Old Mans Big Cock Seduces My Wife - Cover

Old Mans Big Cock Seduces My Wife

by jack tar

Copyright© 2024 by jack tar

Erotica Sex Story: What started out as a helpful old neighbour turns into a nightmare for hubby.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Coercion   Consensual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Cuckold   Wimp Husband   Humiliation   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts   Size   .


Today’s the day the new neighbours move in down the street. It’s always exciting to meet the new neighbours. I’ve been living in the neighbourhood for 50 years, so I’ve seen my fair share of new neighbours.

I never got married or settled down and with my age that ship has sailed. Never understood wanting to bang the same chick for eternity, I always kept my options open.

Anyways, I see the moving van leave and decide to head over and introduce myself to them.

***** Carl

My wife and I were excited to be moving up in life. We finally could afford a house as I had just been promoted at work. It was more responsibility but also a handsome raise.

My wife and I had been together since she was 18 and I was 31. I didn’t care what people thought at the time because she was incredibly beautiful. I was able to deflower her soon after we started dating and we’ve been together ever since. We got married 7 years back and have been happily married ever since.

We’ve started to unpack, when we hear on knock on the door, I go answer it and standing there is a writhed old man. He’s of medium height, boney and wrinkly but still carrying muscle, to be honest he’s quite ugly probably well into his seventies.

“Hi you must be the new neighbours, I’m Vernon, I live several doors down.” He introduces himself.

“Hi, I’m Carl and this is my wife Alexa.” I say introducing the both of us.

“The pleasure is all mine.” He says staring directly at my wife.

I can’t really blame him. My wife is incredibly beautiful with curves in all the right places. She had long straight blonde hair and beautiful brown eyes. Her top was showing plenty of cleavage and her shorts showed off her tight curved ass.

We began to chitchat about this and that. Vernon told us all about the neighbourhood, it seems to be a fun place to live, as they often have parties encompassing the whole neighbourhood.

I give him a tour of the house as Alexa goes and unpacks some more stuff. I catch him checking out Alexa any time she’s around. I don’t blame him, her incredible body is tough to ignore. We sit down in the living room and enjoy a beer together. At one point, Alexa comes into the room, Vernon’s eyes immediately fall on her. When she bends over, giving the both of us an amazing view of her ass, I thought Vernon was going to have a stroke.

We start to talk about our lives, sharing stories. Well actually, he mostly shares as he’s done almost everything.

“How old are you Vernon?” I ask at one point.

“79 years old but still young at heart.” He says.

Wow my estimate was close.

“Wow I didn’t realize you were that old.” I reply. “Well you look great for your age.”

Soon Alexa walks in.

“Hey hon, I’m starving so I’m gonna head to McDonald’s, do you guys want anything?” She asks.

“You shouldn’t be eating McDonald’s, it’s terrible for you.” Vernon quickly answers before I can say anything.

“I know but we don’t have any food in the house.” She replies.

“Well let me cook dinner for you tonight at my house.” He replies back.

“We don’t want to impose.” I said.

“No I insist.” He said getting up. “Be at my house in 30 minutes, just down 3 houses to the left of here.” He says before quickly leaving.

I look at my wife and shrug. Guess we’re going to his place.

***** Vernon

I was just about finished with preparing the dinner, when Alexa and Carl came by. I took in Alexa’s beauty, damn is she fine. I invite them in and watch Alexa’s ass giggle, still in the jean shorts from earlier.

I had the table set and set the dish I had prepared for the night.

“Mmm ... smells good, what is it?” Alexa asks.

“Curried roasted eggplant with smoked cardamom and coconut milk.” I reply. “Use to be one of my favourite meals to prepare when I was a chef.”

“Oh. My. God. This is delicious.” Alexa says after one bite.

I see Alexa and Carl devour the food I prepared. We talk over dinner and I get to know the young couple. They seem to genuinely enjoy my company.

Later on after dinner, I show them around my house. I had a lot of work done on it to make it more modern looking. I show them my giant backyard, with a pool and beautiful garden.

“You guys can come use the pool anytime you want, I don’t mind.” I tell them looking right at Alexa. Man I would love to see her in a bikini.

