The Unfaithful Wife - Cover

The Unfaithful Wife

by A Bad Attitude

Copyright© 2024 by A Bad Attitude

Fiction Sex Story: A wife learns the consequences of cheating. This is a BTB story.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Cheating   BTB   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Prostitution   .

I was just coming from having my hair done and my make-up professionally applied. I was looking good, and I knew it. As I turned onto my street I saw 3 cars in my driveway along with a police cruiser. What the hell is going on? My mind is going 100 miles an hour.

First, I need to contact my boyfriend and tell him to wait until I get this straightened out before he shows up.

Second, I’m thinking maybe there has been an accident at one of my husband’s job sites and he is dead! That would explain the squad car. I need to put on my concerned face and not the disappointed face of having to miss my date with my lover.

I park and rush into the house. I saw Tony Green, my husband’s lawyer. He wrote my pre-nup that my father-in-law had insisted on before he would agree to my marriage with his son. You see he thought I was just a gold-digging waitress who wanted to marry a rich man. He was sure I would cheat on his son who had only one serious girlfriend his whole life and was suffering from depression over her death. He was only partially right.

I was looking for a husband and a rich one. Why? Because I was raised poor, that’s why! I had worked as a waitress since I graduated high school and I saw myself waiting tables for the rest of my life. I wanted something different. Meeting Randy was just a stroke of luck. He was in the restaurant and looking so depressed. I asked why. He told me the story and I cried with him. I asked him out and he accepted. Things worked out and we were married 6 months later. But his old man never accepted that I loved him for anything more than his money. He threatened to cut him out of the will and fire him from the construction company if I did not sign the pre-nup. So I signed, and why the hell not. This family was super rich. I would have everything I dreamed of and more. All I had to do was not fuck anybody else. Not a big deal since I was not a slut. Not a virgin but certainly not a slut.

Things worked out very nicely for me for the next five years. We bought a big house. Hell, some would call it a mansion. It had a swimming pool, tennis court and an indoor gym. Of course we were members of the country club. I had a new car of my choosing every year. I used his credit cards to buy everything I wanted. And I mean everything. All the fancy shoes and the classiest of clothes. My husband was always buying me ‘trinkets’. That was his word for the diamond bracelets, earrings or necklaces he bought for me. He had installed a cold room in the back of my closet to keep my fur coats from shedding!

I did not know how to play tennis, so he hired a woman tennis pro from the club to give me lessons. I had a personal trainer twice a week to help me keep in shape. I had maid service clean the house Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I rarely cooked. We ate out a lot. To say my life was perfect was an understatement.

About 6 months ago I had my girlfriends over for a tennis match and lunch afterwards. As we sat in the shade by the pool, one of them, Judy, started talking about how her husband had caught her with her lover, a black man. It had taken a lot of convincing, but he had forgiven her. Another of the women asked why a black man. Judy explained that he was her pool boy. She had watched him for months and had fantasied about being with a black man. One day she lay by the pool while he cleaned it. As he finished and was putting away the equipment, she asked him to rub oil on her back. He did and one thing led to another and before long he was eating her pussy, something her husband rarely did, then he dropped his shorts and out popped a dick that was 10 inches long! At this point she was his. She sucked him into her mouth and tried to swallow it. She could not but it made her even more excited. She had to have him. They had fucked 2 times that afternoon and never went into the house. She said it was the most amazing sex of her life. The contrast of his black skin and her white skin, the cheating on her husband, the doing it outside, the taboo of interracial, whatever it was, it had turned her on more than anything she had ever experienced. He cleaned the pool every week for a month. Every time it was the same for her. It was the fourth time that they were together that her husband caught her. He fired the pool boy’s company which got the young man fired. She had to beg and cry but she convinced him it was only a fling and nothing more than sex. No love, no threat to their marriage. He agreed and forgave her when she promised it would never happen again.

