Sister-In-Law - Cover


Copyright© 1999 by JS3729

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Cheating  

I had to figure out how I was going to contact Sarah. I had no real idea where she was as Ginny had made sure that I never saw her. I checked our bedroom where I knew Ginny kept her private stuff. Amazingly, I didn't feel like I was snooping - I kind of looked on this as a bit of revenge for the last few hours.

Finally, shoved all the way back in her lingerie drawer, I found her address book. I had never seen this book before, and I wondered why. I soon found out. It listed all her lovers for the last 19 years, with a rating of each. I was stunned. I knew Ginny had been cheating on me, but I was saddened to think she had been doing it all of our marriage. The first entry was two weeks after our honeymoon! What was even more sad to me was that at least a third of those entries were women. I had always wanted a three-way with Ginny and another woman, but Ginny always seemed horrified by the idea. If I had known, I could have lived out one of my fantasies. I started reading the ratings. It appeared to be on a one to ten scale, and to no great surprise I was rated a 2 (she later revised it to a 1, and then to a zero). I looked for 10s and only found two. I didn't know the first guy, but the second one was my boyhood chum, Scooter! This was also news to me as we had moved out of my hometown when we got married. Ginny didn't want to stay in that hick town one minute longer than necessary. I looked at the date on the entry by Scooter's name, and realized that it was during our senior year of high school. In fact, it was the same night I had screwed Sarah.

I cursed myself for letting Sarah go. How could I not have seen what Ginny was? Sarah knew, but I couldn't see.

Finally I got tired of reading passages like "just got really screwed today (by a woman) and now I have to face that idiot I am married to. I don't know how much longer I can put up with that man - he makes me sick in bed." This passage was written six months after our wedding. Ginny must be a masochist at heart if she really stayed with someone she obviously did not desire or even love for 19 years. I thought it over and realized that Ginny had stayed with me only because she knew I would be gone more often that I would be home and that would give her carte' blanche for her affairs. I looked through the whole address book and finally in back of the book scrawled in an almost illegible pencil mark was SARAH (in case I need to gloat) and a phone number. The number had the prefix of our home town - was Sarah still living at home?

I started to dial the number, but Ginny and Dan pulled up just then. I wrote the number down on the back of one of my business cards and greeted the pair as they were coming in. Reading Ginny's book had made me realize that I no longer cared what Ginny was doing and I was going to enjoy this situation. Two can play this game! I told Ginny and Dan that I had accepted the situation and offered them my bedroom whenever they wanted it. I would just fix up the guest room in the basement and leave them alone. Ginny was fuming - this was not the reaction from me that she wanted. She stomped up to the bedroom motioning Dan to come along.

Dan, however, wanted to talk.

"Look, I'm sorry things turned out this way. I love Ginny, but she never even told me she was married until that night you caught us. Hell, I even had a ring with me - I was going to propose to her!

This was promising - maybe I could get that divorce yet.

"Do you mean that, Dan or are you just trying to make me feel better?"

"Yes, I mean it. I have been seeing Ginny for over a year (that was a surprise) and I have fallen deeply in love with her. I can't understand why she is treating you like this though? Can't you stand up to her? You guys have been married for so long."

I figured Dan could be an unwitting ally if I played my cards right. I proceeded to tell Dan about our life and how things were really boring most of the time. I also told him that I was sure Ginny had never loved me, I was just the means to an end for her. I told him about finding that book of hers and her scorecard (Dan only rated a 6, but I kept that info to myself). I also said that getting involved with her would only lead to heartbreak, but that it was his choice.

I then turned to go downstairs.

Dan called to me "Can I help you in any way - I feel responsible for this."

"You're not, but I do appreciate the help. The only thing I really want is a divorce, but Ginny has vowed that will NEVER happen. She says that she enjoys seeing me squirm too much."

Dan said, "I want that divorce too - then I could marry her if she'd have me."

"Haven't you been listening to what I just said? She probably doesn't love you, she is just using you as the stud of the moment to piss me off. You know, when you left the other day, she had one of the neighborhood wives in with her screwing her. She must really think a lot of your lovemaking skills to get all hot and bothered with someone else before you are even a mile down the road."

