Driven to Depravity - Cover

Driven to Depravity


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Do you love your spouse enough to do 'anything' to help save their life? Read what a spouse goes through to save her husband's life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Cheating   Orgy   Oral Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

In front of the impressive door of the house, Judy squared her shoulders, took a deep breath, and pressed the doorbell. She nibbled nervously on her lower lip as she waited. The facade of the house was blank and uninformative - not formidable or frightening, just unhelpful. The windows were like mirrors - reflecting images of the immaculate lawns and shrubs.

The house was modern - long and low, all on one floor. The color was a spotless white. The entrance where Judy waited was set exactly in the center of the front of the house. The door was a huge slab of wood, four feet wide. The fixtures were brass - simple, well-polished, and expensive.

The wait for her ring to be answered increased Judy's nervousness. She wished she was certain of the time. Her watch had quit working and she couldn't afford to have it fixed.

Reluctantly, she pressed the rectangular ivory button a second time.

There was a sound and Judy fought the urge to step back another pace. Determinedly, she held her ground as the door swung open.

"Good morning, Mrs. Penncroft."

Judy took in the man's robe, his dark hair plastered flat on his head with water. Had he just been in the shower? "I'm sorry," she stuttered, "I thought you said..."

"I did," he assured her calmly, his voice, a baritone, giving the impression of restrained power. "Please, come in, Mrs. Penncroft."

"If it's inconvenient, Mr. Shein, I could come back later?" Judy suggested timidly, mentally berating herself for her shyness, and for getting off to such a bad beginning.

"Now is convenient," he said decisively. "Come in. I was just enjoying my morning workout. We can talk when I finish it."

"Is-Is Mrs. Shein here?" Judy asked. She followed the man reluctantly, having the feeling that the entire visit was getting off to a disastrous start. She had never been comfortable with Steven Shein. In spite of his physical size, only about five foot six, something about him was intimidating. He had a raw power about him that had always made her nervous.

"My wife is out for the day," he answered, leading the way to the glass doors that opened out on the pool and the deck.

Adding to Judy's discomfort was the sight of Mr. Shein's bare calves below the knee-length robe. Thick curling black hair was plastered against his well-tanned skin. His powerful muscles flexed with every step.

"Maybe I should come back some other time?" Judy ventured again.

Mr. Shein slid the glass door open, stood aside, and motioned Judy through. "Might as well talk with me right now," he replied. "Paula will go along with any decision I make."

Judy blinked against the glare and tumbled to get her dark glasses out. The house, built in the shape of a horseshoe, perched on a steep hillside. The open end hung out over a void.

"Help yourself to some coffee," Mr. Shein suggested. "I have only a few more laps to go." He waved her toward a coffeepot on a table off to one side.

"Uh, thank you." Judy hoped having coffee would give her an opportunity to regain her composure. The fine bone china cup clinked softly on the saucer from the shaking of her hand. A loud splash from the pool almost made her drop it. She carefully focused her attention on adding sugar and cream, then turned toward the sound of Mr. Shein sprinting the length of the pool.

Coffee scalded her thumb as the cup lurched, spilling the hot liquid. Judy wrenched her eyes away from the swimmer, trying not to stare. Then she couldn't help it, and looked again.

He was naked. His discarded robe lay on a lounge near the pool. His buttocks, hard and muscled, rolled slightly with every powerful arm pull, flexed strongly with every kick. Those hard globes of muscle were only slightly less tan than the strong shoulders and back. It was obvious he often "worked out" in the nude.

Judy's hand was shaking, making the cup rattle loudly. She looked around for some escape, and found none. She wanted to leave, but didn't dare. Her potential customer had made it clear he wanted her to stay. If she left now she would lose all chance for a sale - and the kidney machine.

Still shaking, she perched nervously on the edge of the lounge. She tried not to stare at the naked man as he swam but failed. Her eyes tracked him steadily from one end of the pool to the other. His quick, efficient racing turns at the end of each lap sent a glittering shower of water high in the air and displayed a quick flash of trim ass.

