Driven to Depravity - Cover

Driven to Depravity


Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Do you love your spouse enough to do 'anything' to help save their life? Read what a spouse goes through to save her husband's life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Cheating   Orgy   Oral Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

As Judy watched Mark, her eyes clouded with worry. His jaw was clenched. Sweat trickled down his cheeks, and every few moments his body was convulsed with a chill. She didn't need to ask him how bad it was. She knew. Normally, by now, he would have been on the kidney machine at the hospital. But they had stretched the interval out by one more day. They were desperately stringing out the last few treatments as far as they possibly could.

"Mark, the hospital?" she offered desperately.

"No!" He bit the word out, his jaw snapping sharply on the single syllable.

"But it's dangerous," she pointed out unnecessarily. Now the intervals between his treatments were going beyond the merely uncomfortable.

They were taking a calculated risk and a miscalculation could be fatal.

Getting everything set for the final closing on the Sheins' house had dragged on and on and on. Mark's time on the kidney machine had dwindled and dwindled. They were down to the final bitter end.

"I have to go," she sighed sadly. She was beginning to feel that she and Mark couldn't possibly win against the odds.

"Don't worry, I'll be here when you get back," Mark assured her tightly.

"You damn well better be," she growled in a feeble attempt at humor. They both knew there was only one place he could go now.

Once in the car she blinked back her tears and coaxed the tired motor to life. Then she remembered, shut it off, and got out the gallon can of recycled oil. Wrestling the hood up, she refilled the crankcase. It had become a morning ritual to keep the car alive.

As she drove to the office, Judy focused her mind on what she had to do. Mark couldn't possibly last another month. Somehow, she had to get the date for the closing moved up. The Sheins had been stalling for no reason Judy could figure. The bank had been stalling, in spite of Caldwell's approval, because they wanted to hold on to the money as long as they could. And Andrew McCarter was in no hurry because the down payment money was picking up interest in a savings account.

No one was impatient but Judy.

"Hi, Beautiful," another agent greeted her.

"Any calls?" Judy asked, trying to sound casual.

"Nope. You expecting any?"

"Not really," Judy lied. She sat at her desk and fiddled.

"Wish I could figure it out," the other agent muttered softly after a long silence.

"Figure what out?" Judy asked.

"Shein," the man answered.

Judy thought he had said "shine". "Tried the shoe shop down the street?" she asked.

"Not 'shine' as in 'shoe', but 'Shien' as in 'Steven'," the man snapped.

Judy's heart skipped a beat. "What about Steven Shein?" she asked.

"He's selling his house," the man answered. "As a matter of fact, I hear it is sold."

Judy felt as if she was going to faint. "Nonsense," she croaked.

"It's not nonsense. I got the straight poop from an unimpeachable source."

"Who?" Judy asked. God, was her whole world coming down around her all at once?

"Secretary at the bank handled the paperwork on the mortgage. And another one did the deed for the lawyer."

Judy muttered a foul expletive about secretaries who talked. "Well, if it's sold, it's sold," Judy said in a resigned tone. "Nothing we can do about it."

"The thing that gets me is, I can't figure out who handled the deal," the salesman went on. "I absolutely cannot get a peep out of anyone. You'd think whoever pulled off a deal that big would be bragging all over town about it."

"Maybe it was a private deal - no agent," Judy suggested desperately.

"Not likely. It's too big, too much money's involved."

"How much?" Judy asked innocently.

"A million and a half."

Judy tried to whistle. She had the feeling that the listing agreement was burning a hole through the bottom of her desk.

"One thing's for certain," the salesman went on. "Whoever pulled this off is really, really sharp. They got an unwilling seller and an unwilling buyer together, got mortgage money, all in the tightest real estate market in history. That is some salesman."

"Sure is," Judy agreed wholeheartedly. "You going to be here all day?"

"You going out again?"

Judy nodded. "Nothing to do here. Maybe I can scare up something if I go out."

"Lots of luck," the man snorted, and picked up a paperback book.

"See you."

"Worser and worser," Judy muttered sourly to herself as she drove toward the Sheins' house. If she didn't close the deal quickly, the whole lid was going to blow off it and Mark would be dead. She had to get the closing moved up.

The Sheins were both home, both out by the pool. When Steven had come to the door in his robe, Judy had braced herself. Paula was stretched out on her stomach in the sun, her nicely rounded, smooth buttocks tanning slowly.

"Have a swim?" Shein invited cordially.

"No, I..."

"A swim will definitely improve your outlook," he told her easily.

Judy sighed. She didn't want to. Lord, how she didn't want to. She didn't want to take the time, and she didn't want to feel like she was being used by the whole damn world. But now, more than ever, she had no choice.

