The Cost of Throwing a Bbc Party - Cover

The Cost of Throwing a Bbc Party

by Justin Utherman

Copyright© 2024 by Justin Utherman

Fiction Sex Story: Darice and Reba throw a BBC party at the expense of Janet. The world becomes a harsh place for the Three BBC's and the Two sluts. (I tried to hit all the Categories that might show up in the story)

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Crime   Cheating   BTB   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Gang Bang   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Facial   Fisting   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Size   Revenge   Violence   .

Hi. My name is Justin. And I have a really sad and horrible story I need to get off my chest. It’s the story of how my Janet was abused, and how she came to find out my darkest and most deeply hidden secrets from my past.

It all started with a Birthday party. And I guess it kinda blew up with one as well.

This past weekend was Two years to the day from when I met my Janet. I was out with buddies for a beer, she was out with her co-workers celebrating her friend Reba’s birthday. We met at the bar and hit it off. We kinda ditched our friends and spent the rest of the night talking and dancing with each other. And at closing time we wound up going home together, to her place. We just talked until daylight, kissed, and parted ways. Until that night. We called each other and went out to dinner after napping all day.

We dated for Eight months before we became exclusive, and within a week we were intimate. My god was the sex wonderful. She was passionate and selfless, and I returned her passion and caring. The only blemish on our lovemaking is her inability to take birth control. I have had to wear rubbers every time we made love.

Janet McDaniel is a 25-year-old goddess. Long red hair with just a little waviness at the ends, Jade green eyes, A gorgeous pretty face with just a slight hint of freckles. Her 5’2” 115 pound frame is perfection. She has D-cup breasts, a thin waist, and flared hips that support her sexy rounded butt. Her legs are naturally shapely and perfect. Her personality is bubbly and humorous, and she is as smart as a whip. She was Second runner up for Valedictorian in school. She graduated from college on the Deans list, with a degree in Economics and Accounting. And I shit you not ... With her virginity intact. I know this for a fact. I’m the one she gave it to.

Janet works for the IRS. She processes tax returns that have not been filed correctly and forwards them to the proper case workers.

But the most enduring thing is that I have never for a single moment had a reason to even passingly suspect that Janet isn’t 1000% in love with me and faithful. Hell, we spend almost every spare moment with each other.

Her friend, birthday girl Reba Shands, had met my buddy Mike Hunt (yeah I know) a few weeks after I met Janet. They had also hit it off and were currently living together as well. Mike is a couple years (a few) older than I am. He is Forty-Two. Mike and I work in a warehousing facility together and have known each other since I took the job Three years ago. We share a common history as we were both in the military, and we hit it off easily. Despite the 10 year age gap. Once a Marine, always a Marine.

Why was I now 30-years-old, single, and never married? I spent Eleven years in the Marines. I enlisted on my 17th birthday, shipped to basic at 17 after I graduated. Did Four years while earning a college degree. Reenlisted and attended OCS. And received a commission at age 22. I mustered out after serving for Five years in Iraq and Afghanistan. I was an ‘Information Specialist’. I collected and compiled the INTEL we gained from enemy captives.

I bummed around the country, ‘seeing America’, for almost a year before settling here. Near ‘The Island’ of course.

I’m the lead IT tech at the warehouse. That means I fix the computers in addition to helping move, load, and unload freight. It’s a good job, and I like it.

Over the next Two year period after we met Janet and I had gone out, gone out regularly, dated, dated exclusively, fell in love, and she moved in with me Six months ago.

Last week I bought a ring and was planning to ask her to marry me the weekend things went south. I had reservations at a beach Hotel and a romantic weekend planned.

Janet had come home the previous Wednesday (a week earlier) after work and told me that Reba, and her work friends were getting together for Reba’s ‘work’ birthday party on the Thursday night before her birthday because Mike had made plans. As I already knew about, Mike had also bought a ring and made plans for he and Reba to go for a ‘couples weekend’ on her birthday. He had full intentions to pop the question. We would all go to work Monday as newly engaged people ... Hopefully.

I was a little miffed because Mike and I would not be able to attend. Janet and I never went out as ‘singles’ any more. Mike and I were both on 11p to 7a that week. But I didn’t have a single concern. I trusted Janet fully. I should have though.

