Helpful Wife - Cover

Helpful Wife


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Cheating   Slut Wife   Novel-Pocketbook  

"No, Melanie," Amos Andersson whispered with rising heat. "No, don't think about how your husband fucked you. Think how much better it will be when I make love to you! No man has ever made love to you... gentle, blissful love... but I will. I'll show you... lead you... to the joys you've missed."

He pulled her on her side so that they were facing each other on the long, wide couch, and then he ground his loins tightly into hers, sliding his hand up over the soft roundness of her buttocks beneath her short mini-skirt.

"Oh, Amos, no!" Melanie whimpered into the wetness of his mouth as he leaned over and kissed her hard upon the lips. She tried to pull away from him, but she could not seem to find the energy to resist his caressing touch and delicious kiss, the evil effects of the marijuana gluing her to his arms. She squirmed against the cushion of the couch, forcing the crotch band of her panties deeper into the crevice of her inner thighs. Its smoothness excited the sensitive pink lips of her vagina. She could feel tiny throbs beginning to pulse in the little bud of her clitoris, and she bit her lower lips tightly to hold back the forbidden sensations that were slowly building up between her legs. Dear God, what was happening to her?

Her alcohol and marijuana-dazed body stiffened as she felt her handsome employer begin massaging her softly trembling buttocks from behind. As he ground his loins harder against her, his mouth still locked wetly to hers, she gasped and held her breath, feeling the rising hardness under his pants pressing into her own unwantedly moistened genitals. She clenched her eyes tightly shut, fighting her new unquenchable passions, but the soft fingers of his hand nipping teasingly against her inner buttocks and the hardness of his pulsating penis grinding into her loins brought further moans of helpless submission to her lips.

"Oh, Amos, please don't," she mewled as she felt more lewd delicious feelings rippling across the surface of her flesh. "N-No one but my husband has ever touched me like this!"

"Always a first time for every thing, my dear," he laughed softly, dropping his other hand down between their tightly merged bodies to the flatness of her belly.

"Ohhh, don't do this to me please!" she sobbed. Her body jerked slightly as she felt Andersson's fingers hooking and sliding the material of her short skirt up the front of her naked thighs. She moaned and tried again to pull away, using all her will power to overcome the strange new sensations that were unwantedly building up deep in the pit of her stomach.

"My dear, what you need is to be made love to properly for just once," Andersson whispered. "Just once. You'll never have to be unhappy with what you're getting at home again!"

Melanie gasped and held her breath as she felt the hem of her skirt reach the top of her skirt reach the top of her thighs and his fingers suddenly come in searing contact with the softness of her naked flesh. An electrifying shock danced along the nerves of her inner thighs as she felt him trying to slip his fingers slowly under the tight elastic leg band of her panties. She squirmed desperately but futilely against the unyielding strength of his embrace, whimpering as the full impact of this handsome older man wanting to make love to her burst through the lulling effects of the marijuana and brandy. God, what had come over him? And worse, what had come over her? They were both married, and just because her husband was three thousand miles away was no excuse for her to act like some whore! She had to get out of this awful mess before it was too late!

"Please, Mr. Andersson," she sobbed helplessly, cringing against the back of the couch. "Oh, please let me go! I feel like a fool behaving this way with you. I love Tim no matter what, and I can't do anything I'd be sorry for later. I just can't, Mr. Andersson!"

"Amos, my dear. Call me Amos, remember?" He smiled paternally down at the fearful young wife. "And why can't you enjoy yourself a little on the side? Nobody would know. Your husband is out in New York, and besides, he's probably balling some pick-up he's made in a bar right now!"

Melanie moaned in self-pity. The suspicions she'd been harboring about Tim being unfaithful to her pierced her heart like a dagger as she heard Andersson's words. "I-I don't care," she said miserably, knowing she did. "I would know what I had done, and that would be enough. I'd never be able to face my husband again! I've gone too far as it is!"

"Too late, my dear," Andersson chuckled with a cold, cruel glint in his eyes, as he decided to really take the initiative, "I want you, and deep down inside you know you want me to make love to you. And by God, that's what's going to happen."

Melanie tried to speak, but she couldn't, only able to press herself tightly back against the couch in disbelief. She watched, mesmerized, as he began stripping his clothes from his body with his free hand. She wanted to close her eyes to shut out the horror, but before she could find the strength, he was completely naked. His thick, hard penis stood out from beneath the firm muscles of his tanned abdomen like the menacing shaft of a heavy, blunt spear. He leaned toward her, still holding her thighs down with one hand, and stroking the heavy uncircumcised foreskin back and forth over the bulbous head of his hardened cock with the other.

