients who required the services of young, attractive women. And she could make a lot of dough while she had fun, too. She got a two hundred dollar bonus for her evening with Carson. She took the money, but insisted that it was the first and last time. Doc knew better.

Beth kept her vow of fidelity for over a week thanks mostly to her period, which surprised her when it arrived because she was sure she must be pregnant.

It had been nine days since she was fucked and she was ready. She arrived home at the same time as Andy, only he wasn't alone. He was with his boss, Maxie something-or-other. Andy got out of his boss's car and came over and opened her door.

"Hi, honey," he said. "My Goddamn car blew a head gasket on the way to work and I had to have it towed to the shop. The boss was good enough to give me a lift home."

Max came over to her car. She hadn't met him and he wasn't anything like she'd imagined, especially from all the praise Andy had piled on his shoulders. He was short, maybe five two or three, fat, completely bald, an ugly little man. His teeth were crooked and had large gaps, making him look kind of stupid when he grinned. He wasn't stupid, though. He was one smart dude, Andy had said so.

"Hi, Mr., uh..." She hesitated, not wanting to mispronounce his name.

"Call me Maxie, Fat Maxie," he said, grinning. "I've heard a lot about you, Mrs. Miller."

Beth thought it strange he would call her Mrs. Miller. He was twice her age. She took his arm. "Come in and have a drink, Maxie. You deserve a reward for bringing my old man home."

He giggled and let her lead him to the house.

She kind of liked him. He was cute, in a way. He wasn't much older than Doc, but looked quite a bit older, and he wasn't beautiful like Doc. He was nice, though, and she could see he was taken with her. Beth thoroughly enjoyed being appreciated, especially by men.

Beth made the drinks, and made them strong. She sat on the couch beside her husband and crossed her magnificent legs. Maxie was shy and tried to avoid looking at her exposed thighs, but couldn't help sneaking quick looks. Beth knew he was enjoying the view and it made her tingle.

They quickly destroyed two rounds and it was obvious that they were affecting Andy more than anyone else. He got silly almost immediately. She insisted they have another and made Andy's extra strong.

When she sat back down, she made sure she showed plenty of skin. Maxie was obviously embarrassed so Beth decided not to get too brazen, just tease the funny little man, get him hot and bothered.

"Drink up," she said.

"Jesus, Beth, I'm getting smashed. I can hardly see," Andy said, and drained his glass.

She got up and made him another. She turned to Maxie. "Ready yet?" she asked.

"Not quite." He held up his glass. It was almost empty.

"Sure you are," Beth said. She came over and took his glass, letting her hand rest on his for a moment.

"Let's see, Andy said you are married. Right?"

"Yes. And we have two girls."

"Wonderful. What's she like? Your wife."

"She's short and fat, like me. So's the girls. We're all kind of funny looking."

"Don't put yourself down, Maxie. It's not true."

"Come on, Mrs. Miller, I'm not attractive... to women, never have been. I don't kid myself."

She brought his glass back and handed it to him, touching his hand again. "Mrs. Miller sounds so stuffy. Call me Beth, or better, honey."

Maxie blushed.

Andy had his head back, his eyes half closed. He groaned.

Beth went and sat down beside him. Her skirt was above mid-thigh. "Finish your drink, Andy. Don't be a party pooper." She picked up his glass and put it to his lips. "Come on now, take a little drinkie." She giggled, tipped up the glass. He took a sip, coughed, took another. She kept up until he had drained the glass. "That's a good boy," she said.

She looked at Maxie, saw his eyes dart up from her hemline, and smiled. She let her own eyes drop to his crotch. His belly hid most of it, but his pants were tight around his thick thighs and his cock bulged big in his pantsleg. She wetted her lips with the tip of her tongue, making them shine. It was obvious. Maxie had a humdinger of a hard-on, and his cock was thick, just like the rest of him.

"I'm afraid Andy can't hold his liquor tonight," she said. "He usually does better than this."

Andy was slumped, his chin resting heavily on his chest.

"I think you need one more, Maxie... honey," she said.

Maxie didn't object this time. He handed her his glass.

