Exhibitionist Wife - Cover

Exhibitionist Wife


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Story of what a wife does to help her husband go through college and about a couple that are having a hard time sexually.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Blackmail   Cheating   Rough   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

It was five minutes to midnight when Fred Holden heard his wife come through the front door of their apartment. He was lying in bed waiting for her, the sheet pulled up over his nude body. Down between his legs, his cock was still hard and ready for action.

He had done everything he could to make sure that it was in an excited state. After the scene in the Holloway's apartment had ended, he had dug out some pornographic magazines from the closet, perusing them closely and keeping his mind on purely erotic things. His hand, too, had helped, as he'd caressed the hardened shaft just enough to keep it hard. He was determined that Evelyn would know, beyond any shadow of a doubt that he was a virile man. He just had to show her who was the man in their family!

Walking silently on bare feet, Evelyn came into their bedroom, hoping that her husband would be asleep. She had stayed longer at the Holloway's than she had intended, but she had rehearsed an alibi line that she was sure sounded plausible.

As she opened the door, she saw that the dim, bedside light was still on, and that Fred was in bed already. He sat upright.

"Where the hell have you been?" his voice fairly crackled.

"Oh," she trilled lightly, "I didn't know you were awake, darling..."

"I asked you where you've been, darling!

"Well, if you must know... I was downstairs, at the Holloway's. Thelma was having some trouble with a needlepoint design she's doing... and I was helping her on..." Evelyn recited, telling just enough of the truth to make it plausible.

"Very domestic!" Fred grated. "... But you're lying... because I saw you!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Evelyn challenged, holding her ground.

"Just this, God damn it!" He leaped from the bed and reached her in two steps. Grabbing his wife's arm in a vise-like grip, he forced her over to the bedroom window. "Look down there!"

"Wh-Where... ? Evelyn was a little frightened, now.

"Down to the right!" His other hand entangled in her long, black hair, forcing her to look in the direction he indicated. "Anything interesting in the Holloway's bedroom... ?"

Horror-stricken, Evelyn found herself looking down at Thelma Holloway stretched out, nude, on the bed she had just occupied with them both only minutes before. The brown-haired woman's body lay supine, her legs spread out at an obscene angle, and she was talking to her husband, Vince, hidden from her view in another part of the bedroom. My God! He knows! Of course, what Thelma was saying couldn't be heard.

"She must be talking about you!" Fred grunted. "Probably saying something about having you over again sometime... to help with the needlepoint work!"

Twisting her head around to look at her husband, Evelyn wailed, "Let me go! You don't understand!"

"Are you denying that you weren't down there... on that bed with both of them... getting fucked, like a bitch in heat... and eating her cunt... at the same time... ?" He made the question an accusation, a statement of irrefutable fact.

At that moment, the large, rawboned figure of Vince Holloway loomed in front of the window in the apartment below, naked like his wife, Thelma, the long, thick stiffness of another growing erection plainly evident, as he reached for the pull cord and shut the drapes, effectively cutting off the view into their bedroom.

Fred pulled his trembling, emotion-ridden wife away from the window and releasing his grip on her hair reached over and closed the curtains of their bedroom. Evelyn turned toward him, her face drained of color, and she was aware, for the first time, that her husband was naked. Spearing out from his muscular, hair-covered loins was the unmistakable evidence of arousal. His penis stood out hard, rampant and throbbing, and her eyes swept down to it, widening in surprise as she saw its fiery, blood-engorged head, pulsing with his heartbeat. Its thick length stood up at an acute angle, almost parallel to his abdomen.

Looking back up at his face, she saw his lewd smirk of satisfaction. "What do you think about that... darling wife?... And, how'd you like to be fucked by me... your husband, for a change?"

Instantly, the fear in her eyes was replaced by a building interest, and she said a little prayer of thanksgiving. Thank God! He's not going to beat me... !

With a lewd, little smile of her own trembling across her sensuous lips, she asked, "Did it make you all hot... watching us, down there... ?"

"Then, you admit it?"

"It'd be hard not to," she told him levelly. "Please, let me go, Fred? You're hurting my arm!"

