Games Neighbors Play - Cover

Games Neighbors Play


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - After being frustrated from her married love life, Susie learns to live and love as she plays games with the neighbors.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Cheating   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Slow   Novel-Pocketbook  

Gazing at Phil, Susie almost forgot that she was a married woman wearing a diaphanous costume that completely exposed one breast, alone with a horny young man. Perhaps Phil's ridiculous appearance, wearing a girl's panties and smeared remnants of feminine makeup while smoking a stump of a cigar, teased her sense of humor. Too, his friendly and apologetic manner pleased her. And he did not look threatening. He was of medium size, was not particularly muscular, though his body was well formed. He had brownish hair, eyes of indeterminate hue, and the pretty lips that, when she had given him the kiss of greeting, had felt so feminine on hers.

At length she said, "Phil, that's not nice to say, talking about kissing my behind!"

He frowned. She thought she saw a blush color his cheek.

He said, "I'm trying to learn to talk out my hangups, Susie. My girl friend, Willa, says I'm repressed. I've got all these inhibitions, like you have no idea how long it took me to get up the nerve to dress in drag. To see how it felt. Do you understand?"

Susie, who had just had her first glimpse into herself at what might be repressed Lesbianism, recognized a fellow sufferer, and said, "I'm sorry I spoke sharply, Phil."

"Oh, that's all right. Look, I have some tea steeping. Would you like a cup?"

"That's awfully kind of you."

He darted off. Susie stood there, a finger in the clitoris section of the encyclopedia, thinking about Phil's desire to kiss her behind. It was a bit flattering, really. And his frank but shy manner was rather touching. It brought out her maternal instincts.

He returned with two of the bamboo mugs and toed a couple of footstools to position where they could sit facing. The sight of his erect penis tenting the pink panties did make her blush but she resolved to accustom herself to it. She laid her book on the floor and took the bamboo mug.

"Is it Kashmir Karma?" she asked.

"Yes. Rita's suggestion. She says it will do both of us good. I asked her to join us but she said she wants us to get acquainted. She's gone out to hoe in the garden."

Susie guessed she should not drink a second cup of the tea, considering how the first had dissolved her inhibitions. But Rita had suggested it and she trusted Rita, so she sipped it and lit another cigarette from the pack on the shelf, using the ash tray Phil had placed on the floor between them.

He said, "I've tried Gwen's yoga. But it makes me nervous, sitting in that funny position just staring at the raunchy wall posters. So Gwen said, ease off, try again during the quarter moon. Or maybe it was the full moon, I don't know."

"Have you gone back had an experience?"

"No. I thought I'd study myself in depth, here. Now look, Susie, what happens I see you standing at the bookshelves, up on tiptoes reaching for the encyclopedia, which lifted your skirt half off those luscious cheeks, and my cock stiffened in two seconds flat! Does that sound weird?"

Susie had to agree that it didn't.

"So Susie, I thought it might be therapeutic to work out the urge, sublimate my hard on, touch your rump with just my fingertips and mouth. Dig? I know it's a lot to ask since we just met but I feel you belong here, like you're one of us."

Susie, halfway through her cup of Kashmir Karma, really did feel like one of them, at home, no longer embarrassed by the erection tenting his pink panties or her exposed right breast. Thus, sipping tea and smoking her cigarette, she pondered the matter. Considering, for instance, Rita's hospitality and her easy acceptance by both Gwen and Phil, she had certain obligations.

She asked, "Do you really think it would be therapeutic, Phil? Sort of medicinal, curative?"

"Susie, I don't know. I think I should try. Look, don't think I'll go wild and jam my cock into you. I'm really too timid for that."

"Sort of a scientific experiment, huh?"

He nodded.

Finished with her tea, Susie decided the least she could do would be to cooperate. After all, what harm was there in it? None. It simply seemed odd.

He said, "Like if you'd kneel on the stool facing the shelves "

Very well. She got up, moved the footstool closer to the shelves so she could grip them, turned her back on Phil and knelt.

"Beautiful!" Phil cried.

She felt the skirt lifted to her waist, hung there, then fingertips tracing the forms of her cheeks and Phil's warm breath fanning them.

"Pearly," he said. "Like two full moons. You ready, Susie?"

"Yes-s!" she said, her voice hissing, quite strangely excited, gasping when a wet lash laid a cool streak on her right cheek. It ended in a light suction, which remained for a moment, followed by a gentle nibbling.

She closed her eyes.

Phil's lips wandered across her cleft to the other cheek, marked a curving course down it, suckered fast. A nibble. A pull. Moving on across the cleft again to the other, wetting and pulling and nipping flesh until the many little kisses and caresses had both cheeks tingling most pleasurably, producing a warmth that glowed right into the heart of her.

"Susie, you don't mind?"

"It feels very nice," she had to admit. "I mean, Phil, my husband is so harsh, I find this puzzling. But sweet."

He renewed his labial attack, his kisses now voracious, circling each cheek, leaping to the other, nibbles more frequent, some a bit painful, though she came to find them strangely exciting.

He paused, breathing hotly on her lower cleft. "Susie, you're getting wet."

"I am?"

"Yes, there's drool slipping out and running down your thighs. Shall I lick it up?"

Having no tissues with which to mop up the juice, she guessed something should be done about it, or she would stain whatever she sat on.

She said, "That might be best," and moved her knees farther apart to let him get in between her thighs. And oh, the lovely wet caressing feel of his tongue down there, lapping steadily at the sensitive flesh of her inner thighs!

He murmured, "Your pussy smells great, sweet and hot."

She had to admit to herself that it felt good, too, pleasantly loose and quivering on each tongue-lash of her thighs.

She said, choking, "I suppose it's somewhat open?"

"Yes, and sort of blinking at me."

She thought she heard a suppressed chuckle. Teasing her.

He said, "I could lick the juice off it, too."

That, Susie thought, was going beyond their agreement but she was tempted to let him, especially as his tongue-tip slitted between her pussy lips and thighs, nudging in thrilling fashion.

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