She made him another, not too strong, didn't want him passing out, too. She was aware of his hungry eyes. Her pussy tingled with excitement. It was fun to excite a man, even if nothing was intended. She brought him his drink then sat on his lap. She put one arm around his neck.

"Is that about right?" she asked.

He took a sip. "Perfect," he answered.

She felt his hand go around her waist.

"Won't Andy object if you sit on my lap?"

"He's passed out." She put her other arm around his neck. "He won't know I'm sitting on your lap."

She felt his cock against her ass. God, it's big, she thought. She leaned her face close to his. "He's out cold and won't know anything that happens," she whispered.

The fat little man's hand tightened around her waist as he kissed her. His lips were thick and his mouth open. She tightened her grip around his neck and pushed her tongue deep into his mouth. "I liked that. Put your drink down and do it right," she said.

He put his drink on the floor and put both arms around her, one of his hands pressing over her tit.

"My nipples get so hard when I kiss," Beth said, and put her mouth over his.

She didn't need to tell Maxie. He could feel the hard knob against his palm.

"You can probably feel it," she said. "I'm not wearing a bra. I usually don't."

Maxie kissed her hard, his fit cock throbbing against her butt. He knew she could feel it. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before, not with a choice cunt like Beth Miller, and he wasn't going to let it get away from him. Oh, he fucked his secretary regularly, but she was a dog, and much too thin. He'd screwed his best friend's wife, once, at a party when they were both drunk, and he knew a couple of pros who were young and attractive who took special care with him when he had the hots and was in town. And he even fucked his wife once a week, but she didn't really dig it anymore. And last week, just last week, while the old lady had taken the youngest shopping he'd fucked the oldest. She was seventeen and ripe as a plump tomato. She told him she'd wanted him to do it to her for a long time. She also told him she was virgin, which she wasn't. His thick pole had gone in too easy and too far. He'd lost control and cum inside her, too. He'd sworn that he would never do it again, but he knew he would, and he'd screw the other one in a year or two. He knew it deep down.

He opened a couple of buttons and slipped his hand inside her blouse. Jesus, what tits. He really liked Andy, but he was only human-- and if Andy had a loose wife with the hots... well, that was Andy's problem.

He felt the nipples get harder under his thumb and finger. She was squirming on his lap, on his thrusting prick. They kissed wetly, tongues in action.

"Kiss them, Max, kiss my nipples," she moaned. Maxie got the rest of her blouse open and put his lips over one fat nipple. She tasted sweet, the hard nipple bulging in his mouth.

"Ooooooh, Max, Darling... that feels nice," she groaned. She held his face tight.

Maxie sucked until the nipple was as hard as a Greek olive, then moved to the other. He felt her knee and slowly pushed his hand up her smooth thigh, bunching her skirt as he went. Her legs opened slowly as his hand advanced. He felt the wet hair, then the puffed lips of her cunt.

"You don't wear underpants either?" he said, rising from her nipple.

"Andy likes me naked under my dress. Makes it easier when he comes home and wants to fuck me on the couch. Andy likes to fuck me on the couch."

"He should," Maxie groaned.

"Would you like to fuck me on the couch?"

She jumped from his lap before he could answer.

"Stay there. Don't move. I'll come back," she said. She went over to where Andy was slumped on the couch. She kneeled in front of him and reached for his fly. "Watch," she said.

She slowly pulled down his zipper and slipped her hand inside. When she brought if out, she had his cock. Andy groaned and his head fell back against the couch. She held his cock between her thumb and forefinger and slowly masturbated him. It grew slowly, steadily, until it stood long and hard.

"Take yours out, Max," she hissed. "Let me see it."

Maxie had lost all inhibitions and quickly reached for his fly. He had to stand to get it out, and even then it was a struggle. It was rock hard, circumcised, and thick as a ball bat. He proudly thrust it out, then sat back down.

"Oh, Max, its bigger than Andy's," Beth cried.

Actually, it was shorter than Andy's, but much, much fatter.

"I like it when they're bigger than Andy's, makes me cum harder."

She continued masturbating Andy until the clear ooze had his cock head wet and shiny. She bent her head and kissed the knob, making sure she got all the salty goo. She liked that.

"I won't suck his cock, Max. He wants me to, but I won't."

