A Husband's Hobby - Cover

A Husband's Hobby


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A horny wife is tricked into sexual activities she never imagined.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Blackmail   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Fiction   Cheating   Sharing   Slut Wife   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

Natalie Jenkins surveyed the twelve new faces of her second week's students. Among them, she immediately picked out Jason Powell, but he smiled innocently when she called his name, not even hinting that he had ever met her before.

Phew, the teacher sighed to herself. At least the boy was mature enough to realize how dangerous it would have been to brag to his friends about his prior association with the young instructor. Nevertheless, the twelve boys in her new class were all members of her husband's hiking group, and their comments were predictably appropriate.

"Shit, you mean she's married to Mark?" a small blond boy named Bobby Farris whispered to the boy next to him.

"I guess so," shrugged the other adolescent, a tall Irish youth named Dennis O'Mally. "Why don't you ask old Jason... he saw Mrs. Jenkins last week, remember? When he took so long getting that book for Mark?"

"Oh, yeah," Bobby replied, turning to his other side.

Natalie controlled the urge to blush as she distinctly heard the whispered exchange, but a remark from the other side of the room startled her.

"Well, hell, man, I'd take a long time with Mrs. Jenkins, too!"

It came from a mature-looking dark-haired fourteen year old, and Natalie had to consult her roll-book to learn that he was Rich Simmons. His assertion was met with stifled guffaws from the teenagers surrounding him, but apparently the two youths who had prompted the remark didn't hear it.

"What's that, man?" Bobby asked aloud. "What're you dudes laughing at?"

"You, man," Rich replied. "You're thick... like, you can't even see what's right in front of your face..."

Right in front of his face, Bobby Farris saw the provocative profile of the young 3-R's teacher. He fell immediately silent, shrinking back into his desk as he saw the look of harsh consternation cross the beautiful woman's features.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am," he mumbled politely.

Natalie nodded her acknowledgment and rapped on her desk for attention. "Boys! Boys!" she said crisply. "The bell has rung, and we're wasting precious time. Now either settle down and be quiet, or some of you are going to have to miss your afternoon hike..."

The twelve teenagers gradually hushed, turning their eyes to the wife of their camp counselor and nature guide. Just seeing Mark's wife filled them with a new, undefined respect for him, that such a mild-mannered man as Mr. Jenkins could be married to such a sexy-looking woman. Their minds weren't exactly on their studies as she explained how the individualized lessons would be conducted, but they all set to work almost immediately, in an unconscious desire to please the gorgeous, almost goddess-like young teacher.

That afternoon, Mark Jenkins smiled to himself when he met his group of young campers and noticed how quiet they were compared to last week. He knew they had met his wife in the morning, and he understood how they might be mesmerized by her voluptuous lush appearance. It took him awhile to ease the youths back into the real world, and then he was privately pleased by their admiring comments.

"Jesus Christ, did you see them boobs?"

"Shit yeah, man... old Mark must really get a mouthful..."

"Holy fuck, her ass is so round... I could almost touch it when she was bending over to get that chalk!"

"Aw, knock it off, I know you were trying to look down her blouse!"

It went on that way all afternoon. Mark was barely able to keep his young charges' minds on their activities, even though they were planning the tree-house they would get to build later on in the week. It was then that he hit on the idea of letting his group spend a whole day with his wife, instead of just the half- day they were assigned. It would give him an opportunity to be alone for awhile during the best part of the day, and it would give the teenagers a chance to let their prurient interest in his wife run its course.

Adolescent infatuation was something Mark Jenkins saw all the time in his biology classes in the city. Usually, it was a young girl or a group of girls who developed a crush on one of the male teachers, but in Natalie's case, the reverse was always happening. The biology teacher wasn't jealous or even worried particularly, probably because he had gotten so used to it in his year of marriage to the beautiful Natalie. The way to get over a crush was to let it run itself out, and his youthful charges would be back to normal a lot sooner if they spent a whole day with his wife.

That evening, he presented the idea to Natalie. He was surprised that she seemed so apprehensive about the plan, and he was about to abandon it when she threw herself across the bed as if she was going to cry.

"Darling... What's wrong?" he asked in alarm.

But the young woman was trapped in a whirlpool of confusion. Should she tell him? Should she admit that there was a youngster in that class who had only last week driven his long, hard cock right up between her legs? How could she explain to her own husband how the very sight of that group of young boys sent her pussy to palpitating with unfulfilled expectation? It was unnatural, perverted, and wrong! And she just couldn't face feeling that way for a whole, uninterrupted day.