Boy did THAT last statement feel good. Dan looked me and said that I was probably right and that he was foolish for believing her when she said that she was his and his alone. He said he left a good marriage to come and be with Ginny and he didn't think he could go back to his wife, now. After all, it had been a year and he rarely called her anymore and hadn't seen her in over nine months. What he said next made my heart sing, though!

"You know, Ginny would be furious if I told you this, but I am really your brother-in-law. I am married to Sarah. How can two sisters be so different?"

I knew that talking to Dan was the best thing I had done in a long time. I knew I would now be able to see Sarah, but I had to be careful how I approached Dan about it.

"Dan, if you want, I will speak to Sarah and see if there is any chance of her taking you back if that is what you really want. I always got along well with Sarah, maybe I could convince her that you were sorry. Where does she live now, anyway? Ginny wouldn't let me see her since we got married. I've only talked to her on the phone once or twice and only with Ginny there, so I didn't talk long. I have a question, though? How did you ever meet Ginny? I know she wouldn't go anywhere near her sister - she can't stand her."

"Ginny wanted to see her niece and nephew. (Sarah had kids!!!), so Ginny called me up and asked if she could see them sometime when Sarah wasn't home. I didn't think anything about it then, but one thing led to another and we were screwing before she left that day. She even told me that you and her were divorced, so that she was free to be with me. Just another one of her lies, I guess. Hell, my ten-year-old son even saw us. It took me over an hour to swear him to secrecy. Thank God it wasn't my daughter, she is a tattletale and the whole neighborhood would know. As far as I know, Sarah doesn't know who I left her for. Please don't tell her, I'd never get her back, then." Dan had this pleading look in his eyes.

Ginny came downstairs then stark naked and as mad as could be. "You think my husband is more interesting than this?" as she pointed to her naked cunt. She grabbed Dan and gave me a look like "What did you have to say to HIM?"

Dan looked at me over his shoulder and mouthed "Please?"

I nodded and went downstairs.

Well, things were starting to look up. First, I didn't have to search for her, Dan would tell me right where she was, I was sure of that. Just as I was sure that he wouldn't be getting back together with her if I could help it. Second, the fact that she had two kids was even better. If Sarah and I could somehow rekindle our relationship, I could end up with the children I had always dreamed of having. Third, even though I kind of liked Dan, I really wanted him and Ginny to end up together - they deserved each other. Last, my memory of the one night with Sarah made me realize that I had loved Sarah all this time, more than I could have ever loved Ginny, and maybe that was why our marriage was never any good. I bet I would have gotten a 10 from Sarah's rating book!

Feeling so good, I decided to sneak up to the bedroom (it was no longer OUR bedroom) and see what Dan and Ginny were doing. I couldn't believe my ears when I got there.

Ginny was yelling (I could hear it in the hall through the closed door) about why wasn't his cock getting hard? Didn't she excite him anymore? I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing out loud. She had tried a blow-job, tried to push his semi-hard dick in her cunt and in her ass (she would never do that with me, but I didn't ever ask, either), but it just wouldn't get hard. She started blaming me and wondered what I had said to make him impotent. Thank God, Dan didn't tell her, or my chance of a reunion with Sarah would be over. He put the blame on the fact that I was downstairs and he was pre-occupied. I knew what was coming next, so I scooted back down to the basement just in time to see Ginny rush down in her robe.

"Look could you go somewhere for an hour or two - Dan and I would like to be alone."

"Let me talk to Dan, then I'll go. I think I can stay out a couple of hours. I have to prepare for my business trip Monday, anyway, so I'll just go back to the office."

"Thank you, honey (yeah, right), I'll send him down."

When she left, I broke into laughter for the first time since Ginny's no sex announcement. I felt real good!.

Dan appeared in the doorway looking like a trapped animal.

