Straying Wife - Cover

Straying Wife


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Cheating   Slut Wife   Gang Bang   Novel-Pocketbook  

The apartment itself was large, a duplex, and was tastefully decorated. Modern abstract paintings hung from the walls, setting off rooms with blacks and slashes of vivid color. The furniture was modern and elegant. It reminded Kim of apartments she had seen in fashion magazines. Cool quiet jazz came from speakers that were all through the apartment, and the lights were on a rheostat that someone was manipulating, lowering the lights just as Kim and Nichole came in with their escorts.

A sleek, chicque girl in a clinging dress greeted them and showed them to the largest room of the apartment. Here it seemed, was the orgy. Here everyone was gathered, waiting, talking murmuring against the music excited, anticipating the great event. Their young guide showed them to a couch along one wall where they could sit. The center of the room was cleared of furniture, and mattresses had been laid out on a platform that was about waist high. Couches and chairs were strung out around the platform on all sides. Kim and her friends were in the very back row with only a wall behind them.

"I thought this was to be private," Kim whispered.

The girl overheard and smiled at her. "We have rooms you can watch it from on closed circuit television or a two-way mirror," the girl smiled coolly at Kim. "Only two people to a room."

Kim shook her head. She didn't want to get separated from her friends; safety in numbers, she thought, looking around. The four of them sat against the wall and watched the room filling up with people. Kim stiffened. A young girl with large breasts was coming toward them. The girl was naked! No, worse than being naked, she was only wearing black boots and a flimsy, blood-red G- string. The tiny G-string didn't really cover much; it only seemed to draw attention to her cuntal crevice, that fleshy gully up between her legs. Her breasts were huge and jutted out and shook and quivered when she walked.

She came with her hands on her hips and stood in front of them. "Coffee, tea, or me?" she asked.

"You!" Ernie thundered.

"Thanks. Later. No, really, I'm supposed to ask you if you'd like some champagne or grass?"

"Both," Klaus said. "Bring us a bottle and whatever you have to smoke."

The girl turned and sauntered off with Kim watching her ripely naked buttocks rise and fall with every step. It was all too lewd and casual and exciting for her to believe. She found she couldn't say anything as the girl came back with an ice bucket with a bottle of champagne in it and bent over, her breasts hanging and seeming to swell, as she put some thin brown cigarettes on an ash tray on the coffee table in front of them. The girl grinned brazenly at Ernie. "You can give me my tip later."

They all laughed and Ernie poured the wine while Klaus lit up one of the cigarettes and passed it around. Kim accepted a glass of champagne gratefully. Her mouth was dry and she needed something to quench her thirst. She gulped the drink and found it tickling her nose with its wondrous carbonation. She took the offered cigarette and smelled the thick, sweet odor of it... then inhaled.

And the room grew dark except for baby spots that were trained on the mattresses on the platform in the center of the room. The pungent sweetness of marijuana and hashish smoke hung heavily in the air. Kim saw everything through a screen, a haze. She could see the burning tips of the cigarettes in the darkness. The room grew quiet as the music was turned low; soon only the sound of an occasional inhalation and exhalation could be heard. It all looked chic and exciting to Kim.

Another glass of champagne was put into her hand by Klaus. She had drunk the first one without a thought. It didn't matter, the cool liquid going down her hot dry throat felt good. It was nice to have Klaus looking after her, she mused as she sipped.

A murmur of excitement swept through the room, and in the soft velvety darkness, Kim could see a figure moving toward the platform.

The girl with the black boots and red G-string got up on the platform and stood in the light. The spotlights made her nakedly gleaming flesh seem all the more white and her breasts stood out full and rich and heavy. She took her G-string off while smiling and talking to the people nearest the platform. She stepped out of the G-string and stood legs apart, hands on her hips, her pinkly glistening cuntal lips clearly visible in the light. She twirled the G-string in one hand and let it fly out into the darkness and the audience.

Slowly, the fingers of one hand slipped down and spread her pouting vaginal layers of soft flesh, letting everyone see her femaledom as she slowly turned around and around. Kim looked at the girl's cunt and saw it was wet and a scarlet red; it was obvious that she was eager for action. The expression on the girl's face was one of lewd amusement; she knew she had a good body and ran her hands over it in self-appreciation.

