Daughter In Heat - Cover

Daughter In Heat

Copyright© 1999 by Phil Phantom

Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A daughter in heat is something that is hard to handle, usually, but not in this family...

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Cheating   Slut Wife   Incest   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality  

Sarah and Sue had just arrived in Dallas from their trip to Austin when Ellen and Don Brewer settled into bed with a new video in the VCR. Don looked to his nude wife who had just selected the dildo she'd be using, a rubber dick with balls. She ran it through the lips of her freshly shaved pussy as he said, "Are you ready, now?"

"Yes, but I don't think I'll ever get used to having you watch me do this. I sure miss my bush. Talk about feeling naked. Can't we do this under the covers?"

"Look, we agreed to do this openly and stop being hypocrites about it. We love this raunchy shit. We love masturbating to it. We crossed that hurdle, so let's not back up."

"You're right. I'll be okay once I get going good. Actually, I'm starting to like it already. Go ahead and stare, Don. I want you to watch me fuck my naked pussy. Ummm, yes, look at how my juicy cunt clings to the shaft of this fucking rubber dick. God, I feel like such a shameless slut."

"You look and sound like a shameless slut. You look like Sarah now that you've shaved your cunt."

"I do, don't I. She has her mommy's pussy, a sexy pussy, a juicy pussy, a horny cunt. What did you get?"

"Another doggie fuck flick. This should be damn good. It's illegal as hell. It cost me four hundred."

"Four hundred! Christ! Fifty is the most you've ever paid. Why so much?"

"I'm told it has a young minor in the staring role, that she was abducted and forced to perform with a large variety of dogs over several days before they snuffed her. Her snuff film goes for five grand a copy and takes up where this one leaves off. This is actually the first part of a two-part snuff film."

"Wow, so there really are snuff films available."

"Evidently. He certainly was pushing the sale. I told him we might be interested if we liked the model and we could tell she wasn't acting. He assured me we'd have no doubt after seeing this. I guess they were pretty rough with her since they planned on killing her anyway."

"I'll bet we see some gruesome torture. Wouldn't that be something. If there is, we should invite Sarah to watch it with us. She'd love that."

"Yes, and we could buy the snuff part for her birthday. It's coming up, you know?"

Don hit the play button and the screen filled with color. Ellen excitedly said, "Oh, goodie--color! I hope there's sucking. I still can't get over Sarah sucking off that Doberman at the Ft. Worth pound with witnesses. God, Don, it was so vulgar. He fucked her in the mouth is what he did, and she swallowed every drop of his ejaculate. Our daughter, our precious angel, our darling girl let a dog use her mouth as a bitch's pussy--publicly! Oh, god, I'm ready to cum already."

"Don't get yourself so worked up, Ellen. Save it for the movie."

"Oh, Jesus, Don! That girl can't be more than eleven. When you said minor, you weren't kidding. Oh, god, she's adorable. Good lord! That can't be acting."

"Shit!... No, that isn't acting. They're pulling her tooth out with vice grips. Fuck, that's got to hurt!"

"This is real, Don. That's real blood... Oh, look! They got it! Christ, they're going for another. I think they're going to pull all of that girl's teeth out. They're turning that girl's mouth into a bitch pussy. Sarah will flip when she sees this. Sue has never done anything like this."

"Hey, let's show this to Sarah and Sue. If we're going to come out of the closet, we may as well come all the way out."

"I'm ready and I agree. Oh, lord. Oh, that poor girl. I want that snuff film, Don. We now have Sarah's birthday present. Let's have it ready to show right after they see this one. That would be most effective."

"Indeed it would. I'll get it tomorrow. I must say, Ellen. You impress me. I haven't seen you flinch once. Don't you feel anything for that poor child?"

"Fuck her! Fuck her and her mommy. Her suffering is making my pussy wet. Look!"

"Amazing. I guess the apple didn't fall far from the tree after all."

"No, but Sarah is the tree; I'm the apple. We're both apples that fell from Sarah's tree."

"Yes, well that may be, but Sue shook the tree."

"That she did--shook the fuck out of it. Aw, look at that poor baby. I'm sure she realizes that she won't be needing teeth where she's going. She knows she's dead meat. You can see it in her eyes. Poor baby doesn't want to die. Too bad, sweetheart. Your mommy's not going to be kissing that boo-boo or any other boo-boo."