"Bet your husband never had anything like this to slide into you," he gloated proudly. He continued his tormenting of the terrified girl, watching the contorted expressions of fear and unwilling arousal cross over her face.

Melanie tried to avert her eyes, but against her will, she found that her gaze was dropping again to the hard fleshy erection he was holding in his hand. God, it was thick! In spite of her fear, her drugged mind wondered how a woman could take such a thing inside of her without being split completely apart.

Andersson was built and he knew it, and he hunched near her for a moment longer reveling in the awe the size of his cock was bringing to her eyes. Then he leaned over her and hissed, "Are you going to take your clothes off or shall I do it for you?"

Melanie gasped and held her breath as she felt the hem of her skirt reach the top of her thighs and his fingers suddenly come in searing contact with the softness of her naked flesh. An electrifying shock danced along the nerves of her inner thighs as she felt him trying to slip his fingers slowly under the tight elastic leg band of her panties. She squirmed desperately but futilely against the unyielding strength of his embrace, whimpering as the full impact of this handsome older man wanting to make love to her burst through the lulling effects of the marijuana and brandy. God, what had come over him? And worse, what had come over her? They were both married, and just because her husband was three thousand miles away was no excuse for her to act like some whore! She had to get out of this awful mess before it was too late!

"Please, Mr. Andersson," she sobbed helplessly, cringing against the back of the couch. "Oh, please let me go! I feel like a fool behaving this way with you. I love Tim no matter what, and I can't do anything I'd be sorry for later. I just can't, Mr. Andersson!"

"Amos, my dear. Call me Amos, remember?" He smiled paternally down at the fearful young wife. "And why can't you enjoy yourself a little on the side? Nobody would know. Your husband is out in New York, and besides, he's probably balling some pick-up he's made in a bar right now!"

Melanie moaned in self-pity. The suspicions she'd been harboring about Tim being unfaithful to her pierced her heart like a dagger as she heard Andersson's words. "I-I don't care," she said miserably, knowing she did. "I would know what I had done, and that would be enough. I'd never be able to face my husband again! I've gone too far as it is!"

"Too late, my dear," Andersson chuckled with a cold, cruel glint in his eyes, as he decided to really take the initiative, "I want you, and deep down inside you know you want me to make love to you. And by God, that's what's going to happen."

Melanie tried to speak, but she couldn't, only able to press herself tightly back against the couch in disbelief. She watched, mesmerized, as he began stripping his clothes from his body with his free hand. She wanted to close her eyes to shut out the horror, but before she could find the strength, he was completely naked. His thick, hard penis stood out from beneath the firm muscles of his tanned abdomen like the menacing shaft of a heavy, blunt spear. He leaned toward her, still holding her thighs down with one hand, and stroking the heavy uncircumcised foreskin back and forth over the bulbous head of his hardened cock with the other.

"Bet your husband never had anything like this to slide into you," he gloated proudly. He continued his tormenting of the terrified girl, watching the contorted expressions of fear and unwilling arousal cross over her face.

Melanie tried to avert her eyes, but against her will, she found that her gaze was dropping again to the hard fleshy erection he was holding in his hand. God, it was thick! In spite of her fear, her drugged mind wondered how a woman could take such a thing inside of her without being split completely apart.

Andersson was built and he knew it, and he hunched near her for a moment longer reveling in the awe the size of his cock was bringing to her eyes. Then he leaned over her and hissed, "Are you going to take your clothes off or shall I do it for you?"

"D-Don't touch me," Melanie finally managed to stammer through her immobilizing euphoria. But she knew there was nothing to do to stop him now, for the small part of her mind that was still rational was far too weak to fight both his strength and her own body's strangely rising sensations. This naked man was going to ravish her helpless flesh no matter how much she pleaded with him not to!

He reached out and drew her hard against him, cupping her terrified young face in his palms. With a triumphant grin he pressed his wet lips tightly down over hers again, thrusting his tongue deep into the warm depths of her mouth. She sagged limply on the couch, feeling the hardness of his fully exposed penis digging into the softness of her stomach. A last faint thought of trying to tear herself away flickered hopelessly through her mind, but faded with the tender caress of his hands pressing into the sides of her cheeks.

