Driven to Depravity - Cover

Driven to Depravity


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Do you love your spouse enough to do 'anything' to help save their life? Read what a spouse goes through to save her husband's life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Cheating   Orgy   Oral Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

Judy lay snuggled in Mark's arms, her skin sliding gently against his as he breathed. He was sleeping peacefully, for once, because of his recent treatment. Adding to his relaxed state was the strenuous lovemaking he and Judy had just indulged in.

Judy, on the other hand, was wide awake, her mind endlessly circling, giving her no peace. Over and over and over again she relived the events of the past few days. Her conscience was determined to give her no peace. Guilt was a sour knot in her stomach, a bitter coating in her mouth.

How had she gotten into the whole mess? That was the question that kept repeating itself in her mind. Over and over and over again she kept trying to answer it - with justifications, life or death reasons.

Then why are you enjoying it so much? asked her conscience.

So she tried to tell it that she wasn't really enjoying all the extramarital sex. But it was a stupid denial. She had enjoyed it, and she knew it. She had enjoyed the carnal coupling with Steven Shein on the sun-baked pool deck, his thick cock pistoning in her dripping, hungry vagina. She had enjoyed the juicy, uninhibited screwing with Andrew McCarter, had relished the feel of the big Irishman slamming his powerful phallus into her tender pussy.

And, worst - or best - of all, had been the lesbian tangling with Paula Shein. Judy had had several brushes with lesbianism: in high school, during her gymnastics career, and while she had been a dancer. In high school there had been hesitant experimentation at slumber parties, although not by Judy herself. Two of her girl friends, whose reputations were already shot, had tussled wildly one night, thighs driving into pussies, while Judy and the other pajama-clad fifteen-year-olds had watched, giggling nervously.

On the gymnastics tour there had been a lesbian romance that all the team members had known about. Judy had been careful not to make friends with either of the lesbians.

At the bar where she had worked Judy had been propositioned by one of the older girls. Shocked, sickened, and a little frightened, Judy had brushed the girl off rudely.

And now, Judy reflected, she had done it with another woman. Instead of it being sickening and disgusting, she had enjoyed it. She had enjoyed it easily as much as she enjoyed sex with Mark, or Steven Shein, or Andrew McCarter. She could still remember the intensity of the orgasm Paula Shein had brought her to with her sucking and chewing. Judy could still remember the taste of Paula's streaming, dripping, cumming pussy, the overpowering scent of female sex.

The memory brought a perverse flicker of sexual excitement that made Judy tense her crotch muscles. Desperately, she thrust the memory out of her mind, and tried to focus it on her other troubles.

Had she locked her desk at work? That thought sent a chill up her spine. The listing agreement Steven Shein had signed was still in her desk. Granted, it was hidden. But what if someone went into her desk looking for a yellow pad? Then Judy remembered that during her senseless dithering before coming home, she had locked her desk.

Who would she have to go to bed with next? The question surged tantalizingly to the surface of her mind. Why would she have to go to bed with anyone else? She had the Sheins' agreement to sell, and Andrew McCarter's to buy. There was no one else to go to bed with.

Judy tried to deny that this conclusion gave her a feeling of disappointment. She didn't want to go to bed with anyone but her husband! She didn't!

But she did. Irrationally, perversely, she did want to have other men than Mark. And the hideous fact was that it really didn't matter too much who it was. An orgasm was an orgasm, was an orgasm. And the orgasms she had gotten from Steven Shein, Andrew McCarter, and Paula Shein had been fully as good as any that she had ever had with Mark. They had, in fact been better, because of the "forbidden fruit" aspect of them, a strange house, a strange setting, with strangers.

Nothing like it had ever happened to her before in her life, had it? She had never been wild or wanton, had she? Oh, she hadn't been a virgin when she had married Mark. In fact, she hadn't been a virgin when she had met Mark. But she had never been promiscuous - had she?

She had blocked all recollections of a certain incident for years. She had deliberately forgotten that incredible night because of the shame she felt about it. But now it loomed large in her mind as she lay in the grasp of her trusting, unsuspecting husband. Maybe that one wild night was more her true nature than the life she had been living ever since.

Judy opened the floodgates of her mind to that long suppressed memory... It had been her senior year in high school, in March, near the end of both the basketball and gymnastics seasons.

"Come on, Dick, lemme have some more beer," Cynthia urged, reaching for the can.

"Ah-ah-ah, no you don't, not right now," Dick replied, holding the can out of reach in his left hand while he steered the convertible with his right.

"Gimme!" Cynthia demanded, leaning across, making a dive for the beer. The car slewed wildly to the wrong side of the road.

Judy felt Sam's arm tighten around her. She was practically paralyzed with fright. Her fingers turned white around the can of beer she was clutching.

"Knock it off up there," Sam urged. "Come on, Cindy, cool it, will you?"

Cindy glanced sourly at Sam, but did flounce back down in the seat. Her two short ponytails flicked as she tossed her head in aggravation. "Dick the Prick," she taunted. "Dick the Prick won't let me have another beer."

"Where we going?" Sam asked, trying to change the subject.

"I don't know," Dick said. "Since the cops clamped down on that fire road in the hills, where is there to go?"

