Chloe and Mom - Cover

Chloe and Mom

Copyright© 2001 by Homer Vargas

Chapter 1

Humor Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Chloe's letters to mom about her need for cheating sex and what she's doing about it.

Caution: This Humor Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   CrossDressing   Humor   Cheating   Slut Wife   Cuckold   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Pregnancy  

Dear Mom,

You have the most outrageously sexy ideas! No other girl has such a clever, wonderful mom as you. You are right, of course. It's not just that I need more hard nasty sex than Sidney can give me; I need a baby. After all, I'm almost seventeen! That explains why I am so constantly horny and unsatisfied, even after Sidney does manage to "do me." (That and his 7" dick. Pue-ney!) Maybe he suspected something and that is why he didn't pressure me for sex while we were dating. I know, I know. You TOLD me to try him out and to bring a pregnant belly to the altar, but I still had some of those "good girl" notions about being a virgin when we married.

But that was then. Sidney had his chance. Even though he hasn't been fucking me more than once a day since we married (Can you believe it?), that ought to have been enough. If he didn't get me pregnant in these first three months, there must be something wrong with him. Thank goodness I have Martin and Darrell living next door who have been keeping my gears oiled recently. And Sidney took it like a wimp, just as you predicted. They can do the job. I was so silly to make those two beautiful black studs wear condoms when they were fucking me silly during my fertile period last month. I guess I COULD keep that up, knowing that I'd miscalculate sooner or later. Especially since they fill me sooo full of cum and men like that just have to be super virile. But I'm going to follow your example instead.

I just can't understand how I could have failed to notice until you pointed it out that none of us kids look anything like each other or like Daddy, except for Arthur Jr. We really believed that story about your being of "mixed racial" descent. <giggle> None of us thought it strange that I have long straight blonde hair, Leon has kinky black hair, Shawna is a redhead with all those cute freckles, Mei-li's and Shie-li's eyes ARE sort of slanted, and that Antonio's skin is that delicious golden brown color, almost as dark as Leon's. I think it is sooo cool the way, after me, you started naming each of my brothers and sisters after their father. That explains why the little girls have those funny names, Darrelette, Reggiena, and Luthera. Too bad you didn't call me Rodita. That Rod sounds like one incredible stud!

Now that you explain it, I can understand why little Artie is not as big and handsome and smart and athletic as our other brothers are. He just takes after Daddy too much. I don't know if I'd go so far as you in saying you regret letting Daddy get you pregnant with him, (he's a cute little runt) but I agree that you should NEVER get that drunk again when no one is around but Daddy. Not that it is an issue now that you use him exclusively for mouth worship and clean-up detail. You are so right; there is nothing quite like the orgasms you get from having your loving, faithful husband with his face between your thighs sucking a well-hung lover's come from your pussy.

I'm going to tell Sidney about our plan tonight. That should give him about ten days to decide if he wants to be there when our first baby is conceived. So far he hasn't wanted to watch me with Martin and Darrell, although I have told him they don't mind. But this would be different. This is the child he is going to be rearing, whose diapers he'll be changing, who he will be rocking to sleep at night. I don't see how a good daddy can NOT want to be there to see his sexy young wife getting knocked up for the first time.



Dear Mom,

Just as you guessed, Sidney gave in and was there for the "big day." That was about the only thing that went according to plan, however. I can see now that I should have informed Darrell and Martin in advance that I intended them to get me pregnant that weekend. They should have known, though, that something was up when I wouldn't let either of them fuck me on Thursday or Friday. I wanted their balls full to the brim with wigglers. When Sidney and I showed up there on Saturday afternoon and I told them what I was there for, their jaws just dropped. It was sooo funny. Well, Sidney didn't think it was funny, but you would have.

I had to explain to the guys a couple of times that I was fertile those days and that I wanted to fuck all weekend without protection so one of them would put a beautiful black baby in my belly. Sidney nodded dutifully when they asked to make sure that he would assume all the duties of being the daddy and not ask them for any financial support. (With the trust fund that Sidney's father has established for each of his grandchildren, that's hardly and issue. I understand now why you agreed to me marrying Sidney, in spite of what you guessed about his, er, performance.) I even told them that I had talked this over with my Mom and that you were behind me 100% and that you had done the same thing to Daddy. (Then it was Sidney's turn to gape. He had never realized that, except for the twins, no two of your eight children has the same father.)

Well, Darrell and Martin were a little taken aback, although the bulge in each of their pants told me they liked the idea. They kept talking around the idea; it DID take a little getting to use to. And they actually came up with a flaw in my plan. I had figured that I'd just I'd just get in bed with them and let them take turns fucking me as always. I knew that with all the hot potent sperm they'd pump into my little pussy that weekend, I couldn't keep from getting pregnant.

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