The ‘planner’ for this party was Darice Robbins. I didn’t like her one bit. Janet hardly even used off color or suggestive language, or even cursed, unless she was around Reba. And even then she blushed a little and said the words in a low voice.

Reba was a little more brash, but she was older and had lived a lot tougher life. Including a marriage right out of high school that was abusive for it’s entire Fifteen years. She even made Mike and I blush sometimes.

Darice was just a crude and trashy slut. She had Five kids by Three different men. Her last Two were by her boyfriend Nathan, a big black guy who parked cars for a living and shacked up with her at her trailer. I didn’t trust Darice. She always wanted Janet and Reba to go with her for ‘girls nights’. Janet always refused. She didn’t believe it was proper to go out unless it was with me. I felt the same.

Reba wasn’t opposed to girls nights, she just didn’t go because Mike wasn’t having any of it. He told her the first time she mentioned it that only single and unattached women went to clubs and parties alone, and she would be single and unattached if she wanted that way of life.

Wednesday came and Janet was looking VERY hot. (in my opinion) She wore a simple white cotton sun dress with little yellow and light blue flowers on it. And her slight makeup was perfection. She kissed me and told me she would be home early, and would call me when she made it in. I told her I would call her on my way to work, about 10:30, and walked her to the door. We kissed again, and she went out to Darice’s car. Reba waved at me and I waved back.

I lounged on the couch and tried to nap, but had a weird feeling. Maybe it was just that we hadn’t been out alone since we started dating. Either of us. I finally dozed off.

I was speeding. I overslept and was going to be a little late. I dialed Janet and listened in my bluetooth headset as her voicemail answered. I dialed again. This time it went straight to voicemail. And then again, same result.

I kinda figured she might call me back. Maybe the music was too loud and she was stepping outside. But she didn’t. I sent her a text just before I clocked in. Three minutes late. Mike and Trey razzed me for not being able to function without my better half to guide me. Mike speculated that the girls were just having fun and would call as soon as they checked their phones.

At Midnight Janet still hadn’t called or texted. I pulled out my phone and was about to hit her number when Trey yelled out in warning.

Trey Smith was a good kid. I say ‘kid’ cause he was barely over 18. He had a lot to learn, but he was a quick study and actually tried to do a good job. Something that most didn’t.

A pallet had broken and toppled over up on the top rack, and some parts fell. One bounced off my forklift and grazed my shoulder blade before it hit the floor. It hurt a little, but wasn’t really a hard whack. I wasn’t concerned and shook it off. I climbed down and was about to try and start cleaning up the mess, that is until Trey’s eyes bugged out and he pointed at me. He turned white and almost passed out before he could tell me. I was bleeding ... Fairly good.

The part had a sharp edge and it had sliced my shoulder. Almost Five inches long and a half inch deep, at least. Mike patched me up while Trey babbled about how sorry he was, and I drove myself to the ER.

Trey is a good kid. He’s 20, nice, respectful, and fits in well with our crew of Six. I didn’t blame him. Accidents happen.

I tried Janet all the way to the hospital. No answer. She didn’t answer my text about being injured either.

I got stitched up, alone, and then went home, alone. And when I got home, at 2am, I was also ALONE.

I cleaned up and got dressed. I was about to go looking for Janet when I heard her keys in the door. She managed to get the door open and actually swung into the foyer on it. Giggling and laughing. I heard a car with a loud muffler pulling away as she fell to the floor. I looked at her. She was drunk. I was PISSED.

As I walked to help her up I asked her, “Why are you so late? I’ve been trying to call your phone but you didn’t answer.”

“It’s not late.” She slurred. “Darice had my phone.”

“Yes. It’s 2am. And why did Darice have your phone?” I asked.

She looked at me blankly. She giggled and replied, “I don’t know.”

“Who brought you home and dropped you off?” I asked as I closed the door and pulled her to her feet.

“I don’t know.” She said with a giggle. “Darice’s friend, Vince something.”

I looked at her and my blood ran cold. Her pupils were ‘blown’. They looked almost the size of dimes. And as I took closer, I saw that her bra was missing. She had one on when she left, I had felt the strap. I led her to the couch and she plopped down unceremoniously, her skirts flapping around. I smelled it. She absolutely REEKED of sex.