She stopped to pick up something near the edge of the platform. Klaus handed Kim a cigarette, and she took her eyes away from the stage to take another, deeper drag and sip her champagne. When she looked up again, she saw that the girl was coating her body, smoothing and smearing some kind of clear fine oil all over her large, whitely firm breasts. She rubbed it over her hardened nipples, obviously enjoying the sensual feel of the oil. Kim joined in the murmur that went around the room. Klaus said something low and shifted his body closer to hers.

The girl stood with her legs apart on the mattress and covered her ripe young body with oil until she gleamed and glinted in the overhead light. Oil sheened on her thighs and stomach and huge breasts. The girl was the personification of lewdness as she stooped to take off her boots. "NO, no!" came cries from the audience, "leave them on!"

The girl stopped and grinned out at the darkness, then her smile faded and her eyes narrowed in anticipation. Kim could see another dark form moving toward the platform.

A man leaped onto the mattresses, and Kim gasped aloud with other women in the room. The man was naked, completely naked! Although not particularly good looking, he was very well developed, like a fighter. He was heavily muscled and had the largest penis that Kim had ever seen! A dirty little thrill of wantonness made her clench her fists and sit with her legs crossed, so she could squeeze her clitoris again as she looked at the cock. As the amazed young housewife watched, the girl dropped to her knees in front of the man, her face right in front of his massively throbbing penis and began to smear oil on his strong thighs and flat, slabbed, stomach.

Kim watched with her mouth open, the champagne and cigarette forgotten as she stared at the great pulsating cock. It was the biggest she had ever seen with the blunted red head protruding from its sheath, and it was growing every minute as the girl rubbed his body all over. Yes, Kim thought with excitement, his erection was growing and thickening right there in front of her eyes. The head was growing more round, more flanged, deeper in color, turning a blood-filled purple with its tiny gland opening distended and visible even from where they sat. The girl moved forward on her knees and the room was silent save for the quiet music in the background. Everyone seemed to lean forward together, collectively holding their breath as the girl fondled his big hairy balls in the cups of her hands and gently massaged them, covering them with oil.

The expression on her face was quietly ecstatic, her eyes half closed, her wetly parted lips smiling as she took the thick white stalk of his cock in her hand. Kim saw the way her fingers wrapped around its thickness and looked so small as she squeezed it. She could see blood rush to the surface where her fingers squeezed, and the cock seemed to grow even more monstrous in her hand. It seemed to be heavy and hot in the girl's hands, for she had put both of her hands on it, holding it between her open palms and rubbing oil on it so that it gleamed in the light. Kim swallowed and shuddered with the thought: I wish that was me up there oiling his penis...

The gentle caresses made the thick hard cock jump and jerk in her hand, and she paused to grip it again and pull the foreskin back over the swollen head. Kim saw the cock as some angry prehistoric animal wanting to burst its way free, wanting to roll back the skin and be revealed in all its blood-throbbing mushroomed splendor.

Kim wasn't thinking of who or where she was, as she watched the girl lean hungrily forward and the tip of her tongue flick over the greased, lust-swollen head of his penis. The man shuddered and his tough face was in shadow as he looked down at the girl kneeling in front of him. Suddenly, his hands tangled in her hair and he urged her forward.

The girl only smiled at his crude suggestion. His eagerly throbbing cock was gleaming now with oil as she gently stroked it, forcing the skin back further and further, revealing a little more of his thick purple head each time.

Kim shifted nervously next to Klaus. She had never seen anything like this. Topless-Bottomless was one thing, but this was another. Klaus was concentrating on the scene and had forgotten the champagne. Kim drained her glass and reached forward and hurriedly poured herself another one, her eyes on the platform.

The girl was arching her shiny back now, allowing her large full breasts to stick out and up as she guided the cock over her oily breasts, letting it slip and prod, jerkingly, at her erect little nipples. She slowly let its pulsating thickness circle her breasts as they all watched. The girl suddenly let go of the penis; it snapped erect, and she put it between her deep cleavage. As everyone watched, she tried to squeeze her breasts together, her hands slipping and sliding with her efforts.

Excitement was running high in the room. Klaus, next to Kim, swung his arm around her and pulled her close, his hand dangerously near her breast, his hip and muscular thigh grinding into hers.