Alexa starts asking me about my garden.

“I’ve always lived in an apartment so I’ve never really tended to a garden before.” She says.

“Well let me show you some stuff.” I reply.

“I think I’ll take off.” Carl says. “Bye honey.”

“See ya at home.” Alexa replies as we walk to the shed. I place my hand on the small of her back mere inches from her ass. I know Carl saw me, which only makes it hotter. That evening I show Alexa a ton of stuff on how to garden.

I can’t help but stare at her beautiful body as I teach her. Without her husband around I see Alexa check out my crotch, my pants are a little tight so you can kind of see an outline of my penis. I see her eyes twinkle just a little bit and I know it’s over. Soon I’ll be in Alexa’s pants and there’s nothing her husband can do about it.

***** Carl

I couldn’t shake the image of Vernon placing his hand mere inches from my wife’s ass. She didn’t stop him either which I thought was strange. Usually Alexa is very bullish about other men placing their hands on her. But not Vernon. Was I reading too far into this?

Probably right, I mean he’s nearly a century old. Probably just misses the company of a women. Poor guy. And my wife doesn’t mind cause he’s super old probably can’t get his dick hard anymore anyways. Plus there’s no way Alexa would cheat on me, much more handsome men have tried and failed.

I continue to empty more boxes about an hour later, Alexa finally comes home. She begins to tell me about how helpful Vernon is being.

“He’s coming over tomorrow to help me with the garden.” She says. “Oh and he invited us to a wine mixer on Sunday.”

“How nice of him.” I reply.

I don’t know what it is but something’s bothering me about Vernon. I push it down, he’s just a friendly neighbour who likes to look at my wife. I can’t blame him for that.

I have to head into work the next day. Before I leave Vernon shows up and goes out back with Alexa.

Work is super busy, my new position is definitely a step up in responsibility. When I get back, Alexa is preparing dinner for us.

“How was your day babe?” She asks.

“Busy as hell, what about you?” I ask back.

“Oh it was great, Vernon really helped with the garden.” She says. “He’s going to help me build a little gazebo outside. I’m so excited.”

“Hmm.” I grunt respond.

“Is something wrong hon?” She asks.

“It’s nothing really.” I say but Alexa gives me a look like she knows I’m lying. “Ok fine it’s just he looks at you a lot and now he’s going to be coming over often, I don’t like it.”

“I mean plenty of guys look, what’s the problem?” She asks.

“I guess he’s the first guy friend you’re gonna be hanging out with without me.” I answer. “I guess I’m worried he might try something.”

“He’s 98 years old what could he possibly do?” Alexa says and she absolutely right. “He’s just being friendly, nothing to worry about.”

“Your right, I’m sorry don’t know where these thoughts come from.” I reply.

***** Vernon

Over the next week, I’m over at Alexa’s house everyday helping in the garden. She always wearing something that shows off her fantastic body.

While helping her outside, I watch her move that body. Especially that ass, it’s incredible, so large yet firm.

“You must workout a lot to get a body like yours.” I compliment her.

She blushes just a bit. “Oh Vernon, you’re too nice.” She says.

Alexa and I get along real well as we work in the garden together. I make her laugh constantly. I again see in her eyes that she’s falling for me, as she looks at my crotch often. I usually wear grey sweatpants, so she can definitely see the outline of my penis through my pants.

Working on the garden in the hot sun, gets us all sweaty one day. Her skin glows from the sweat, her big tits look perfect all wet like that. I suggest she comes over and enjoys my pool.

“You just want to see me in a bikini.” She teases.

“Maybe just a little.” We laugh together.

Alexa goes gets change and I walk home and change myself. Alexa comes over in a skimpy little bikini.

“Wow.” I say when I first lay eyes on her in that little bikini. “You did not disappoint.”

Alexa giggles a little. “Well thank you, can you maybe put some sunscreen on my back.”

“Absolutely.” I say grabbing some sunscreen.

Alexa lies down on one of the sun lounger near my pool. I squirt some sunscreen on her back. I start to rub it in, her skin is so soft, my hands rubbing all over her. My hands rub lower and lower, closer to her fat ass. I finally go in and start to rub her ass. It’s very firm.