The fact that Paula Shein rolled over and sat up as Judy began undressing made it all the harder. Undressing for Steven Shein that first time, or rather being undressed by him, had been bad enough. Something about having husband and wife, both of whom had "had" her, both watching, made it pure agony for Judy to bare herself in front of them. She felt sick, miserable and ashamed as she stripped her slender body and exposed it to the harsh sunlight.

Paula Shein's eyes were unreadable behind her dark glasses. There was a faint smile on her elegant lips. Her streaked hair was casually loose, down over her tan shoulders. She had turned over and looked totally relaxed. Her nipples were flat, her feet spread slightly so her pussy was exposed to the bright sun.

"A swim," Steven Shein said firmly.

Dutifully, Judy followed him across the deck and into the cool blue water. She swam with him to the end of the pool, then clung to the edge when he stopped and turned to face her.

"Well?" he asked.

Judy took a deep breath, feeling the cool water caress her sharp nipples and her hot pussy. She was agonizingly aware Paula Shein was watching them from the other end of the pool.

"I want to get the closing date moved to this Friday," Judy blurted out.


Judy shook her head in frustration. She knew he was purposely being difficult. "Will you agree to having the closing this Friday?" she asked.

Shein shrugged. "It's all right with me."

Judy felt a surge of relief. So simple!

"But you'll have to talk to Paula, too," Shein continued, nodding in his wife's direction.

"Doesn't she want to get moved?"

Shein ducked under the water. When he emerged, his face was sparkling wet. When he smiled his teeth looked very sharp and white against his tanned face. "Why don't we go talk with her and see?" he suggested quietly.

Judy was at a loss. She was being manipulated, and she knew it. But where was it leading? Steven Shein matched her stroke for stroke as she swam to the shallow end. When she stood up in the waist-deep water, she knew, in spite of the dark glasses, that Paula Shein's eyes were focused on her.

Steven was at her side as she slogged up the steps. Out of the corner of her eye she saw his cock bobbing along ahead of him like a blunt lance. He had a titanic erection. Why?

"Judy - ah, Mrs. Penncroft, wants to get the closing date moved up," Steven Shein informed his wife. "I told her she would have to discuss the matter with you."

Judy didn't miss the emphasis on the word "discuss" and neither did Paula Shein. The elegant woman's smile broadened. Her mouth opened slightly and there was a flash of white teeth as she licked her lips meaningfully.

"I see," Paula Shein said softly.

"Mrs. Shein, I..."

"Please, call me Paula."

Judy nodded and opened her mouth to start again.

"I am open to discussion," Paula Shein added. The statuesque woman spread her legs, wider and wider. The long, graceful fingers of one hand combed through her lush pubic bush.

Judy suddenly caught on to what the Sheins were leading up to. She darted a quick glance at Steven Shein. He was grinning hotly and had a monstrous erection.

"Convince me," Paula Shein said softly, fingering her pussy. "Use that wonderful mouth of yours, and convince me."

Judy felt sick. She also felt hot. Her mouth was watering at the sight of Paula Shein's pussy. She didn't want to - but she did! Besides, what else could she do?

"Come," Paula Shein ordered in a husky voice, beckoning with one hand, still fingering her sex with the other.

Her throat knotted with revulsion and excitement, Judy advanced on the tan and blonde woman on the lounge. Approaching Paula from the foot of the lounge, Judy had an unobstructed view of the woman's most intimate parts, the pouting, hairy lips of her pussy, the flash of pink in the heart of her bush, even the secret, dark crack that hid her anus. Now Paula's nipples were stiff and excited, her breasts sagging slightly because of her semi-prone position.

Judy's shins banged the foot of the lounge. She sank to her knees on the plastic webbing. She crawled slowly up between Paula's spread legs. Judy couldn't take her eyes off her dark hairy goal.

Judy slowly and reluctantly lowered her face toward the hairy pocket. There was no stimulation of her own pussy to encourage her this time. But she still felt a gut-twisting, perverted excitement at what she was about to do. She had heard that men found watching lesbians exciting. She wondered what Steven Shein thought of it, what he was doing.

Paula Shein placed one hand on the back of Judy's head and pushed it down into her pussy. Judy resisted, but just barely. She closed her eyes, smelled warm sex, then felt kinky, wiry hair on her nose, her cheeks. Then her face was being driven into hot, soft flesh. Her nose was swallowed in thick female sex smell. Judy opened her mouth, drilled her tongue into the hot, juicy flesh and tasted the metallic flavor of a woman's juices. The hand on the back of Judy's head gave her no escape. Paula's lean, smooth thighs closed on the sides of her head, trapping Judy completely in the hot, steaming pocket of female sex.