She almost immediately lulled back, her eyes closed and her body relaxed. I flipped her dress up, then lifted and spread her legs. I almost puked in her crotch. Her panties were gone. And she had the unmistakable appearance of being fucked. She was wet and swollen, and had a glob of semen leaking from her very red and open vagina. I flipped her almost unconscious body over to her side and spread her ass cheeks. Again there were signs of sex. Her asshole was also red and swollen, and it too was leaking sperm.

I scooped her up with my good arm and dragged her toward the door. Grabbing my keys and her purse on the way. In my truck, I called Mike.

“Mike, we have a problem. Have you heard from Reba?”

“No. She’s supposed to be at home or at Darice’s. Why?” He asked.

“Janet just got in. She was dumped off by some guy, a friend of Darice. She shows all the signs of being drugged.” My voice cracked as I revealed the worst. “Mike ... She’s leaking cum from her pussy and asshole. She’s been raped.”

“Don’t fly off the handle.” Mike said quickly. “Get the facts first.”

“I’m going to.” I told him. “I’m on my way back to the ER with her now. I’m going to demand a drug test and a rape kit.”

“I’ll see if I can get ahold of Reba.” Mike said. “Maybe she can help shed some light on all this.”

“Okay. I’ll call you when I find out something.” I told him.

On a whim I cut over Two blocks and drove past Mike and Reba’s house. I screeched to a halt in the middle of the road when I saw her.

Reba was laying on their front porch. She wasn’t moving. I cut the wheel hard and drove into the yard. When I got to her she was breathing, but barely lucid. Her little black sequined dress was unzipped and hanging half off her, exposing her braless tits ... as well as her abused cunt and asshole. Both of them were also leaking what could only be sperm. She also had cum all over her tits and face, and it was even caked in her hair. She was also under the influence, and kept passing out as I tried to talk to her.

I called Mike back. “Hello?”

“Your house, NOW.” I told him. “It’s Reba. She’s been drugged and raped too.”

He didn’t even say anything else. The line just went dead. I sat Reba up and made sure she was breathing. She was barely able to flop around a little.

As I tried to get her to open her eyes she spoke. I was both sickened and angered by her words.

“C’mon big boy. Fuck me one more time. Gimme some more of that big black cock. Mama wants to cum again.” She said to me as she pawed at my crotch.

“REBA!” I shouted. “IT’S ME ... JUSTIN!”

She opened one eye and looked at me, then giggled and said, “Oh Justin. Oh my. I don”t think you can help me baby. Your dick isn’t big enough.”

“You skanky slut!” I yelled at her. “What have you done? What did you do to Janet?”

She opened one eye and gave me a lecherous smile, “Let’s keep this just between us, okay? Don’t tell Mike, please? I’ll suck your cock every day for a month if you’ll just be my special secret friend.” And she passed out again.

I went to lay her down and I saw a DVD disk laying on the porch beside her purse and shoes. It had the words “Reba’s Happy Birthday” written on it in bubbly girly handwriting. Under that is said, ‘A very special video production by Darice’.

I slipped it into my tucked shirt and waited for Mike. While I waited I got an evil thought and pulled out Reba’s phone. I used her thumb and opened it. I checked her texts to see if there was any clues as to where they had been all night. Sure enough, there was. What I found was a long conversation thread with Darice. I didn’t have to look at all of it, the parts I skimmed were enough. I knew now, without a doubt, whatever had happened was with the prior knowledge of Reba. I used her thumb again and I changed her passcode and fingerprint access. I slipped her phone in my pocket.

Mike slid into his yard sideways. He ran to us and grabbed Reba into his arms. “Be careful. She’s covered in evidence.” I told him.

Mike saw the cum on her face and tits, and in her hair. He turned, then puked in the hedge bushes. He pulled out his phone and dialed 911.

I didn’t stay. I left with Janet and went on to the ER. They swiftly went into action when I told them my suspicions. She was taken straight back. After the paperwork, I was shown back too. I had her purse and ID. I had found her bra in the purse, and her phone. Her panties were still missing. I did the same thing with Janet’s phone, changing her pass codes. It went into my pocket as well.

A dour nurse came in and scowled at me. She said, “Why are you still here? I sent you home Two hours ago. Who are you to her?”

I told her who I was and a short version of the story. She softened and laid a hand on my shoulder. That’s all it took for the dam to break. She rubbed my back as I cried.