“That’s not exactly my back now is it.” Alexa says.

“Sorry it seemed like it could use some sunscreen too though.” I reply and Alexa giggles a little.

“Maybe we should get in the pool.” She suggest.

We spend the rest of the afternoon in the pool just enjoying each other’s company.

The next day I’m over at Alexa’s house helping in the garden like usual. I excuse myself to go to the bathroom. I notice in the bathroom a skimpy pair of Alexa’s panties sitting on the ground. I grab them and begin to sniff them. I pull my cock out and start jerking off, my cock almost immediately getting hard. The bathroom door is open just a crack and I hear Alexa come inside. But I want her to see me doing this. I see her looking through the crack in the door, her eyes going wide at the sight of my dick. I see her bite her lower lip, clearly getting turned on looking at my big dick.

She soon snaps out of her trance and leaves but I know pretty soon we’ll be fucking.


It’s Saturday so I’m home for the day. Vernon and Alexa our outside working on the garden. I’m down in the basement watching college football.

I go upstairs to get drink, when I hear an odd sound coming from the laundry room. I look in and see Vernon, sniffing my wife’s panties. I’m horrified when I see him jerking his dick off. Not only can he get it hard, it’s definitely the largest dick I’ve ever seen, including from porn. It was like a foot long and thick like a Pringle’s can with a red coloured mushroom shaped head.

I walked away quickly but the imaged was burned into my mind. I couldn’t think of anything the rest of the day. How does he haul that thing around?

I started getting worried. I always knew I was well below average size wise, but it never seem to bother Alexa. I was the only person she’s ever had sex with. What if she saw that thing, would she ... cheat? I mean Vernon is clearly into her, he probably flirts and touches her when I’m not around.

No there’s no way Alexa would ever cheat, plus he’s still got a wrinkled covered face that she’d never go for. I’m just paranoid for no reason.

The next day we’re headed over to Vernon’s house for the wine mixer. Alexa is looking amazing like usual in a light blue dress without a bra, you can see her nipples poking through just a bit.

“Maybe we should just stay home and get busy.” I say to Alexa with a mischievous smile. It had been awhile since we had sex, with the move and work, things just got in the way.

Alexa giggles “we should really meet some of our new neighbours. But ... maybe tonight you’ll get lucky.” She says with a seductive smile.

We head over and Vernon answers the door. I can’t help but think of his massive dong but I push it to the back of my mind.

He introduces us to so many of our new neighbours. Soon we’re caught up in conversation.

Alexa stays close at first but as the wine continues to flow eventually both of us get over our nerves and start to split up a little.

I see many of the other husband’s looking at Alexa’s ass or breast. I can’t blame them. Of course, I see Vernon looking all the time. He doesn’t so much look as devour Alexa with his eyes, you can see him imagining what he would do with her. I think that’s why it makes me uncomfortable when he looks at Alexa.

If Alexa notices, she doesn’t seem to mind. She can usually pick up when a guy is hitting on her, maybe it’s just causes he’s old.

At one point, upon returning from a trip to the bathroom, I’m looking for my wife when I see her talking off to the side with Vernon alone.

I decide to stay back and watch as they talk alone. Vernon is standing very close to Alexa and I notice him touching her arms and rubbing her back as they laugh together. He’s definitely getting bolder and Alexa doesn’t seem to mind.

I decide to butt in.

“Hey guys what’s up?” I say trying to make my smile as natural as possible.

“Vernon was just telling me some stories about the block parties they have here. They sound wild.” Alexa explains.

“That’s awesome, when’s the next one?” I ask.

“Halloween, so two weeks from today.” Vernon explains. “There’s a couple’s costume contest which is ton of fun.”

“Halloween, oh shoot I’ll be in Chicago on a business trip.” I reply.

The rest of the party is great. I keep near Alexa so that Vernon has to keep his distance. I just don’t trust that old bastard.

***** Vernon

After a successful wine mixer, I invite Carl and Alexa back again next week, as I have them almost every week. My seduction of Alexa is going to plan.