I told him I heard what went on the bedroom - Ginny WAS yelling after all - "Dan, if you don't make any effort to screw Ginny and do it good, she'll know something's up and you can kiss Sarah goodbye. You know Ginny would just love to tell Sarah that she was the one you left her for. Also, I thought you loved Ginny, why are you having a problem. now?

Dan gave me a sheepish look.

"Somehow after our talk, she doesn't look that good anymore. Maybe the love has worn off. I really want to see Sarah, again."

"Dan, look, I haven't had a chance to talk to Sarah yet - don't get your hopes up until I know more. She may listen to me, she may not, I don't know. By the way, you never did give me her phone number, you know."

"Here it is and here is her address. We live in the old Nelson place in your old home town. She said something about the tree house had always appealed to her, but I never understood that."

My heart was flying again - she hadn't forgotten!

"It was where all of us kids played in the neighborhood. The Nelson's son had died of some disease while he was still a kid, so they let us all use it." Missy Nelson was one of my classmates and she had wanted to screw me, but I didn't like her - everybody said she was a slut and would screw anything with pants. Her brother had died of some disease when he was twelve, though. Missy eventually ended up pregnant in her junior year; the Nelsons moved soon after that.

Dan turned around to go back upstairs. I offered "Maybe if you think you are screwing your wife instead of Ginny, it will help..."

"Yeah, thanks for the suggestion, Ed. I wish we had met under different circumstances, we could be good friends."

"I already consider you one. Maybe you'll see that I was right about Ginny."

"You've got me thinking. Let me know how you do with Sarah. I really want to correct this mistake."

I had a sobering thought What if Sarah had told Dan about us - he would put two and two together and come after me! I had to know.

"Dan, before you go, did Sarah ever mention me? I mean it would be nice to know what she thought of me before I see her. If she doesn't like me, I doubt that I can succeed."

"Don't worry about that. She once told me that the only crush she ever had before meeting me was over you. She said that she got over it, but she would always like you a lot."

"Great, maybe this will work, after all. Now go screw my wife silly. You need to keep her happy so we can have the time to make our plan work."

Dan smiled and left. Boy, did that last statement of mine sound funny. I was asking a guy to screw MY wife, so that he could get back together with HIS wife. No chance of that happening, if I had any say in the matter!

As I left, I heard (though the closed door again) "Dan, I don't know what Ed told you, but I want it taped so we can use it again. I've just come for the fourth time and you haven't even entered me yet!!!"

I was laughing as I got into my car.

As I got to the office, I decided to call my boss. He had always wanted to put an office of our business in my home town as it was centrally located within the state. He had always wanted me to supervise the creation because it was my home town. I had always refused because I didn't want to go home. I knew it would make Ginny mad and I didn't want to be away from home for the six months it would take to set everything up.

"Hi, Larry (my boss and I were also good friends), is that offer to start up that office in my home town still on?"

"Good Grief, Ed! You mean you would do it?"

"Yeah, Ginny and I have had a talk. She and I are having problems with our marriage now, and we both feel a separation of six months would do both of us good. So if the offer is still there, I'll take it."

"Hell yes, the offer is still there. I had about given up the idea of doing it, but it is such a natural fit, that it should really be done. When can you leave?"

"I am supposed to go to Central City Monday for a week, but Dennis could take that route over for me. I could leave and be there Monday if you want."

"Go ahead. I'll call Dennis. He'll jump at the chance to get away from the hell of a route he inherited when Steve passed away."

Larry and I talked for a few more minutes, but I wanted him to get off the phone so I could call both Ginny and Sarah.

I called my house first. Dan answered the phone (kind of a shock - I didn't think he'd want it known that he was there with a married woman).

"I'm kind of surprised you answered, Dan. I would've thought you would want to remain incognito."

"I'm expecting a call from my boss. I told him it was alright to call me here."

"I won't be long. Let me talk to Ginny."

Ginny got on the phone and said "What do YOU want?"

"Just wanted to let you know that you'll have six months to get sick of Dan and Angela and whomever else you're screwing. I have been assigned to open a new office in our home town. I can't pass it up. It would mean a big raise for me (I was lying) and would mean you could have even more gifts when I came back. You also wouldn't have me around to fuck up your fuck sessions. I guess if you still want to call my boss and lie about my non-existent affairs, you can."