"Okay, Nat," Mark shrugged finally. "We don't have to do it... I just thought it might be a nice change for the boys -- and us..."

"Mark, what could I teach them in the afternoon? I'm no nature guide!"

"Oh, you could talk to Stu about that... We'd have to clear the plan with him anyway, of course. I'll explain the problem to him, if you like," her husband offered.

"Problem? What problem?" Natalie demanded suddenly.

"You know, all the kids thinking they want to... well... Nat, you know what I mean... They think they want to get it on with you, all guys do. And the only way to get it out of their systems is to let them think they've done all they can do."

The beautiful black-haired wife sat upright on the bed, her expression incredulous and annoyed. "What in heaven's name are you suggesting, Mark? Sometimes I think..." She didn't finish the sentence, mostly because she was afraid of what she might give away, but she was absolutely astounded by the apparent naivete of her own husband's suggestion.

But by the next morning, she was convinced of it. Not only had Mark approached Stuart Brooks with the idea of changing a day's schedule in the interest of increasing the campers' concentration, but the Camp Director had approved of the plan! In fact, Stuart insisted that they do it today, Tuesday, so they could salvage as much of the week as possible. He offered to assist the young teacher with the outdoor afternoon program, but Natalie wasn't sure she liked the help he was giving her.

In the first place, he had suggestively decided on photography as the ostensible subject matter for the afternoon's activity, leering lewdly at the young wife as he said it. Then, he had suggested that they take only six boys at a time, to create a more "intimate" atmosphere of association with the beautiful female teacher. It all sounded so much like a set-up to Natalie that she honestly couldn't understand how Mark could agree to it. But agree he did, offering to instruct the other six boys in tree- house construction just as they'd planned to do originally.

Natalie felt angry and betrayed. It was all she could do to keep her composure as she led the six adolescents from her morning class on the hour-long climb up the hill in back of the camp. Stuart Brooks followed along almost silently, speaking only to show the young teacher where to turn to get to the spot he had in mind.

They reached the wooded area half-way up the hill and the Camp Director signaled Natalie to stop. From where they were, the six students and their two supervisors could see the whole northern arm of Lake Devonshire, the two thick forests on either side of the lake, and the rooftops of all the camp's buildings, outlined like miniature scale-models of the actual structures they were. It was indeed a breathtaking view, and Natalie decided it was almost worth it just to have the chance to see it. But shortly, her apprehension was renewed, and with definite reason.

Stuart seemed to have taken over the instruction of the six boys, defeating the initial purpose of the expedition. He was describing to the youths how to select a subject for a photo, his words were clearly inciting.

"Okay, fellows," he was saying, "now we want variety and interest in a picture -- curves instead of straight lines, warm meaty subjects instead of cold, dull ones. You want to show life, motion... like the way Mrs. Jenkins is walking... notice how her muscles move."

Natalie glared at her husband's friend. "Is this what you brought us up here for, Mr. Brooks?" she asked coldly. The six teenagers giggled at her tone.

A sharp little thirteen year old named Art Towne approached her boldly, declaring, "Come off it, Mrs. Jenkins... You may be pretty, but you're not dumb!" He reached his hands out to stroke her bare arms, but the teacher jerked away. This kid wasn't kidding!

Then, all at once, the black-haired teacher became aware of a faint clicking sound, and she knew instantly that Stuart Brooks was taking pictures again. The six adolescents seemed to gather around her like moths, picking her up bodily and laying her down in the grass, as some of them courageously began to undress her while others held her down.

She looked helplessly up into their eager, lustful faces, trying to appeal to whatever developing sense of justice they might have. But here, at Weatherly-Brooks Summer Camp For Boys, they seemed to have no sense of justice at all. The Camp Director himself stood by snapping photos as the teenagers anxiously undressed their teacher, delighting in her obvious humiliation.

Natalie looked pleadingly into Jason Powell's face, silently begging for an explanation.

"Honest, Mrs. Jenkins," he whispered earnestly. "I swear I didn't tell... Mark your husband -- told us this was just going to be a photography lesson, so we wouldn't be so... um... interested in... um..." His face grew red and the teacher could almost feel the warmth of his embarrassment. "So we wouldn't be thinking about... the female body all the time!" He said the last phrase so fast that it sounded like a single word, but Natalie heard it all and she was beginning to understand. Not only had Mark permitted this charade to go on with his knowledge, but he had also encouraged this kind of salacious behavior! God! Where was her marriage going to?

