Sister-In-Law - Cover


Copyright© 1999 by JS3729

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Cheating  

Missy and I went over the plans for the divorce. I told her that Ginny was not gonna agree to the divorce, but I wanted to go ahead anyway. She said that with the evidence I had, Ginny had no chance to contest. She wanted to know if I had made any copies of Ginny's address book. I hadn't, but Dan could help there, if I went about it right. I'd need to call him. She said she'd draw up some papers over the week, and I could sign them. She also said that if Ginny wanted to contest the divorce, she'd have to come into town. Missy's eyes were flashing when she said "I hope she does. I would love to put her through the wringer in court. If anybody deserves public humiliation, its Ginny." I looked at Scooter and asked if it would be okay if I kissed my divorce attorney. Scooter and Missy both laughed. She said "I'd be insulted if you didn't, but save some of that for Sarah tonight, OK!" I kissed Missy (no tongue) and said "I'd better stop now, or Sarah will get suspicious." Scooter, Missy and I broke up in laughter. It was nice to have friends again.

Scooter and I looked at property until five o'clock, when he had to go back to the office to close up. I asked him what the deal was about the malt shop. He said that Missy had gotten the title to the shop as payment in a case. They decided to keep it and worked in it when they could. Their kids all worked there too.

About 5:45, I arrived at the old Nelson house. It looked pretty much the same as it always had been, but it was freshly painted. I went around back to see the tree house, and it had been rebuilt. It almost looked new. That surprised me a bit.

I knocked on the front door, and Sarah met me. She was dressed casually, but I still found it arousing. She noticed and said "Keep that ready 'til later, I want to introduce you to the kids."

We went into the front room, and her son Ben was waiting. I didn't see Judi.

"Ben, this is Ed. Say hello. Where's Judi?"

"She got a call from Mandy. Said she'll be down later."

"What am I going to do with that girl? Ed, why don't you and Ben get acquainted while I finish dinner." Sarah smiled as she left for the kitchen.

"Well Ben, how are things going?" I had no idea what to say to Sarah's son. That must have sounded awfully lame.

Ben came over to me and gave me a hug. I was shocked. "What was that for?"

"You made my mother happy. That deserves a hug from a loving son." Ben was smiling and he looked as happy as Sarah did.

"Ben, how old are you now?"

"Just turned twelve last month. Judi's fourteen and boy crazy. Mandy and her talk almost every night about who the stud of the week is. I think it's going to get her into trouble if she's not careful. I am glad to meet you finally, Uncle Ed."

That was like a thunderbolt. How did he know I was his uncle?" "How did you know I was your uncle?" I managed to sputter.

"Mom has a picture of you and Aunt Ginny that she kept hidden from Dad. (he spat the word Dad out - I guess he hasn't forgiven his father yet) I could hear her some nights calling your name out in her sleep when Dad was away. I've even seen her kiss the picture when she thought no one was around. Mom's been in love with you for a long time, and I am finally glad to meet you. I want to know what you plan to do with Mom. I don't want her crying again like she did when Dad left. I hope I never see my father again!" Ben had a look of anger on his face. Dan sure made an enemy, here.

"Ben, I plan to marry your mother just as soon as I can. I love her more than she loves me if that is even possible. I want to commend you for sticking by your mother. I think you have helped her get over your father as painlessly as she has. What does your sister think?"

At that moment, the person in question came down the stairs. My eyes must have been playing tricks on me. Judi looked almost like a copy of Ginny at fourteen years of age. She was filled out for fourteen, and I thought Ben had a point - she was going to get into trouble with that body if she wasn't careful. She stopped in the kitchen to talk to Sarah for a moment and then came in.

"Hi Ed. Nice to put a face with the phone voice." Judi was a bubbly sort.

"Hi there, yourself. What did you and Mandy talk about?" Judy looked daggers at Ben, who just smiled and suppressed a laugh.

"You told him, Ben! Now, he'll think I'm some kind of slut or something!" Sarah came into the room just in time to hear that last comment from Judi.

"JUDI WALLACE!!! What kind of language is that to use in front of a guest?" Sarah was furious and looked mortified. Judi was frightened, and Ben had given up trying to suppress the laugh. I started to laugh too. It WAS funny.

Judi was trying to save face "But Mom, Ben told him about my phone call with Mandy!" I could tell that this was not the impression she had wanted to make on me. She was looking at Ben like she had some kind of evil torture devised for him. Ben just looked at her and grinned. "Can't get in trouble for telling the truth now, can I?"

That did it. Judi leaped at Ben, and Sarah and I were laughing so hard I thought we'd have a heart attack. It felt like I was home. I felt like I had a family and I went to give Sarah a hug. She looked at me and gave me a kiss that took my breath away and whispered "I think they like you."

"You and Dan did at least a couple of things right, you know." I whispered back and got a huge loving smile in return.

Sarah took charge as her laughter finally wound down. "Do you think you two can keep from hitting each other until you finish dinner? Judi, come help me set the table, please." Judi smiled at me sheepishly, scowled at Ben and followed her mother into the kitchen.

Ben was still laughing. "Ed, you know this is the first time I've felt like laughing for months. You seem to fit in here. Please don't leave for a while. I'd like to have a chance to get to know you better. I figure if my mother loves you so much, there must be something in you that's worth knowing. I would really like to talk to you about girls." He looked quickly into the kitchen. "Please don't tell Judi I said that, I'd never hear the end of it."

