Fate - Cover


Copyright© 2002 by emeritus

Chapter 14: Going To Get Carol & Peg Screws Up

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 14: Going To Get Carol & Peg Screws Up - John discovers his wife Peggy is enjoying her boss, and her dad. And then...

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Cheating   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   InLaws   Swinging   Group Sex   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Exhibitionism  

By John:

The time was really dragging, I was eager to go get Carol and bring her home for a few days. That is not to mention all the plans I had made in my head over and over for my beautiful daughter and I to play. I couldn't remember being so eager for anything in a long time. I envisioned her full voluptuous body so ripe for the taking, so perfect at 19 - her plump pouty lips so ready to be kissed passionately - her full firm breasts - that deletctable little ass - her stated love of sex... damn! Our conversation had told me she was as eager as I was to get involved in this incestuous relationship with her old dad. I got hard just thinking about it.

The day before I was to leave I was cleaning things up at the office so I could take the next week off with Carol and the family when Peg called. She mentioned she had just talked to Dawn and our sexy daughter-in-law had told Peg there was a party of her swing group coming up the next night at her place and that we were invited. The first thing I thought of was, shit I will be gone to get Carol. But that entire thought process was interrrupted when Tony popped into my office with a major problem that demanded my attention quickly. We had an irate customer at our other facility across the state. I needed to fix it fast, we had been having a lot of trouble lately with that place and I had to fix it quickly, especially since I was leaving the next morning for a week. I suggested to Peg we could talk about it over dinner that I had a problem right then at the office. She understood and blew me a kiss as I hung the phone up.

When I walked into our home that evening, Peg met me with a big hug and a warm kiss. Then she started talking about her phone conversations with Dawn during the day about the coming party. She and Dawn had talked several times that day about how many would be there, who would be there, what was usually done by the people there. There would be about ten couples and a handfull of single people. Dawn had described her previous experience with a train in great detail to Peggy and she had told me, and a lot more really hot stuff. Peggy was so turned on she was about to die. Before she could put dinner on the table she led me to our bedroom with that grin on her face for some relief. The great sex we enjoyed calmed her down a little and we had put supper on the table together, that was when I dropped my bomb.

"Peg, you realize I will be gone, I will be going after Carol tomorrow, gone the night Dawn's party is planned."

Her face dropped like a kid who had her favorite toy taken away. She just stared at me for several seconds then dropped her eyes to her lap, "Oh damn John, that is right. And I was so looking forward to it." there was a lengthy pause while I was trying to think of something to say to make it alright when she continued, "Would it be alright with you if I went without you?"

I felt my face cloud up and I said, "No Peggy, it wouldn't be alright, I don't want you to do all that without me. If you are thinking about pulling a train I want to be there to make sure no one goes crazy and hurts you, plus I would really like to be there for our first swing party. I would hate to miss it."

She looked devastated, "Oh John... I was so eager... the way Dawn described it to me. She made it sound so good."

For the first time I wasn't too happy with my daughter-in-law. "Peggy, there will be others. We need to wait and do that together I think."

"But you let me do the others without you. This is just more..." and she looked at me and realized I was dead set against it. "OK John, if you insist."

Another first thought hit me like a ton of bricks, had we gone too far, too fast? I thought of her with the two friends of Dawns, fucking them both minutes after being introduced. I thought of my sex with Bambi and Pam. Just a quick piece of ass. Man we had really gone crazy at this new game. Then I said, "Honey maybe we have gone a little crazy with this... maybe we ought to back off and rethink it all."

She looked shocked, I felt terrible, yet that in itself said volumes. Had open sex become that important to us, to Peg? I didn't regret the openness within the family, and a few special others but now I was wondering where was all of this was going. I shared all those thoughts with my wife and said, "Maybe we need to slow down. I think maybe we need to keep this within the family and just a couple of special people for a while until we find some balance. I am a little sorry about you and Barry and that other guy you met, and about me with Bambi and Pam. I am asking you to skip Dawn's party for now. Maybe another time but right now I think we need to find a little balance here."

That was the last said about it. Peg just dropped the subject completely.

