Old Love Revived - Cover

Old Love Revived

by Big-R

Copyright© 2000 by Big-R

Erotica Sex Story: You never forget your first love.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Cheating   .

I guess I am a bored housewife!

I am twenty nine years old, married to a kind, loving husband. I have three children two boys and a girl. We live in a luxurious house in a nice suburb near Birmingham Alabama. My husband owns a new car dealership and is very successful.

I am a typical "Modern Mom". I feel as if I am a taxi driver for my kids. All three are in school now.

I am constantly taking them somewhere.

Between keeping house and the time I must spend with my children I have little time for myself.

I manage no matter what, to spend some time keeping fit.

I play tennis two times a week with Connie Harris, she and I were room mates at college.

Connie is like me a " Modern Mom " with three kids and a good comfortable marriage. Like me also, she chose a loving guy that was assured a comfortable future by his family's money.

Each week Connie and I play two rounds of tennis, both of us are good. Some time I beat hell out of her, sometime she makes me look bad.

Always we look foreword to lunch, we usually choose a place where we can talk in private.

We keep no secrets from each other. Why would we, after all we fucked hundreds of guys together during our wild days in college. We had no secrets then why should we have any now.

Wednesday is the day I do errands, I buy the food for the next week. If needed I get my car serviced. I drop off clothes at the dry cleaners.

I usually have a long list.

I had done every thing on my list except the hardware items.

I was in Pearson's Home Center buying light bulbs and hinges and a hasp for the storage shed at our beach house at Panama City Beach. The shed was used to store beach chairs and water toys and the door hardware had rusted away.

I was choosing the light bulbs when a voice from my past spoke behind me.

He said " You are still the most beautiful lady I have ever known ".

My heart stopped!

I froze.

It was Jimmy's soft voice, the voice of my first lover, the voice of the man I still fantasized about when I fucked my sweet husband.

I turned around to see him. He was a lot bigger than when we were in high school. He had grown taller and put on a lot of muscle playing first college and then pro football.

Jimmy was a "Hunk".

Jimmy came around the counter and gave me a bear hug.

He whispered in my ear that he would like to talk with me.

I told him that I would like that but I could not risk starting any gossip.

He asked if I remembered how to drive down the alley and into the garage behind the store.

I said that I did. I told him I would go to the Post Office for stamps and come back in twenty minutes.

I paid for my purchases and left.

I thought about how much he had been a part of my life years ago.

I had been at our beach house when Jimmy's father had passed away two months before. I had found out about the funeral a week after it was over. I knew Jimmy had been there for the funeral and heard he had gone back to Dallas afterward,

I would like to have paid my respects to his father and seen Jimmy then.

Now I wanted to find out about him, how his life had been, what he was doing back in Birmingham.

Twenty minutes later I drove down the deserted alley to behind the store.

I could see Jimmy at a window up stairs with a grin on his face.

The door to one of the garages opened and I drove inside. The door was closed before I could get out of my car.

I ran up those stairs. Jimmy was waiting at the top.

We kissed.

A passionate kiss!

He led me inside and closed and locked the door.

We had met when my parents moved to Birmingham from Gadsden Alabama and I started high school at Shades Valley High.

I was sixteen years old soon after school began that year.

I had played Basket Ball at Gadsden.

I made the girl's team at Shades Valley.

Jimmy was a quiet kind of boy. He was said to be going with a girl from another school and that was the reason he never asked a girl from Shades Valley for a date.

Every girl in school tried to get Jimmy Parsons to notice her.

Jimmy was the second string quarter back and he showed more talent than the senior quarter back.

I had several classes with Jimmy but thought that I was not likely to be noticed by someone as popular as him.

I was wrong!

Jimmy had hung around and watched me as we practiced for five afternoons. At first I was nervous with him watching and made mistakes.

I got over that and began to play better than I had ever before. I was taking some long shots and making that hoop every time. I started to play aggressive and stole that ball constantly.

Jimmy was impressed I guess.

Any way he asked me for a date.

I had always understood that I could not have a date until I was sixteen. My birth day had been four days before.

I told him that I would go out with him that evening, it was Friday.


He picked me up in his fathers car and we went to a movie. After the movie he took me to a drive in restaurant that was the current " Hang Out " for our school mates.

Several couples gathered around Jimmy and I, he made sure that they all knew that I was his date. He would hold my hand and often he put his arm around me as we talked to our friends.

We left there soon but had stayed long enough to be the talk of the school the next Monday.

He drove us to a place on Shades Mountain. There was a nice view of the lights of the city. Jimmy put his arm around me and we talked. After a time he kissed me.

That was my first kiss and I felt as if I was going to faint. I let him feel of my breasts, I even took off my shirt and bra.

Before we left he had sucked my breasts and had gotten me off six or eight times with his fingers.

Jimmy had felt my hymen several times and knew I was a virgin.

He was gentle with me and I gave him a hand job on our first date. (I wanted to suck him off but not on the first date)

We were both sexually satisfied.

Jimmy knew I had to be home by twelve.

I began seeing Jimmy Friday nights, Saturday and then Saturday night. Sundays I would go to church with my folks then after that I would spend the afternoon with Jimmy.

Our love making was getting more intense as we dated.

Jimmy had me nude on a blanket behind a huge lake near Birmingham. We had not been there long when he kissed all the way down my body and licked my clit.

He kept that up until I had the greatest orgasm I had ever enjoyed.

Until then I had been shy about taking him in my mouth.

I had read an article in a woman's magazine about how to give good head and had been planing to do that for Jimmy soon.