The wheels were working in her mind I could tell. Did she still want to torture me or did she want six months of carte blanche instead. Just like I thought, the carte blanche won out. She can be so predictable, sometimes.

Ginny sounded almost apologetic (another act, and not well done) "I've decided you've suffered enough for now. When you come back in six months, I can start over again. I know you'll return. You don't like our home town any more than I do, do you?"

"Thank you so much. I don't want to get on Larry's bad side if I can help it. Enjoy yourself with Dan and whomever else you want. I don't care anymore. And you're right, the six months there will be torture itself. You just won't be there to see it.

Ginny sounded ecstatic "Yeah, knowing you're stuck in that hick town for six months all alone will be worth it to me not having you around to torture. Goodbye and good luck."

Dan got back on the line. "I heard some of that. Are you really going to your home town for six months?"

"Yeah, if I can't change Sarah's mind in six months, its hopeless, don't you think?"

"Your right, it will be bad there. (for Ginny's benefit). Guess I'll go now, Ginny has the lusty look on her face again. I might not be able to walk tomorrow!", he said laughing.

"Yeah, and I know what you're really laughing about. She doesn't look that good anymore to me either. I think you're the one going through torture not me. Good Luck to you, I think you need it more."

Dan was laughing and the phone clicked off.

I picked up the phone to dial Sarah with trembling fingers. What if she

doesn't remember me? What if she no longer wants anything to do me? All these thoughts were rushing through my head as I waited for the phone to be answered. finally a young girl's (at least I thought it was young) voice said "Hello, is this Mandy?"

Laughing, I said "No this isn't Mandy unless my voice has really changed."

She got really apologetic. "I'm sorry sir, I was expecting a call from my girlfriend. I'm Judi Wallace, how can I help you?"

So Dan's last name was Wallace. He must be one of the Wallace boys from the farm outside of town. "I'm looking for your mother, Sarah. Is she at home, by any chance?"

I knew she probably thought I was a salesman (I was).

"Who should I say is calling, sir? Judi was nothing if not polite.

"Just tell her it is her old friend from Halloween in the tree house."

I knew she would know it was me quicker than if I said my name. Sure enough about three minutes later, a voice picked up an extension phone.

"Judi, get off the phone. This is a personal call. I don't listen in to your personal calls, do I?"

"Hello Sarah. Long time no hear." I chuckled.

"Ed, please meet me somewhere, my daughter has a big mouth and I know she will listen in. I want to talk to you in private."

I explained to her that I would coming Monday for six months to open a new branch of the business, and that Ginny wouldn't be coming with me.

"Oh darn! (I could hear the smile in her voice - she didn't want Ginny there either) Meet me at the old malt shop on Monday afternoon at two. It hasn't changed since you left... neither have I" she added with a tone that made my cock hard in an instant.

"See you Monday to go over old times, and maybe some new ones? I asked with a hopeful sound.

Sarah didn't say anything for a minute or two, then she made me wish Monday was here already. "I can't think of anything I'd like more. I've been waiting 19 years for our talk, you know."

I was choked up and managed to stammer out "Can't wait either. I'll be there. I'll be wearing red. You always seemed to like that color, didn't you?"

She said "Yeah I did, still do in fact. Tell you what, I'll wear light blue and white. Think you'll recognize me?"

Those were the colors of her angel costume. There was no doubt now. "If the place was packed, I could find you in a second. See you Monday."

"I'll wait impatiently. Oh, by the way, there is a $7.50 malt that you just have to try. I think you will like it. I had it once, and I never forgot it. Goodbye!" she said hanging up.

Monday couldn't get here fast enough.

Monday was finally here. I had gotten into town about ten o'clock and had just enough time to get settled into the apartment the company had rented for me and to eat lunch, before I was to meet Sarah (for dessert, I hoped).

