A Husband's Hobby - Cover

A Husband's Hobby


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - A horny wife is tricked into sexual activities she never imagined.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Blackmail   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Fiction   Cheating   Sharing   Slut Wife   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

The air was cool but not cold when Mark and Natalie Jenkins joined the other staff members and the hundred teenaged campers down by the lake for the campfire. Mark's group of twelve boys had already come down with one of the other supervisors, because their own counselor seemed to be taking too long about getting here. They had already marked off their area a few feet away from where the fire would be lit, and Bobby Farris enthusiastically ran up and dragged the nature guide and his wife into their understood territory.

"You're sure late, Mark," he said breathlessly.

"Well, hell, he's married to Mrs. Jenkins, isn't he?" Rich Simmons asked logically, remembering how long he spent yesterday with that very same woman.

"Shh!" Jason Powell cautioned his cabin-mates meaningfully. He still didn't know what kind of an arrangement his female teacher and her counselor husband had going between themselves, and he didn't want to give anything away.

Natalie stole a smile at her young blond lover, assuring him that he wasn't to worry any more about what she had told him last week. This evening's conversation with her husband had confirmed that most of her opinions and beliefs about Mark sexually were wrong, and she was going to start in right now to correct them. Unhesitatingly, she sat down in the sand beside the fourteen year old and laid her hand familiarly on his knee.

Mark looked down and winked his approval before settling himself a few feet away, where he could fully see his wife's bold squeezing of the youth's folded leg. Jason blushed confusedly, but the sun was so low already that his change of color went unnoticed. Natalie merely smiled contentedly while they all waited for the program to start.

Each campfire night was highlighted by a special program had consisted of a series of skits presented by the members of each of the cabin-groups, and tonight, an astronomer had come up from the city to give a lesson on the constellations. The moon was waning so there was little light to detract from the stars, and the intelligent university professor was able to capture the boys' attention for over an hour as he related the long and sometimes intricate myths behind the constellations. Then he explained some of the science-fiction-like theories about phenomena like black holes and anti-matter, and the discussion that followed nearly used up all the time allotted for the campfire get-together.

Stuart Brooks regretfully announced that since the main feature of the meeting had taken up the entire time period, and since the huge bonfire had already nearly burned itself out, the counselors would have to take their groups back to the cabins, and they would save the marshmallows and songs for the next gathering. A groan arose from the hundred wide-awake teenagers, but the Camp Director remained firm. Slowly but surely the groups of boys stood up and brushed the sand off their pants, reluctantly following their leaders' instructions to hurry.

Only Mark Jenkins' group remained. It was their night to put out the fire and clean up the beach area, so they were allowed an extra half-hour before lights-out in their cabin. But their illustrious counselor had even better plans for tonight.

As soon as all the other occupants of Weatherly-Brooks Summer Camp for Boys had disappeared into their cabins and the lights had gradually flickered off, Mark signaled to wiry Art Towne and helpful Glenn Story to start setting up for the surprise party. The two thirteen year olds agreeably rolled out a huge tarpaulin that seemed to materialize out of nowhere, and over it, they laid several of the satin-lined sleeping bags that they had spirited out of their cabins. Two or three of the other boys produced lanterns that they had secreted in the shrubbery, and Art knowledgeably tested the mantles and lit them. He had adjusted the gauzy mantles at their lowest intensity, so when the lanterns were set on the ground, they bathed the whole tarpaulin in orange light without disturbing the darkness of the lakeside or the sky.

Natalie was vaguely aware that several of the boys seemed to be disappearing into the bushes only to return in various states of undress. Yesterday, this would have frightened her, and put her on her guard, but tonight, with her husband's reassuring approval, the dark-haired wife could hardly contain her anticipation.

One of the youngsters motioned her to lie down in the middle of the thick, plush mattress composed of sleeping bags folded out and stacked over the tarp. She willingly complied and made no protest when another young boy began to undress her with tender, caring gentleness. Mark seemed to appear at her side with a box, crudely gift-wrapped but obviously well-intentioned. He opened it for her while she watched in the dim light, and she sighed in excitement when she saw that it was a full-length, hot pink lace gown, made of the sheerest nylon fabric she had ever seen.