She got to her feet and stood in front of Maxie and dropped her skirt. It slid down her legs and lay in a crumpled heap at her feet. She stepped out, arching her well-furred cunt forward.

"I'll suck yours, though," she said.

Maxie grinned up at her. "Suck it then," he said. Even his high priced whores weren't this eager to get his prick in their mouths.

"I want to get it wet first," she said, and came down on his lap, her legs folded beside his hips. "Can we get it in this way?"

She didn't wait for his answer, but eased down until his cock was pressing at her crotch. "Reach down and start it in, honey."

Maxie reached down and nuzzled the thick glans between her cunt lips. His fat belly was a decided disadvantage and his cock wasn't all that long. Still the fat head pried open her lips and started in.

"Oh, my God, it's so thick," she cried, pushing down, trying to get more.

It spread her cunt wide, and she gasped with pleasure when the wide ridge popped inside. She hunched and got maybe an inch of his shaft, but could go no deeper. She leaned heavily against his chest.

"Lift up, try to get more in," she grunted. "Get it good and wet, all sloppy and sticky. It's too big to go in my mouth unless it's slick. Oh, Goddamn, Max, it feels so good in there I don't want to take it out."

Beth put her hands on his shoulders and leaned back, rocking slowly on his lap. She felt a little more of his peg slide in and moaned. It was such a big peg, opened her up so wide, felt so good. She glanced at her husband. He had his head back, his eyes closed.

"Andy, Andy," she moaned, "I really dig this. I love it."

Maxie grinned. He had no idea a woman could be this hot, like a prick this much. He could see the pleasure on her face, the longing in her eyes.

"Oh God, I never want to stop... it's so good!" she cried.

But she did stop. She stopped and slowly pulled herself off his cock. "Ohhh, Goddamn," she murmured when his fat cock head plopped free.

She slid off the chair and, settled on the floor.

"I promised you I'd suck it," she said, and reached for his pecker.

She looked at Andy, who was still in the same position, opened her mouth wide, and took the entire head inside. She started sucking, thrilled at what she was doing. It would be enough just to suck this magnificent cock, but to do it in her husband's presence, to insult him so, it was exciting beyond belief.

She tasted her cunt on his prick and liked it, tasted the male saltiness oozing from his slit and liked that, too. The knob was bigger than Doc's or Carson's, and ranker. Stuff seemed to be oozing steadily, salty and almost bitter. She slid her tongue over the knob, into the deep cleft under the ridge. It was a wonderful feeling to have a man's cock jammed in the mouth. She suckled hungrily, savoring the soft ripples of pleasure coursing through her belly. Her cunt still tingled from the feel of the fat thing in there.

Maxie was hunching, pushing more cock into her mouth. She could tell he was harder, the veins bulged against her lips. She pulled back.

"Can you get it up again if I finish you this way? I want to feel you cum in my mouth, but I need a fuck, too."

"Maybe we better fuck first," Maxie said. "I'm sure you can get it hard again with your mouth."

She gave his cock a couple of wet kisses and struggled to her feet, holding onto his knee. "Jesus, my head is spinning, and my legs are almost asleep. I better stand here a minute and get my balance back or I'll fall down." She rested a moment, then took his hand. "Let's go into the bedroom. More comfortable."

When they got to the bedroom, she stripped off her blouse, the only thing she had left, and got on the bed.

"Get undressed," she said, "I want to see you naked."

Maxie couldn't see why she would want to see him naked, but peeled off his clothes. He had a big chest covered with coarse black hair and a huge belly, also covered with hair. His arms and legs were hairy, too. His cock hung hard and fat under his fat belly.

He came over to the bed and she parted the hair around his tit and sucked on the nipple, moving to the other when it was hard.

"Nobody ever did that to me before," he said. "I like it."

"I'll do lots of things for you that no one else ever did," she said, and went back to her work.

She slipped her hand between his legs and tickled his balls, rolled his prick in her hand, even slid her fingers into the crevice of his ass while she sucked his tits. She moved on down, kissing his fat stomach, rolling her tongue in his belly button, her arms around his hips, her fingers digging into his ass. He groaned with pleasure when she found his cock with her mouth again. She sucked him for a couple of minutes.

"Do you want to fuck me?" she asked.

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