Horse-Loving Farm Wives - Cover

Horse-Loving Farm Wives


Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - When the husbands are out of town on business, what is a lovely, lonely farm wife supposed to do? Well, there's a horny dog, a handyman, a stallion and another lonely wife just down the street.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   Cheating   Oral Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Mike slammed his pick-up truck into gear with a savage jolt. He felt frustrated and furious. Imagine playing second fiddle to a fucking dog! But he hadn't dared to show his fury to Claire, because he wanted to keep on her good side so that he could get a lot more of her sweet mouth and juicy cunt, and his rage was all the more violent for having been kept pent up.

His prick was still fairly stiff and his balls were already starting to recharge themselves.

He turned down the lane, driving fast and scattering dust. He was wondering how to avenge himself on Claire without getting his pussy cut off. He felt horny and vengeful and surly. He whipped the truck around a bend... and almost ran into Brenda Tucker as she rode her stallion down the lane again.

She reined the horse to one side and Mike slammed on the brakes, skidding to a halt in a cloud of dust.

"Gee, you oughtta be more careful," the girl said.

Mike noticed how trim her crotch was, molded in those shorts and mounted bareback on the horse.

He grinned and said, "Sorry."

He was wondering if he could fuck the girl.

Looking down from the stallion, Brenda was wondering something else. She said, "Where have you been, Mike?"

"None of your business," he said.

"You been calling on one of those city women?" she asked him, with a knowing leer.

Mike was about to deny it. But then he figured, what the hell. The bitch wants to fuck a dog, she don't deserve a good reputation. He said, "Yeah, I been fucking and sucking with that Claire Dupont. She loves my big prick."

He made the reference to the size of his prick quite deliberately, and looked carefully to see how Brenda reacted. Normally, Brenda would have been interested in finding out just how big Mike's prick was. But today she was preoccupied.

She said, "Has Mrs. Dupont got a big cunt, too?"

"Yeah," Mike said out of spite, wanting to insult Claire. "Big and sloppy." He thought for a moment, his desire for vengeance growing stronger all the while... in relation to the hardening of his cock, which Claire had neglected in favor of a fucking dog.

He said, "You know what the bitch does?"

Brenda looked interested.

"She fucks dogs!" he growled.

"Oh, wow!" Brenda gasped.

Mike figured that the teenager was shocked by the news, but in fact, it was just the sort of information that the horse-cum- drinking girl wanted to have. She had been wondering just whom she could get to fuck her stallion as a trial run, and if a woman would fuck a dog, it seemed likely that she would fuck a horse, too!

"She eats pussy, too," Mike added, wanting to punish Claire in every way that he could.

"She does?" Brenda's eyes went wide.

"She sure does, the bitch. Why, right at this moment she's on her way to Molly Turner's house," Mike informed the girl. "The two of them have got a mastiff dog there and they're gonna fuck and suck him and then suck each other. How about that!"

Brenda looked positively intrigued.

Mike gave her his most charming smile, figuring that he had gotten the little nymph horny.

"Say, honey... how about you and me make a little love?" he suggested. "You feel like sucking and fucking?"

Brenda sure did... but not, at the moment, with Mike.

Now that Brenda knew what sort of women Claire and Molly were, the girl was eager to get acquainted with them. She didn't think it would be difficult and she didn't think she would have to act bashful with women who sucked pussy and fucked dogs.

She was so excited that a trickle of cunt-juice seeped out of the leghole of her denim shorts and ran down her thigh, onto the stallion's back. Mike noticed this. The little nymph was creaming her jeans! Mike figured that he had it made.

His prick bucked like a bronco as he leered out the window of the pick-up truck, staring overtly at Brenda's crotch.

But Brenda said, "Sorry, Mike - some other time. I mean, I wouldn't mind letting you fuck me, but I got things to do now - "

Mike groaned in disappointment.

Brenda dug her heels into the stallion's flanks and walked him on down the lane. Mike gazed after her, his jaw hanging open. Was the little bitch going to go down to the Turner house and get her sweet little cunt sucked? he wondered. He shook his head, sad and forlorn. Then he put the truck in gear and drove away to jerk off, with all sorts of new fantasies to inspire him.

Molly, still stark naked, opened the door as Claire came up the steps. Claire saw dog cum on Molly's thigh. Molly led her into the front room and showed her the dog. Claire gave a little gasp. It was true, then! It hadn't just been some scheme of Molly's to get her back over for some more pussy sucking!

The dog was curled up in the corner, looking happy. His cock was not really hard, but it was jutting out in a loop and the tip of the red knob was pushing out from the shaggy sheath.

It was, Claire saw, a very big cock, bigger than Mike Rowley's. Her pussy began to simmer.

"Do you like him?" Molly asked.

Claire had never even dreamed of making it with a dog before that day, but the knowledge that her cunt sucking friend, Molly, had been fucking the big brute thrilled her. "He... he looks nice," she stammered, eyeing that long curve of semi-hard dog cock.

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