Exhibitionist Wife - Cover

Exhibitionist Wife


Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Story of what a wife does to help her husband go through college and about a couple that are having a hard time sexually.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Blackmail   Cheating   Rough   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Can we look in your bedroom... to make sure, first?" Evelyn countered Ron's statement about wanting to burst in and catch his wife in the act.

"I don't know. The windows are kind of high in the bedroom... !" he told her. "But maybe I could get something to stand on..."

Walking softly, they stole up to the window, Ron carrying a folding aluminum chais lounge chair, which he placed on the ground and gingerly stood up on to test its stability. The added height brought his eyes up above the sill, and he could see directly into his and Susan's bedroom. Up to that instant, he was willing to disbelieve Evelyn Holden's story... but as the scene on the bed burned into his brain, he knew that it was true... every word of it!

"I'll be a son-of-a-bitch!" he hissed. "She's letting him eat her cunt... and she's never even let me do that!"

Evelyn was standing beside him now, gazing through the slight gap in the drapes. She saw her husband, Fred, his face buried down between Ron's wife's softly tapered thighs, and she knew exactly what the young wife was feeling. Down between her own thighs, she felt the warming fires of her arousal, the viscid moisture bedewing the opening of her vagina, and she hoped that her strategy would work to get the young husband aroused and ready to the point where he would have to take her sexually. He's virile... and handsome!

"... And, she really likes it, too... doesn't she... ?" Evelyn observed in a murmured whisper close to his ear.

"Yeah... just like she did with her boss, Miss Sloan!" Ron said acidly. "Christ! I ought to go in there and bash both their heads in!"

"All women like it... like that!" Evelyn whispered.

"... Then, how is it, she's never let me do it to her... ?"

"Maybe she didn't know... until..."

"Until that lesbian... taught her... ?"

"Yes..." Fred's wife breathed. "... And, I suppose she's never sucked you... either... ?"

"No! God damn it!"

Evelyn's free hand went down into the young husband's pocket. Ron felt it and looked over at her quizzically, asking, "What the hell... ?"

Down among the change in his pants pocket, her fingers went exploring to find the fast-hardening shaft of his cock, feeling it throb to erect life as she fondled it through the cloth.

"Just checking..." she smiled up at him, "to see what effect that little scene on the bed... is having on you!"

Ron was shocked as her fingers inside his pocket caressed the pulsing length of his stiffening prick. It was totally unexpected. "What are you doing that for... ?"

"To see whether you're interested..."

"... In you... ?" he gasped. "You mean... ?"

"Well... my husband's in there... making it with your wife... so... ?" she smiled at him impishly.

"... And you want me... to..."

"Fuck me!" she finished for him, the four letter obscenity rolling off her tongue lewdly, as she gave his now hardened cock a meaningful squeeze.

"Hell! That doesn't make sense!"

"It'd serve them both right... especially if we let them catch us... too!"

Ron's massive erection jerked involuntarily against her hand in his pocket. "I'm beginning to see..." he whispered. Then, she was taking her hand out of his pocket and stepping down to the ground in front of him. With sure, knowing hands, Fred's wife reached out for the zipper of his pants fly, found the tab and pulled it down, the metallic sound loud in the heavy night air. "... And, I'll start taking care of you... right now!" she murmured, as her hand, smooth, white and dainty, dipped into his opened fly to bring forth his lancing cock.

He looked down at her where she stood, holding the massive shaft of his prick in her hand, felt the wash of the cool air over it, followed by the heat of her breath, as she unhesitatingly leaned forward to kiss the sensitive throbbing head, then, working the loose foreskin back, she smiled up at him and asked, "With a lovely monster cock like this... how is it you can't keep your wife satisfied... ?"

His heart was beating a rapid tattoo in his chest, as he realized that she intended to suck his cock, but her two-edged question, a compliment and a criticism, cut him to the quick. Looking in at the scene of his wife and Evelyn's husband on the bed, he saw the contorted look of passion on his wife, Susan's face, as her hands groped down to the sandy hair of Fred Holden's head, her finger entangling in it to pull his mouth in tighter to her heated and demanding cunt.

"I guess it's because I'm too tired... most of the time!" he whispered sourly.