"Yes, and she can see she'll be getting many more boo-boos before they finish with her. We should have made popcorn."

Ellen giggled.

At approximately the same time in Lake Livingston, Ruth and John Elton were turning in for the evening, preparing to masturbate together as had become their habit since their last visit from Sue and Heather.

Ruth, propped on two pillows so that she could see into her wide spread, said, "It won't be long now, John. I spoke with Sue last night. Remember that call that came after midnight. That was Sue. She told us to be ready at a moment's notice."

"I'm ready. I've been ready. I wonder what she's up to this time. It sure looks like she's setting up another dirty movie."

"I think so, too. I won't fight this one. I'm ready to get down and dirty."

"You always are once you accept the idea."

"It's the cameras. They do something to me."

"You're a natural for porn, Ruth, a fucking natural."

Ruth giggled and said, "I am, aren't I. God, it's been so long. I wonder how many will be present for this one."

"The more the merrier, hey, Ruth?"

"You better believe it."

In another Dallas suburb, Jan and John Swenson, Sue's parents were also turning in for the night. They, however, were all fucked out having had a visit from a couple from their swinging days. Jan smiled and said, "It was good seeing George and Darlene again, wasn't it, John?"

"Yeah, and they've both stayed in great shape. Darlene is still tight if you can believe that."

"She does vaginal exercises. She taught me and Sue, remember?"

"That's right. George was Sue's first--remember?"

"I never forget. I'm sure she doesn't either. Speaking of Sue, she stopped by yesterday. Something is up and it involves Heather."


"She wanted to know if we were still swinging and in the same breath asked if we'd baby-sit Heather."

"Sounds like a hint."

"Sue doesn't hint. She came right out and told me she wanted us to rape Heather exactly the way we did her. I told her to rape her herself."

"Why? We could get the old gang together. George could even do the first honors again."

"At the time, George and Darlene hadn't surfaced. There was only Phil and Babbette, and they'd never participate in something like that."

"Bull, Phil would and where Phil goes, Babbette follows."

"Still, that would just be the four of us."

"Well, George and Darlene are still swinging with Frank and Martha, and they're in touch with Bill and Edna. That makes ten, a half ass party."

"If you want to do it, I'm game. I'll call Sue in the morning. She should be back from Austin by then."

"What was she doing in Austin?"

"Getting a dog, a rapist dog."

"Is she still into mutts?"

"John, she's been into the mutts since she was fourteen."

"Fourteen? How did I miss that?"

"Benny and Paula turned her on to the mutts and told her to keep it hush-hush. You remember how often they had her all to themselves. Hell, from fourteen to sixteen, they claimed her as a dependent. Sue thought we'd put a halt to that and so did they."

"Back then, we would have. Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"I did tell you. I told you over a year ago, but as always, at the first mention of Sue's name, your mind drifts off to your own thoughts. I swear, you never listen to me. It's like talking to this bedpost."

"She was something. We could have started her at the age of eight, no, five, four even. God, what a slut! Those were the best five years of my life. I remember..."

"You're doing it again, John."

"Well, damnit, I could kick myself for wasting so many good years."

"John, we didn't get into swinging until she was twelve, and then we only waited a few months before we dragged her into it. You're crying over milk that never spilled."

"Yeah, I suppose."

"Anyway, I get the feeling this dog is for Heather. I think we're just a warmup act."

"I'm game."

"Me too. If that is what this is all about, I say we get it on film. I wish, now, that we had made more of Sue when she was growing up."

"You and me both. I say we get back into the swing of things, and this time, record everything."

"John, let's watch the wedding. I'm horny."

"I'll set it up. What the hell. Let's watch the conception, too."

Meanwhile, across town in Plano, Sarah and Jerry stood outside apartment 313. Sarah removed her wrap and handed it to Jerry, fluffed her hair and said, "How do I look?"

"You look like you did going off to the Superbowl."

Sarah smiled big, kissed Jerry on the forehead, then said, "You're being great about this, Jerry. You must hate this, don't you?"

"Oh course I hate this. Why, Sarah, why? How could you give yourself away to another man and promise to be his sex slave? I don't understand. I thought everything was perfect between us, and..."

