Rick's Gift - Cover

Rick's Gift

Copyright© 2001 by Stiff Pencil

Chapter 2: Breaking out

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2: Breaking out - Rick discovers the powers of his own mind and the joy they can bring. He also discovers the pain they can cause.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Mind Control   Drunk/Drugged   Incest   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Pregnancy  

When my stepfather got home the shit hit the proverbial fan. He figured I was lying and was determined to get the truth.

He grilled me for two hours trying to catch me in a lie. When he realized that he wasn't able to, that's when he went to work on me. All I could do was duck and cover and hope he gave up soon. After about five minutes I realized that wasn't going to be the case so I did what I usually do when this kind of thing happens and that was to retreat into my own mind closing off the pain from the slaps, punches and kicks, But some thing was different this time.

Instead of seeing the thoughts of my mind as I wished he would stop I saw points of light moving in and out of my mind. Some were large some small and they were literally thousands of different colors. "Oh great he must have given me a concussion." I thought to myself as I watched the lights. Then I noticed that the lights coming up from my body to my mind were a reddish orange and they were getting larger. 'That's odd, ' I thought. For some reason that I don't yet understand I reached out to my mind and diverted the flow of reddish orange lights away from my mind and into nothingness. As soon as I did that the pain from my body was gone and I could breathe again.

I watched the lights in wonder for a very long time. It took almost 10 minutes for me to realize that my stepfather had gotten tired of beating me and left (About time).

As soon as I stood up to go to my room and take a shower and go to bed I collapsed and the pain came flooding back. It took every thing I had to get off the kitchen floor and make it to the stairs where I had to stop and rest using the banister to hold me up. As I looked up the stairs, I saw Lisa coming out of the bathroom. I took a step up and that's when a new wave of pain came over me and took my consciousness with it.

When I awoke later in my bed, I looked down to see Lisa washing the blood from the numerous cuts I had on my body. There was ice on the worst of my bruises. I whispered in a weak voice, "Thank you," and she smiled and said, "go back to sleep."

After a minute or two, I realized she could not have gotten me to my bed by her self and asked her how she had done it.

"Actually the twins helped me get you up here and undressed." she responded.

"Tell them 'thank you' for me." I squeaked out through the pain.

"You're welcome." I heard from the door as Kate came in with some antiseptic for my cuts.

"Maybe there's hope yet for the twins." I thought as I started to pass out again.

When I woke up the next morning, I felt considerably better although I didn't look it with a split lip and a black eye. As I got out of bed, I noticed two things. Lisa had spent all night in my room to make sure that I was all right and had fallen asleep in the chair by the window. The second was that I didn't have a stitch of clothing on. The girls had apparently removed ALL my clothes last night when they put me in bed. I slipped out of bed and went to my dresser to get some clothes when I heard a gasp then a giggle. I looked over to my left and saw Lisa wide-awake and looking at my morning hardon.

"Wow I didn't know it was so big." She said.

Now I was totally embarrassed. Not so much because she had seen me naked but more because I really didn't think of my 6-inch dick was big. As I grabbed a towel, I looked at her "Thank you for looking out for me last night." I said trying to change the subject.

" No prob Rick, if I had known what was going on down stairs I would have tried to stop it. But dad sent everyone up stairs just before he started yelling at you." She said sadly.

"That's okay sis. If you had gotten in his way, you might have ended up looking like me." I replied.

"Well I need to get ready for school. Are you sure that you're ok?" Lisa questioned.

"Yeah, go ahead and get ready kiddo," I lied.

"Okay, love ya," and she took off to get ready for school.

"I love you too," I said under my breath after she had left the room.

I took my time in the shower letting the hot water work wonders on my aching muscles. As I got dressed, I was thinking about the events of last night. "Did I really see those light or was it my imagination?"

When I was dressed I went down stairs to the kitchen and stopped in the doorway and stared. My mom was standing there with a bruise on her arm and cheek. That's when I started to get mad. My mom must have seen the look in my eye because she said, "its ok, it doesn't really hurt." Then she gave me a hug. But I just kept getting more angry and it was starting to give me a headache.

On my way to school with the twins in my new car I kept seeing my mom and just got angrier. By the time I pulled into the parking lot at school I was seeing red and my head was throbbing. Maybe that's why I didn't see Brenda and John walk in front of me until it was almost too late. I slammed on the brakes and just missed them.

John started to yell at me as he came around to the driver's side of my car and pulled me out. After he had me out, he pushed me down. As I hit the ground, I felt it. The anger and pain from my headache started to flow through my body like blood through blood vessels. As I got up, I saw John pull back with his fist to deliver a blow that normally would have broken me in half, but I didn't care. He swung and it connected with my chin but I only felt a slight pressure. Then I lost control.

I had been a towel boy for the boxing team at my last school, so I knew the mechanics of boxing although I had never used them. So when I threw a perfect upper cut to his chin, I was more surprised than anyone. That punch lifted John four feet into the air and he landed nine feet from where I had hit him. "What the hell!?!". John had a broken jaw and was unconscious. I was scared as hell.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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