After he did that to me I tried to give him the greatest blowjob I could.

I found that I loved swallowing his semen.

We dated constantly for the next two months and we had enjoyed having oral sex with each other.

Both of us knew that it was time we "Went All The Way".

One night I undressed in the moon light up on Shades Mountain and let Jimmy take my virgin pussy.



Jimmy let me put the condom on him and after we fucked I took it off.

I bled a little but that and the hurt soon stopped.

After that when ever we were together we had sex even when I was having my monthly period.

Jimmy had been intimate with other girls and he tought me a lot that first year.

If it felt good we did it.

Jimmy tought me to really enjoy anal intercourse.

A girl can't get pregnant from that and Jimmy did not have to wear a rubber.

Jimmy tought me to ignore my gag reflex and take him all the way into my throat. He tought me several things to make our oral sex better.

Jimmy had me hum while his cock was deep in my throat.

He showed me how to swallow with his cock deep in my throat.

The convulsions of my throat on his cock head drove him to ejaculation.

I began to relax and often would have an orgasm when he would cum in my mouth.

He showed me how to exercise the muscles around my vagina and clench them around his prick. I began doing that excersize when ever I could, I wanted to please him.

He loved to watch me masturbate. When he could not get hard any more he would insist that I masturbate enough to become sexually satisfied.

My tits grew and my complexion got clear. My hair got glossy and I felt good. Jimmy said that all that male semen I was swallowing was causing that. He said that I was getting real harmones that way and not with a pill. (I have since read several articles that had clinical results confirming that)

In other words sex was good for me.

Jimmy's mother had passed away when he was ten years old.

She was in a car wreck and injured so badly she died just hours after. Jimmy said that it was a good thing that the drunk that hit her died for his father would have killed him anyway.

Jimmy's father had a huge addition added to the hardware store. The sales area was doubled and a loading dock and large storage room was added to the back.

Mr. Pearson had a second story built to the addition at the back of the store. That was where he and Jimmy lived.

Down stairs was storage for the hardware store but there were also two large garages with radio operated doors. There was a small outside door and a hall. Through the small door and in the hall was a door to the garages on the left. On the right was a door going into the store and straight ahead were stairs up to the apartment.

The apartment was huge. The living area had a big fireplace with a tiny elevator to hoist fire wood up from below. Fire wood was stored below the stairs.

A kitchen and eating area was in a corner.

In front of the fireplace was a couple of sofas and two recliner chairs.

Mr. Pearson had an office room with his computer next and then there were two big bed rooms each with it's own bath.

The furniture, carpet and drapes were beautiful.

Jimmy said that his father had told the most expensive interior decorator in town to furnish the place.

On the roof of the store Mr. Pearson had a sauna installed. There was a large hot tub and windows with drapes. In the summer the windows were usually open. There was a glass sliding door from the living room area to it.

After the apartment was ready Mr. Pearson sold the house. He told Jimmy that they were moving because the house had to many memories of his mother in it.

About every month Jimmy's father would take a four day week end and go to the gulf coast fishing.

I think he knew we used the apartment.

We spent many hours there when he was gone.

We would leave my home and drive to the entrance of the alley. As we drove down the block there was nothing but blank back walls to stores and trash containers on each side.

Near the back of the hardware store Jimmy would press the button on the door controller. The door would roll up and we would drive in.

Not a soul could have seen us.

We spent time in the hot tub and on the queen size bed in Jimmy's bed room.

We talked a lot as well as fucked a lot.

Our relationship lasted until we graduated from high school.

I played basket ball each year.

Jimmy played on the foot ball team.

Jimmy was the quarter back of the state champion team his last year.

Jimmy was scouted by dozens of colleges.

He chose to accept a scholarship to Texas A&M.

I was disappointed, I had hoped he would go to a college in Alabama.

Jimmy assured me he would come home often. We were going to write each other several times a week.

Jimmy had to report just a few weeks after we graduated.

I decided to enroll for the summer semester at the University of Alabama in Birmingham.

I got on the women's basket ball team.

I was good enough to get an athletic scholarship my first semester.

I was offered a room in the dorm. I talked to my parents and they gave their permission.

I had met Connie Harris (Then Connie Parker) at the time I started with the team.

Like me, she was a "Walk On" and was good enough to be offered a scholarship.

We decided to live together in the dorm.

We had a nice big room on the third floor of a new building. We even had a bath room of our own.

With our room we got to eat all our meals at our dorm.

Both of us had cars.

Connie was from Jasper Alabama.

On week ends she would go home to Jasper and I would drive over the mountain to my home.

I had started writing Jimmy at least two letters a week after he left. He wrote one usually.

After he had been gone a month his letters became less frequent.

The second month we were parted I wrote him a letter and said that he had not written in three weeks. He wrote back that he was having a hard time getting enough time to write. He was up at five in the morning doing excersizes then breakfast and off to classes.

After classes he had to report to the coaches and was kept busy until the team could have supper.

He was having to spend his evenings with his class books.

Lights were off at ten.

He played the first game of the season.

Jimmy was good, A&M won and Jimmy was given credit for the victory.

Soon after that Jimmy wrote.

He took three paragraphs to tell me he thought I should see other guys since he was so far away that he could not see me until Christmas.

His last sentence said that he was going to begin to date others also.

I broke down and was crying when Connie came in.

I told Connie that I had just gotten a "Dear John" letter from Jimmy.

I gave her the letter to read.

"He is a bastard" she said.

That was on Thursday, Connie asked me to go with her to Gulf Shores and spend the week end there at her parent's beach house.

A get away from it all she said.

There is more of this story...

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