I walked into the malt shop and saw her. She had changed, of course. She was a bit heavier but the total effect was still breathtaking. One area that I didn't mind her being a little heavier was in her chest. She was now at least a D cup if not a DD cup. I was trying not to stare. I mean, we were in a public place after all. She wasn't making it easy for me. She had on blue and white all right - a blue low cut blouse that just barely covered half of her tits, and a white mini skirt that was almost indecent. I had to remind myself that this was a 36 year old married woman with two teenaged kids. It didn't help. I still saw a teenager in an angel costume. I also knew I had a raging hard-on.

"Sarah, I would have known you anywhere!"

"Hello Ed. Nice outfit." I was in red alright - red shirt, wine colored pants, bright red socks and reddish-brown penny loafers. I looked ridiculous. I guess being in love will do that to you.

"I have a question before we do anything else: how in the world did you manage to get all the way here without being attacked. Any sane man would have been driven insane by that outfit." Her outfit was screaming "FUCK ME" in large neon flashing letters.

"Oh this old thing - I just threw it on. Why, does it look good?" The look on her face said that she knew exactly how it looked and she was ecstatic that it was having the desired effect. My outfit looked even more ridiculous, now.

"You know the answer to that." I looked down, and she followed the gaze. A smile of relief appeared on her face. It was obvious that she was out of the practice of trying to turn someone on. It was working, boy WAS it working!

"Sarah, I had to come to see you. Ginny has been putting me through torture for years and it finally came to a head last weekend."

I then proceeded to tell Sarah everything, including the fact that her husband had left her for Ginny. As I spoke her expression changed from interest, to incredulous, to disbelief, to outright anger. When I was finished, she was red in the face and extremely angry. (Not at me, I hope).

My face must have betrayed that final thought because she said "No, I'm not angry with you. I love you, I could never be angry with you. What I am angry about is my sister, for one. I now and forever renounce that I ever had a sister, I am also angry with my husband. I knew he had left me for someone else, but Ginny? He must be even more stupid than I thought. She's just using him to make you miserable. He probably thinks it will lead somewhere. He was always gullible."

"Sarah, he had even bought a ring for her. He was going to propose to her when he could get you to give him a divorce. Ginny never told him she was married."

"We've been divorced for two months. It was an absentee divorce. He may not even be aware of it. He never showed up for any of the proceedings.

It just now hit me that she had said she loved me. "Sarah, you just said you loved me. But you told Dan that you were over that."

"Of course, I told him that. I wanted to get married and have a family. If the man I have always loved was unavailable, I had to find a suitable substitute. Guess I failed, huh?" She gave a weak laugh, but was on the verge of tears.

She wiped her face with a napkin and continued. "I have always loved you and I always will. When you made love to me that night in the tree house, I knew there was no way I could ever love another man as much as I did you. When you said it was over the next day, my heart broke, even though I knew you were right. Why did you think I wanted to live in the old Nelson house? The tree house would at least remind me of the most wonderful night of my life."

"Sarah, it took me 19 years and a lot of heartache to realize that I left the best thing that ever happened to me in that tree house that night. I just wish Ginny would give me a divorce. I'd marry you before the ink dried, if you'd have me."

Sarah lost all control now and was sobbing heavily. I was worried that we were making a spectacle of ourselves, but as I looked around, there were only two other couples in the shop, both far enough away not to see Sarah clearly.

She finally got herself under control enough to talk. "What do you mean, she won't give you a divorce. I think you have sufficient grounds, don't you?"

"She said that a divorce is what I would want, and since she wanted to torture me a while, she would never give me the divorce while she could still torture me. Why should she - she can just shack up with anyone she wants in front of me and what can I really do?"

"Ed, the divorce laws have changed a lot in the last few years. It is no longer necessary for both sides to agree to the divorce to make it happen. How do you think I divorced Dan? He would never have agreed to a divorce. It was against his principles. Wait a minute - what principles! - he is screwing his sister-in-law while his brother-in-law is forced to accept it. Boy, when I make a mistake, I make a doozy! And as for that marriage proposal, I accept, and I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen. I can't lose you again."