"Don't worry, buddy. I had those same questions you have when I was twelve and there is no way I'd ever tell your sister. Your mother, maybe, but not Judi. I hear she likes to spread the news. I don't want you to spoil that good reputation you must have. I'll leave that for you."

Ben walked over and hugged me again. "You've been here twenty minutes and I feel like you're my father more than I ever felt that way with my Dad. Thank you for reappearing in Mom's life again."

This was too much. I began to think of Ben as the son I had always wanted to have, and I silently cursed Ginny for not letting us have children. Judi yelled from the kitchen "Dinner's ready!"

Dinner went well enough. Sarah was a good cook, and I was soon stuffed. I could tell Judi wanted to get back upstairs (I guess she wanted to tell Mandy about me). Ben had a look of contentment on his face, and he offered to do the dishes to give Sarah and me some time alone. Sarah almost fell out of her chair when she heard that. She said Ben NEVER offered to do the dishes before. She usually had to force him.

Sarah and I went into the front room. I was glowing. Her two kids had an effect on me that I could have never predicted. I felt like the head of a family and it was one of the greatest feelings I had ever felt. I knew now without any doubt that this was where I was destined to be. This was the family I had always dreamed of having, and I was not going to let it get away.

I told Sarah how I was feeling and she laid her head on my shoulder and began to cry softly. I stroked her hair and I felt content. We just held each other for about ten minutes, not saying much. I told her of meeting Missy and that she was going to file the divorce papers for me. I told her Missy and Scooter's story of that night in the tree house, and by the time I was done, she was happy and smiling.

Ben came in and said that he was going upstairs to watch some TV in his room.

Judi had a date, and she would be gone by seven thirty. I looked at my watch - it was seven now. How to kill forty-five minutes? I know!

"Sarah, why don't you give me the fifty cent tour? I'd like to know where I hope to be living." (It just slipped out, but Sarah's smile turned into a deep kiss of contentment, Ben just looked happy and went upstairs).

We toured the house. That killed about a half hour. Judi's boyfriend came by and picked her up. Sarah told me that she was seeing this junior in high school who had his own car. She didn't sound happy about it.

"I get the feeling you don't approve of Judi's boyfriend."

"There's nothing really wrong with him, I guess. I just wish she'd find someone more her age. I know what he's gonna try to do, and I don't want a repeat of Missy in my family."

"Sarah, would you like me to talk to her? I can tell her about Missy and about Ginny. By the way, I can't get over how much she looks like Ginny did at that age." I was not sure if Judi would listen to me, but it was worth a shot.

Sarah chuckled. "Yeah, she sure does look like Ginny, doesn't she? I just hope she doesn't turn out like Ginny did. Go ahead, talk to her. Maybe she'll listen to you, but I doubt it."

We had ended up at the tree house. I started to climb up, and looked at Sarah. She had that evil look on her face. I smiled inwardly. She could read my mind! We got up into the tree house, and I was astonished. It was decked out like an apartment with pillows, a cot, and chairs. I looked at Sarah with a question on my face.

"Ben decorated it when he heard you were coming. I think he wants us to be together. I can't believe it."

"Ben told me that he feels like I am more a father to him than Dan ever was. I can't believe it either. I've only talked to him for an hour or so."

"Well, let's not let all these good intentions go to waste!" Sarah started to unbutton her blouse, but I shook my head.

"Uh Uh, this is my pleasure." I unbuttoned the blouse and she had no bra on this time. Her big boobs thrust out into my face, and I was once again struck mute. I began to rub them in my hands as Sarah kissed me using her tongue. I steered her towards the cot and laid her down on it. I braced myself against her and started sucking her left nipple, while I was pinching her right nipple with my hand. My other hand went down to her shorts and I started to pull them off. Sarah helped me and she was soon only in soaked panties. She was also trying not to scream as two or three orgasms flowed through her. She pushed me away, and started on my clothes. I had on my suit that I had been wearing earlier in the day, and Sarah lovingly and carefully removed it, keeping the pants and jacket as nice as possible. I chuckled quietly. Sarah heard and lifted an eyebrow in question. "I was just thinking. The first time we were up here, we were ripping our clothes off - now, we're taking our time and trying to be careful. Talk about polar opposites!" Sarah got it now, and began to chuckle herself. But when all I had on was my underwear, she almost ripped those off me, while tearing off her panties. I bet I could of squeezed a cupful of pussy juice out of those panties.

We had a race for the cot. Sarah won, and I came in a close second. I mean - I came IN a close second. We were huffing and puffing (it was a hot night), but we were enjoying ourselves. As I came in Sarah, she murmured in my ear "it just keeps getting better and better" and she attacked my tongue with her mouth. I must have filled her completely to the brim, because I could feel come leaking out between us, staining the covers on the cot. Neither one of us cared. I just lay on top of Sarah content to rest with my dick in her cunt. Sarah was blissful and she was cooing like a dove in my ear. I could see myself doing this for the rest of my life and thanking God every day.

When we finally cleaned ourselves up and went inside, Ben was in the kitchen. He had a Cheshire cat grin on his face, and he asked Sarah how she was feeling.

Sarah blushed and said it was none of his business, but she was being playful, not mad. He looked and me and gave me a 'thumbs up'. I thanked Sarah for the lovely supper and the great dessert and prepared to leave. Sarah called me back.

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