She said softly, “Honey, she’s going to need a lot of support if what you said is true. You need to make sure she gets it.” I nodded. She added, “If you aren’t going to stay with her, then you need to let her know as soon as possible. Waiting will be a severe setback to her recovery if you wait. It will only be worse for her and you if you wait.”

“I understand.” I told her. “And just so you know, I love her with my whole being. I’d never leave her for being a victim.”

She smiled at me. “I could tell you were a special one. You just ooze that manly integrity type of aura.”

When the doctor came in he told me they were going to take extensive samples. Blood, Urine, vaginal swabs, and rectal swabs. He also said she was going to GI to have her stomach pumped. He said I needed to wait in the family room and he would come get me shortly.

I kissed Janet’s forehead and reluctantly went to the little room, to sit alone.

While I was there I went through Reba’s phone. (The DVD was in my truck.) I sent screen shots of her conversations with Darice to my phone. Next I read through her texts with Janet. And I wished I hadn’t.

By the time I was done I knew the whole sordid story ... Or so I thought. I sent those screen shots to my phone as well.

I looked at her photo album and my stomach churned. There were pictures and video of Reba and Janet both. I sent those to my email using the hospital wifi.

I had just finished with Reba’s phone, having extracted all the information I could glean from it and changing her pass codes to ‘1234’, when Mike walked in. It took every ounce of my willpower and training to remain cool.

“How’s Reba?” I asked. Not really caring at this point.

“I just don’t understand this.” Mike said. “How could this have happened? And where the fuck is Darice?”

I saw his tears and pain, and I broke. I couldn’t let him suffer. He had to know the truth. I replied, “I hope she is making peace with God and filling out her will. Her and Nathan BOTH.”

Mike looked at me, questions and confusion in his eyes. “What are you talking about?”

I looked at him and said sadly, “This was all planned Mike. Darice was the instigator. Reba was convinced to do it, and was a willing participant.”

He got mad. “Watch your mouth Justin! That’s a lie!”

I shook my head calmly and opened Reba’s phone. I held up the texts with Darice so he could read them. He did. And he read Reba and Janet’s texts. And he looked at pictures and watched videos.

Darice had been telling Reba how good black cock was for almost a year now. She told her time and again that she just HAD to try it before she got married again, or she would regret it all her days.

Reba had told Janet, and they had initially joked about ‘Darice the slut’. At some point though, both Reba and Janet became curious. And Darice had provided plenty of pictures of big black cock, along with detailed descriptions of how they would never be fucked like that by me or Mike.

Somehow the Three cooked up a plan, beginning almost Six months ago, to have a ‘one night only’ BBC fest. Before they settled down with us ‘average white guys’. It was to be a huge secret and never be talked about or repeated again afterward.

Janet had seemingly been on board, until last month. Then she got wind of Mike’s proposal (yes, from me) and knew it would be a horrible mistake. She tried to talk sense to Reba, but Reba had been adamant that she was going to do this.

Janet had made it abundantly clear that she was ‘OUT’. She told them she had always thought it was just ‘hot girl talk’ and a perverted fantasy. She made it crystal clear in her texts that she wanted nothing more to do with the stupid idea.

But Reba and Darice were dead set on going ahead. They had it all planned, and Reba didn’t want to let Janet back out. They picked up Janet and she had no idea. Instead of a club, they went to the Hilton and got a suite, Reba saying that they wanted a more casual atmosphere. Fifteen minutes later Darice slipped Janet a mickey.

Nathan, that guy Vince, and Carlos all worked at the club together. They arrived at the hotel an hour after the girls got there.

The video first showed all Three men using Janet’s semi-conscious body. They used her mouth, ass, and pussy at the same time. And they swapped places after each depositing a load of cum in her respective holes. I saw them apply something to her clit, asshole, and pussy. I guessed what it was as she began to respond in her almost unconscious state. I cried a little as she had several orgasms, even though I knew it was from the drugs applied to her.

It was flat out said in the video that my Janet’s body had been ‘payment’ for their services to Reba. She was even left laying naked on the end of the bed ‘for motivation’ as they serviced the more than willing Reba. Like some twisted erotic room art.

What followed broke Mike’s heart. Reba was the love of his life, and there she was welcoming Three strange men to use and abuse her sexually. She begged them over and over to fuck her harder. She begged them to ‘fuck her slut ass’. She begged them to cum in her ‘slut holes’. She even complained after they had made the global trip through her holes, telling them she wasn’t done and wanted more. Only Nathan and Vince complied with her request.