He let her go, mumbling an automatic, "Sorry..."

She came close to him, her loins grinding into the hardened shaft of his cock. Feeling it hot and hard through the thin layers of her clothing, she raised her lips up to him to be kissed. He didn't put his arms around her; neither did he try to kiss her.

"I thought you wanted to... ?"

"Fuck you?" he growled.


"I do... and I will!"

Fred pushed his wife back away from him, his hand lashing out to grasp the low-cut neckline of her blouse.

Evelyn gasped, "No!" She realized instantly his intent.

"My way!" he grated, giving a tremendous yank that ripped her blouse all the way to her waist, the buttons flipping off and flying in all directions.

Again, real terror knifed through her. She backed away from him, looking down at her ruined blouse, her eyes brimming with tears. "God, no, Fred! Please... ?" she whined. He's acting like a maniac!

With grim determination Fred methodically ripped the rest of her thin blouse from her and tossed the shreds of it away. Her filmy bra was next; one hard pull at the point where the cups joined divided it into two useless parts, her freed breasts popping out to soar naked and white, the cool air of the room washing over their soft, warm and firmly pliant orbs.

Then Fred pulled the straps of her bra from her arms and stood back to admire his handiwork. Her breasts stood out, moundingly, the satin-like skin of them glowing alabaster-white in the soft light of their bedroom, and he saw that her nipples were elongating prettily, the areolas wrinkling up around the bases of the rapidly hardening berry-like paps.

His aim was to debase and humiliate his wife as much as possible, and he was off to a good start. One of his groping hands found the hardened shaft of his aching cock, and he grasped it hard, as with lewdly smiling eyes, he asked, "What do you think I'm going to do with this?"

"Oh, God, darling... I-I don't know..." Evelyn cried miserably. "Rape me... I suppose..." God! I've got to do something! Any thing!

Suddenly, she was on her knees before him, her hands reaching out, tremblingly toward his throbbing cock, her mouth working tremulously, as she murmured, "Let me..."

Putting both hands on her shoulders, her husband pushed her back, until she was sitting on her heels.

"Let you what... ? Suck me off?" he grunted, denying even to himself that he would have loved for her to do just that, but he had other plans... for her! "Not on your life! That'd be too easy!"

Evelyn was confused and she felt his rebuff sharply. "I just wanted to give you..." she began.

"You mean you wanted to side-track me!" he roared.

"No, please, Fred... I just wanted to make everything all right... again!"

"Listen, Bitch... you've made fun of me for the last time... because I couldn't get a hard-on... some of the time!"

"I didn't mean to... do that..."

"But, you did, God damn it! You thought I was impotent! Well... take a good look at my cock! Does that look like I can't do anything?"

"It's just... beautiful... !" she breathed, her hands going out, again, in an attempt to touch it, fondle it--and just maybe- --get to kiss it and suck it for a little while.

"Don't touch it!" Fred Holden warned.

"... But, why, darling... ? I love you... and I want to..." Her hands dropped down into her lap, and she looked up at him imploringly.

"Love me... ? Ha! That's a good one! Is that why you were down there with the Holloway's, acting like a cheap, little whore?"

"No... please, believe me... I was doing it... because I couldn't help myself. I needed it!"

"Well, they say confession's good for the soul!" he remarked.

"... But, that doesn't mean, I love you less..."

"I saw you being fucked!"

"That's just sex... nothing else!" she sobbed. "You know I... can't do without it! I've got to have it regularly... just like eating and breathing..." Then, looking down at the floor, she went on, "And, I wasn't getting enough... from..."

"Okay! I wasn't fucking you enough! That's what you're saying! I'll buy that... and I want to tell you something I figured out, just this evening!"

"What's that... ?" his wife looked up eagerly into his face.

"I found out that I can't get it up... because you're too God damned eager for it!"

"You mean... I'm too aggressive... ?"

"That's it! You don't let me start the action!"

"Oh, God... I didn't realize..."

"So, from now on, I'm the one who's going to do the seducing... and the chasing... and I'm going to do the fucking... understand... ?"

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