Sarah silenced him with a finger to his lips and said, "We've been through this. It's done and that's that. Jack Elton owns me, now. Accept it. I do whatever he tells me to do, and he said I can't have sex with you anymore. I have to get my sex from the guy that lives here and you have to get your sex from the girl that lives here. That's just the way it is."

"But, I don't want to have sex with anyone but you, Sarah. You're my wife; I'm your husband. There shouldn't be anyone else, for either of us."

"I know, but you had me all to yourself for years. Now, you have to share me with other men and this one in particular. I'm still your wife, and you're still my husband. We just can't have sex with each other anymore, that's all."


"Keep your voice down, and get rid of that sourpuss expression. Smile. He'll probably be the father of our child, so be nice to him. No pouting. No whining. Be a big boy about this. Now, knock and stand aside. We have to get off this landing before someone sees a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader and a crowd gathers. I doubt there has ever been one in this dump, not in uniform."

Reluctantly, Jerry knocked and stood back, leaving Sarah in the doorway. She stood tall and straight with her chest out until the door opened. Dawn opened the door, then stood there with her eyes wide and her mouth agape. Sarah just smiled and said, "Hi, Jack sent me."

For a full ten seconds, Dawn just stared, then without removing her eyes, called out, "Rodney, get out here, quick!"

From the bedroom, they heard, "What is it?"

"Just get out here--hurry!"

Dawn had on a housecoat that she'd thrown on over nothing and that fact became obvious when it parted. Dawn seemed oblivious, but Jerry was checking it out by peering around his cheerleader spouse. Rodney, wearing only boxer shorts, entered the room, took one look past Dawn to the Dallas Cowboys cheerleader posing in the doorway, then froze. On seeing which cheerleader had come calling, he shit--figuratively.

Dawn looked back at her catatonic hubby and said, "Rodney, it's Sarah Brewer. Jack sent her."

Sarah laughed and said, "Aren't you going to invite me in, us in. My husband is with me and you're showing your naughty parts to your neighbors, by the way."

Dawn quickly closed her housecoat and stepped aside to admit Sarah and Jerry. Rodney came forward to look over the vision, obviously not believing his eyes as Sarah drank in his admiring attention and Jerry stood with clenched jaws. Dawn said, "Wow, Sarah, we're your biggest fans."

"I heard. I was told you have my poster over your bed. May I see it?"


Dawn led the way to the messy bedroom. Jerry and Rodney followed. Rodney squeezed in front of Jerry so that he could walk behind Sarah and watch her sexy ass move in the tight white shorts. Jerry was pissed.

In the bedroom, Sarah stared at the life-size poster hanging directly over the headboard. Dawn stood beside her with Rodney still mesmerized by Sarah's legs, now sporting a full erection that popped through the open fly. Jerry looked at it and couldn't help but admire the man's equipment. Sarah hadn't yet noticed. She said to Dawn, "I hear your husband makes love to you while looking at my poster, pretending it's me he's screwing. Is that true?"


"That doesn't bother you?"

"No. I just pretend I'm you."

"Well, it's not right, and I'm here to correct this situation. He needs to think of you while he's fucking, so why don't you remove that robe, stand on the bed covering my poster, and I'll let him fuck me while looking at you."

While dropping this bomb, Sarah was removing her uniform. Dawn just stared at the parts as they were revealed. When it finally seemed real, she shrugged out of the robe and mounted the bed. Sarah laid on the bed with her head on a pillow between Dawn's feet. She opened her own legs to show Rodney her beaver. His jaw couldn't hang any lower. Jerry was still staring at Rodney's dick. Sarah was also staring at his dick. Everyone stared at Rodney's dick. Rodney's dick had never stood taller. He stared at it.

Rodney slowly absorbed the reality, crawled onto the bed on his knees, and advanced between Sarah's parted thighs. Sarah and Jerry looked from the exciting rod being stroked through wet cunt lips to the drooling twat hanging over Sarah's head, a twat being stroked by a finger. Jerry sat on the bed at Sarah's hip for a closer look at the cock about to enter his wife.

Sarah saw the interest and said, "Jerry, be a gentleman and guide his cock into my pussy. You know where the hole is. Show him. Be a good hubby and stick his hard cock in your wife's cunt. Who knows, you might get a son out of it. Wouldn't that be nice?"