Carlos let her suck his cock until it was hard, then left the tangle of bodies to rape Janet’s pussy again. Seeing this, Vince pulled out of Reba’s ass and fucked Janet’s ass again, bellowing as he came deep in her bowels.

The final segment of the video was Reba sucking all Three cocks clean and saying over and over how she would be back in the future for more. She even said she wanted to fuck them after she got married to her ‘little dicked boyfriend’.

Mike dropped the phone in his shirt pocket, looked at me, and said, “I’m so sorry. Please forgive me?”

I hugged him and told him, “Nothing to forgive. It wasn’t your doing at all. Darice instigated this, and SHE planned it. It is HER and those three guys who I blame.”

He looked at me with a wary question in his eyes. “Yes.” I told him. “I blame Reba too.” “But you will have to decide about her. I defer to your decision, and will act accordingly.”

“And tonight? What are you going to do tonight?” He asked me.

“Take care of the woman I love. File rape charges against all Five of them using the videos you just watched as evidence.” I shrugged, “Plan my revenge.” I told him lifelessly.

He just nodded. “Reba and I are through. I don’t even know who the woman in those texts and videos is.” “You can consider her a ‘green target’ for whatever you come up with.” He said sadly. “Just think about including me too if you will.”

I looked at him and nodded. “Okay. I’ll think about it.”

The doctor came in and looked at me, then said to Mike, “If you don’t mind sir, I’d like to speak to you. In private please.”

Mike actually laughed. “He’s in this as deep as me young man. You have TWO women who were used and abused by the same bastards. Might as well talk to us both and compare notes.”

The doctor was surprised, but relented. He looked at Mike. “Sir, your girlfriend is in pretty rough shape. We are going to be running some tests.” “We’re going to perform a drug test, take vaginal samples for rape kits, and take anal/rectal swabs for the same reason. We will be pumping her stomach for possible genetic material as well. And we are collecting skin evidence.”

“My EX-girlfriend.” Mike corrected him. “And for your records, and to save you some time and trouble, she wasn’t raped. We found video and text evidence on her phone to prove that fact.” “But please, go ahead and take your samples. This man is filing criminal charges on behalf of his fiancee, your findings might be interesting to the courts.”

Both women were admitted to the hospital. I sat in Janet’s room and held her hand, waiting for the sedatives to wear off. Mike went home. He said he had some house cleaning to do.

Around 11am I managed to drift off to sleep. I woke some time later. A sniffling sound had roused me. I had a pain in my hand and realized it was Janet squeezing my hand. I looked over and she was staring at me and crying her eyes out.

I sat up and was about to speak when she said, “I am so sorry Justin. This is all my fault. I was stupid, and I betrayed you. And I got what I deserved.”

I shook my head. “No. You didn’t. I have seen the video, the pictures, and I have read your texts with Reba.” She broke down from hearing I knew it all, and had seen it all. I added, “I also saw Reba’s texts with Darice. I know more about it than you did it seems.”

Her eyes went wide, then narrowed. “WHAT do you know?” She asked with her redheaded fire.

I told her, “Darice drugged you. The doctors say it was some sort of sedative and Rohypnol. And they used a cocaine ‘cocktail’ on your... ‘parts’ ... as well. It caused unnaturally enhanced reactions.” She winced.

I continued, “There’s a video. I saw everything that was done to you. It’s bad.” She was crying now.

“Show me.” She demanded.

I pulled up the video and she watched in horror. She cried harder and harder as it went on, then became uncharacteristically calm and got mad. Then she cried some more, but out of rage this time. “God damn them!” She said louder than I thought she should. She looked up at the ceiling, “God, PLEASE? Damn their souls to the burning fires of hell!”

She looked at me, “I don’t know if I can get past this Justin, I may never...” She said before breaking down so bad she couldn’t talk. She shook her head and held my hand, pulling it to her as she tried to communicate with her eyes. When she calmed enough to speak again she said, “I don’t know if I can get past this WITHOUT YOU Justin. I may never be able to recover, not on my own. I can’t do it without your help. I don’t want to do it without your help.”

Her eyes bore into mine. Pleadingly. Begging me to hear her. “I know you’re ... You’re gonna hate ... I know you probably hate me now. This is all my fault. I never should have gone out unless we went together.”