Somehow sensing that he was almost finished, Judy set her cup down and picked up his robe. She wanted to head him off, to keep him from getting out of the pool and walking straight toward her to get it.

He touched the end of the pool and stood up smoothly. The edge of the pool cut just above his groin - all Judy could see was his bare muscular torso. Desperately, she advanced on him, the robe extended ahead of herself like a shield.

Mr. Shein placed his palms on the edge of the pool. Just before she got to him, he vaulted smoothly out. A wave of cool water sloshed across the deck, soaking Judy's feet, making her dance awkwardly and ineffectively in an attempt to keep her sandals dry.

"Thanks, but I'm not done yet," he informed her, brushing the robe aside. Picking up a towel, he quickly dried his face. He seemed oblivious of his nudity.

Judy wasn't. She tried to keep from looking at the man, but couldn't. He was solid muscle. Thick black hair coated his body. His relaxed cock was short and stubby. Even limp it had an impressive diameter. Its skin was dark, its head a dusky purple.

Judy wrenched her eyes away, hoping he hadn't noticed her staring. Clutching the robe tightly in both hands, she went back to the lounge where she had left her coffee. Picking up the cup and saucer she turned her back.

"Now - what was it - exactly - that you - wanted?" Mr. Shein huffed between exercises.

"I wanted to ask you to list your house with me," Judy stuttered.

"Sorry - I can't - hear you," he responded.

Judy bit her lip and turned around. Her eyes focused immediately on his cock where it dangled below him as he did push- ups. The muscles in his arms, back and shoulders flexed powerfully as he dipped toward the deck, then rose smoothly. She repeated what she had said about getting the listing. She was feeling hot inside, and her legs were suddenly very shaky.

Judy's discomfort was anything but eased when her client stopped exercising and turned to sit facing her, his legs spread and his arms hooked around his knees. Her gaze went straight up between his legs to where his cock and balls nestled between his thick, hairy thighs.

"You think that I am interested in selling this house?" Mr. Shein asked.

Judy knew he had seen where she was looking and flushed. "You are, aren't you? You indicated the other day that you were."

"That I might be," he corrected, lying flat on his back on the deck and putting his hands behind his head, "if the price is right."


"Would you hold my feet?" he asked, interrupting her.

"I'd rather..."

"I still have to do my sit-ups," he informed her. "Just hold my feet."

Judy took a tight grip on herself. She had to have this listing! All the man had asked was for her to help him do his exercises. If being nude in front of her didn't bother him, why should it bother her? She knelt on the deck, the hard concrete bruising and scraping her knees. Hesitantly, she leaned forward and gripped the man's ankles. His skin felt warm. Her eyes focused on his bare groin. His cock was rolled slightly to one side over the lumps of his balls. Droplets of water still gleamed in the thick, black bush of pubic hair.

"If the price is right," Mr. Shein repeated as he began his sit-ups. "Paula and I bought this place two years ago for a half a million."

"I know," Judy responded, trying to force her eyes away from his penis, and not succeeding. She felt a trickle of sweat start down from the base of her throat toward the valley between her breasts. She was suddenly conscious of her lack of a bra and her nipples stiffened.

"How much do you think it is worth now?" the man asked, his head sweeping up, then down as he forced it to touch his knees.

It was a jolt when Judy realized he could look straight down the neckline of her blouse and see her gently swaying, naked breasts.

"W - well over a million," she muttered. Her eyes were still glued to Steven Shein's cock. It seemed to be swelling and expanding.

"Minimum a million and a half," he informed her.

Judy tried to figure some way to cut off his view of her breasts. She tried hunching her shoulders and bringing her arms close together, then realised that only opened the neckline of her blouse further while pressing her breasts inward, deepening the hollow between them.

"I can get it for you," she assured him, trying to keep her mind on business. His cock was getting harder and larger, sliding sideways as it stiffened and lifted. Judy gulped.

"Not enough," Shein panted.

"What?" Judy asked. The man's cock was becoming monstrous. It lay across one thigh now, a massive lump of gristle, pulsing and still expanding.