"The boys thought you'd like it," he explained with a smile, and Natalie laughed happily as she sat up and pulled it on as a flimsy disguise for her nakedness. An audible gasp of appreciation went up from the gathering of boys around the makeshift bed, and the black-haired teacher nodded to them in response.

"I'm ready whenever you are," she announced unhesitatingly, never doubting for a moment what her husband had planned as a surprise for her.

"Okay," a young male voice said softly, as his shadowed form stepped forward boldly. "I'll go first." Natalie sucked in her breath when she saw that it was Jason Powell. The sight of his splendid nakedness glimmering in the faint light filled her with the same lustful desire that she had felt that first afternoon last week, when he had come to pick up Mark's book. She raised her head and watched in aroused fascination as the youth slowly lifted the new pink gown from her legs. She trembled in excitement as the boy's hands began their lewd seductive movements over her exposed thighs and hips with the ease of familiarity. His original hesitation had been stilled by his counselor's assurance that everything was all right, and he was no longer afraid to touch the teacher's beautiful young body. His fingers danced over the soft strands of dark silky pubic hair and he breathed huskily, "Spread your legs apart."

Natalie obediently opened her thighs, but the impatient youth grabbed her knees and forced them even farther apart, exposing the full length of her cuntal slit to the other boys' leering eyes. It was exciting her to have all these young males around her, and with her own dear husband watching, too! God, it's unbelievable, she thought as she sought out his face in the sensuous darkness surrounding the bed they had created for her. Unable to pick out Mark's appreciatively watching eyes, Natalie looked back at her lover, watching him reach forward to run his middle finger up the tightly closed slit of her cunt, parting the soft vaginal hairs and feeling the smooth moist pink flesh underneath. Her hips jerked beneath the sudden contact as his finger dipped experimentally into her warm, damp vaginal opening.

Natalie could feel the pit of her belly and thighs hot and moist from the lewd spectacle unfolding with her at its center. There were at least a half dozen teenagers around the tarpaulin, almost all of them completely naked in the mild summer air with their hard cocks jerking gleamingly in the dim orange light. She arched her back as she felt someone lift the filmy nightgown up toward her shoulders, then raised her arms to let them pull it away from her body.

She moaned slightly and tried to recapture her new, alluring garment, but a huddle of boys was now fondling it and stroking it over their youthfully erected cocks. Natalie sighed and lifted her knees up in joyful acceptance as one of the young boys climbed onto the bed between her legs. She felt the hardness of his young cock scraping and rubbing against the lips of her cunt, and she knew she was already prepared for it. Her dark eyes squinted in the flickering lantern light as she strained to recognize the new naked youth, and she shut her eyes in contentment when she saw that it was Glenn Story, the boy who had agreeably taken the pictures for Stuart Brooks yesterday. His torso hovered over her prostrate form and she reached between their bodies to grasp his rigid penis and pull it forward until she felt the hot throbbing head insinuating itself between the little ridges of her tender pussy flesh on either side of her wetly welcoming cunt. Then, with one long easy stroke, Glenn slid his rampant cock all the way up into her heaving belly.

She sighed as she felt the hard rubbery head of his organ batter softly up against her cervix and his balls slap hard against her upturned anus. Her mouth fell loosely open and she began humping up against him, feeling his hardness in her warm cunt sliding in and out from the moisture of her own lust- secretions. She worked her legs back and forth over the boy's back, her flailing hips working in time with his thrusts. Vaguely she wondered whether Glenn had fucked many girls before, and if so, who they were and how he had enjoyed it. She wanted to give him the best fuck he had ever had, and she began to moan softly in encouragement. "Mmmmmnnn, yes..."