That is when Nancy spoke up and said she knew how Judy felt. In college she had started dating a black football player. He was not much of a student, so she helped him with his studies. One thing led to another, and she found herself enjoying the pleasures of his big cock. She knew that she was not going to marry him or even continue to see him much longer, but she loved the sex. As Judy had said it was the skin contrast, the taboo, or maybe it was his big cock, whatever it was it led to amazing sex. It ended when he finally flunked out and lost his scholarship.

Then Linda started. She said they were all luckier than her. She met a black man her freshman year. He was a senior and he was on the basketball team. She fell in love with him and she thought he was in love with her. She was a natural blonde and he seemed to love the way she looked. She loved his 10-inch black cock! Like the others the skin contrast drove her wild, but she thinks it was his thick 10 inches that most excited her most about him.

One night he invited her to his friends’ apartment where there was going to be a party. She went thinking she should meet his friends. She ended up being the only girl there and she thinks they put something in her drink. Why else would she let all five of those black guys fuck her? Sometimes 3 at a time making her airtight as they laughed about it. She woke up back at her dorm, but it was all over campus what she had done. It was near the end of the semester, and she stayed until after finals. She had to put up with everyone asking if she enjoyed it. At Christmas break she convinced her parents she wanted to change schools and she never went back.

All my girlfriends had fucked a black man! I never had. I started having these fantasies when I was with my husband. I thought of him as a black man and how it might feel. I imagined his 7-inch penis, which had always been enough for me, as a 10-inch black penis. I just could not get those thoughts out of my mind.

My car lease was up the next month. I told my husband I was thinking about not getting another BMW but thought I wanted a Lexus. He told me to just go pick out what I wanted, and he would handle it for me.

That’s when it started.

As I walked into the Lexus dealership a very good looking young black man asked if he could help me. He shook my hand and held it a little too long as he told me his name was Jason Williams and he was at my service. I held his hand and told him I was Sue Taylor. He guided me around the showroom touching my shoulder and my arm as he pointed out the various models. He opened the driver’s door of one and as I sat down, he commented on how good I looked in that silver car. I saw him notice my legs and I pulled my dress up a little to show more. When he helped me out of the car my panties were wet!

I started asking about lease options and he took me into his sales manager’s office. I did not like that man. He looked at me like I was a piece of meat. He actually licked his lips as he stared at me! He sent Jason out to get some paperwork and told him to shut the door when he left. I was uncomfortable to say the least.

“He’s our ‘token’. You know what I mean?”

I did not understand. I guess he saw the look of confusion on my face.

“The token black on the salesforce. We have blacks that work back in the service area, but he is the only one on the sales force and he is not long for the job. Most people don’t like dealing with him. He has been here 6 months and still is not very knowledgeable about cars.”

About that time Jason came back in and I told them both that I would have my husband contact them about the car I had chosen. Jason walked me to the front door and handed me his card. He said that if I had any questions to give him a call. I almost started to give him a kiss on the cheek, but I did not. I just took his hand and squeezed it.

That night in bed with Randy I imagined I was fucking Jason! The next day I was a nervous wreck. I had his card. I had his phone number. Could I do this? About 11am I gave in. I called Jason and told him I wanted to talk about the car but not at the dealership. I did not like his manager. Could he meet me for lunch?

Of course, he could, and we decided to meet at a steak house in town. I dressed to kill. I wanted him to know that I was more interested in him than the car.

We had a great lunch. We did not talk about the car. Instead, I maneuvered the conversation to find out about him. He was single and lived with his mother and sister. He paid the rent, and he was helping his sister pay her way through nursing school. He really liked working at the dealership but was having a rough time getting the hang of selling luxury cars to mainly white people. He really needed to make a sale this week since their rent was due, and his sister needed some money for her tuition. Today was Wednesday and the maids were cleaning my house. But tomorrow no one would be there. I asked if he could stop by around noon and bring me some brochures on the car.

