Helpful Wife - Cover

Helpful Wife


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Cheating   Slut Wife   Novel-Pocketbook  

Even the soothing effect of the marijuana cigarette she'd smoked upstairs wasn't enough to prepare Melanie for the shock she received when she entered the cellar. It was quite large and quite dark, except for a brilliantly spotlighted circle in the exact middle of the room. She was reminded of a stage or movie set, or the middle ring of a sex circus, with the audience seats around it cloaked in darkness. There was a thick white carpet on the floor that felt nice to Melanie's bare feet as Andersson led her out onto it. Before her was the largest round bed she had ever seen, also covered with the same white fur. Where the headboard curved around one quarter of the bed, large sections of mirrors rose in an arc, high up and then over like a reflective canopy so that whoever was on the bed could watch every little detail that was happening.

Melanie wriggled her toes in the fur, nervously shading her eyes with one hand against the harsh light burning down on her. She peered all around her, but most everything beyond the ring of lamps was a dim, unrecognizable blur. She was able to make out Andersson's wife, Syble, sitting on a low settee off to one side. Melanie strained her eyes, and it seemed to her that Syble was absolutely naked, her breasts and thighs reflections of tanned flesh as she moved to a more comfortable position. With her looked to be a naked man, but Melanie couldn't be sure... but as she moved her face around to other points of the dim room beyond her circle, she was sure that she could see more black forms of men; some tall, some short, some sitting, some standing, but all of them unclothed and naked.

"Go to the bed, my dear," Andersson commanded, and meekly Melanie left his side and stumbled across the carpet to sit tipsily on the edge of the great round bed. The marijuana was beginning to affect her a little more now, and her muscles felt sluggish. Her feet dangled, almost touching the floor, and through her drugged gaze. she could see in the mirrors above her, her own figure lying below. She could feel the eyes of the countless naked males around her feasting lewdly on the secret parts that had once belonged solely to her husband, parts she had protected just for Tim and which now had become her shame.

"Move back, my dear," she heard Andersson say in a now heavily breathing tone. She peered in the direction of his voice and thought she saw him standing beside some large box that was on stilts. "Go on," he snapped harshly, "move to the center of the bed... Or else!"

Melanie shuddered at the threat of his or else, and crawled to the center as demanded, tears streaming in tiny rivulets as the helplessness of her position tormented her confused and shame-filled mind. She cowered there, her arms trying to cover as much of her as she could, feeling her nakedness as a great humiliating blanket. And now that blanket would be replaced by something more evil: the greedy eyes of strange obscene men who did not know her name nor even cared to know. She would be an openly exposed receptacle in which would be spewed indecent sperm, and she had no other choice, having to submit to the revolting violation of her body to protect her marriage and home. God, would Amos please come to her and get it over with!

Amos Andersson chuckled lewdly as he moved behind the tripod legs of the 16 mm color movie camera and sighted its lens on the naked young wife. It was time now... time to start Phase Three!

"Dinsdale!" he growled to one of the naked men standing nearby. "Take that favorite little plaything of yours and start to work on her."

"Right boss!" A set of flashing white teeth sparkled momentarily. "She looks to be a tender one, for sure!" He scampered across the rug and leaped nakedly onto the bed, kneeling down beside Melanie's thighs. "Hello there," he said casually. "My name is Arnold Dinsdale."

Melanie had been unable to see him because of the blinding glare of the floodlamps, but now her eyes adjusted and she stared in horror at the roughly handsome face of this strange man. His features were sharp and definite, a straight nose, squarish cheekbones, and deep-set dark eyes protected by jet black eyebrows.

"Wh-What are you doing?" she screamed when she belatedly realized what had happened. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm not going to hurt you," Dinsdale grinned, pushing her naked body down flat on the bed. "Relax and enjoy it."

As the full impact of what the unknown strange man was saying registered in Melanie's mind, she realized now that she had been bartered away by an incredibly vile degenerate. It wasn't only eyes of other men she was going to have to suffer, it was going to be their obscene penises drubbing into her as well! God! She saw it all now! If she could only run, if there was only someplace she could hide! But there was none, and she still had her price to pay...

Before her thoughts could go any further, she felt a light flicking over the soles of her feet. Something the nude man was holding in one of his hands was grazing torturously over the sensitive bottoms of her feet. She struggled to sit up, but Dinsdale's thick muscular arm held her fast to the bed with his other hand palm-flat against the soft white flesh of her convulsing belly. But she had been able to see enough to know that he was grinning lewdly as he kneeled over her defenseless body, a thick plastic shaft in the hand that was tickling her feet. It was cream colored, about seven inches long and two inches around, and it gave off a buzzing hum like a nest of mosquitoes.