Kim was about to pull away, when the girl, her face contorted by a sudden lust, moved back from the man, seized his cock in both her slippery hands and peeled his thick leathery foreskin all the way back so his shining mushroom was fully revealed for all to see.

But for only a second. Her eyes closed, her wetly eager mouth open, the girl leaned forward and took the head of his impatiently jerking long cock in her ovaled mouth, her moist lips spreading tight over the blood-filled head just as the foreskin had. The girl began to suck, her cheeks hollowing and her Adam's apple bobbing.

To Kim it was the most savage, perverted, obscene sight she had ever seen! And the most exciting! The girl and man gleamed, their oil-covered bodies glinting off light. The man stood with a sardonic grin on his face, looking down, his legs apart and his knees slightly bent in order to thrust forward his groin. The girl kneeled before him, naked except for her black boots, her ripely fleshed buttocks gleaming and shining with oil, her back coated, her breasts jutting forward as she arched her back and her tightly compressed lips sucked hard on his cock. Everyone in the smoke-filled room could see her tongue twirling around inside by the bulges on her cheeks.

The man was growing excited now, his lips twisting in a smile, his fingers gripping the girl's tousled head. His hips began pumping forward and back in a most lascivious way. Kim found herself literally panting, her mouth dry and open as she watched his thick white stalk, like a glistening tree stump, slide in and out of the young girl's wetly ovaled mouth.

The girl heightened the lewdness and wantonness of the scene by letting her hands slide along the man's thighs until her arms circled his torso and her fingers found the tight crevice of his tensed buttocks. She began urging his thrust deeper into her mouth with her hands as she pulled him toward her in perfect rhythm with his wild pumping.

Alongside her, Kim could feel Klaus becoming more and more restless; she was sure, too, that he could feel her grinding her own buttocks into the couch on occasion. She tried to make it appear that all she was doing was changing position, but it was becoming more difficult by the minute to conceal her frustration. Klaus's hand had begun to knead her breast under her dress in a slow rhythmic way, making her little cherry-like nipples throb with a guilty lusting pleasure.

The aroused young wife tried to shrink down on the couch, involuntarily snuggling closer to Klaus. A moan from Nichole made her look down the couch. Her shock must have registered, for Klaus looked too. Nichole had both her long tapered legs spread wide, her dress up over her hips. Ernie's big hand was inside her bikini panties, cupping her mound of Venus. Kim shuddered as the outline of his fingers moved and probed under the sheer material. He was stroking in rhythm, sinking one finger deep into her eagerly thrashing vagina. Nichole, seemingly unaware of anyone, was grinding her pelvis with her buttocks lifted off the cushions, in rhythm to the finger screwing into her. Both she and Ernie had their eyes fixed on the lascivious exhibition.

Kim looked around--other couples were in obscene embraces, indistinct in the smoky, hazy dark but showing by their restless writhing motion that the salacious spectacle on the platform was affecting them--they were losing control over their passions. A warning alarm bell sounded deep in Kim's subconscious. She knew she should run--now--just get up and walk out--before her own body succumbed to the wanton urges that were pulsing and pounding through it. Then, a groan from the stage made her snap back her drugged attention.

The room was getting hot, and the two on the stage were beginning to sweat, their greased bodies glistening. The man now had the girl's head pinned firmly in place with a wild and vicious grip. His thick glistening cock was sliding in and out of the girl's mouth as his hips viciously pumped. Kim thought the girl would choke or gag when the wetly glistening shaft was shoved the full length into her mouth, but the eagerly sucking girl held on to the man's slippery, oiled buttocks with all her strength, a look of lewd rapture on her face as her lips ovalled tightly around the cock. The muscles in her arms rippled as she pulled on his buttocks, trying to get more of the rampant stalk of hot hard fish in her mouth.

The crowd in the room groaned again as another figure mounted the low platform. It was the girl dancer from the bar! She too, was naked and her slim boyish hips and small firm breasts were covered with oil. She glistened and glinted as she moved, caressing the girl's nakedly quivering buttocks and pressing her own restless loins against their warm fleshiness. More groans of lust came from the audience when she reached around and cupped the sucking girl's breasts, pinching the slippery nipples with the tips of her fingers.