The teacher moaned aloud as she lay nakedly in the long cool grass among the trees. The young boys' hands were roaming over her silky flesh at will now, venturing up to the peaks of her full-mounded breasts to tweak boldly at her hardening nipples. Stuart was moving in closer with his camera, too, encouraging the boys to spread her legs, so he might get a closer view. Natalie considered screaming out for help, but even if someone heard her down at the camp, it would take them an hour to hike all the way up. If she fought, she was sure to be overpowered by the healthy, virile young males. And anyway, what good would it do her to put a stop to something that her husband so obviously agreed to! Whatever happened to her this time was as much Mark's fault as her own, and there was nothing she could do about it!

Convinced that she couldn't influence her young captors or their adult provocateur, Natalie allowed herself to relax. If she closed her eyes, she could pretend that the adolescents' massaging fingers were actually the soothing, mechanical streams of water from a Jacuzzi, like the one at the country club in the city. She let her muscles respond limply to the boys' manipulations, and eventually, she was even able to block the obscene clicking of Stuart's camera out of her mind. The boys aren't doing anything, anyway, she thought peacefully. Maybe this is the best way to teach them about... girls...

But suddenly, Natalie's complacency was tested. The voice assaulted her consciousness like a piercing arrow. "Okay, who wants to go first?" Stuart's voice boomed. "Bobby? You ever eaten pussy before?"

"No, sir," Natalie's eyes flew open to see that the young Farris boy was, except for his shirt, completely naked, and his teenaged penis was jutting out from under his shirt, throbbing excitedly. He knelt down between the teacher's forcibly spread legs, pushing her ivory thighs apart. His knees pressed between her ankles as he lowered his face pantingly down toward the hair- covered vee of her open crotch. His mouth watered as his wide eyes looked down on it, rotating sensuously, just below his lips. Saliva dribbled from his chin, mixing with the seeping juices of her own uncontrollable arousal, as she remembered how innocent and young Bobby had looked in class yesterday.

Through half-shut eyes, Natalie watched the young student crouching between her legs. She could feel her unwanted passion mounting even against the ever-present background of Stuart's obscenely clicking camera. She watched with bated breath as Bobby's head moved closer to the wispy mound of pubic hair below her belly.

She jerked slightly as his hot moist lips closed over the soft mound of her sex. She could see the boy's golden hair bobbing over her dark fleece as he planted wet tickling kisses on the still-closed opening, his tongue flicking teasingly at the quivering pressed lips.

It felt good! God... she couldn't believe it... it really felt good to have this young boy doing just what she had dreamed about for three long years of teaching. Her hands began to move sensuously down over her throbbing breasts and along the narrow indentation of her waist to her flat, undulating stomach. Her long fingers tangled momentarily in the cherubic youth's blond hair, and then slowly inched downward to spread the fleshy coral lips of her own pussy.

"Aaaaahh," she moaned in a whisper, as she felt the slight sluice of her vagina opening to the young boy's tongue. Her elbows were pressed tightly against her ribs and her head lolled from side to side on the ground as his hot tongue shot out, its soft flicking tip circling the quivering erect nub of her clitoris. Bobby sucked inward, drawing the warm soft folds of her vagina deep into the hot cavern of his mouth, as his tongue continued its maddening licking against the straining pink bud of her clitoris. Through the haze of her unexpected passion, Natalie saw Stuart looming in closer now, clicking away with his camera in undisguised delight. She groaned huskily from deep in her throat as the hot probing tongue worked its way up and down the length of the narrow wet slit, starting at her lower belly and sliding down, down over the clasping opening of her hungry vagina and into the crevice of her flexing buttocks where it stooped momentarily to do a wet probing homage to the tight brown hole nestled below. At the strange new feeling, Natalie's hips ground uncontrollably into the grass, and soft mewling animal sounds escaped pitifully from between her passion-clenched teeth.

Stuart watched delightedly as Bobby licked and sucked hungrily between the beautiful woman's widely spread legs as the other boys looked on. The scene filled the Camp Director with feeling of power, as he saw that Natalie was turning into just the type of woman he had predicted she would, a squirming hot mass of sexually excited flesh. He had never seen anyone get this hot so fast, and it was making his cock hard just to watch.

