Seduced Young Wife - Cover

Seduced Young Wife


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Lynn Shaffer was tricked into being without her husband on a cruise. Will she succumb to the yacht owner's tactics?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Cheating   Novel-Pocketbook  

Harry Johnson stood up, threw his half-finished cigarette over the side, and tried to stretch away the stiffness the cool morning air had let invade his muscular body. The horizon was just beginning to be visible, a very faint, almost indiscernible difference in color between sea and sky. The sun was still almost thirty minutes away, but already a faint glow could be seen in the east, giving the promise of another beautiful Caribbean day. Probably another hot one, Harry thought to himself, but that's the best kind.

He was in good spirits. The Vera had had absolutely no problems on her maiden voyage, which he knew was unusual for any boat. The morning air caused his body to tingle with the excitement of the impending day, and the light and steady wind circled in disturbed streams around his standing figure, cleansing it, freeing it of any and all cares. All cares, that is, except one. Lynn Shaffer.

Harry was slightly worried about Lynn, but only slightly. She had seemed very disturbed last night when she'd gone to bed, and he hoped Hans had not overdone the job he was supposed to do. Of course, Harry had no idea what had really happened between his captain and the lovely young blonde in the fo'c'sle, nor did he realize that Lynn had also been disturbed by the sight of Kate and himself fucking away on the bunk in the main cabin the night before. His thoughts centered not on the past, but on the future; with only 12 or so hours left until they reached Nassau, he knew he would have to act fast. As his mind imagined the sensuous, undulating body of Lynn Shaffer, Harry felt his cock quiver in anticipation.

He had been planning to go to her cabin the night before, to comfort her, of course. And then to comfort her more, of course, and in more explicit ways. But he'd been kept busy the whole damn night by his wife, who'd teased and pleased his thoughts away from anything else besides her own, deliciously seductive body. Oh hell, Harry grinned to himself, satiated for the time being, there is no way I'm going to leave for one minute when Kate's really in heat.

But it was now a new day, and every new day brought new challenges, and Harry's new challenge of the day was Lynn Shaffer. He made himself a vow, raising his hand comically in a mock oath to the still absent sun, that before this day was over, he would have Lynn Shaffer's tight little pussy pinned up in his trophy case with all the others. He grinned lewdly, some strange connection being drawn in his mind between the locks of hair which Indians hung on their belts to signify their prowess, and the locks of hair he himself had taken, though admittedly in a somewhat less violent way.

"Good morning, Harry."

Johnson turned quickly, and even a little guiltily, as his thoughts of Lynn Shaffer's small, susceptible body were interrupted by the voice of Lynn herself.

"Oh, good morning, Lynn! I didn't see you come up."

"I came up the aft companionway." Lynn stretched her arms to the lessening darkness above her head, and her mouth opened in an uncontrollable yawn.

"Oh my..." she said, trying ineffectually to stop the yawn with one tiny hand.

"Still tired?" Harry asked, smiling.

"I guess I must be a little bit." Lynn admitted. "I couldn't seem to get to sleep last night."

"Well, it's only 5 o'clock, you can still catch forty winks."

"Oh no, I came up to catch the sunrise. I can never get back to sleep after I've gotten up anyway."

Harry smiled at her, trying to keep his eyes from boring under the robe she was wearing, trying to imagine if she was wearing anything under that robe.

Lynn turned away and glanced towards the east, to where the sky was paling now, spreading just the hint of pastel along half the horizon. She breathed deeply, trying to let the cool air relieve her small muscles of the tension that had kept her awake all night. Luckily Harry had had the watch this morning. She had waited until Hans had gone to his cabin at 4 a.m. before she had felt safe enough to come on deck. And even then she waited, trying to resolve the conflict which had been torturing her the entire night. She had finally made up her mind to confide in Harry, to explain to him that while she wanted no publicity to cause him any embarrassment, she felt that Hans should be punished for the brutal rape he had made upon her. She'd also decided, though, that she would leave the matter in his hands, and that he could use his own good judgment as to what to do. In this way, Lynn felt sure she would avoid any ill feeling on his part, any antagonism which might have repercussions on her husband's business deal. She had no idea, of course, that no amount of scandal could persuade Harry to pass up the deal he was getting on Mark's car lot, to pass up the opportunity of selling that choice bit of real estate to the city for triple what it was going to cost him.

Lynn turned to Harry, and found him sitting by the wheel, his eyes upon her. He smiled gently at her, and she took this as an invitation to rid herself of the worry that had threatened to drive her crazy the last 12 hours. Surely this kind man would be able to help her, to take the awful burden of decision from her small, helpless shoulders.

"Harry, I'd like to talk with you about something," she started hesitantly, and then turned away, unable to find the right tack upon which to begin.

Harry's eyes never left her. He knew instinctively that his "Uncle Harry" ploy had worked again, and that this distraught, delicious, young girl was going to come to him for comfort. A chill ran dot his spine as he imagined how the conversation would go, and he dismissed the inconvenience of his having to stand watch imposed on the situation, knowing full well that nothing could stop him from the sexual feast that awaited him now.

"What is it, Lynn?" Harry said, somehow managing to hide his lewd thoughts behind a mask of concern. "Is something the matter?"

The voluptuous bookkeeper didn't answer, couldn't answer now as the shame and humiliation of that afternoon in Hans' cabin rushed back again through her mind with paralyzing force. She shook her head, trying to fend off the tears she knew were going to come any second, trying to maintain some semblance of control over her emotions. Finally, she let herself go, sinking on the seat across the cockpit from Harry, letting the tears stream down her cheeks with unashamed vigor. She had wanted to be rational, collected, when she talked with Harry, and now... maybe she was just a little kid like Mark said... maybe she couldn't take care of herself... maybe...