"Any broker in town can get me a million and a half," Shein countered.

Judy felt his breath on her face as he swept past her. She wanted to use one hand or arm to conceal her breasts, but her hands weren't big enough to use just one of them to hold his ankles.

"I might - maybe two million," Judy stammered.

It was a relief when he stopped doing sit-ups and sat, leaning back on his arms. Judy released his ankles and sat back gratefully. Her blouse brushed the tips of her breasts, making the excited nipples burn. She tore her eyes off Shein's powerful, pulsing erection and tried to meet his bold gaze.

"Better," he conceded, "if you're telling the truth. But I imagine there are other agents that could match that."

Judy was getting frustrated. She was promising him four times what he had paid for the house. She thought she might be able to get it from her potential customer. She knew no other agent in town would risk sticking his neck out with an offer like that. She didn't dare suggest a higher figure. "Mr. Shein, I..."

"Let's go swimming," he said abruptly, getting easily to his feet.

Judy struggled upward awkwardly. "I don't have a suit," she pointed out.

"Neither do I," Shein said matter-of-factly. He reached for the front of her blouse.

"Mr. Shein, please," Judy protested, backing away.

"You'd be surprised how a nice swim will put a different complexion on things," he insisted, reaching for her buttons.

"Mr. Shein!" Judy exclaimed, gripping his wrists.

His eyes met hers. There suddenly was an unrelenting hardness in his gaze. "Mrs. Penncroft?"

Judy knew exactly what he was saying with just those two words. Right here, and right now, she could lose the listing before she even had it. Did he know how desperately she needed the money?

"All - all right," she agreed reluctantly, easing her grip on his powerful wrists.

"I thought you'd see things my way," he said confidently. His strong fingers deftly freed her buttons.

Judy hung her head in shame and let him strip her blouse off her. She was agonizingly conscious of her small, firm breasts and their sharp tips. The man's all-over tan made her painfully aware of the paleness of her breasts.

He unfastened her skirt, eased it over the swell of her hips and dropped it around her ankles. The top edge of her panties cut low on the gentle swell of her belly. They were nearly transparent, showing the dark mat of her pubic triangle. Her faint hope he would leave her with at least that shred of modesty vanished when he hooked his thumbs under the elastic. He hauled the tiny panties down. As he knelt in front of her there was no hint of subservience in the pose. Efficiently, he stripped her last covering down to her ankles, then held them and her skirt with one hand while he lifted her feet free of the tangle. Then her sandals were unbuckled and he was standing in front of her.

Judy cupped a hand demurely over her sex, crossed an arm across her breasts. She let her head hang, conscious of the air touching her boldly all over, even more conscious of the hot eyes raking over her bare body. "Mr. Shein, I... Judy started, ready to plead for the listing.

His hand closed around the wrist at her crotch, dragging that feeble cover away from her dark shy triangle. "A swim," he insisted, pulling her toward the water.

Judy tottered after him to the edge of the pool. His grip on her arm was tight and hard as steel. Out of the corner of her eye she could see the bobbing bludgeon of his aroused, monster cock.

Without releasing her, he walked directly off the edge of the pool, pulling her in with him. The water blasted over Judy, splashing her face as her feet jarred hard against the bottom of the pool. The sudden chill after the merciless hot glare of the sun made her suck in a gasp of air. The icy liquid cut deep into her uncovered pussy, splattered her chest and back. A tug on her wrist as Steven Shein leaned forward dragged Judy with him. Then he released her. Gamely, Judy struck out alongside him, figuring that was what he wanted. The cool water swept over her whole body. Tickling cool currents brushed intimately over her naked skin. As she kicked, bold eddies explored her sex and her ass.

As they swam from one end of the pool to the other, Judy was conscious of the power of the man beside her. From time to time his bare skin would brush hers, an arm, hip, or leg that would feel scalding hot in comparison with the cool pool.