"... Are you too tired, now... Ron, darling... ?" Evelyn asked, her lips ovalling, as she leaned toward the yearning throb of his cock's head held in her tiny, soft hand.

"No... I'm not..." he said. Her mouth encompassed the head of his prick, and he felt the warm wetness of it, soft, gentle and sexy as hell. "OOOooohhh!" It was a soft moan of absolute pleasure that was wrung from his mouth. Dame! If I weren't actually experiencing this... I wouldn't believe it! Twenty minutes ago... this woman was an absolute stranger... and now she's sucking my cock! He didn't know how much of that he could take, before he'd have to lay her down and fuck her... or does she figure on sucking me... all the way... ? Involuntarily, his hips flexed driving his pulsating cock deeper into her mouth, and he could feel her agile, bewitching tongue inside her mouth swirling deliciously around the head of his penis. God! her mouth is like honey on me!

On the bed in the Merrils' apartment, Fred Holden's lips probed upward until he located Ron's wife's erect, pulsating clitoris in her cuntal slit, his tongue darting out to tease and lick its nerve-rich length. She mewled and whined her agonizing pleasure when he took the short throbbing length of it lightly between his teeth, as his tongue caressed it in ever decreasing circles, until finally the fiery tip of his tantalizing tongue concentrated on the tiny head to send high-voltage sensation crackling through her palpitant loins.

Uncontrollably her head flailed from side to side, her hands pulling his face and mouth into her demanding loins with furious energy and her hips ground up at his pleasure-giving mouth with wild abandon.

Listening to her moans of passion, Fred felt what he considered to be a well-earned elation. She's just about ready to cave in... and then she'll be all mine, God damn it! Then, he began to drape her legs obscenely up over his shoulders, his hands going under her quivering buttocks to pull them in even closer to his swirling and flicking tongue, as he shifted now to rotate it sexily just inside the velvet-lined opening of her vagina. None too patiently he waited for the moment when all of her defenses would be breached, and she would be like putty in his hands... his to do with whatever he damned well pleased. God! My balls ache!... But, he'd wait! Christ! It'll be worth it! She's a luscious piece of tail!

Suddenly, everything melted away in Susan; there was no point any longer in resisting the demanding sexuality of her body. She had to have it, now! She wanted everything... wanted his tongue, his cock... wanted to be fucked to an ultimate rapture, and her nakedly trembling buttocks convulsed and jerked involuntarily under the aegis of his ravishingly tantalizing tongue. It was an exquisite torture that hummed through her sensually attuned nerves... Then, wholly unexpectedly, she felt his tongue leave her vagina and flick downward, its tip licking lewdly at the tiny, puckered hole of her anus. The moistly warm contact jolted her as new, electric sensations charged through her loins, the forbidden, pleasure-laden feelings boiling through her like a sudden, flash flood in confused, racing chaos. Her eyes closed, and her tongue began to flick in and out of her mouth, as her head rolled from side to side, mussing her hair hopelessly, while wildfire lightnings grounded in her quivering, white belly.

"0h, God!" she moaned. "You're driving me crazy! Why don't you... go ahead and do it to me... ?!"

That's it! Fred Holden's grin of secret triumph spread across his face, as he continued to tantalize the sensitive, nether opening for another moment or two. Let her beg for it! That's the way I want her! Then, his tongue was back on her clitoris dancing a rapid, licking two-step directly on the sensation-charged head of it. Come on, Susan, Baby... beg!

"Oh, OOooohhh, OOOOOoooohhhh! That's enough! I-I want you to put it in, now... and do it... the right way!" Ron's wife groaned pleadingly. "Oh, please... please... ?"

... And, outside the bedroom window, standing on the lawn chair, watching and listening, as his wife began begging to be fucked, Ron Merril couldn't believe that it was all happening. It was real all right. His rock-hard cock was slipping easily in and out of Evelyn Holden's avidly sucking mouth, and he could feel the building load of sperm that would begin spewing pretty damned soon... if he didn't stop her... But, I'll have to! What was it she said... about letting them catch the two of us... ? It'd serve Susan right... God damn it! Let her know that I can play the same game! Christ! She's not acting like a woman who's being forced! She 's enjoying it too damned much! The little bitch! Then, he wondered: I wonder how many other guys have had her... since she's been working in that lousy, Rent-a-model Studio... ?

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