Like an automaton, Jerry wrapped the fingers of his left hand around the shaft and moved the head down the slit to the hole where Rodney applied pressure and pushed the head inside. Sarah could see that Jerry didn't want to release the cock and excitedly said, "Make his cock good and wet, Jerry. Suck it. Suck on his cock."

Jerry looked to Sarah, then leaned into the task, pulling the cock out and lifting it to his lips which flowed over the crown and sank deep down the shaft. All eyes watched Jerry suck the cock. He sucked cock as though he'd done it all his life. He took to cock-sucking like a sailor on his first cruise. They don't call them seamen for nothing, you know, and Jerry was a former seaman who missed the Navy.

Dawn was so excited, she was dripping slut drops in Sarah's face, sinking lower into a squat. Sarah looked up at the leaky bitch, then reached up and took the bitch by the hips, pulling her into a full squat. Dawn went easily and moaned passionately as her hero's mouth took possession of her fevered loins, sucking slut slime like a seasoned slut-slime sucker from way back--which she was if way back was nine months back.

Sarah brought Dawn off in no time and halted the cock sucking in time to stop an orgasm. That sperm was for her womb, and she made Jerry stick the cock back in. He reluctantly uncocked and stuck it in. Rodney sank to the balls in Heaven, deposited his sperm, and Jerry got to lick up what seeped out after cleaning Rodney's dick and licking his balls.

Needless to say, the four hit it off great, and when Sue arrived with Bowser, the six hit it off great. Rodney loved watching his wife getting fucked by a huge dog almost as much as Dawn loved being fucked by a huge dog, but they both loved watching Sarah suck the dick of a huge dog in her uniform. They thought the Dallas Cowbitchs was a great idea. So did Bowser. The Dallas Cowbitches damn near killed that poor animal.

Dawn and Rodney eagerly agreed to move in with Sarah and Jerry--the sooner, the better. Sue told them about Heather's coming out party, and all were eager to attend. They left the apartment at two in the morning and partied some more at Sarah and Jerry's place. Sarah left at sunrise but had to leave Bowser. He refused to move and growled at anyone who tried to touch his sore dick.

Sue crossed the street just as Jack was getting into his car to head for Lake Livingston. They met at the car. Jack wore a big smile. Sue was naked, acting casual about walking the twilight neighborhood in the raw. He said, "I see things went well."

"Not bad. You're right. Those two are terrific. They're all moved in. What they had fit in three cars with room to spare. They think they died and went to Heaven. They're all asleep in Sarah's bed, buck naked, and wearing smiles. So, you're off to Livingston, I presume."

"Yes. How about calling Mom at a decent hour, say seven, and let her know I'm on the way."

"I'll be asleep. You stop and call. Better yet, surprise them."

"They may have plans. I won't get there till ten. I don't want to drive all that way and be the one surprised."

"They never go anywhere, not in the morning, anyway. Do as you please, but I'm putting my tired slut ass to bed and I'll probably still be in bed when you return. Did you speak with Heather?"

"Yes. We had a good talk. I'm sorry I doubted you. She confirmed everything you said."

"Does she know of our party plans?"

"Yes. She's thrilled. School lets out early today, so she'll be home around noon. She wants to go to Denton to attend a special church function. The Goldsteins can take her there and bring her back, but she may not be back by eight. She wants to go very badly, so you might want to move this back a day."

"No, we'll wait for her. Let's move the party back two hours, say ten. I'm sure she'll be back by then and that'll give me more time to prepare. Sarah and them won't be in any better shape than I am, and Bowser needs all the recovery time he can get. We wasted his mangy, flea-bitten carcass. The Dallas Cowbitches live. Tell Marty to give us a few weeks to rehearse, then start scheduling performances."

A car drove by slowly. Sue turned and waved. Jack said, "You just made his day."

"They'd better get used to seeing naked bitches. The Dallas Cowbitches not only live, they live on this street."

"The place will never be the same. Well, I need to get going. Heather should be up and about."

"I'm going straight to bed. We have nothing to discuss."

"You could tell her not to drag ass in Denton."

"If I see her, I'll do that. Have a nice trip, mother fucker."

"Have a nice day, slut."

Sue walked away but paused to wave at another slow-moving car. Jack shook his head and got behind the wheel.

Sue passed Heather on the way to the master bedroom and said in passing, "Whatever you have going in Denton, wrap it up and be back here by ten."