Later that night I heard her on the phone with Dawn, "I can't come to your party Dawn, John is going to be out of town going to bring Carol home."

"No I asked John if I could come alone and he doesn't want me to."

"No Carol I couldn't do that. I couldn't do it behind his back. We promised we wouldn't hide anything."

Now I was getting pissed at my daughter-in-law. It was clear she was trying to get Peggy to come to the party and not tell me since I would be gone. But I was proud of my wife for sticking to our agreement. The rest of the evening was quiet. I knew Peggy was disappointed but I would make it up to her.

The next day I left mid morning. There had been no further talk of the party, or anything sexual between Peg and I. In fact she hadn't said much of anything to me. Obviously she was disappointed and a little miffed at her husband. She would get over it I thought. Nothing was said about Carol and I at all and she had talked incessantly about that before. I knew she was upset but still proud of her for staying with what I had asked of her. I made a mental note that I owed her big time and to make it up to her soon. I thought of a family and close friend party. She would love that. Maybe she would get her train then. I did say to her maybe she could ask her dad over tonight or Sam.

All of that faded some as I headed down the highway to get my daughter. It faded but I kept having this feeling of forboding from time to time. Then the thought struck me, what if Peg goes without me in spite of my asking her not to. In spite of me telling her I didn't want her to do it without me. Surely she wouldn't do that. I didn't know if I could deal with that. Sex with others is one thing, sneaking like that wouldn't work. Then I thought, she hid a lot from me for years, but that was before. Would she do that again after promising not to. I made a major effort to put it all out of my head, The way I did that was to try to think of my daughter and what lay in wait for me. But even that didn't work. I was feeling more and more anxious but I wasn't real sure about what. I assumed it had to do with Peggy and Dawn's party. Finally I pulled into this nice roadside park and stopped. I hit the restroom and then back at the car, my head was in a whirl. I knew something bad was going to happen. I just knew it.

I dialed Carol's number on the cell phone... no answer. I left a message to call me on my cellular as soon as she got this message. I dialed home... no answer. I left the same message Where the hell were they? I sat there for a while trying to shake the feeling but it just got worse. I decided to go ahead and get Carol and head back home immediately. If Peggy was going to the party behind my back I wanted to know. I knew I could ask Doug or Dawn but suddenly I didn't know if I could trust either of them the way Dawn had been talking to Peg.

The time went fast as I headed to Carol's place. I wondered why she hadn't called me back. I wondered the same about Peg. Then I was parked in front of Carol's apartment and I was shortly knocking on her door. There was no answer. I double checked and sure enough her name was on the mailbox outside. I went back and tried the door and it opened. I needed to talk to my kid about locking her door, but at that moment I was glad to get inside.

I looked around and everything seemed to be in order. I got a coke out of her refrigerator and kicked back to wait. So much for my daughter being eager for her dad.

By Peggy

John had just left to go get Carol. I sat over coffee and to tell you the truth I was feeling sorry for myself about the coming party. When the phone rang I jumped like I had been shot I was so wrapped up in my thoughts. It was Dawn again,

"Is dad gone Peggy?"

"Yes, he just left."

"Did you get him to change his mind about you coming to the party alone?"

"No, he really feels strong about it. I can't come."

"That's too bad baby, it is going to be a real hot one. Chuck and Barry will be there. They were really taken by you. Both have asked me if you were going to be at the party. I sure wish you could make it. Are you sure you can't?"

"Oh Dawn don't make it any harder than it is. I want to come so bad, I was looking forward to one of your parties and now I can't make it. I have thought a lot about pulling a train like you did. Damn Dawn I am so wet right now just thinking about it."

"Peggy, John doesn't have to know about it. No one talks about the parties outside the group, especially about who was there. John would never know. What could it hurt? Think about it. Think of all the fun we are going to have, fun you could have too."

"Dawn don't. I am having hard enough time saying no as it is."

"Peggy, John is getting all the pussy he can handle, he's not being fair. Hell he and Carol are going to fuck their heads off before they get back here. She and I talked on the phone and she is going to pull him into her bed the minute he gets there. She really wants her daddy. I can't blame her, I want him a lot more too. I just don't see how he can ask you to sit home alone he is off fucking around."

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