Kim's breath was coming in tight gasps, and the burning sensation fermenting in her belly grew in maddening intensity with each movement was she watched the young girl being ravished by the man and the lesbian dancer. The excited sex-heat of the audience acted like a giant furnace, and the drugged young housewife could feel a trickle of sweat running from her navel down her belly into her pubic hair. Its slow teasing trail caused her to squirm down against the firm leather edges of the cushion, which rubbed sensuously against the moist, hair-lined flanges of her hotly throbbing pussy. She bit hard against her lower lip to keep back a groan of frustration.

Her forehead was covered with a fine mist of perspiration from the feverishly writhing bodies all around her. Klaus, his mouth open, his eyes on the platform, let his hand fall inside her dress. Kim stiffened and looked around. No one was watching and, if she wanted him to, he would stop. Her young, frantically aroused body trembled as she let him wedge his hand between her naked breast and brassiere, near her nipple. Another trickle of sweat ran down the valley between her ripely full breasts, causing her to squirm more, thus allowing his fingers to probe for and find the nipple. He pinched it and she jumped, feeling a tiny pain then a lewd thrill of pleasure.

Her nerves were shattered and her mind reeled with indecision as the drug, the champagne, and the salacious scene in front of her worked powerfully on her feelings. She knew she should demand that they take her home. Nichole and her friends were just a little too fast for her, and this wasn't being true to Hank. She owed faithfulness to Hank, and she had already gone too far by watching such an exhibition and letting Klaus, a stranger, massage her breast. He was doing it right at that minute, urging her nipple into a pouted hardness, bringing on a wanton feeling that was wild and made her thirst for more. Thirst! Her mouth was dry and she drained her champagne glass again. Klaus, with his free hand, poured her more; she quietly drank it down, smacking her lips and liking the taste.

Still, she felt they had been so patronizing to her, so talked down to her that she was determined to show them she wasn't a child or an old maid. Petting didn't hurt so long as it didn't go any further. She could always stop Klaus if he tried anything more than toying with her breasts.

She looked down the couch, past Klaus, at Nichole. Ernie was sitting forward and facing Nichole now, his hand still in her panties and his fingers lewdly pumping in and out of her vagina. His free hand was unbuttoning the top of her dress and, as Kim watched, she saw one of Nichole's magnificently formed breasts billow and bulge as its firmness was forced out of her brassiere. The naked tit gleamed whitely in the room--its nipple taut and dark... inviting. All around the room, all around her, people were writhing in sexual abandonment and undressing.

Kim's breath was hot and heavy as she turned her glazed eyes back on the platform, permitting Klaus to pull her own breast up so that her pink, bud-like nipple was out of her brassiere but not out of the dress. Slowly, his fingers slid across her warm, sweaty cleavage and began probing for her other breast.

The flame-haired young wife let him fondle her, raising her passion and frustration as she watched the wantonly obscene tableau up on the platform. It was as if the three nakedly writhing performers had utterly no inhibitions or feeling of self- consciousness; in fact, it seemed they were enjoying being watched, that they enjoyed sexually exciting and frustrating the passive on-lookers. Kim sensed that part of their excitement, part of their depravity came from the fact that they did things-- sexual things--in front of strangers. She tried to imagine herself getting up in this room, in front of strangers, naked and lewd. In her mind, she flashed back to the night she stood naked in the bathroom on front of a mirror and excitedly looked at the bruises and scratched on her body before finger fucking herself to orgasm.

Kim continued panting as Klaus felt for the nipples on her other breast and the girl on the platform, the girl with the black boots and huge breasts, broke away from the man. The slender lesbian who had been behind her had stood up and to one side. The girl in her boots, oiled, sweating, fell nakedly back on her haunches, heaving with passion and fighting for her breath, putting her arms out behind her, supporting herself as her heavy breasts jiggled lewdly. She looked up at the man who crouched over her and then set her head fall back to see the slim girl standing to one side.

Kim gasped then groaned aloud, forgetting herself, as the lesbian dancer bent over, kissing the other girl with an open mouth while one hand dropped to her cunt. The girl in the boots, still on her knees and leaning back, locked her hungry mouth on the lesbian's and let her tongue dart in while she spread her thighs as far as her kneeling position would allow. Kim felt she had to squirm as she watched the lesbian's knowledgeable fingers begin sawing in and out of the kneeling girl's wetly parted pussy.