Heather nodded, then watched her mother's naked ass pass by and broke a smile. It was then she recalled that she had nothing going in Denton, only the desire to get something going. She took that desire to the phone and called the Goldstein residence. Douglas answered:

"Goldstein residence; Douglas speaking."

"Doug, this is Heather."

"Well, this is a pleasant surprise, and fortuitous. I was just headed out the door. What can I do for you, sweetheart, and please don't tell me you're pregnant and suing. Paternity suits are my specialty. You haven't a leg to stand on. Just kidding."

"Very funny. How did it go with Jenny?"

"If you hadn't drained every pair of balls in the house, it would have been great. She was hot as a pistol and ready for anything. We fell asleep watching her fuck herself with phallic objects."

"Doug, I want to join her parent's church and go to that thing they're doing tonight, that thing for the young women that Jenny will be performing for."

"I'm sure they'd love to have you, and I mean in the biblical sense."

"Me too. I need a ride there and back, and I have to be home before ten."

"I'd let you speak with Jenny, but she's still zonked out. I'll leave her a note that she's to wait for you before leaving for Denton. I know she plans on leaving early. Rehearsals, you know. I wish I could see that performance but I'm a persona non grata in their home and their church."

"Yeah, leave a note. I want Harold and Bill to go along, too."

"She won't like that, but then she doesn't always get what she likes, does she?"

"Not anymore, not unless you let her take the collar off."

"Her collar will never come off while she's living under my roof. That, I can assure you."

"Great! As long as we have a bitch, you get all the Heather pussy you want."

"Sounds like a deal. I have to go, Heather. Save some pussy for me."

"I'll try, but you know how those born-again Christians are. They don't save anything but souls. See ya. Bye."

Heather hung up wearing a smile.

School was a bore, a total waste, and the half-day she spent there was the longest of the school year, mostly owing to the other things on Heather's mind. She had a full dance card for the remainder of the day, and her summer was shaping up to be a summer of full dance cards. Her salivating pussy drove her nuts with the thought.

The bus ride home with horny Harold didn't help matters. Just seeing him brought back a flood of memories, every single one highly arousing. A hand up her cunt wasn't enough. She wanted his cock, demanded it, got it, and they got caught screwing by the driver who made them remain on the bus until the bus returned to the bus yard where parents were called.

Jenny and Sue met for the first time at the bus yard. Sue was pissed because they woke her from a sound sleep. Jenny was pissed that the kids would do something that stupid. They each took their kid and left in a huff, hardly saying howdy do.

In the car, Sue looked to Heather and angrily said, "What the fuck is wrong with you, screwing on a god damn school bus? What kind of slut are you, anyway?"

Now, Heather was pissed and shot back, "You tell me. What kind do you want me to be?"

Sue almost slapped her, then almost yelled something terrible, then took a deep breath and pondered that question, smiled, and sheepishly said, "I had that coming. So, how was it? He didn't look like he had much to offer. Robbing the cradle, aren't we, Heather?"

Heather relaxed, having made her point. She smiled and said, "He's kinda cute if you ignore the fact that his dick is the size of my thumb."

"They say size doesn't matter."

"Yeah, well THEY must have little dicks."

"That's what I always figured. I never met a dick I didn't like, but give me a pussy stretcher any day. By the way, that mutt you saw last night is a stretcher and a half. You know that kid's arm? Picture that up your twat."

"I've seen it up my twat to the elbow."

"Well, you're full of surprises. Those workouts with Big Ben must have helped a lot."

"It didn't hurt. I take that back. It did at first."

"Tell me about this Jenny. She seemed to know you, and what's the deal with the dog collar?"

"She should, I ate her out last night and then turned her into a bitch. That's the first time she's worn it, the first I've seen of it. I'm surprised she didn't take it off. She sure didn't want to be seen in it. I guess I did better than I thought."

"One surprise after another. So, what do you have going with those people, and what's this I hear about a return to church?"

"Don't worry. I'm just going to get fucked."

"Finally, a good reason. Praise the Lord."

Heather laughed, smiled, then said, "You know, Mom, I finally feel like you and I are on the same station, tuned in and turned on by the same things. I finally feel like your daughter and not a maternity ward mixup."

"You had me wondering about that myself. It took you long enough."

"I've been fighting it for as long as I can remember. Mom, can I have a cigarette?"

"No, it'll stunt your growth; besides, it's a nasty habit."

