Seduced Young Wife - Cover

Seduced Young Wife


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Lynn Shaffer was tricked into being without her husband on a cruise. Will she succumb to the yacht owner's tactics?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Cheating   Novel-Pocketbook  

He gave his wife a resounding and painful slap on the upper surface of her thigh, felt the soft flesh give with his blow, and thought again of the pair of firm, slender thighs belonging to Lynn Shaffer.

"I'm talking about business, honey. Why don't you go below aft white I attend to a little pleasure?"

Kate stood up, rubbing the reddened place on her thigh where he had slapped her. She followed his gaze up to the bow of the boat.

"I just hope you hurt her as much as you hurt me," she complained.

"Whew, what a tiger!" Harry laughed, as he handed her his empty glass. "Take this with you when you go."

Kate took the glass, and turned, climbing out of the cockpit, made her way to the aft cabin, where she disappeared, unsmiling, down the companionway.

Harry watched her go. She was a good woman, he decided, and the best lay he'd ever had. That's why he'd married her, and that's why he'd stayed married to her for so long. But he couldn't stay faithful to one woman no matter how he tried. Not that he ever had tried. His attention returned to the problem at hand. Lynn lay on her stomach now, awake, gazing forward as the Vera cut her way through the calm seas. Harry couldn't take his eyes off the voluptuous curve of her spine as it arched in perfect symmetry up from her small, rounded buttocks, and disappeared enticingly under her long blonde hair.

Damn, he thought to himself, it would be so much nicer if she'd cooperate. But then he smiled, as he remembered some of the best fucks he'd ever had had come only after a pitched battle. Well, maybe he'd have to use the old "Uncle Harry" ploy, as he liked to call it. He'd have to have that bastard Hans' help, but he'd done that before, and the Dutchman knew just what was expected of him. Let Hans molest the girl just a little, and then the only person she could turn to would be old "Uncle Harry". And "Uncle Harry" was a past master at manipulating a sobbing girl's relief in having someone to talk to in a receptive state of sexual arousal. It wasn't the best way to get at a woman, but sometimes it was the only way. He decided that in Lynn's case, because she didn't even recognize any sexual advance short of rape, it was the only way.

Harry stood up, and walked back to where his burly captain was sitting lazily with one hand on the wheel. Harry knew he'd have to be careful how he handled him.

"I'm getting tired of waiting, Hans," he said, taking over the wheel at the same time.

"Waiting for what, Mr. Johnson?" Hans asked, though he knew very well what Johnson was tired of waiting for, and realized simultaneously that this cruise was going to be one of the good ones.

"Lynn Shaffer," stated Harry simply, and waited for Hans to make the next move.

"Oh yeah, right," said Hans, unable to keep from wetting his lips lewdly with a quickly darting tongue. "Well, Mr. Johnson, sir, it sure would be a shame to pass this one up."

"I don't have any intention of passing her up, Hans, and you know it. I'm just trying to decide on the best way to go about it."

Hans sneered inwardly at Harry's obvious discomfort in having to ask another man to do his advance work for him.

"Well sir," he said, "I could always warm her up a little, you know, knock her around some so she'd have to come running to you for help."

"No, not knock her around. You couldn't hurt her, you know that. But do you remember how you warmed up that little redheaded model from Miami, what was her name?"

"Kathy," Hans said. "Yeah, I remember her. And Lily, and Jo, and Shirley."

"That's right, Kathy. Well, I want you to work this one the same way. Get her down below, I'll take the wheel for a while. Give her a few drinks, and then just throw a little scare into her."

"Yessir, Mr. Johnson, I know exactly what you mean."

"But don't overdo it, Hans, you hear me? Just shake her up a little bit."

Hans looked Harry in the eye, and smiled obediently.

"Mr. Johnson, you don't have to worry about me, I know what I'm doing."

"All right, go on then. But just remember what I said."

Hans nodded as he leaned down to pick up his T-shirt from the deck beside him.

Yessir, Mr. Johnson, I'll remember what you said. I'll remember all the time I'm fucking the living shit out of the hot little bitch. Hans climbed out of the cockpit, trying to keep himself calm, trying to keep control of a great, lewd grin that threatened to twist his swarthy face into some kind of obscene Halloween mask.

He leaned over the side, scooped up a handful of seawater, and let its freshness turn his features into those of an efficient, polite, and almost humble servant.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Shaffer?"

Lynn twisted around quickly from her stomach around onto her elbow, and threw a frightened look up at Hans' obsequious face.

"Oh, my... you startled me."

