Sister-In-Law - Cover


Copyright© 1999 by JS3729

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Cheating  

I'll never forget the day I came home and found Ginny fucking someone else in our bed. I don't know what upset me more, the fact that she was doing it in our bed, or the look of sheer ecstasy on her face as her titties bounced up and down in rhythm to her sliding up and down on the guy's cock. I could not see his face from the door, so I just turned around and went downstairs. Ginny didn't even look twice, just smiled a wicked smile and continued.

I'm a salesman, so I have to travel quite a bit, but I always try to make it home for the weekend whenever possible. I had known something was wrong for several years, but I tried to hope it wasn't what it turned out to be.

About an hour later, Ginny and her fuck-mate came downstairs. Ginny introduced him as Dan, and said that she would come over later and pick up where they left off. She gave him a goodbye kiss twice as hot as she had ever given me and saw him out the door.

Ginny started before I had a chance to say anything, "Get used to it, buster. You and I are through fucking, I no longer desire you in bed, but otherwise you're still acceptable.

"What do you mean, acceptable?"

"Listen, we both know that our sex life, what there was of it, was terrible. I mean, you tried your best, but it just doesn't turn me on anymore. Dan does, and it's as simple as that. However, I still need you as a husband to provide me with money, clothes and other necessities. You'll just have to learn to do without sex at home. I'm sure that won't be a problem. You're a salesman, after all, and you must have several mistresses along your route. Well, now you can fuck them to your heart's content and it won't bother me in the least. In fact, I hope you DO have some mistresses, or you are going to be a very lonely man for the next few years.

"Ginny, I want a divorce! If you are going to treat me this way, why should we pretend everything is OK and play the happily married couple? I mean, for Christ's sake, we've been married 19 years."

Ginny laughed "Of course, you want a divorce. But you're not gonna GET one from me, ever. You see, I have come to hate you more than I ever loved you. If I gave you a divorce, you would be free from me, and I want to torture you a while first. With your job, you're gone constantly, and I'm tired of sitting home alone waiting for you to come home. So I figure a little of your own medicine is called for, so there will be NO divorce. And don't try to move out either, or I'll call your boss and tell him that you've been shacked up with some bimbo and your reputation will be damaged forever." She made a sound very much like a cackle as she said this.

Ginny knew the company I have been a salesman for was very old fashioned and any hint of scandal or damaged reputation, would mean my job, and probably my career. She had me. The way I saw it I had two choices, I could move out anyway, and she would have my career over in less than a week, or I could stay and put up with it. I mean, I loved sex, and I still loved her, but it was obvious that me loving her didn't make a difference anymore. As for my "mistresses", that was a laugh. I am not hunk material and being nearly forty years of age, no longer young enough to attract mistress material. Besides, my conscience wouldn't let me have one anyway. I was raised to believe in the sanctity of marriage, and I still believed that cheating was wrong. I couldn't do it. I guess I was going to have to learn to live without sex. This would be a great burden, as I am cursed with a high sex drive, and to be perfectly honest, seeing Ginny in her nightie had given me a raging erection, which I was trying my best to hide from her.

Ginny saw though. "I see at least one part of you hasn't got the message yet. Oh well, you still have your hands!" And with that she went running upstairs laughing at the top of her voice.

She was right of course, and I proceeded to give myself a few good pulls on my boner, if for no other reason than to make it go down and try to sort this mess out. However, Ginny was not done with me, yet - "Yeah, Angela, come on over now, I don't have to meet Dan for another forty-five minutes. Do you still have that green vibrator?"

Shit, the lady across the street! She had been one of my fantasy fucks for as long as I can remember, but I always thought that she was happily married, and not interested in fooling around. She also had the biggest mouth in the neighborhood, and I knew I was about to be branded as the world's worst lover. There goes any chance of finding any relief with the neighbor women!

Angela came barging in without even knocking. I figured that her and Ginny had been doing this for quite a while, and she felt she didn't need to knock anymore. She gave me a look of scorn, and ran upstairs to fuck and suck my wife. I couldn't take anymore. I went out to the back yard and cried. Ginny yelled down from the window "Why don't you go over by the flowers, they need a little watering today." I heard both her and Angela yukking it up at my expense.

I decided I had to get out of the house, I couldn't stand it anymore. Ginny yelled to me as she heard the door open "Just make sure you're back tonight, or your boss gets a call in the morning!"

I decided to visit Angela's husband, Wayne. Wayne was probably the closest thing I had to a friend in the neighborhood, and his real estate office was a short drive from my house. I didn't really know what good talking to him would do, but I needed to talk to SOMEBODY!

Wayne was in a meeting, and I decided to wait. About a half hour later, he came out and saw me and said "How's it going Ed? Anything I can do for you, today?"

I said "Yeah, Wayne, can we talk in your office, this is personal... ?"

Wayne motioned me in and told his secretary to hold his calls, unless an

emergency came up.