"A dildo," Dinsdale explained as she looked back up at his face with a questioning expression. "Like a man's cock, see, only it's artificial. And this one's a vibrator as well!"

A dildo! Melanie jerked her feet, trying to escape the maddening tickling of the artificial penis' vibrating tickle. It was no use. Dinsdale continued the lascivious massaging slowly up her calves, pausing at the sensitive inner thighs to rotate the blunt head in small titillating circles against her nakedly sensitive flesh. The trapped young wife squirmed, held captive against the bed with Dinsdale's pressuring hand against her belly, inadvertently opening her loins in a crab-like stance that exposed the moist pink slit of her vagina completely to his vibrating touch and the greedy eyes of the naked viewers and the glinting lens of the movie camera.

"That's it!" Andersson yelled encouragingly. "More! More!"

Dinsdale giggled and thrust the tip of the tormenting dildo directly into the involuntarily parted pubic hair, juggling the plastic vibrator lewdly in the plainly visible lips of her tight little cunt.

"Ohhhh," she mewled, jerking wildly in her vain effort to escape the taunting buzzing which was tingling all the way through her body. "D-Don't do that! I... I can't stand it!"

Still the teasing dildo played at the tender flesh of her vagina, working its way up the full length of the wetly palpitating crevice to her tiny throbbing clitoris and flicking it maddeningly until, with a sudden groan, Melanie felt her loins begin a gentle involuntary rising and falling. She could hear along with the other viewers Syble laughing from her settee at the edge of the carpet... the young wife's desperate pleadings causing all of the audience to urge the actor to manipulate the vibrating fake cock faster and faster.

Arnold Dinsdale worked it slowly up over the mound of her genitals and across the flat white plane of her belly, around his still pressing hand that was holding her down and then up the sides of her ribs. She felt the plastic vibrator crawl up over her full ripe breasts and begin to gently caress the nipples, and in spite of her revulsion toward this indecent torture of her flesh, her feeling was slowly changing. Against her will, her proud firm breasts were throbbing into round hardness, and the peaks tweaked up hungrily as the torturing dildo made small delicious circles around the pink-hued aureoles.

As the vibrator began its slow downward journey again, she found to her fascinated horror her body reaching involuntarily upward to absorb its warm caresses. It dwelled long on the whiteness of her belly and in the flexing hollows of her inner thighs, again causing a slow uncontrollable undulation of her rebellious hips and causing her again to draw her thighs back up into a crab-like position. The wide crevice between her firm buttocks was once more splayed open to the leering, lust-crazed eyes of her surrounding watchers and, still unknown to her, to the uncaring eye of the movie camera as well.

Without warning, Dinsdale flicked the blunt tip quickly against the sensitive moist flesh of her cuntal hole, clearly exposing the unwantedly swelling lips between the blonde fringe of her pubic hair. The tight, elastic orifice of her pussy jerked in surprise and tried to screw itself down into the mattress to escape the cruelly delightful probe.

"Aggggggg!" she gasped between clenched teeth. "D-Don't! Please, please don't! You're driving me crazy with that thing!"

A sadistic giggle answered her as she undulated against the teasing dildo in her wetly clasping vagina. She tried to close her thighs against it, but they would not seem to obey her mind's commands. Tears of frustration again brimmed her eyes as she felt the control of her body gradually loosening. She had vowed she would never allow it to betray her no matter how much temptation it might be subjected to; but the sheer hopelessness of her position and the vibrator in the hands of this master debaucher, violating all the sensitive, defenseless parts of her naked body, were forcing her into helpless submission.

"Nooooo! Stop it! Stop it, please! You're killing me!"

"Would you rather be fucked by Dinsdale?" she heard the mocking voice of Amos Andersson call from somewhere in darkness.

"No! No!" she groaned piteously.

"Tell me," the taunting, handsome face of the actor coaxed, sending more forceful, spasmodic throbs through the plastic cock embedded slightly in her rapidly awakening vaginal passage.

"I won't... I can't! Please!" Melanie's resistance ebbed with the exquisitely maddening pleasure being lavished on her helpless naked being. But she couldn't bring herself to suffer this further indignation, knowing that this would be the point of her surrender. The thought of begging a man she had never seen before to drive his hardened penis into her was unbelievingly repugnant to her.

"Just say it," Dinsdale hissed. "Just say it and I stop my machine." To add impetus, he turned the torturing instrument on higher.