Suddenly Natalie felt his cock begin to expand wildly. He stroked harder, the battering of her quivering pussy bringing swelling groans from deep in her heaving chest. She knew he was going to shoot into her at any moment, but she still held back her own climax. She had all the time and all the cocks she would need for fulfillment now, and she was in no rush to tire herself out at the very beginning of what promised to be a long, lustful evening. A moment later, the Story boy clawed convulsively at her buttocks and his mouth fell open over her passion-twisted face. Torrents of hot white cream spilled from the jerking head of his cock-tube, surging into the depths of her body. The bursting hot liquid set off her own unplanned-for climax, and she sighed heavily as she raked her nails across his back with the delicious sensation that was charging through her. She poured forth her own juices, mixing and combining with the boy's sperm until he let her body go in sheer exhaustion.

Natalie too collapsed, her body still quivering and twitching as the spent teenager rolled away from her. But before she could even catch her breath, Jason, who had been waiting patiently at her side, now crawled in closer to her. Her eyes widened at the sight of his huge white penis and she moved over to let him lie on his back in the center of the sleeping-bag mattress. He quickly responded to her wishes and reclined back, his long, rock-hard shaft spearing obscenely into the still night air. Natalie stared hungrily at it with lust-filled eyes, watching as he spread his thighs open and his heavy hair-covered balls fell slowly between them. In the flickering light from the lantern, Jason's cock seemed to be glistening with a pulsing life of its own, and the young teacher was almost mesmerized by the suggestive illusion.

"Come on top of me, Natalie," the young blonde boy whispered, his words sounding mature and inciting beyond his years.

Natalie felt the desire blazing in her loins and she needed no further prompting. She knelt with her thighs on either side of his ribs and immediately felt his hands running smoothly up her inner thighs to the throbbing damp lips of her cunt, spreading the swollen downy flanges open to expose its wet pink interior to his lustful gaze. Immediately his fingertips began to work furiously at her tiny hard clitoris, bringing it to a more and more sensitive state until, with a strangled groan, she leaned up on her knees and grabbed his cock to wedge it into the narrow sperm- soaked slit of her vagina.

"Ooooh, Jason, I can't wait," she breathed, her weighty breasts heaving and swaying as she writhed her hips above the blunt knob of his angry towering penis. The others around the tarp watched as the fourteen year old caught hold of her waist while she clung to his cockshaft, aiming her starving vagina directly above the fleshy rod with the fiery mushroom-shaped head. Then, he pulled her down on it. It resisted for a moment against the tight elastic opening of her cunt, then wedged in beyond the rim. With a deep-throated sigh, she sank down on it and he slid it up into her belly like a never-ending greased pole of flesh.

Tightening her knees around his slim hips, Natalie sank lower and lower on his meaty shaft, moaning as if in agony until she settled down on his loins, completely impaling herself on the rigid pole of flesh. Then, she strained her buttocks up in the air again until Jason's long thick penis drew out of her cunt, gleaming wet in the dim light from the secretions of her vagina. The cords of her inner thighs stood out with the effort as she hoisted herself upward until the wide rim of the shiny purplish head was slipping out of her clasping cuntal lips and then with a soul-searing cry, she sank down again, smashing her crotch against his loins, devouring the whole of his cock into her soft, enveloping pussy.

Jason pressed his legs tightly together and jerked his hips rhythmically upward as she descended so that their bodies crashed together in a regular pattern, bringing a measured cadence of gasps and groans from both their throats.

Watching from the dark perimeter of the tarpaulin, Mark could see that Natalie was sexually excited at last, and he watched intently to see what the young boys would do that aroused her. Although he knew that most husbands would be offended and humiliated by the sight of their wives fucking other men, Mark was satisfied that this was the most effective way to save their marriage. He was getting the opportunity to watch his gorgeous young wife in the throes of her sexual ecstasy, and she was being allowed to take all the delicious young cocks she could handle in a single night. But Mark wasn't able to enjoy the lewd spectacle as much as he wanted to, however, because it was all he could do to keep from jumping on that stack of sleeping bags and raping his wife right at that moment. Even though he had always known what an extraordinarily exciting woman his wife was, he had never been so aroused by the sight of her naked body as he was right now. He wanted to fuck her silly, right here and now, so he could participate in her overwhelming pleasure.

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