The Kinky Couples - Cover

The Kinky Couples


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Cheating   Slut Wife   Novel-Pocketbook  

Janet Howard fell asleep finally after her husband had gone down for dinner. She positively refused to talk to him and had almost thrown up when he had leaned over to kiss her. "Get away from me you filthy pig," she had screamed at him. Nor the first time in her married life, Janet had been afraid, she had really thought he was going to strike her, she had never seen such anger, such rage on his face before.

Oh God! Why did we come here, she sobbed to herself, I'm so unhappy.

The anguished young wife came out of her sleep to the sound of a sharp knocking on her door. I wondered who that could be, she thought sleepily, trailing her dressing gown to the door with her.

"Yes," she said feebly, who is it?

"It's me, Bridget miss. I thought you might like a little dinner on a tray."

"How sweet," Janet said aloud, realizing in fact that she was rather hungry now. She threw on her dressing gown and let the Irish maid into the bedroom, showing her where to put the tray and thanking her.

She turned back to the tray and noticed that there was a pitcher of martinis on it and two glasses. Now who could the other glass be for, she pondered. She had hardly thought that thought when another knock came at her bedroom door.

"Yes," she called out.

"It's me, Gary, thought you might like a little chat."

Janet thought about it for a moment and then realized that it would be nice to have someone to talk to. Perhaps Gary wasn't so bad after all. "Come in," she called out.

"Ah good," Gary said as soon as he saw the tray, "so Bridget did her thing... good for her."

Gary sat quietly for a while, watching Janet nibble at her food. "How about a drink," he said at last.

Janet sipped her martini quietly, she felt a little embarrassed, she didn't know what to say to Gary and yet she knew that she had to tell him about his wife and her husband.

"Gary, I... well... I have to tell you something."

"Really, does it have something to do with Julie and Bob?" he smiled patiently.

"Yes. How did you know? Well, I saw them together... they were... they were... Oh God! I can't tell you," she finally sobbed.

"Are you trying to tell me that they were fucking," he smiled at her as if she was a child.

"W-what... you know?"

"Of course I know. They have been having a gay old time ever since Bob arrived here."

The anguished young wife was silent for a moment. "That's not all, Bob just forced me to... to... to..."

"To do what?" Gary said with an amused look on his face.

Suddenly Janet felt stupid, she didn't see how she could say it but she knew she had to. "He fucked me in the ass," she said suddenly.

"Is that all. I fuck Julie all the time in the ass. Really Janet you are quite a little girl you know," he said leaning over and patting her on the knee. "Why don't you take another drink, it will make you feel much better."

Janet sat in her chair like one who has been hypnotized. Is everyone mad around here, she wondered to herself. Her brain was reeling, she just couldn't understand what was happening to her universe anymore and the martinis were really beginning to hit her now, on an almost empty stomach they were working alarmingly fast.

"They did it in the garden as well," she said at last.

"Did what Janet, you'll have to be more specific," Gary said calmly.

"I can't," Janet said finally.

"Perhaps I can help you. You just say yes or no, or even nod your head so that I understand you and I'll put a few questions to you. It's important to me to have all the details."

Suddenly Janet saw him take a long thin book from behind him, he must have had that all along, she thought amazed at her lack of concentration upon details.

Gary began to read: "Jenny's vagina had a tiny reddish clitoris, and it still quivered with obvious excitement. The old man's tongue snaked out and the tip slipped across the tiny point of throbbing flesh."

Oh My God! What is he reading to me, thought Janet wildly, I've got to get out of here. She tried to rise but Gary pushed her back into the chair.

"Let me read a little more," he insisted, "now where was I... oh yes. The people in the room groaned with delight when they saw the girl was beginning to feel acute pleasure. The old man teased it wetly with his tongue and then began to rub it slowly up and down the length of the little girl's wide open slit, bringing new, pleasurable contortions of delight to her face."

Try as she might Janet couldn't help but feel naughty thrills of delight begin to erupt in her pussy as Gary read to her the lewd book.