"No, no," she moaned, lolling her head as far as she could from side to side in almost unconscious hysteria. "I won't... I can't... Oh, please don't make me, whoever you are!"

"Dinsdale's the name. But you like this, don't you?" He throbbed the fake penis viciously, and began making little strokes in and out of her frantically groveling cunt. "It feels good to you, right?"

"Ohhhhh, yesssss, it doesssss," she hissed through tightly clenched teeth.

"Do you want me to stop, though?"

"I... Yes! Oh, please, stop!"

"Say it, then," Dinsdale commanded as cruelly as Andersson would have done. "Say what you, want!"

"Ohhhhh," the helpless young wife moaned, all resistance fading away as the lewd sensations from his vibrating dildo slowly changed her body to a mass of nerve-tingling excitement. "Give... Give it to me, then! Give it to me!"

"Not like that, my dear!" Andersson yelled at the tormented girl. "Say it with the right words to Dinsdale! Go on, say it!" And then he added the ultimate cruelty as she sobbed in humiliated recollection. "Beg Dinsdale the way you begged me last Wednesday!"

Dinsdale had increased the tingling probings until Melanie had no resistance left. A fiery hot ball of desire had become all-consuming in the pit of her loins. She fought against it with all her strength but the indecent plastic penis pursued and tantalized her wet young cunt relentlessly. The thick, vibrating cock buzzed on, not going any deeper inside her, but firing the moist warm flesh of her vaginal lips until she thought her belly would burst from the tickling pleasure tingling through it.

"Oh God," she heard herself shriek, the sweet agony in her body driving her to a frenzy. "Fuck me! Fuck me! Go fuck me now!"

"Have her ride you!" Amos Andersson directed from behind the camera. "Get down, Dinsdale, and have her ride that cock of yours!"

Melanie groaned from this further indignity. Her heart sunk as she realized that in such a lewd position, it would be she who was mostly on display, with her naked buttocks waving high up in the air off Dinsdale's plundering hardness, rather than him over her with his covering body. She watched as the handsome man beside her threw the dildo to one side and rolled over on the thick furry coverlet, clutching her with steel-hard fingers so that she was roughly pulled to him.

"Do as he says, sweetie," Dinsdale hissed up into her face. "Climb over me and straddle my thighs like the good girl you are!"

Melanie hesitantly complied, knowing that she had reached the point of no return. Her whole body cringing with the horror of what she must do for her survival, she levered up on her arms, her long blonde hair flowing down her face and sweeping the strange man's chest, her breasts swaying sensuously with their erect little nipples almost touching his warm, tanned skin. She kneeled, straddling with her own thighs splayed wide on either side of Dinsdale's lean hips, and could sense his hardened penis pointing directly up at her hotly throbbing vaginal slit. She thought of what was to follow, and tears of shame and submission flowed down the delicate swell of her cheeks, ruining the light make-up Andersson had so carefully applied.

He arched his buttocks up off the bed, and Melanie suddenly quivered in renewed fear as she felt the hugeness of his heatedly thick cock press into the crevice between her upturned thighs. She involuntarily cringed forward, drawing away from the blunt rubbery hardness pressing upwards into her loins, but it relentlessly followed. Her forehead was pressed tightly in the cleft between the man's neck and shoulder, her face downwards against the mattress, and she could feel the pungent smell of Dinsdale's perspiration. She felt his hands close around the tops of her buttocks, gripping them tightly, his fingers pressing downwards in her soft white flesh. He was going to impale her in front of everybody. Oh God, he was going to split her!

"Reach behind you, my dear!" Andersson commanded breathlessly. "Put his cock inside your cunt!"

"Oh, I can't, I can't!" Melanie whimpered.

"Put it in, I tell you," the devilish blackmailer yelled at her, and she felt Dinsdale dig his fingers deeper into her buttocks with his own display of urgency.

"Ohhhh," Melanie groaned as she felt her sensitive flesh being squeezed into painfully tight balls. She couldn't stand it! Trembling in despair, the naked young wife reached back between her legs and wrapped her fingers around the hot, hard shaft of this stranger's penis. She tearfully placed the blunt, pulsing head against the tight elastic opening of her vagina, biting down hard on her lower lips to hold back the tears of humiliation and fright that were brimming her eyes. She felt his long hardness begin a slow probing upwards against her already moistened vaginal lips, forcing its way inside the tight restricting ring of hot flesh that jealously guarded the entrance to her young cunt. There was a great stretching feeling in her loins as though the tender lips of her vagina were being pulled apart, and then suddenly she felt as if they were being ripped as Dinsdale's long thick cock slithered into her hotly cringing pussy like the trunk of a tree. The heavy muscles of his loins crashed hard up against her cruelly splayed inner thighs, pushing her face brutally against the bed.