Judy raped her tongue into Paula's hot, oozing sex. She drilled deep into the dripping well of Paula's vagina. Harsh pubic hair scratched her cheeks as she lapped and lapped in Paula's crack. Blindly, Judy snorffled through the clinging terrain in search of Paula's clitoris. Locating the hard little button with her lips, Judy sucked it into her mouth and then munched on it with her lips and tongue. She rolled and squeezed and tormented Paula's nerve-loaded protrusion.

Paula's hips heaved, hammering her pussy into Judy's sex. Paula looked fondly down at the top of Judy's head and Judy's smooth, slender, graceful bare back. Judy's ass was high in the air, her pale buttocks were gleaming in the sun. Waves of fire bathed Paula as she was devoured by Judy's working mouth. Her mouth sagging open with pleasure, Paula smiled a slow sensuous smile, and nodded languidly at her husband. As he came up behind Judy, Paula pressed down on the back of Judy's head with her hand and clenched her thighs.

Judy's own sex was weeping with frustration. She was horny. Stimulating Paula Shein with her mouth was getting Judy incredibly excited. Her own pussy was empty and ignored, while Paula Shein's was getting an oral fucking that was driving her wild. Judy was suffocating in Paula's pussy, and dying of frustration at the same time.

Paula's sudden shove on the back of Judy's head drove her nose deep into Paula's crotch. At the same time the bones of Judy's head creaked from the increased pressure of Paula's thighs. What was happening?

The lounge behind Judy sagged. Who... ? Steven Shein! The man, Paula's husband, he was behind her! What was he doing? Judy tried to escape. Her face, smothered in dripping, oozing, hairy pussy, was trapped between two strong thighs.

There were hands on Judy's ass, Steven Shein's hands. They stroked and pinched her upraised buttocks. Then he was gripping her waist in his strong hands. What was he going to do? What was Steven Shein doing back there?

The sturdy man knelt behind Judy, studying her ass admiringly. It was so nice and rounded and firm and exciting, two lush round buns separated by a deep, exciting crack. And down between her thighs was a dark, intriguing bush and two bulging pouting labia. In the dark, crack between those lips was an exciting gooey sparkle.

He levered his cock down the length of the crack of Judy's ass. It bumped over the bud of her anus.

Judy lurched at the fiery probe, and gasped into Paula's steaming pussy. Jesus! What a sensation! What was going on back there? Judy felt a stab of disappointment when the rubbery head of Shein's cock slipped past her asshole and nestled into her aching, hungry pussy.

Shein set the head of his cock into Judy's pussy and pushed. He slowly drove his stocky cock into Judy's vagina from behind, dog fashion. Holding Judy's trim waist in his strong hands, he drilled his phallus into her wet, clinging socket.

Judy blubbered into Paula's dripping pussy. The feel of a male organ being driven into her vagina spurred Judy on to greater efforts on Paula's pussy. Judy slurped and slurped at Paula's copious juices as she took the full bulk of Steven's cock into her pussy.

"Aaaahhhh, Great Heaven," Paula Shein wailed to the skies as her orgasm went on and on and on.

Steven rammed his cock into Judy's vagina, drew back, and pounded it home again, his body slapping up against the cushions of her buttocks. Reaching down under Judy with both hands, he found her breasts with one, and dug the fingers of his other into her dripping pussy. He sank his fingers into her streaming slit mangling her clitoris and then finding where his cock was drilling into her streaming hole. He heaved at her, slamming his bulky cock into her searing, clinging vagina again and again and again.

Judy was cumming. It was a fiery, muscle-knotting orgasm from the cock in her pussy, the hand mangling her pussy, the fingers clawing her quivering breasts. She was climaxing too because of the sex she had her face buried in and the way Paula's hips were heaving and rolling under her working mouth. Worming her hand into the tangle of bodies, Judy located Paula Shein's asshole and jammed her finger at it. Her finger slipped easily into the tight ring it was so well lubricated with Paula's copious cum.

Paula began shrieking ecstatically, and kicked her lovely long legs wildly on either side of Judy's head. She thrashed insanely with Judy's mouth at her crotch, Judy's finger up her anus.

At the tail end of the chain, Steven Shein slammed his swollen prick into Judy's tight vagina one last time. The sight of his wife's insane convulsions had been the final straw. His balls erupted in a tidal wave of searing cum. He hauled Judy tight against him, squashed her buttocks against his hard hips, and poured his semen deep into her vagina.

The jolt of Steven Shein's last final heave slammed Judy's face against the unyielding arch of Paula's pubic bone. Battered and exhausted as she was, Judy felt her orgasm climb another notch. She felt the cock in her pulsing and pumping and emptying into her abused, ecstatic vagina. She milked every glorious drop of cum from Steven Shein's pumping shaft while she savored every flicker of the burning pleasure of her own cumming.

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