"Darn cops," Judy grumbled, wrinkling her nose as she took a swallow of beer. She really didn't like the taste of beer, but didn't want to be a poop about it. But she did sincerely share her crowd's opinion of the cops closing down the fire road. So what if there had been trouble up there? If the goons from across town hadn't gotten into the act, no one would have been the wiser about that old road being a make-out place. Now no one could use it. And it was where Judy had lost her virginity, too. It wasn't fair at all.

"Let's go to school!" Cindy suggested abruptly, characteristically leaping from one mood to another.

"School!?" the others asked in shocked disbelief.

Dick glanced sideways at his date. "You have had too much beer. School's the last place we want to go."

Cindy shook her head, making her ponytails flip wildly. "Uh uh, it's just the place to go. 'Cause I got a secret."

Judy took another swallow of beer, almost enjoying it now she was beginning to get giddy.

"What's your secret?" Sam asked. He slid his hand down to cover Judy's breast.

Judy snuggled under his arm and reached for his hand. She pressed it down on the gentle mound of her breast, feeling the lace of her bra scratch her nipple and make it burn. "Yeah, what's your secret?" she asked casually, in an attempt to hide what was going on between her and Sam. The tremor in her voice betrayed her, but no one seemed to notice.

"I know a way of getting in," Cindy announced in a hushed tone, as if she was revealing the location of buried treasure.

"Awww, come off it, Cindy," Dick snorted. "They've had that place locked up like Fort Knox ever since someone trashed it last year."

"Yeah," Sam said, still fondling Judy's warm breast. "They even put in a lousy alarm system."

"I know a way in," Cindy insisted pertly.

"Oh yeah? How?" Dick demanded.


"Come on, you're bullshitting me."

"I am not! Gimme some beer and I'll tell you."

Dick handed over the beer. "All right, talk."

Cindy took a swig of beer, then a second. When Dick reached for the can, she held it out of reach. "Okay, I'll tell you," she agreed. "Better, I'll show you. Honest and true, there's a way to get into the school, a safe way."

"Let's give it a try," Sam said. "Should be fun."

"What if we get caught?" Judy asked, worried in spite of the beer.

"You chicken?" Cindy challenged.

"Course not," Judy said quickly, stung. "Let's go."

"Park at the Pizza Shack," Sam suggested. "That way no one'll notice the car."

From the Pizza Shack, the four of them crossed the street. Judy squeezed Sam's hand tightly with excitement and nervousness. She was dry-mouthed, and glad that Cindy had several beers stowed safely in her big tote bag.

In a few minutes, they were all standing in dark silence. "S-Sam?" Judy whispered softly, her heart pounding.

"Right here."

"See, I told you," Cindy boasted, in full voice. After the tense silence, it sounded as if she were shouting.

"Ssssshhhh," Dick said desperately. "Jeesus!"

"No one can hear us," Cindy said boldly. "Come on.

"Where?" Dick asked.

"Take my hand, Dummy," Cindy instructed. "Hey! That's not my hand!"

"Lots more interesting than your hand, though," Dick replied.

Judy wondered what was going on in the darkness.

"Not now," Cindy informed him primly. "Right now, let's get going. Come on, everybody link hands and follow me."

As they shuffled their way through the darkness, Judy wished she had a hand free so she could check whether she had torn her dress when they had slipped through the window into the basement. It was brand new, a close, clinging sheath and it had cost her a month's allowance.

The corridors of the empty building were dark and mysterious. The only light came from FIRE EXIT signs. Their red glow reflected eerily off the polished floors. As the four of them rambled and romped through the building, their voices and footsteps echoed weirdly back at them. Soon they were chasing hilariously through the building, darting in and out of rooms and halls. With the heart-thumping excitement of the forbidden, the boys went into the girls' rest rooms, and Judy and Cindy giggled at the urinals in the boys' bathrooms. Dick stood in front of one of the tile urinals, pretending to use it. When he was challenged to really use it, with all of them watching, he blustered his way out of it, and the room.

Eventually, the four of them pushed into the huge, dark, echoing gymnasium. Scooping up a loose basketball, Sam and Dick dribbled and passed wildly around the floor while Judy and Cindy tried to provide some opposition. When they were all panting, they slumped down on a tumbling mat that was along one wall. Beers were opened and the only sound was panting and gulping.

"And that was the way Sam and I demolished Denton High for the Regional Championship," Dick boasted when he had caught his breath.

"What was the way?" Judy asked. She was tucked comfortably under Sam's arm again. Cindy had one hand high on Dick's thigh, and Dick's fingers were stroking the slope of one of Cindy's breasts. The sight made Judy feel hot.

"That display of basketball virtuosity, of course," Dick answered, after taking another slug of beer.

"Well," Cindy said proudy, "Judy and I brought the gymnastics team its championship."

"Hey," Dick exclaimed, "how about a gymnastics exhibition?"

"How about it?" Judy asked dubiously.

"Sam and I have never seen you girls do your stuff," Dick pointed out. "We always have a basketball game when you have an exhibition, remember?"

"Yeah," Sam agreed. "Hey, which of you two is better, anyway?"

"I'm first on balance beam and vaulting," Judy said, "and second in floor exercises and uneven parallel bars. What are you, Cindy?" Judy asked the question with just a trace of cattiness. She knew Cindy was a distant third in everything.

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