"Fucking dogs isn't?"

"No, just ask any dog."

Heather laughed and said, "You're too much, Mom."

Sue pulled into their driveway and threw the car in park, saying, "Yes, and I'm much too tired and going back to bed. Don't forget, we have a big party planned for you tonight. Don't be late, and don't be all fucked out."

"I won't be late, and it'll take a lot to fuck me out. Right now, I could take on a biker gang, bitches and all, and still want more."

Passing through the front door, Sue said, "Good, stay that way. I invited a biker gang, bitches and all."

"Really! You invited a biker gang!"

Sue turned at the hall, looked at Heather, and said, "Stop acting blonde, Heather. I did invite my folks and Jack's, and Sarah's parents will probably be here as well. This is your coming out party. This is a big deal in a young girl's life, so take it seriously and be fresh and adorable tonight."

"I will be. This thing in Denton shouldn't last too long."

"Whatever. I'm going to bed. See that I'm not disturbed."

"I'll be leaving soon."

"Whatever. Praise the Lord. Fuck 'em all."

Heather smiled at the closed bedroom door.

Jenny was not happy to see Heather, having just seen her one hour ago at the bus yard under very embarrassing circumstances. Jenny was in no mood to play the bitch, had a deep case of bitch's remorse, chaffed under the wide dog collar her husband fastened permanently to her neck by super gluing the tab down, having worn it in public for the first time at the bus yard, standing in a sea of curious drivers, dispatchers, and mechanics that crowded in to read the bitch tag while Heather explained exactly what it meant and did her best to show them Jenny's bitch pussy.

Jenny suffered her worst nightmare in that bus yard, endured crippling humiliation, was hating life and everyone in it, and then the cause of all her problems stood at her door wanting a ride to Denton to witness a humiliating debauch of biblical proportions. And then Jenny heard:

"Hi, bitch. Nice collar."

As the little bitch brushed by on her way in, Jenny snapped, grabbed Heather firmly by the arm, yanked her up short, and got in her face to angrily yell, "Don't push me, you little bitch. I've had about all I can take. Don't fuck with me today. Ride there. Watch. Ride back. Don't you say a fucking word to me. Keep your mouth shut. Keep your hands off me. Stay away from me. Understand?"

Heather was taken aback by the intensity of Jenny's jaw grinding threat. She gulped and nodded. Jenny released her and stormed off, leaving Heather in the living room with Harold.

He waited until his mother was in the bedroom, then said, "She's pissed. Dad came home for lunch and put that collar on her. He super glued it on and told her if she ever took it off or covered it up, he'd divorce her, then she cried to her mom about it and was told if she got divorced, they'd disown her. You saw how those people treated her at the bus yard after you explained the collar and showed them her shaved pussy. It got worse after you left. Three guys followed us out to the car and raped her in the back seat."

"Really! Did you get to watch?"

"Yeah, from the front seat. It was neato. They stripped her naked and fucked her good, twice each, and one was a huge black guy with a dick as big as my arm--half as long, but just as big. Boy, did he cream her good and make her squeal and squirm. He made her beg him to cum in her pussy, and she did it, too--begged like a slut, she did."

"Sounds like she had a good time."

"Maybe she did, but she was really pissed afterward. She had to drive home naked because they tore up her clothes so bad. Lots of people saw her, too, and when we got home, the neighbors were out saying goodbye to company--two couples. They noticed and came over, looking in the windows, six of them--three men and three women."

"What did she do?"

"She just sat with her face in her hands. Man, was she embarrassed. They opened the door and stared at all of her, asked about the collar and all the cum on her. Mrs. Jones, our neighbor, read the tag and asked if it was human cum or dog cum, then they pulled her out and wouldn't let her pass until she answered all their questions. They got rough with her when she tried to force her way through. I couldn't believe they'd treat her that way, and the women were the worst. They made her tell everything. Now everyone will know."

"Shit! Were you guys friends with them?"

"Dad is good friends with Bob Jones, but Mom never liked his busy body wife. It got worse. Bob fucked her in the ass while his wife and the two other women held Mom bent over the hood. The other two were offered a fuck, but they declined. They looked nervous, but they had hard-ons. After Bob creamed her ass, the women flipped her over and bent her backward. The other two guys jacked off on her front, creamed her from her chin to her twat."

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