Kim knew about lesbians, had heard about them in school but never had met one or knew she was meeting one. It was the most depraved scene she had ever watched as the man stood watching, stroking his slippery, hotly glistening cock as he watched and the slim girl bent over the other girl, kissing her in a wanton way while caressing her in a most obscene way. And the girl with the boots responded, writhing in complete abandonment, her breasts oiled and gleaming as they jiggled, her body supple and rubbery as she convulsed and rivulets of sweat snaked across her belly-dancer stomach. Kim felt faint when she realized the full brazenness of their act as the slim girl suddenly straightened and, just like she was mounting a horse, she held the booted girl's head in her hands and swung one leg over her face. She lifted one leg slowly, exposing her open cunt with its pinkly fluted vaginal lips. The girl's face was buried in the lesbian's crotch when the dancer-- her legs spread wide and slightly bent at the knees--began wiggling her tight, little-boy buttocks back in invitation at the man. Her proud ass cheeks spread wide and her anus was tight and brown in the center of her deep crevice.

The impact of it on Kim was almost more than she could take. She gaped as Klaus pulled her breasts--both of them--free from her brassiere and pinched the taut, hard nipples into a goose- bumped expectancy. She gaped with her mouth open as the two girls on the stage began an obscene movement. The lesbian held her friend's head tight to her hair-lined vaginal slit while her hips ground and rotated her cunt against the girl's face. And, judging from the expression of wild, lewd pleasure on the lesbian's face, the girl was obliging by using her mouth and tongue.

Klaus put his free hand on Kim's bare knee and squeezed it, feeling hot and sweaty. His hand suddenly swept up her thigh, pushing her dress up. "Just petting," she tried to tell herself as she sank further back, even further on the couch and crossed her legs again and squeezed... seeking relief for her hopelessly aroused clitoris. She ground her buttocks down into a corner of the cushion, forcing the sewn edging up into her panties, into the open lips of her heatedly pulsating pussy. Klaus let his hand slide all the way up her dress until it was cupped on her perspiration-streaked stomach. Kim tried to catch her breath, inhaling deeply and swelling her breasts that now jutted out further than ever due to the brassiere being pushed and peeled down beneath them. Klaus's fingernails nipped at the nipple of her breast and she jumped, sitting more erect thus permitting his probing fingers to dart underneath her panties and wedge themselves downward to nestle in her softly curling pubic hair.

Kim, her legs tensely crossed, told herself he couldn't go any further even if he wanted to, and that there really wasn't anything much more wrong with his hand probing at her vagina than there was with his hand on her naked breasts. It was all petting! Besides... it all felt sooooo goooooddd! She groaned!

The scene on the platform, the three people on the mattress, was now almost beyond belief. The man had been watching the two women writhing like snakes in front of him, his great, eagerly jerking cock held tight in one hand. At a signal from him, the girls reacted. The lesbian, standing straddled over the booted girl, stepped away from her head, bending further over and arching her back, her legs spread wide so that her swollen cuntal lips were visible to the audience.

Quickly, the man stepped forward between the lesbian's legs and guided his thick white shaft into her wetly waiting cunt! He slowly pushed, and his blood-filled purple head, spread her cunt until it seemed surely to rip it. The booted girl, still kneeling, looked up to see the man's cock a few inches above her face! She watched as the massive, blue-veined pole of flesh sawed in and out of the warmly lubricated vagina. There was a look of awe and wanton delight in her eyes. She bent her head back and reached up with her face, her wet little tongue out and flicking over the lesbian's gleaming clitoris and the underside of his plunging cock.

Kim felt, for one wild abandoned moment, that she was gong to cum, that she would have an orgasm right there in front of everyone. It was such a wild obscene fucking that was going on in front of her while Klaus was fondling and exciting her to the point of insanity. She watched the man fucking the lesbian girl from behind, holding onto her slippery hips as best he could. Kim could see the thick long stalk of the cock glistening with oil and cunt-juice as it slowly pistoned in and out of the moistly clasping pussy; that combined with the lascivious sight of the booted girl crouched underneath licking both their genitals made the young wife think she was about to cum and pass out.