I stop by her house everyday this week. We mostly work in the garden but we start to do other stuff as well. We have tea or lunch together, we watch our favourite soap opera and we start to take walks together. I’m constantly putting my hands on her arms, back or shoulders.

Alexa for her part seems to love the attention. Clearly Carl hasn’t fucked her in months but I digress. Alexa constantly is wearing very revealing tops and tight pants or shorts. She does touch me back almost as often and those big brown eyes can’t disguise her lust, as I catch them looking at my crotch all the time.

On Wednesday, Alexa and I had just finished working on the garden.

“My neck is kind of bothering me.” Alexa mentions holding her neck after we’ve been working on her garden.

“I could give you a little neck message.” I suggest.

“That would be nice.” She replies.

We sit down on the coach and I begin to message around her neck. Alexa’s wearing a low cut top, which I can see down from my vantage point.

“You know I was thinking because Carl is gonna be out of town, and I don’t have a partner, we could couple up for the costume contest on Halloween.” I mention.

“That’s a great idea.” Alexa replies. “I was thinking of going as Tinker Bell.”

“Well I think I could find a Peter Pan costume.” I say.

“Oh Vernon, your hands are magic, I feel my neck really loosening up.” She moans.

“That’s what all the girls say, that my hands loosen their tight spots right up.” I reply and Alexa gives me a sly smile. “You know what though, this shirt is stopping me from getting in there real deep. Here let’s take it off.”

Without any resistance I pull Alexa’s shirt right off her leaving only a flimsy bra left between me and Alexa’s perfect chest. I continue to rub Alexa’s shoulders slowly moving my hands down her back.

“You just wanted to see me in my bra, didn’t you?” Alexa teases.

“Maybe...” I say reaching around and groping her big breast as I go down and kiss her neck.

“Oh Vernon...” She moans as my hands feel those perfect tits.

I’m just about to pull her bra down when Alexa’s phone goes off, pulling her out of the moment.

“Wait, we shouldn’t be doing this.” Alexa says as she pushes me away and puts her shirt back on. Damn phone I was about to get some!

She takes the phone call for a minute then returns.

“I’m so sorry, Alexa, I got carried away, I shouldn’t be putting you in those situations.” I apologize to her.

“Thank you, I’m not blameless here, let’s just avoid these situations.” She says.

“Agreed. I think I’ll head out. Your still coming to my wine mixer Sunday, ya?” I ask.

“Of course, I still cherish our friendship.” She says.

Good, very good...

***** Carl

It’s Sunday afternoon and we’re heading over to Vernon’s for the wine mixer. While I was home yesterday, I kept a watchful eye when Vernon came over.

I don’t know what I was worried about cause Vernon seemed to change. He was keeping his distance and not touching my wife at all. He never even looked at her how he usually did. I must have made it all up in my mind.

Alexa’s wearing a sexy black dress today, really shows off her ample cleavage.

Everything is going great. We’re getting along well with our neighbours. Vernon doesn’t seem to be flirting with my wife.

Vernon this time bought 2 crates of some expensive bourbon for everyone to try. It’s amazing, so smooth and flavourful. Everyone has multiple drinks and soon everyone’s pretty drunk.

Late that night, I really have to pee so I head to the bathroom but the door is locked.

“Sorry man I’m gonna be in here awhile yet but there’s a bathroom downstairs next to the guest bedroom.” One of our neighbours say.

“Ok thanks bro.” I say back.

I head downstairs about to head onto the bathroom when I hear Vernon’s voice coming from the bedroom.

“ ... just this one time.” I hear him whisper.

I immediately recognize the second voice as my wife’s.

“I don’t know Vernon, my husband is right upstairs.” She whispers back.

What the fuck are they talking about. I peak in through the crack in the door and see them sitting on the bed, Vernon’s hand is on my wife’s leg. What the fuck are they about to do.

“He’ll never know, and it’s just your boobs, I’ll never ask for more. Please it’s been so long since I’ve seen a pair of tits and yours truly are perfect.” He says.

“Just a quick peek, okay...” She replies. What the fuck is she giving in to him.