He chuckled obscenely as he saw his friend's wife's hands desperately clawing at Bobby's soft blond hair, guiding his face closer to the palpitating opening of her cunt. He adjusted the zoom lens on his camera and leaned in close, prompting Bobby's proud grin of approval as he raised his head from her moist pink flesh. He quickly stabbed his tongue back into her pussy for a moment, and then withdrew it quickly to tease again around the throbbing ragged edges of her hungrily sucking vagina.

Natalie groaned in frustration and grasped the thirteen year old's head, pressing his mouth directly over the tight little hole in her squirming crotch. His lips rounded and covered the clasping, hungry opening, then he thrust his tongue deep down into the warmth inside, bringing a low throaty cry from the older woman whose thighs convulsed on either side of his head.

Bobby felt the warm wet flesh slipping moistly over his long, extended tongue as the walls of the teacher's vagina opened and closed in a auctioning motion, as though it was trying to pull his whole face deep into its dark velvety depths. He thought the nibbling, hair-rimmed mouth would pull his tongue out by the roots as her heels dug into his back, pressing his young body between her thighs until he couldn't breathe. His nose was smashed tightly against her tiny hard clitoris, inhaling the sweet odor of the lust juices that were flowing from her pussy, while his tongue licked on and on, moving from her vagina to her tiny puckered rectal hole and back again.

Natalie felt her blood beginning to boil as she surrendered completely to the intense delight of the boy's face, reveling to the bottom of her soul with the insane throes of lustful enchantment. Every muscle in her body was tensed as she strained her hips upward toward the maddening probe between her legs. She still didn't believe that it was actually happening -- her secret, private lust-fantasy was being enacted by this gorgeous young child between her legs.

Her instinctive response seemed to incite the blond, boy further and his tongue licked gluttonously at her flamed-seared hole as her up-drawn legs opened and closed spasmodically around Bobby's head. Her lips bared back over her teeth and the cords of her neck stood out, as she heard Stuart exclaiming excitedly as he snapped away.

"Oh, beautiful! Shit, what a shot!" he was saying, even as Natalie groaned with her approaching orgasm. Desperate for release, she shamelessly splayed her legs wider and wider, as she writhed and twitched on the ground. She heard Stuart's voice vaguely instructing the boy, "Okay, pull out, I want to get her cunt!"

And suddenly his licking stopped, and the teacher's eyes opened wide in frustration and shock. Above her, Bobby was struggling to his feet, and Stuart was aiming the camera right into her trembling, needful vagina. "God, oh, God," the woman pleaded unashamedly to the older man. "Hurry... get your damn picture and fill my pussy!"

Desperately, she ground her inflamed buttocks down into the cool grass, forgetting her anger and betrayal. She needed only one thing now -- a cock! Natalie's passion was beyond caring now who fucked her. All she cared about was finding a man with a hardened cock to soothe her blazing pussy. That was the only thing in the world that mattered anymore, and she knew she would go insane if she had to wait much longer.

Even as her mind fought the deceit of Stuart Brooks' trickery, her legs kicked out uncontrollably and her slender ankles curled into the backs of the Camp Director's thighs. The tall, muscular man was pleasantly surprised by the obvious change that had taken over his college buddy's wife, but he didn't pause to ponder over it. He wasted no time in setting down his camera and loosening his shirt and shorts. But he had no intention of being rushed by her driving need. His penis had been incited to a hardness he could barely control and yet he was determined to give the beautiful black-haired woman a fuck she would remember all her life. Sure, he told himself, I wasn't planning to do this, but I always say -- a job worth doing, is worth doing well! He grinned with anticipation as he watched her body writhing hungrily below him.

Natalie's eyes were glazed in frightened, uncontrollable desire. Her body was caught up in a vortex of naked raw lust that she had never known before. She wanted to feel. She wanted to feel the beautiful sensation of a man fucking deep into her. She wanted her belly filled with great pools of fresh virile cum and to feel its warmth all over her lust-maddened flesh. Still, the Camp Director teased her by holding his body suspended over her, just out of her reach. In desperation, she thrust her tightly- clenched ass up toward his thick hard cock in a lewd invitation to spur him to greater speed.