But abruptly Kim went beyond orgasm, into a kind of sexual- overdrive and found herself hot and horny. She was shamelessly aroused as she rubbed her thighs together and felt the hotly exciting movement of her moistly heated vaginal lips on the rough edge of the cushion. Her cunt-moisture had dampened the tight band of her panties and only served to arouse her all the more.

Everything seemed to excite her. She craned her neck to see past Klaus and saw Nichole sprawled obscenely with her legs spread wide-apart... and her panties pulled down to her thighs... and Ernie's big hand ravaging her open cunt. Nichole's teeth were tightly gritted and her scarlet mouth open as she ground her pelvis up in rhythm to Ernie's finger fucking. Ernie has pulled both of her big fleshy breasts free of her brassiere and dress, and they bulged in front of her face so that she had to stare down her cleavage in order to see the orgy going on in front of her.

"Orgy" was the only word for it. People all over the room were losing their inhibitions and were naked and writhing as they watched the stage show and other couples alongside them.

Kim didn't think she would ever see anything more depraved and wanton and... arousing... than what she was at that moment watching. But she was wrong. At a signal from the man, he pulled his cock free from the lesbian's wetly clasping cunt with a sucking sound, and bent his knees a little more to slide his long, hotly glistening hard cock back into the kneeling booted girl's mouth and began fucking her, his hips banging against the lesbian's buttocks.

Then, as Kim's eyelids fluttered and her creamy, lust-fired cunt quivered in a compulsive spasm, she watched the man pull his rigidly erect cock with its purple flanged head all shiny, out of the booted girl's mouth and plunge it back into the hotly lubricated cunt of the lesbian! Then, as lust-filled groans and moans came from all around the room, Kim heard herself moan and feel faint from lust and, at the same instant, felt her body go lax, felt her loins relax and felt Klaus's lingers dart finally home to the wetly swollen and tortured lips of her cunt. The hopelessly aroused young wife stared at the platform and continued to moan as she watched the man alternate his rock-hard cock between the waiting cunt and the willing mouth. First one, then the other, dipping and bending, pulling his cock from lips that pouted out and fought to keep it, plunging into the waiting cunt of the lesbian and burying itself, rolling the hair-lined fluted edges of her vagina in with each mighty thrust. Kim could see the pink moist walls of the cunt clinging, rolling outward as he withdrew, doing their best to hold onto his mushroom head despite the delicious lubrication.

The room was an uproar now as people were weaving to their feet, moving and pawing about. Naked men and women were crawling up on the platform and sprawling on the mattresses to join the show. Within seconds, the performers had lost their balance and toppled over among nakedly writhing bodies that came up on the stage.

Madness reigned. It was like the last wild orgy at the end of the decadent Roman empire. The rich had gathered for one last obscene orgy before the fall of Rome, before the vandals sacked the city. There was no point in not joining in. Only it wasn't ancient Rome, it was modern San Francisco at its most sinful and obscene. It was the modern Romans, the modern gladiators, the jet-set, the beautiful people, the privileged, the pleasure-bent, who were operating now, and they went at it with a sensuous freedom and abandon even the ancient Romans would have been awed by. Although none of them would admit it, there was always the idea that The Bomb, The Big One, could drop and, in a twinkling, it would all be over.

Many things entered into it. The new freedom, the sexual revolution, that sense that pleasures were first to be tasted in order to be understood, that feeling of not wanting to miss out on anything. Nichole was up, somewhat unsteady, on her feet and pulling her dress off over her head and flinging it on the couch. Her brassiere followed and then she peeled off her rolled down bikini panties to stand naked in a black garter belt and sheer black stockings and high heels. She looked so wildly beautiful, her glassy eyes unfocused, her expression so lewdly inviting

Ernie was up and frantically ripping his clothes off. Klaus turned to Kim, his face so close to hers that she could feel his hot breath on her cheek. His finger was slowly worming itself into her moistly heated cunt and, no matter how hard she contracted her vaginal muscles, it was slipping relentlessly in, helped, no end, by her excitement and lubrication. She groaned out loud as his other hand continued to fondle her sensitively full breasts and her head thrashed back and forth as Klaus hissed, "Come on! You can't stop now! You can't be a cock-tease!"

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