"That's my lovely girl," he breathed into her mouth softly. "I'll be nice and easy... so gentle with you. You'll see."

Melanie was dimly aware of his hands leaving her face and snaking around her body to the hemline of her sweater. Almost as if he had hypnotized her into submission, she allowed him to draw the thin pullover up over her breasts and off her head and arms. The snaps of her brassiere came next and she heard him mutter a faint sigh of lusty appreciation as he dropped it to the floor and her full white breasts burst into the warm living room air. He reached behind her again to the zipper at the back of her skirt, and with one swift downward motion, he opened it away from her ripely flaring buttocks. She could feel the sensual rush of air against her thighs as he pulled the skirt from her. She swayed dizzily on the couch as she willingly arched her hips permitting him to pull her white nylon panties slowly down over the softness of her rounded buttocks and let them drop to the small skimpy pile of her other clothing on the floor.

There was nothing left. He moved her feet up and now she lay stretched out completely naked on the couch, hearing him panting on his knees beside her. The heady smoke of the marijuana wafted sensuously through her blood, intensifying the uncontrollable sensations which were unwantedly directing her actions. She gritted her teeth together, resisting as best she could, but her utter helplessness and the thought of her husband making love to some other woman were too much for the tormented wife's confused, bedrugged mind. She could only squirm back a little, whimpering as the tip of his finger found the narrow tender crevice of her vagina and thrust gently into it, parting the soft pubic hair and making sudden delicious contact with the hotly throbbing head of her tiny clitoris. She was wet and sensitive from the unwanted desire that permeated her entire being, and she sucked in her breath tightly to hold back the sigh of pleasure she felt growing deep in her chest. There was nothing she could seem to do to fight him back, and tears of disgrace cascaded warmly down over her face as in her shame she found herself reacting involuntarily to the tingling caresses of her overly sensitive breasts and vagina. She was unable to keep from widening her legs, and found her buttocks suddenly undulating in an involuntary up and down rhythm to the light teasing of his fingers sliding between her thighs...

And all this while, Syble Andersson was sitting with a lewd grin of excitement on her face as she concentrated on the large plate glass before her. She had come directly from the Dew Drop Inn, parking her car in the garage where it could not be seen, and gone to the now pitch-dark den beside the living room, where a two-way mirror was installed. She could clearly see all the action, but from the other side, the glass was only a mirror which reflected images, and now she sat sipping a tall Scotch as she watched her husband progress with his seduction.

Damn! Syble thought. Amos really knows how to get a woman going! She could feel a slight twinge of jealousy overcoming her as she studied his face and saw the unmistakable signs she knew so well. Her husband liked to fuck any woman he could lay his hands on, and that was all there was to it. But what he was doing now to that innocent blonde, Melanie, was going to let her, Syble, inside that same girl later. She leaned back with the obscene thought of those long slim legs wrapped tight around her as she shoved her tongue deep inside that warm, tender pussy. By God, she'd show little Melanie what loving was all about! She could feel moisture seeping from her throbbing cuntal lips at the idea as she turned her attention back to the two naked bodies writhing on the wide couch on the other side of the mirror. Small beads of perspiration began to form on her brow from the excitement she always felt when she watched her husband fucking another woman half to death...

Through half-slit eyes, Melanie could see the shadowy form of her naked employer crouching between her open legs that were splayed like angel's wings on the soft, wide couch. She could feel the flat palms of his sweating hands pushing against the softness of her inner thighs, and she watched with gathering horror as his head dipped slowly down... lower... lower... and then!

"Ohhhh!" she jerked, as his hot moist lips closed over the hair-fringed mound at the base of her belly. His eager face disappeared from her view into the soft fleece of her pubic hair as he planted wet tickling kisses on the still resisting crevice, his tongue flicking lizard-like at the quivering opening of her cunt.

"Ohhhh God, don't! Please don't!" she whimpered, trying desperately to screw her naked buttocks back down from the hot tongue flicking mercilessly at her defenseless vagina. His answer was a lewd chuckle and a further stab into the tight fleshy slit of her moistly pink flesh.

"Ahhhggggggg!" she moaned in undisguised humiliation, her head falling back on the cushions as his tongue speared the involuntarily swelling lips of her cunt. In spite of her terror and revulsion at the horrible perversion being done to her helpless genitals, tiny wisps of forbidden pleasure began to burn deep down inside her belly, and tingling little goosebumps rippled across her quivering belly and full heaving breasts.