"Neither can I." I thought of Dan and began to laugh.

Sarah was angry and hurt "What's so funny?"

"Do you know what Dan wanted me to do while I'm here? He wanted me to try to patch things up between you and him. He wanted to come back. He had finally began to see Ginny for what she was."

Sarah went from anger to mirth in a second. "You're kidding! (I shook my head no) He is even dumber than I thought. Did he actually think that I would take him back after what he had done? If I would have ever entertained that thought, all I would have had to do was sic our son, Ben on him. Ben has been furious with his father since he left. He hates to see me cry, which I did every night for a month until I realized he wasn't coming back. That's when I started the divorce proceedings."

"Honey (It just seemed right), do you want to go anywhere, like my apartment? I have an old Halloween devil costume that needs mending along with a heart."

Sarah was speechless, but smiled with a happy look that I've only seen one other time - on this same face over 19 years earlier in a tree house.

"Seems like the costume is the only thing that will need to mend, my heart is back in one solid piece, as I hope is yours. Let's go, I can't wait much longer. It's been over a year since I had sex, but over 19 years since I actually enjoyed it."

Talk about ego pumping, I could have floated to my apartment. When I got up to pay the check, I realized I had forgotten my wallet. I didn't have enough change to pay for the bill. I had to talk to the guy behind the counter - he looked familiar.

As I walked up, he called "Hey, Shifty!"

Only one person ever called me Shifty - "Scooter, nice to see you again."

"Don't worry about the drinks, pal this one's on me. I hope you don't make the same mistake twice with Sarah, I'd hate to see her hurt again."

"No way, Scooter. It may have taken me 19 years to wake up, but I'm not sleeping again. I don't want to wake from this dream."

When we got to the apartment, I took my first real good, deep look at Sarah. As I said before, she was heavier than I remember, but almost all of it was in her chest and her ass. I thought the image was just as exciting to me as her image was when I was peeling off the angel costume. I had a surprise for her.

"Sarah, turn around and don't look. I have a surprise for you..."

"I think I've already seen it, but I can't wait to see it again." she giggled, but she turned around.

I got the surprise out from my luggage, and asked her to turn around.

Her eyes got wide and the smile on her face was worth the effort by itself. I was holding replicas of my devil costume (this one was the right size) and her angel costume (HERS was skintight THIS time).

"Feel like recreating history?"

She came over to me and kissed me with the same hunger she had 19 years ago. The difference this time was that we weren't in a tree house and I could really see the body I had fantasized about for these many years. I was drooling (and so was she!).

Sarah could hardly speak "I want to do this, but not the first time. I want to make love with you so bad, I can't wait any longer."

She started to remove her clothes. I stopped her.

"You forgot already. I want to undress you, please let me."

She looked a little apprehensive, she must have been afraid of the way she looked now, but I didn't care. She could have weighed three hundred pounds and it wouldn't have mattered to me. I did notice that her blouse was a button down type - she wasn't trying to make it difficult for me.

As I undid the buttons, I was fumbling like I hadn't done this before. (I hadn't had sex myself in nine months - that was the last time Ginny let me near her in bed). Sarah's apprehension gave away to mirth. She was enjoying my difficulty with taking off her blouse. I finally managed to undo all the buttons and pulled the blouse aside. Unlike in the tree house, she was wearing a bra. Her tits, however, were overflowing the bra and screaming to be released from their confinement. One thing I have never been any good with was removing bras. Ginny always wore front clasp bras when she wanted to get fucked because I could at least see to unfasten it. She only wore back clasp when she didn't care if we screwed or not. As I thought about it, she hadn't worn a front clasp bra in several years. Sarah's bra was a back clasp. I silently cursed. I reached around to attempt to unlock the clasp and found that Sarah was ahead of me - the clasps were already undone. She must have seen my look of surprise.

"One of the things I remember Ginny complaining about with you was how long you took to remove her bra. She bitched about it enough, that I vowed if I got you to remove my bra, it would be front clasp or non-existent. Unfortunately, all my front clasp bras are in the laundry, so I had to make do."

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