"Lynn? Hey, listen, what's the matter," said Harry, barely able to hide the sexual arousal he was beginning to feel as he watched Lynn's defenses crumble before him like the conquered battlements of some medieval castle. "What's wrong?"

Harry stood up, and flicked the small lever that locked the wheel onto its present course. He quickly crossed to his helpless employee, and sat on the seat next to her. He shivered from the closeness of her tiny body, and barely stifled a moan as he glanced quickly down into the "vee" of her robe, and saw that her delicately rounded breasts were unprotected by a brassiere of any kind. They heaved with enticing jerks as Lynn tried to control her sobbing, and it was all Harry could do not to reach out and cup one of them softly in his powerful hand.

Instead, he put his hands tentatively on Lynn's shoulders, and felt through her robe as she started slightly. He kept his voice soothing, and reassuring, as he quickly began to widen his advantage.

"Lynn, there must be something very wrong for you to be this upset. Why don't you just dry your eyes... come on, here's a handkerchief... that's it... that's a good girl... now why don't you just tell me what it is that's bothering you so much."

Lynn hesitated, still wracked by the waning spasms of her weeping, and remained with her back to her powerful boss.

"Oh, Mr. Johnson... Harry... I don't know. I mean I do know... but I don't know how to tell you." Lynn felt the sobs coming again, and was again powerless to stop them.

"Come on there... hey now... come on now..." Harry crooned, his hands beginning to run reassuring rhythms along the fleshy upper parts of her two slender arms. All at once, Harry was surprised to find Lynn in his arms, cradled against his powerful chest like a daughter snuggling into her father's protective embrace, and even he didn't know how she had gotten there. His dormant cock stirred instantly at the unbearably tantalizing sensations caused by Lynn's long blonde hair against his chin and neck. Immediately, Harry's arms enfolded her, which reassured the unaware young woman, and excited Harry himself tremendously.

"That's all right... calm down now... take it easy." His voice sang a soothing lullaby, and his hands and arms pressed into Lynn's soft, pliable young body with increasing fervor.

Gradually, Lynn felt the sobbing ebb, felt her mind again asserting itself. She also felt Harry's arms around her, giving her a warm, little- girl feeling, felt his chest moving as he breathed, felt his words coursing over her in waves of comfort. She closed her eyes, letting the tension drain out of her, trying to isolate and understand the vague sensations running along her bones and skin. She attributed them to the relaxation that overcame her supple body now, and they began to center unhindered in the soft inner reaches of her moist pink cunt.

"Harry, I've got to tell you something... and I hope you won't be too upset."

"That's all right Lynn, dear, you just rest quiet for a while, and then tell me all about it later."

Lynn surrendered herself to the suggestions of this warm, understanding man. She lay a few moments more with her head against Harry's muscular chest, and let her mind go wherever it wanted. Her mind seemed to be able to concentrate on nothing besides the soothing, father- like caresses Harry was sending like gifts to her keyed-up body. She sighed softly with pleasure, happy now that she had found someone to talk to... to trust. The tingling of her loins became a low, quiet, sensation of pleasure which permeated her entire body, enveloping her in a blissful feeling of well-being. And then she gradually became aware that she was beginning to feel more, much more.

The aroused young woman quickly extricated herself from the confining hold of the powerful man beside her, and brushed her disheveled hair back into some semblance of order.

"Harry, I've got to tell you this... I've got to tell you something about Hans."

Harry kept his right arm carelessly touching Lynn's shoulder, while his left hand began to pat her knee and lower thigh in a fatherly way.

"Lynn, do you feel up to talking about it now?"

The voluptuous young housewife tried to say that she was indeed up to it, but nothing came out. She was aware only of the hand on her flesh, not patting now, but gently, almost imperceptibly, massaging. A shudder ran up her spine, caused by the pressure on her smooth, perfectly formed thigh, and also by the manly scent emanating from the nearness of Harry's conditioned body. She sensed, rather than felt, the excitement that was coursing through Harry's body. Then glanced surreptitiously down at him, and gasped under her breath as she saw the bulge in his pants that could only be caused by one thing, a rock-hard cock straining to free itself.

The robe-clad woman stiffened slightly, and tried to move away from the caresses of her boss. But Harry held her easily with his right hand, and his left sank suggestively a little lower on the inside of her thigh while his eyes held hers with their gaze.

"Lynn, you're a beautiful girl, and I hate to see you upset. I hate to see you crying like you were just now. I wish I could do something to help, to calm you down, to help you relax. Do you think I could? Do you think I could do that? Help you relax... relax... and calm down? Could I do that... Hmmmmm?"

Lynn was transfixed as she stared into Harry's hypnotizing eyes. She felt his hand up between her trembling thighs now, kneading them, stroking them, threatening to turn the slumbering fires in her loins to raging storms. She now felt trembles of pleasure surge through her body, up in between her ivory-hued breasts, and down again to the quivering walls of her clasping, grasping, vagina. But she could do nothing. She couldn't open her mouth. Her surprise at again finding herself involved sexually with a man not her husband, and again not being able to ignore the incredibly pleasurable throbbing, froze her mind to everything but the physical sensations now streaming in to her consciousness.

Suddenly, Harry's right hand moved quickly around and turned Lynn's delicate face to him. She gasped with the force of his move, and as her mouth opened he covered it with his own, forcing his swiftly darting tongue deep into her resisting cavity. She desperately tried to free herself, and then as quickly, thrust herself into his arms, lancing her own tongue at his, and encircling it in the darkness of her frantically moving mouth.

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