"Oh God, I can't, I can't let you do this!" she sobbed helplessly, fighting the torturing sensations that were steadily building out of control through her naked young body. She clenched her teeth tight together and fought with all her will against the growing flames that were threatening to burst into uncontrollable fire and devour her resistance. But it was a losing battle as Amos Andersson sucked and licked ceaselessly at her increasingly submitting loins, and her drugged mind hopelessly sensed her love-starved body beginning to shamelessly desert her. Her smooth rounded buttocks jerked up involuntarily toward his wetly darting tongue, sending more delicious spasms of sensation coursing through her raw nerve ends.

Amos felt her surrender and, with a savage grin, he thrust his thick wet tongue deeper into the hotly quivering sheath of her responding vagina. He worked hungrily, feeling the soft moist pubic hair brushing tantalizingly against his cheeks, knowing that she was far too gone now to fight anything he wanted to do to her. As his lips rounded and covered the wetly clasping cunt before him, he could hear low guttural moans from the girl whose soft warm thighs were now closing spontaneously around the sides of his moving head. He could feel her pink wet flesh moving around his long extended tongue as her cuntal walls opened and closed in a sucking motion, attempting on their own to pull him deeper into her. He had never seen anyone so hot, even with the marijuana, and he knew she was now completely at his mercy and loving every moment of it. She needed fucking bad and she was going to get it, her body lost in the heat of her arousal.

"Ohhhh! Ohhhh!" she moaned, the cruel realization of her total loss of control hitting her with shame and humiliation. But her thoughts were fleeting, all that mattering now to her being the delightful shafts of pleasure piercing through her nakedly quivering flesh like tiny prickling needles of fire. She had never expected sex to be like this, that any man could bring such things from her body. She reached down and desperately tangled her fingers in his hair, guiding his face deeper to the spreading lips of her hair-lined pussy, splaying her legs wider with abandonment to give him greater access.

The evil movie owner could stand it no longer. His penis was incited to a hardness he could no longer control, and he had to fuck this innocent young wife before he exploded his cum all over the couch. He grabbed her flailing legs behind the knees and shoved them roughly back against her shoulders, slithering up her sweat-streaked body at the same time. His long rigid cock brushed against her saliva-wet pubic hair, peeling her narrow pink vaginal slit pulsing its lips with open invitation.

Melanie could see Amos Andersson hovering over her through her passion and drug-dimmed eyes. She could feel the hardness of his thick fleshy penis lying the full length of her quaking pink cunt, the jerking head of his cock throbbing between her wide spread buttocks. He insinuated it in a maddening tease that caused her to twist her hips up toward it, her hungry pussy searching desperately for its hard blood-filled tip. Forgotten now were her morals, her marriage, her vows to Tim. Nothing mattered any longer except to have this man's penis far up inside her! Her belly was screaming for it!

Melanie felt the lips of her eagerly quivering vagina being forced open. The elastic rimmed tightness resisted for a moment and then gave way before his hard cruel pressure. The pain was harsh and she mechanically clenched her muscles against it as a long low wail came from deep within her throat. Andersson shoved again, enjoying her screams of pain, ramming forward and sinking his lust-inflated cock all the way to the hilt. Her legs jerked out wide on either side of his lean muscular body as she screwed her buttocks deep down into the cushions in an attempt to escape the sudden brutal impalement.

"Nooooooo! It hurts! It hurts worse than Tim's!" she cried out. She felt as though her body was being torn down the middle and that she would be ripped in half from this giant male member embedded so deep in her belly. Her face was contorted with the agony of his vicious stab inside her, her lips curled back from her teeth, and pleading whimpers coming tumbling from her swollen lips. God, oh God, she couldn't take it! She couldn't!

Andersson held her there for a moment, savoring the spectacle of this innocent young wife impaled helplessly under him with his huge pulsating prick buried deep in her tight little cunt. She'd never had it this deep, he gloated to himself as he pinned her back in the lewd humiliating position. He wished that her stupid husband could see her now, spread-eagled this way with a strange man making her scream and yell. And then he felt her vagina contract involuntarily as she flexed her inner muscles to relieve the impossible pressure. He throbbed his penis gently, expanding it inside her, but still not moving his body.