"Agggg!" she strangled through clenched teeth. Her vaginal walls were on fire, his great penetrating penis feeling like a huge drill tunneling deep up into her belly. Melanie struggled and rotated her buttocks in vain to alleviate the cruel impalement, but Dinsdale had skewered into her up to the hilt, and she was a hopeless prisoner before all the lewd, breathlessly viewing people grouped around the bed.

He began to pump long, even strokings into her, only stopping at the apex where his pulsing hard cock throbbed menacingly against the tender cervix of her womb. Melanie's mouth opened and closed fishlike in torment and sensation as gradually she became accustomed to the massively thick shaft embedded in her tight young vagina. She could feel the rigid, tendon-like corrugations of his cock brushing against her overly sensitive clitoris. A strange masochistic pleasure had begun tippling through her. Even the pain was weirdly enjoyable, and she waved her buttocks skyward, undulating as much as the thick restricting shaft of Dinsdale's cock would allow. The sight she made in the mirrors incited her even more as she raised her head to look around. This was total subjugation, being forced to kneel helplessly around a naked stranger this way, her arms supporting her torso off the stage-like bed, her breasts jiggling crazily underneath from the obscene public fucking she was getting. In the mirror she could see his wetly glistening penis sliding in and out of her clasping pink vagina which was puckering and unpuckering around his long length. God, what a picture it made in her! The lewd portrait of her utter surrender made her squirm down on the heated shaft as if to punish herself some more.

Dear God, Melanie thought through her painful haze of humiliation. What's happening to me? What's happening to me? I can't help it... I can't help it...

She groaned out her shameful submission to the fiery sensations flicking through her unwillingly ravished body. Her toes curled tightly against the softness of the bedspread as she was bucked up and down, fucked like the helpless slave she was by the great, driving cock up inside her warmly quivering cunt. Dinsdale pressed his fingers into the firm flesh of her buttocks and spread their bouncing cheeks farther apart, opening them obscenely and teasing the puckered little hole of her anus with his outstretched middle finger.

"Ahhhhhh," Melanie moaned in drugged delight. She was being treated more like a whore than she had been before, and the strange masochistic pleasure which had gripped her last Wednesday night spiraled through her shamelessly aroused young body once again. She wanted to be completely destroyed by it this time; she wanted to be fucked until she could never walk again! The lewd subjugation of her helpless, kneeling form was driving her wild with lust-inciting sensations!

"Ohhhhh, fuck me! Fuck me good!" she chanted through her contorted lips, sweat dripping from her straining flanks, the rhythm of her buttocks and the skewering of her vagina bringing unmentionable delight to her senses.

Syble Andersson watched this lewd humiliation of the naked young wife with mixed emotions. She felt a slight twinge of pity coursing through her for the helpless innocent girl who was being subjected to such a thing after such a short period of marriage. She could see her lying there on the bed with her legs wide apart probably feeling more naked and ashamed than she had ever felt before in her life. And yet, the sordid scene was exciting her! God, how it was exciting her, and Syble could feel the pit of her belly and thighs hot and moist from the obscene spectacle her husband was so avidly filming to show around the nation. The naked young man next to her, whose name was Jack Armstrong, reached forward and ran his middle finger up the tight crevice of her hotly moistened cunt, parting the soft vaginal hairs and feeling the smooth, pink flesh jerk against his sudden contact. He leaned against Syble's ear and whispered:

"Get down on the floor like she is. I'll fuck you from behind so we can watch at the same time. Your husband won't mind."

"He never does," Syble answered excitedly, slipping off the couch and sprawling on all-fours on the dim lit floor. Then she felt the heat of Jack's long hard cock brushing against the wetly pulsing lips of her vagina, and she reached back under her body and guided his rigid shaft between the tender lips of her cuntal slit. Jack pressured forward slowly and with one easy stroke slid his massively erect cock all the way inside her eagerly heaving belly. Amos' naked wife moaned as she felt the cock-head bury as far into her hungry little cunt as it would go. Her mouth dropped loosely open, and she began to squirm back against him in dog fashion as she felt him begin to rotate it deep up inside her. The head of his thick long prick scraped deliciously against the far hidden walls of her womb in a sweet magical rhythm that brought swelling moans from deep in her throat. She kept her passion-glazed eyes tightly glued to Melanie's naked young body still held tight down upon Arnold Dinsdale's pumping cock while she herself urged Jack to fuck into her hard and fast.

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