"The child wrapped her small hands into the old man's thick white hair and the tiny muscles in her arms stood out right and strained as she pulled his craggy face forward toward her. With all the strength she could muster she pulled it directly into the wetness of her loins. Instantly, her hips began a slow grinding up against him as his protruding tongue sunk with breathtaking speed deep into the tightness of her tiny clasping pussy. It was obvious to the people in the room that the little girl was becoming more and more a quivering mass of desire as she writhed and twisted under her grandfather's probing tongue! "What do you think of that, Janet," Gary said suddenly bringing her back to consciousness.

"Oh My Cod! Gary, how can I answer you," groaned Janet. She wanted to leave the room but found she couldn't, her legs felt like a quivering mass of jelly.

"Ah, now here's a scene. Perhaps this is what Julie and Bob were doing in the garden, how about this... The man kneeled in front of Tina's face letting his knees straddle her body on both sides. He had a gigantic rigid cock that stood out in the air like a cannon positioned for firing. He held his hand around it, and persistently rubbed the rubbery, moisture drenched tip against Tina's lips. Tina didn't want to open them, that much was clear, but he reached forward and forced her mouth open by covering her nose with his hand. Coughing and sputtering for breath, Tina fought for a moment in desperation until with a sudden horrid gasp, she opened her mouth wide. By flicking his hips forward, the man let his huge blood filled cockhead plunge deep into the confines of her lips."

As she listened to Gary reading, Janet experienced a sensation totally unlike anything she had ever experienced in her young life. Instead of being revolted by the obscene description, she was being turned on by it.

"Tina's lips expanded and hollowed with each long stroke of the man's blunt tipped penis into her mouth. He sawed rhythmically back and forth, back and forth until Tina began to warm to her task. She reached up and cupped his two softly hanging testicles in her small warm hands. Above her, the man gasped and encouraged her as she began to suck hungrily at his thrusting cock."

Janet knew that she should scream and tear the book from Gary's hands but the tranquilizing effect of the martinis she had consumed made it impossible for her to do so. Suddenly she felt Gary's arms around her.

"Don't you think cock is such a beautiful word... much nicer than penis, don't you think Janet? Listen Janet, I want you to do something, I want you to visualize what you saw this afternoon, only instead of seeing Julie and Bob, I want you to imagine two people you don't even know."

Janet tried very hard to follow Gary's instructions but she found that she couldn't get Bob's face out of the picture, for that matter she couldn't get Julie's either. The soft moans and sucking noises she had heard earlier seemed to be drifting towards her ears once again though and suddenly as she looked at the picture she saw that one of the people was herself!

Suddenly she felt Gary's hand ground hard against her breasts and she uttered a cry, but he gave her soft rubbery nipple a hard pinch beneath the fabric of her dressing gown, and she was immediately filled with such a weird combination of pain and pleasure that she thought she would faint. She tried to cry out but she couldn't as his mouth came down heavily on hers. Against her wishes she felt her passion rising now, rising and rising until she felt that she would burst.

"Don't you see, it doesn't matter who fucks who, as long as everyone is satisfied," Gary murmured into her ear.

"G-Gary, you can't mean..." Janet gasped.

"Exactly," Gary crooned, crushing her mouth once again with his.

Oh no, this is all wrong, thought Janet wildly to herself, all wrong. What am I doing letting this man kiss me even and now he's telling me that he wants to fuck me... oh no, this can't be... it just can't be...

"Janet..." Gary's voice made Janet tremble wildly, "lie down on the bed," he commanded.

Suddenly Janet felt starved and unfulfilled, neglected and abandoned and Gary's voice sounded strangely good to her, like her father's voice in a way... yes, that was it, Gary sounded like her father. Almost like a somnambulist, Janet rose from the chair and walked to the bed, lying on it as Gary had commanded her to. She felt Gary's mouth covering hers and his hands moving up inside her dressing gown seeking out the full heaviness of her breasts. The heat of his hands boldly encompassed each of her trembling breasts and she gave a little moan of desire and turned her head slightly to the side. His mouth followed hers, his hands remaining on her breasts, inching and twisting hard at the hardened little bullets of flesh on the tips. His tongue ground far back into the read of Janet's mouth and with his entire body, he pushed her down, his own body tense and hard against her futile struggling.