Her hand touched the end of the pool and Judy stopped swimming, and let her legs swing under her. As Steven Shein floated languidly beside her, she hooked her elbows over the edge of the pool, pressed her front defensively against the cool, smooth concrete. She twisted her head at the touch of a hand on the back of her neck, teasing her short black hair. Every swaying kick of her feet sent a fresh wave of cool water into the heart of her sex, reminding her of her nudity. Her nipples felt like rocks trapped against the side of the pool.

"You're an accomplished swimmer, Mrs. Penncroft," he observed.

The use of her married name reminded Judy of Mark, their marriage, all that they had, all that they meant to each other. She felt a surge of horror at what was happening, what she was doing. It also reminded her of why she was here, how badly she needed the money. She stopped trying to wriggle away from his caress.

"You were an Olympic gymnast, I believe?" he noted.

"Just an alternate."

"I admire people who take the time to keep their bodies in good condition," he went on. "Can you do the backstroke?"

"Mr. Shein, I..."

"Backstroke," he insisted. "A race. I'll give you a head start. If you win, you get the listing. If I win... well, we'll see about the listing."

"Mr. Shein!" Judy protested.

"On your mark," he commanded.


"Get set," he continued relentlessly. He had taken his hand from the back of her neck and was assuming a starting position - legs folded, feet firmly against the wall; hands gripping the gutter. His arms bunched as he coiled himself for the start.

Desperately, Judy whipped into a tight ball of muscle, somehow knowing he meant exactly what he said. "Go." Judy's body uncoiled as she let go of the gutter, arched her spine backward and pushed off from the wall. Water sheeted over her face as she took her first powerful stroke, then her vision cleared and she flailed her way toward the shallow end.

She saw the spray of Steven Shein's start and pulled still harder. She could see the whipping arch of his hands. Each stroke sent a glittering arching spray of water high in the air. She kicked harder, trying to put more whip into the motion of her feet, trying to remember instructions received years ago from her swimming coach.

God, the man was fast! His head was already even with her waist, his arms flinging water in her face at every stroke. Judy flailed desperately, cursing that he had chosen the backstroke - always her worst stroke.

Then he was even with her and Judy could see his face. He was watching her insolently. He wasn't even having to work hard to stay even with her!

Judy suddenly noticed the way her taut breasts were rolling and bobbing on the surface, in full view. She lost her rhythm and floundered for a moment, which gave him half a yard advantage on her. She regained her poise and pulled harder, but couldn't catch up.

Suddenly the explosive splashing of his kick stopped. It had been the only thing she had been able to see. Just as she twisted her head to look for him, a hand closed on her outstretched arm. Her fingers brushed the end of the pool. Then she was swept up against him, and her back came up against his heaving, hairy chest. Before she could get her feet under her his arm was around her, and his hand was cupping her breast. She fought against his intimate grasp, but it was futile.

"Tut-tut, Mrs. Penncroft," he chided her. "It was a perfectly fair race."

Heat flooded through Judy from the man's bold, possessive touch on her bare breast. She could feel his cock nuzzling her buttocks insolently and tried to squirm away from it. "Please..."

"I happen to know just how badly you want this listing," Mr. Shein informed her, "and why."

Judy relaxed in his arms. She was cursing the way her body was reacting. Something about the hard, hot hairy, muscular man behind her, the rough touch of his hands on her bare breasts and belly, and the cool water, all were conspiring to send her passions soaring.

"I am interested in selling my house, Mrs. Penncroft," Steven Shein went on, sliding one hand down her belly. His fingers pressed into the warm hairy tangle of her pussy. He probed her hot, slick, excited vaginal opening. "As a matter of fact, I would even accept a lowly million and a half for it. It so happens I need the cash right now. However, as I said, any broker in town can get me a million and a half for it. If you are to get the listing, the exclusive listing, you are going to have to offer some additional incentive."

Judy remained silent.

"Let's see," Mr. Shein murmured softly. "The commission for a sale on a million and a half is - uhm - around fifteen thousand. Add to that the commission you could get from a buyer, and you have a nice round thirty thousand dollars."

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