I ran down the story with Ginny and me, and as Wayne listened, a look of disbelief crept over him. I also mentioned that Angela and Ginny were fucking now, even as we spoke.

Wayne laughed "Yeah, I know about that. Angela tells me in great detail when I get home. It turns me on and we usually get a couple of good fucks out of it. Ginny has even taken videos so that I can watch them during slow times at work. I thought you knew, Ginny said that you had given your blessing to her so that she wouldn't be so lonely when you were gone. I mean, they have been doing it for over five years now!"

"No, I didn't know, she never said a word. I always thought Angela hated me and she never seemed that fond of Ginny, either."

"Angela told me that Ginny said you had forced her to watch you and one of your mistresses fuck for over an hour, while she was tied in a chair, unable to move. Ginny said she cried for a solid hour after you were done and you left her there and went to a motel with the bimbo. You did, didn't you? I mean the whole neighborhood knows you see women on the side in front of Ginny's face. I'm glad she finally got the backbone to stand up to you. Serves you right, if you ask me."

I knew that this was a monumental mistake, and I thanked Wayne for his time and left. My wife was way ahead of me, and I was about to go through the most miserable years of my life. The neighborhood all thought I was flaunting my virility in my wife's face, which began to explain why I was not held in high regard in the neighborhood, but Ginny was.

As I came back home, there was a note from Ginny "Hope you enjoy your new life. Angela is now spreading the word about your situation. Oh by the way, why don't you drop in on Wayne, I'm sure he'd be glad to listen to you."

Was the woman psychic or just mean?

Ginny came back a couple of hours later, looking for all the world as though she had just been truly royally fucked and she was happy as a lark. She saw me and gave me a wicked grin.

"I just talked to Wayne on the cell phone in the car. He told me about your visit. You are so easy to manipulate. This is going to so much fun for me, and so much torture for you. I LOVE IT!!!"

While Ginny was gone, I thought about the options I now had left. The neighborhood was out - I was thought of as some kind of a pervert and I knew it would be impossible to change their opinion - I mean Ginny had been spreading the word for five years! I had no family other than Ginny - we had no children (she didn't want to ruin her body, she said), my parents were dead and I was an only child. Ginny's parents and I never saw eye to eye because I had married her just after she turned eighteen, and they blamed me for not giving her a chance for college. That was not true, of course. I even begged her to continue on in school, but she had said she was happy being a housewife.

I began to look like I was running out of options. The only other family member was Ginny's younger sister, Sarah. Ginny hated Sarah, and would not allow me to socialize with her, and wanted me to forget that she even existed. Ginny had always been overshadowed by her younger sister, who according to Ginny was prettier, sexier, nicer, smarter and better in everyone's eyes than she could ever be. I think that's why she jumped at the chance to marry me - so she could get away from home. I don't think she ever really loved me.

Sarah, on the other hand, WAS prettier, nicer, smarter, and definitely sexier than her sister. I had been in love with Sarah on first meeting her, but I was already going steady with Ginny at that time, and I was too much a gentleman to make the moves on my girlfriend's sister. Sarah, for her part, seemed to like me, too, but I was never sure how much as Ginny saw to it that we saw as little as possible of each other. In spite of that, Sarah and I got together one time.

Ginny would be truly pissed if she knew that I had taken Sarah's cherry (with her blessing, I might add). I almost wanted to tell her now, but that wouldn't change my situation any and it might give her even more ideas how to make my life even more miserable.

Thinking about Sarah had got me excited again, and I proceeded to jack myself off to relieve the pressure and at least drain myself before Ginny came back. My dick is like the rest of me - just average (a little over five inches, maybe six if I'm really excited), but I could still shoot sperm a long way up my chest. It did help to think of the most gorgeous girl I had ever known, and know that I had at least managed to screw her once. Knowing the way my wife was now, I would probably be glad I had jacked off.

With Sarah's body burned in my memory, I suddenly found myself back in my senior year of high school.

It was right around Halloween time and we were all dressed in costumes. Ginny was wearing a witches outfit (poetic justice, there), Sarah was dressed as an angel, and I was dressed as a devil. The costumes were Ginny's idea, and she made sure that the angel costume Sarah was wearing was at least two sizes two big for her, while her costume was skintight. My costume was also skintight, and I had a hell of a time getting it on. I had to have help from both Ginny and Sarah to get into it. This, of course, gave Ginny a chance to feel me up with her sister there, which gave Ginny a feeling of superiority. Sarah, however, was not deterred and did some feeling up of her own when Ginny was not looking. This was dangerous! There was no room in that costume for a hard-on.

The party dragged on and on, but Ginny was having a great time. Her costume got her the attention she craved, and frankly, was making me a bit jealous. I had finally had enough, and I told Ginny I was going home. She said that she would stay a while longer and she would call me when she got home. I was furious and I let her know I was. She ignored me and went back out on the dance floor. That should've told me something, but it didn't. As I was leaving, Sarah caught up to me.

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