"Please Gary, let's stop now," she pleaded. "Let's stop before we go too far."

She heard no answer from Gary however, he only increased the manipulation of her sensuously tingling breasts. Janet could feel his tongue filling her mouth and she felt herself sinking into an abyss of desire. "Oh God... this is wrong," she thought and yet she knew there was nothing she could do about it. She felt Gary's expert fingers rolling her nipples around and around, making them ever harder and sensitive and she felt the pain miraculously turning into spark-like sensations that spread like a brush fire from the peaked quivering mounds right down to her belly where they spread on down between her thighs to the vibrant little split of her seeping pussy. She tossed her chestnut curls back and forth trying to get away from Gary's thrusting tongue, but it was of no use. She was trapped, impaled, used and misused.

Gary could hardly believe his luck, it had been much easier getting Janet onto the bed than he had thought it would be. He felt his cock throbbing wildly now against his pants and he knew that he would have to take her soon or explode in his pants. Oh God! I can't wait to fuck her tight little pussy, he groaned to himself. Never for one moment allowing his tongue to slip out of Janet's warmly quivering mouth he started to unzip his pants and to pull them down over his working legs. Thank God! I didn't wear my shorts, he thought mischievously to himself as he struggled to kick his pants off his ankles. Oh Boy, I can almost taste her delicious little pussy now and she's all mine for the taking... all mine at long last I get to have my rewards!

Bob Howard was intrigued once again with the voluptuous wife of his best friend. She always seemed to surprise him, show him something about life that he hadn't seen before or even known about. Now he felt like a little boy again being led by his mother towards some great unknown delight. Julie promised him something really special tonight, something she said that would blow his mind and give him a whole new perspective on his wife and his marriage... well, he was ready. After the incident earlier on in the evening with his wife he was ready to have his mind blown again!

The anxious husband opened his eyes now to find that he was in Gary and Julie's bedroom. "Mmmmmm... well, this is a first," he murmured.

"Oh, this is just the beginning darling," cooed Julie, immediately crossing the room to him, running her hands over his body and tugging at the zipper to his pants.

Suddenly Bob looked across the room to the wall that was practically covered with mirror and saw to his astonishment that someone was making love through the mirror.

"Who's that?" he asked curiously, "is that a mirror, or what?"

"My sweet innocent," purred Julie, still tugging at his clothes, "that is a mirror yes and it goes through to another bedroom."

"Why, that's Gary, your husband," stammered Bob.

"Of course darling, who else. This is his house you know."

Bob felt his cock begin to lurch in his pants as he watched his best friend licking some hotly churning girl's naked cunt... really doing her in! The girl seemed to really like it too from the way she was wriggling and squirming her hips to meet Gary's foraging mouth.

"Exciting?" Julie cooed, running her fingers up and down the huge thick hardness of his prick, fondling the blunt tipped head and withdrawing the loose foreskin, pulling it down taut with each down stroke.

"God, yes..." Bob replied. "Do you and Gary do this often... I mean watch each other fuck..."

"Of course honey, don't you think it's fun?"

Bob continued to look at the couple, but now his hands were searching eagerly up under Julie's dress, searching out her delicious blonde-fringed pussy, while her fingers massaged his aching cock.

"Jesus!" he exclaimed... "Just look at her go!" Suddenly he was curious, "who is she anyway," he questioned.

"You'll see darling," Julie purred seductively. "Ooooohhhh, honey... that feels good... right there!" She bumped her hips up a little as Bob's middle finger teased beneath the silken little crotchband of her panties into the narrow wet split of her cunt, tickling at her swollen clitoris.

Bob turned a little of his attention to the disturbing presence of his best friend's wife beneath him. He guessed he could fuck all night... the way he felt right now.

"Ever do it standing up?" Julie asked, with a thin, lewd smile on her lips.

In the other bedroom, Gary reared up from his best friend's wife's wet and glistening pussy. He looked down into her desire riddled features with an expression of utter satisfaction.

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