Stuart watched her for a moment, his eyes bulging slightly at the exciting spectacle of this beautiful woman gone mad with desire. But he knew that he wouldn't be able to stand it much longer. With a low groan, he grabbed her slender flailing legs behind the knees and shoved them roughly back over her shoulders, slithering up her sweat-soaked body at the same time. His hiking shorts seemed to slide down off his hairy legs as he moved upward on her body, pulling his shorts down with them. Natalie jerked when she felt his gleaming, stone-hard cock brush thrilling against her wet, matted pubic hair as he planted his hands solidly on either side of her shoulders, locking her ankles tight behind his neck.

When he looked down between their two naked bodies, the Camp Director could see the expanded narrow slit of Natalie's vagina, throbbing visibly as he held the moist wet furrow wide apart with the pressure of his thighs against her own. He could see her straining upward, but the weight of his body kept her away from the cock she wanted so much to sink into her hotly quivering pussy.

"Fucking A!" the older man panted, motioning to the boys with one outstretched hand. "Will you get a look at this? This is what it's all about, fellows... Now, if one of you can just get the camera there, and focus in on her lovely pussy..."

The teacher gasped when she heard her captor's obscene commands, but there was nothing she could do to fight his wicked plans. She could feel the thick fleshy rod resting against her pubic mound, pulsating against her quivering open slit. The hotly throbbing head pressed against the soft flesh of her inner thigh, lurching spasmodically closer to her needful cunt, but so slowly that she angrily twisted her hips upwards toward it, trying to capture the elusive thickness into the warm confines of her hungrily clasping pussy.

The soft pressure of Stuart's belly resting against hers sent new devils of delight dancing around the rough pink edges of Natalie's naked cunt as he teasingly maneuvered to keep his cock away from her starving cunt. At last, she could not bear the waiting any longer and with a soft grunt that aroused the youthful onlookers, she jerked forward wildly, grasping Brooks' buttocks to pull him down onto her heaving body. The thick, blood-filled head of his massive penis drove straight into her throbbing pussy, his weight smashing her into the grass with crushing force. Her face contorted with shock as the heavy, rock-hard shaft of flesh sank all the way to the hilt in her suddenly stretched vagina, and she felt his balls slap tightly against her ass. The impalement was so sudden and quick that the black-haired teacher couldn't immediately adjust to the unnatural thickness of the Camp Director's rod of cock-flesh. She bit her lips to suppress the whimpers that rose immediately from her throat. She couldn't allow herself to make a spectacle in front of the boys... she had to show them that she wouldn't be humiliated by the lecherous camp leader.

Stuart held still above the softly groaning woman, savoring the sight of the nature guide's wife completely skewered on his lust-hardened cock buried deep in her white, hungrily-contracting little belly. He wished that he could be taking pictures at the same time as he fucked his long, thick penis up into her... Shit, wouldn't old Mark get off on that? He turned his head briefly to the brown-haired boy who was tentatively aiming the camera toward the teacher's widespread cunt-lips. "Hey, Glenn," Stuart addressed him, "can you get that shot from above? Make sure you can see how her cunt just vacuums in my cock!"

"Yeah... okay..." Glenn responded. Natalie turned her head in the direction of the voice and saw that the thirteen year old was completely naked, and his hard young penis was jerking virilely in the fresh woodsy air. His hands trembled as he held the Camp Director's expensive camera, and for a crazy instant, the young teacher felt sorry for him. Obviously he wished he could be in the older man's place right now, with his cock buried deeply in her undulating pussy, but he was doing his best to obey the Camp Director's instructions to get the best picture possible.

Stuart flexed his unimaginably long penile rod inside her churning cunt, as if to remind her that he was still there. She squirmed impatiently beneath the otherwise motionless man, as the discomfort of his blunt entry receded and her passion returned in even greater force. She could not remember ever being so hot in her life, even when she had contemplated the healthy male organs of her young math students in the city. She wanted to be fucked -- yes, fucked -- until she couldn't stand up, to still the quivering desire that was making her loins tremble around Stuart's motionless cock. She tightened her crotch muscles tautly together in an attempt to excite the Camp Director to continue with the lewd and arousing task he had begun. She wanted to make him fuck her, but even though his stiff blunt cock seemed to burrow deeper and deeper into her greedily demanding passageway, still he did not move. The walls of her starving cunt rippled around his buried member, gently massaging its fleshy ridges, clamping and releasing rhythmically around it until she almost thought she felt the hard rubbery tip pulse in response deep in her belly. The pungent odor of her own desire wafted up to her nostrils, mingling strangely with the feeling of the great throbbing cock inside her. It all seemed to roll together into a hot fiery ball of aching hunger for more. Her cunt contracted more powerfully as the wanton lascivious thoughts raced through her mind.