Alexa pulls her top down revealing her big tits. Vernon immediately grabs them without any resistance from my wife and he starts to suck on her nipple.

“Oh, Vernon ... yes!” She moans.

I was shocked, my wife was letting an old man suck on her breast. I ran upstairs before I saw anymore.

I should have bursted in and knocked the old bastard out. But by the time I thought of doing that, Alexa and Vernon were already back upstairs acting as if nothing happened.

Soon the party was over, as Alexa and I left to walk home, I began to quiz her on Vernon. She gives pretty basic answers about how nice he is. She isn’t telling me about what just happened. I decide not to bring it up with her.

“Oh shoot, I think I left my phone at Vernon’s, I’ll be right back babe.” I tell Alexa. Of course I had my phone I just wanted to talk with Vernon alone.

I knock on the door and Vernon answers, “hey Carl, everything alright?”

“Cut the crap, I saw what you did to my wife downstairs. You need to back off.” I answer.

He flashes me a devilish smile. “It’s already too late, it’s already in motion and it can’t be stopped.”

“What does that mean?”

“Your wife is going to bang me.” He says point blank.

I just laugh. “You’re delusional.”

“Your wife has always been into older men, that’s the only reason she married you. But now that age gap is not enough.

Plus you’ve obviously never satisfied her in bed, that’s why she walks around showing off her body, waiting for a real man like me to take her.”

“You’re so full of crap.”

“Really when was the last time you two banged. I’d say it was five and half months ago.”

He was shockingly accurate with that guest but I wasn’t going to tell him that. “That’s not true.”

“I’m certain it is. And we both know it’s not because Alexa isn’t horny, we both saw what she let me do, clearly she just doesn’t want to bang you.”

“Look just stay away from my wife or else I’ll make sure this is the last face you ever see.” I don’t know where that threat came from but I was so tired of his bullshit.

On the walk back, I start to think back over the pass six months. Every time I tried to get physical with my wife she rebuffed me. Was he right?

When I get back, Alexa’s already getting ready for bed. I go up behind her and start kissing her neck wrapping my arms around her and feeling her tits.

“Sorry honey but not tonight, I think I drank too much.” She says before it goes any farther. Vernon can’t be right.

I decide the next few days to work from home, I want to make sure Vernon is staying away. To my surprise he doesn’t come over at all on Monday. He must have gotten the message. I try again to engage physical with Alexa but she says she’s too hungover.

Tuesday comes and once again no Vernon. My wife heads to the grocery store in the afternoon. When she returns she looks pissed.

“Did you threaten Vernon?!?” She scream asks. “And don’t you dare lie to me.”

This will not end well for me.

“Ya I did.” I bullishly say back.

“Why the hell would you do that?!?” She asks.

“Cause everyone thinks he’s so great but I think he’s a big creep.” I reply.

Alexa and I get in a big fight. She had seen Vernon at the grocery store, and he mentioned our conversation from Sunday night. I don’t mention what I saw the other night or what he said to me as I threaten him. I don’t want to upset Alexa more and I honestly I’m kind of embarrassed by it all, an old man thinking he has a chance to sleep with my wife. The fact that he might be right is just even more embarrassing.

The fights ends but we’re both still pissed. We don’t say another word to each other all night. That night I sleep on the coach.

The next morning, Alexa drives me to the airport still super pissed at me.

“Alexa about last night, I’m sorry.” I finally say hoping I don’t have to leave on bad terms with her.

“I just don’t get why you did it.” She says. “There’s been plenty of guys before who hit on me and you never threaten any of them.”

“I don’t know maybe it’s the way he stares and talks about you, makes me uncomfortable.”

“I always say there needs to be trust in a marriage. I love you and you don’t have to worry I can handle myself.”

“You’re right. And I do trust you. When I get back I’ll apologize to Vernon.”

The rest of drive is much easier as the fight seems to be over. I leave for Chicago on good terms with Alexa. I don’t care what Vernon says I trust my wife.

***** Vernon

With Carl out of town, it was my time to move in with Alexa. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, I spend almost the entire day with Alexa.

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