"Oh, I'm sorry about that Mrs. Shaffer. I didn't mean to scare you." Hans smiled almost sweetly.

"No, no," Lynn said quickly, sitting up. "You didn't scare me, I just..." Her voice trailed off as she stared at the giant figure looming above her, half silhouetted by the late afternoon sun.

"Well, I'm sorry to have startled you then. Mr. Johnson asked me to take you down to the bar, and see if we couldn't get you fixed up with a little something."

"How kind of him. And of you, too, of course. I'd like that very much." Lynn took the hand Hans offered her, and was surprised at the ease with which he raised her from her sitting position. "Just let me get my robe and things."

Hans watched as the young woman bent to the deck, allowing her firmly rounded breasts to drop down as far as her bikini top would permit. His cock was already beginning to come to life, its first tentative hardening pushing insistently at the zipper of his jeans. If she saw that...

"I tell you what, Mrs. Shaffer? I'll go below and crack some ice..."

"No, I'm done, I'm ready." Lynn gathered up her suntan lotion, towel, and the books she'd been reading earlier, and then struggled to get her robe over one shoulder where it had fallen off.

"Here Ma'am, let me help you with that." Hans bent down over Lynn's tiny figure, and drew the robe up over her voluptuous shoulder, letting his hand run ever so lightly across the smooth, tanned flesh.

"Thank you," said Lynn, gathering her things up inside her towel. "I think I'm ready now."

Hans smiled, and led the way back along the rail to the main companionway, which led to the large cabin midships. He didn't look at Harry as he passed, but he knew Harry was looking at him.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Johnson," Lynn said, "I didn't know it was already happy hour."

"For the last time, Lynn, the name is Harry," and he smiled warmly.

"Oh, I'm sorry... Harry... I forgot."

"Don't worry about it. Go on down below, and let Hans take care of you."

"That sounds good," Lynn replied. "I'll be right back."

Harry watched as his bookkeeper's beautiful body disappeared down the companionway. He looked at his watch, smiled to himself, and swung the Vera onto a southwest heading.

"What can I get for you," Hans asked, when they'd both reached Johnson's well stocked bar.

"Oh, I don't know. Something cool."

"How about a gin and tonic?"

"That's fine." Lynn set her towel-wrapped bundle on the table and looked around the cabin, amazed as always by the luxuriousness of the furnishings, and the amount of money those furnishings must have cost. "I can't get over what a beautiful boat this is," she said, in an effort to break the curiously charged silence that surrounded them.

"Yeah, it is that." Hans mumbled.

Lynn waited for him to add something to his remark, and when he didn't...

"How long have you worked for Harry... for Mr. Johnson I mean."

"A couple of years."

Again Lynn waited, and again the muscled seaman didn't elaborate. She looked around the cabin again, and then back at Hans. It seemed to her that he was taking an unusually long time over a gin and tonic. She felt vaguely uneasy in his presence, vaguely threatened by his massive body, and the way his eyes never left her, even though he wasn't saying anything. She searched for some topic of conversation just to last until she had her drink and could go topside again.

"Uhh... I bet I can guess your astrology sign."

Hans looked at her. He saw her discomfort, and reveled in it.

"Go ahead and guess."

"Uhh... Taurus."




"I give up, what is it?" Lynn asked wishing she'd never brought it up.

"Virgo." Hans' lips pronounced the syllables slowly, like an obscene challenge.

"Oh, I really can't believe that," Lynn giggled uncomfortably. Hans didn't laugh. He remained staring at her suggestively. "My, that gin and tonic is sure taking a long time," she said nervously. "Remind me not to have you bartend my next party." She forced a very weak laugh.

Hans paid no attention to the hint.

"Are you interested in astrology?" he asked.

"Oh, yes," Lynn replied uneasily, "Yes, I certainly am. Aren't you?"

"Sure." Hans was enjoying himself, watching this small helpless girl so obviously intimidated by his overpowering manliness. "I've got a book about it I think you'd really like."

"Oh, do you really?" said Lynn lamely, wanting only to escape the suffocating cabin and get back up into the refreshing sea breeze. "Well, I'd certainly love to see it some time."

"I'll get it for you," Hans said, making his way through the main cabin to the door of the fo'c'sle, his cabin.

"Oh no," Lynn said quickly, "Please don't go to any trouble."

"No trouble at all. Come on." Hans opened the door to his cabin and stood to one side. "I don't think you've seen this part of this beautiful boat."

Lynn hesitated. She had no desire to be alone with this powerful man in his own cabin. Hans came back to her, handed her her drink, and forced onto his face as much innocence as he could muster.