“I was caught up in the whole ‘hot sexy fantasy’ thing, and I was so very wrong to even consider it an option for any decent woman.” “I know that Reba’s wanting the whole ‘black fling’ thing was wrong, and a horrible breach of trust and betrayal to Mike. I should have told you about it when I found out she was serious.” “I just hope you love me enough that you might have a little pity on me. At least enough to stay with me until I can get through the initial steps of this ordeal, even if you can’t forgive me.”

“I want you to know that I love you Justin. I never ever didn’t love you. I never seriously considered doing what we were talking about, not for a second.” “I loved you too much to ever do that to you.” “I love you still, with all my heart and soul.”

I remained quiet and let her talk. She must have thought it meant I wasn’t listening to her. She sobbed and she begged me, “Please Justin? Please don’t leave me or break up with me because of this?” She pleaded. “I’m begging you. Please just consider giving me a chance to make this right?”

I hadn’t had the smallest inkling of a thought about any of that. I damned sure wasn’t going to turn my back on her for being a victim of a heinous crime. I loved her with every fiber of my being. Why she would think me that shallow hurt a little, but I also realized her fragile state of mind.

As I shook my head, she took it the wrong way. She gripped my arm and began, “Please? Please Justin? Don’t leave me. Plea ... Mmff.”

I had leaned forward and covered her lips with mine. When I finally managed to break free of the kiss she was giving me, and while still being hugged so tight it was kinda painful, I finally let her know what I was thinking the whole time.

“Janet, I love you sweetie. I know you were the victim of a plot. I know that Darice drugged you, and that it was also Reba’s doing.” “Mike knows too. He’s likely washing his hands of Reba as we speak. He’s done with her just on the grounds that she wanted to cheat on him. Your sexual assault only made things worse.” “To be honest, I’m kinda worried about the cold and calm way he said he was going home to ‘clean house’. I think the result of that is going to be bad. Really bad.”

Janet’s eyes got big. “Wait. Reba was in on it?” I nodded. “What do you mean? How was she a part of it?” She asked.

“You were payment for the services of her big black studs. They got to use you as compensation for doing her.” I told her.

Her eyes were red now and the green fairly glowed. That vein on her forehead was swollen and throbbed so hard I could see it. She wasn’t letting it out, but I recognized the signs. She was holding back a fit of pure rage. I feared for Reba’s life if she were to walk in the door right now. Not that I would have stopped Janet from acting on her desires.

I quickly added, “I have the texts, photos, and videos from her phone. I also have your phone downloaded.” I held up a thumb drive. “While you were sedated I made this for the detectives. They are coming to see you as soon as your sedatives wear off.”

She nodded and said, “Jail is too good for them Justin. I want them to suffer for this.” She looked at me, her eyes were all I needed to know she was not speaking lightly or flippantly.

“All that stuff you keep in the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet? Those military records you won’t talk to me about? I want you to use whatever you know.” “If you love me. If you ever loved me. Please do this one thing for me and I won’t ever ask you for anything else. I’ll even go away and never bother you again if you wish.”

I grabbed her shoulders and shook her slightly. I stared into her eyes and said gruffly, “Dammit Janet, listen to me. I said I love you and I never ever want to lose you. Ever.”

I broke down. Tears flowed. “I have a ring. I was going to ask you to be my wife this weekend. I had it all planned.” “You mean the world to me. I love you without reservation. I am not going to let you go, any time or anywhere, much less send you packing.” “I intend to keep you, and love you, and MARRY you. Do you understand me?”

She nodded. Tears streamed down her face. She hugged me again and held on to me for dear life. “I so want to be with you. I want to love you forever. I want you to love me forever. I want that ring. I want to be your wife.” “Whatever it takes, I want to be yours. I’ll do anything. Just tell me.”

I talked just to make my own mind right again. “Well, first we have to get through the police interviews and your statement. And you have to be painfully truthful and forthcoming about the whole story with them. Even the part where you were talking with them about cheating on me to get the ‘big black dick experience’ before settling down like Reba.”

She looked down, shame literally dripped from her face. “I never really wanted that. I swear to you. It was just supposed to be hot talk and fantasy. I was just going along with the girls in the whole nasty fantasy thing. You have always been enough to please me. I didn’t mean it, I swear I didn’t.”

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