As I said this I looked into his eyes and squeezed his hand. I was sure he got the message. He told me he really did not need to be away from the dealership for too long because he might miss a sale and he really needed that $500 commission. I told him not to worry about his rent. I would take care of that if he took care of me. That was about as plain as I could make it. He grinned and asked what time he should be there.

The next morning at 11am he was right on time. I met him at the front door in a black negligee with attached garters and fishnet hose. I had on my highest high heeled pumps and candy red lipstick. No doubt about what I wanted. He did not disappoint me. His body was naturally chiseled, and his cock was about 10-inches long and thick!

He kissed me, licked my nipples, sucked my clit! By then, he had me begging for his cock! When he bottomed out in my pussy, I was cumming so hard I squirted! Something I rarely did with my husband. He rolled me over on top of him and sat me up in the cowgirl position. With his hands squeezing my breasts I climaxed again. I really don’t think I had ever stopped. I believe I passed out for a few minutes. When I woke his beautiful cock was at my lips and I opened my mouth and cleaned all our juices off it.

I lay on the bed watching him get dressed and thinking about what I had been missing. It was everything my girlfriends had said. The skin contrast, he is very black, not chocolate colored but a deep shiny black, the interracial taboo, the cheating on my husband and of course, his big cock!

As he dressed, he said he really wished he had more time, but he needed to get back. I got up off the bed and went to my purse. I got 5 $100 bills out of my wallet and handed them to him.

“Can we do this again next week, same time, same day?”

He looked at the money and said, “It’s a date!”

That’s how all this got started. I have been seeing Jason every Tuesday and Thursday for the last 3 weeks. Today was supposed to be the next time, but now all these people are in my house.

When I entered Tony Green told me I had better sit down. Randy, my husband, had fell off a ladder at work three weeks ago and had been seeing a doctor. I had talked to his doctor and was told he should not be going to a job site until he was healed. He was also not to have sex or even get a hard on. His insides were badly swollen. This had happened the first day Jason had fucked me. Thank God I had found Jason or I would be climbing the walls. I was used to having sex 4 or 5 times a week. Seeing Jason twice a week, always on Tuesday and Thursday, had kept me more than satisfied! I had been very careful about this affair. No one suspected a thing.

As I sat in one of my comfortable chairs I was prepared to hear the worst. I just knew that Randy had fell to his death. I was surprised when Tony handed me a set of divorce papers!

“You have been served!”

He pointed out that there was also a restraining order preventing me from going to Randy’s office or even coming within 1000 feet of him. Also, the pre-nup was being enforced. I had 30 minutes to pack my suitcase and leave. The woman police officer was there to accompany me upstairs and watch me pack.

I was in shock! I told him this must be a mistake. He showed me pictures of me handing Jason money. I started to explain. I told him I was just helping Jason with his sister’s tuition and his mother’s rent. The police officer said that Jason had been arrested this morning on prostitution charges. The district attorney was considering pressing charges against me for soliciting prostitution. But I needed to hurry my time to pack was running.

I stumbled upstairs trying to think. I know I need to talk to Randy. He will see it was nothing, just a fling, we can get by this. But I need to get some things out of my closet. I got the biggest suitcase we had and went into my closet. I gathered a few dresses and went back to get my hidden stash of money. My “just in case things go to shit money”. Over the last few years I had squirrelled away about $50,000 in cash. I had it hidden in a couple of shoe boxes in the back of the closet.

They were not there! I got a real sinking feeling. Then I went to the safe where I kept my trinkets, the diamonds that Randy had given me. In the safe was a bunch of worthless costume jewelry. I thought I was going to be sick.

On to the cold room, I’ll take my furs! I punched in the code to open the door and it showed error. Again, error. The code had been changed. The policewoman says time is about up and asks if I want anything else. I ran to the dresser and pulled out a couple of drawers with my underwear. I dump them in the suitcase and run into the bathroom and grab what makeup I can. I had to sit on the suitcase to get closed. The policewoman did not offer to help me carry it down the stairs.

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