"What's the matter? Is something wrong?"

"Oh no, of course not," Lynn blurted out. She felt ridiculous. Why was she so frightened of men? Nothing could happen to her for God's sake, not here on the boat. Other women would be pleased and flattered by Hans' obvious interest in them. What's the matter with me, she wondered. I'm not a little kid. Once this thought had crossed her mind, there was no return. She had to accept the challenge. "Nothing's the matter. I'd love to see the book."

A chill of excitement sped down Hans' spine as Lynn capitulated, and centered with a quivering tingle in his loins. He knew he had won, and he knew nothing was going to stop the inevitable from happening. Not Johnson's warning not to overdo it, not Lynn's own screaming protestations, not even Neptune himself could stop him now from fucking her tight little cunt and exploding his cum up inside it with all the force of his powerfully surging body.

He breathed in the sweet scent of Lynn's voluptuous form as she brushed past him and stepped into his cabin. She walked the four steps to the end of the small space, and turned to him expectantly. Hans felt his huge cock seem to jump out at her all at once, as if it were trying to span those four steps between them in a single bound. He quickly turned to close the door after him, and felt pain as his massively pulsating penis began swelling faster than it ever had before, jerking upwards frantically, desperately searching for the tight, wet young vagina which would softly enfold its huge head and churning, writhing, twisting, suck it dry of its full load of searing, white hot sperm.

Hans tried to control his breathing. His chest was heaving now, and trying to stop it only made it worse. There was an unbelievable throbbing ache reaching out of his loins, grabbing his chest and twisting it mercilessly into a small tight knot. His legs began to quiver with the knowledge that they would soon be heaving between the sensuous young beauty's hotly sweating thighs.

Lynn was discomforted by the fact that Hans remained with his back to her. "Is anything the matter?" she asked.

"No..." Hans' voice squeaked as his throat suddenly contracted, choking off his breath. He cleared his throat, and desperately tried to bring his body under control. He couldn't. There was no time for playing around, no time for games, no time to try to ease into it. Hans turned the key in the lock of the door with a click that resounded through the cabin. And there was complete silence except for Hans' heavy, desperate breathing.

A shiver of paralyzing fear ran through Lynn's body as she realized what the captain was planning to do. This is crazy, she thought wildly. What is he... He must be crazy. And all of a sudden Lynn knew that Hans was crazy. Crazy with desire, crazy with a terrible lust which threatened to destroy everything that stood between it and the consummation of its fearful passions. Lynn turned to ice as she realized that the only thing which stood in the way of the Dutchman's lust for satisfaction, was her own, helpless, defenseless body.

"Hans!" Lynn cried, trying to control the unreasoning fear in her voice. "What are you doing?"

The captain turned to her slowly, his face a mask of tortured desire. "What am I doing?" he echoed, taking the key and forcing it into the pocket of his jeans, which were stretched tight across his desperately struggling cock. "I'm just locking the barn door, before the cows get out. I'm just locking one door, and opening another."

Lynn watched in horror as Hans' hand moved slowly down to the zipper of his jeans and fumbled with the clasp.

"Oh, NOOOO..." The trapped young wife backed away, the first tears of fright beginning to course unnoticed down her terrified face.

"That's it, cry a little for me, baby," Hans leered. "Why don't you try a little scream while you're at it. They'll never hear you up on deck."

Lynn knew that Hans was right. With the noises of the Vera's motor and the sea... She watched in horrified fascination as the powerful sailor finally freed the clasp of his zipper, and slowly pulled it downwards, exposing first a few wiry male pubic hairs, and then the ungodly bulge of his massively throbbing flesh and then... Hans' lone, eagerly jerking cock sprang powerfully from its prison and stood straight out from his loins, growing all the time in size, swelling until Lynn though it would burst. The only thing she could think in her hysterical state was that the Dutchman wasn't wearing any underwear. Hans' giant, throbbing column jutted out through the zipper of his jeans like a spear, and Lynn felt the point already at her throat. He began to step toward her.

"No... Hans... please... don't do this..." and suddenly the realization hit her like a shot, that Hans was going to do it, was going to shove that huge penis of his deep into her small, unwilling cunt, and she knew it would kill her.

She opened her mouth to scream, but nothing came out, and in those split seconds Hans crossed the short distance between them, and covered Lynn's small mouth with his own, engulfing it, devouring it. His arms shot out and scooped her to him, his hands biting into her arms and his mouth wrenching hers in a deep, brutal kiss.

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