Finally, the sensual woman could contain herself no longer. She threw her head back in the grass, her black curls flailing out like a shadowy fire around her ivory-colored face.

"JESUS, STUART! Do it to me... do it to me, NOW!!! FUCK ME WITH YOUR GODDAMN COCK!!"

But the Camp Director above her only smiled sadistically and waited. He stared down at her with a leering grin, proudly aware of the six teenagers who huddled close with their mouths gaping open. No matter how much his balls ached, or how hard it was to keep his muscular pelvis from slamming into her with rapid-fire strokes, he was going to make her wait. In reward for her desperate plea, he flexed his penis again, expanding it inside her but still not plunging forward with all his reserve strength.

"Please, Stuart... Come on, now... please," Natalie whispered breathlessly as the build-up of tension in her body began to pressure for release. "I can't wait any longer."

He waited another cruel moment, then flexed his lust-bloated rod yet a third time, watching her lovely face contort with desire. Her mouth hung limply open and her eyes were tightly shut as she fought to draw all the sensation she could from his patronizing movement.

"More, more, more," she chanted as he flexed again and again, setting a slow measured rhythm to his penile throbs. He watched her nostrils flare and felt her answering throbs around his rampant cock. Soft mewling sounds of pleasure came from her open mouth unconsciously keeping time to his teasing ministrations.

Suddenly he felt the throbs become more and more urgent around the head of his penis. Natalie's wet clasping cunt began a frantic clenching and unclenching around his pulsating cock.

Brooks did not stir, but continued the slow rhythmic pulses of his expanding cock into the skewered woman beneath him. He could barely contain his joy as her sounds of animalistic passion mounted, echoing off the trees and vibrating the eardrums of the six young campers who gathered so eagerly around. Her hair tossed around her face as her head lolled from side to side in the grass, her hips urgently rolled and gyrated beneath his impaling rod. He wanted to fuck her bow-legged, and yet he still held back, clenching his teeth together with the effort as he felt her greedily nibbling little pussy screw itself up tighter and tighter against his wiry-haired pelvis in an effort to suck more of his buried cock deep up inside of it.

Natalie's body felt as though it was on fire. She almost cried in frustration at the man who was so cruelly torturing her by lying motionless with his penis sunk deep in her aching cunt. There were six virile young boys all around her, in various stages of arousal, who would have been willing to fuck into her with youthful speed and force. Out of the corners of her eyes, she could see some of them, their jutting cock-heads bobbing lewdly out from under their t-shirts. The boy with the camera was leaning over her head now, and she could almost reach out with her tongue to swipe at the underside of his blue-veined penis.

Oh, do it! she moaned inwardly to the torturing Camp Director poised above her. Do it... I can't stand being teased... She needed to feel the glorious, all-consuming sensation of a masculine cock sliding in and out of her starving, hair-lined slit. She could feel the soft leathery sac of his balls dangling tantalizingly against the sensitive ring of her anus, causing her body to jerk with anticipation. But he did nothing while she lay there, needing him so desperately to move within her clasping passageway. She almost hated him for what he was doing to her... She would hate him, except that he did have his long hard penis sunk into her needful pussy, and that was all in the world she wanted. In her mind, she cursed his sadistic cruelty with all the obscene words that came to her lust-deranged consciousness as she insanely bucked up and down against his unmoving body, masturbating him with her cunt as she would with a hot, butter- filled fist. Then, suddenly, she began to forget her anger and frustration, as, without warning, her own movements began a deeper electric tingle far up in her tortured womb. She moved a little faster and felt it seep relentlessly through the raw nerve endings of her flesh, then moved more desperately, feeling it ripple through her cunt and out the fleece-lined lips, dancing like tiny points of fire over her ivory thighs, covering the full length of her widespread legs and sending thrilling currents down to her very toes, until they curled down over the soles of her feet. She felt the strange new excitement moving in waves over her contracting belly, through her rib cage, and out to explode into tiny blossoms of tingling feeling under the tip of each rosy, palpitating nipple, tightening them into hard, tiny points, sensitive even to the touch of the curling hair on the Camp Director's chest.

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