"Ahhhhgggg," she whimpered through bared teeth, trying to accustom herself to this greater impalement.

He waited a moment and then flexed again, watching her contorted face below. Her mouth hung limply open, her eyes clenched tightly shut. He flexed again, this time setting a slow teasing rhythm to his throbs. He watched her nostrils begin a slow hesitant flaring in time to the beat and knew that she was on that fine line between pleasure and pain.

"Ohhhhh, God! God!" she mewled as the buried cock expanded more and stretched the narrow passage walls of her vagina still more.

Andersson now began long smooth strokes into her defenselessly exposed loins that were wet and slippery from his saliva. He withdrew the shaft of his burgeoning cock until just its blunt tip was left inside the hot dilated opening of her cunt, and then thrust forward hard with his hips until his testicles slapped against the wide-split crevice of her buttocks.

Melanie groaned helplessly as her tender vagina was plundered again and again almost beyond endurance. He was driving her head hard back against the cushions of the couch with every jack-hammer thrust he made, and she couldn't fight from her hopeless position. Her arms were pinned down at her sides by her own updrawn legs. She could feel the giant heated rod of his hardened penis sliding wetly up and down inside her warmly tight passage, and she strained back against his vicious assault on her femaledom. But gradually she was becoming accustomed to his monstrous size inside her, and a masochistic pleasure she had never known before began to replace the firebrands of pain that raced from her totally filled loins to the top of her head.

Goddamn, Amos is fucking her good, Syble Andersson gasped from her seat behind the two-way mirror. She watched the fleshy hardness of her husband skewering to its hilt down between the young girl's widespread thighs, and an obscene thrill rippled through her at the sight. Melanie Cartwright didn't know it yet, but this was just beginning for her, and Syble could hardly wait for her chance to delve between those same urgently jerking thighs. In fact, the way she felt right now, thinking about tasting the softly succulent flesh between those long slim legs, she was tempted to go out and join them this very moment!

Melanie could feel her womb flare wide and the tightly resisting lips of her hair-lined cunt flower open to receive his massively heated staff of love. Her nakedly writhing body felt itself coming to life now, the pain receding more and more as maddening tingles darted up from her soft white belly. Electric sensations rippled through her suddenly twitching cunt and out their fleece-lined lips, dancing like lightning across her trembling thighs and up through the tips of her pink, palpitating nipples. She rotated her hips from side to side around the fleshy impaling cock, her vagina dilating to its rhythmic beating, her body matching his pounding lunges with her own eager upthrusts as she greedily sought more of his long hard cock.

Dear God, it had never felt this good when Tim had "fucked" her! She didn't know why, and she no longer cared to ask. There was nothing else in her world now; no tomorrow, no today, no Tim... nothing except her deep, wet grotto of lust and the pistoning hardness filling it. This was madness she had never known... a total surrender to the lure of flesh, and her drugged mind reveled in her wickedness.

"Ohhhhhhh, yes! Yes, Amos, fuck me! Fuck me hard! Hard!" she begged, gasping. She was approaching what she instinctively knew was an orgasm, something she always missed before, and her body became more animal than human as she twisted and contorted in her frenzied quest for her first climatic release.

A sudden flash of brilliant light made her clench her eyes tightly shut. Through the haze of passion and marijuana she was vaguely aware of someone having entered the room with a camera in their hands, but it didn't matter to her. Nothing mattered except the naked body driving into her from above.

"Judas priest!" she heard a voice like Syble's breath. "Look at little Miss Innocent go!"

"I told you she'd let loose once the grass got to her, my dear," an Amos-like voice panted triumphantly. You've been watching?"

"Every breathless stroke. Don't fuck her to death, lover. I still want some of her tender pussy too, you know."

"In a minute, my dear. I'm almost there, and so is she!"

"Ram it to her, lover. I want a good shot of this!"

The puzzling voices continued as the remarks became more lewd and bright white flashes struck again and again. But it didn't matter to Melanie. She drove on unheeding, almost ready to cum and unable to stop. Her ravenously hungry vagina spiraled up the full length of his slippery plunging cock as she strove wildly for the end. Then...

"Ohhhh God! God, yes!" she screamed up at him. "This is it! I... I'm going to cum! Ohhh God, I've never cum before, and now I'm going to cummmmmmmmm!"

Suddenly, with a deep-throated mewl, her naked young body began vibrating uncontrollably, and heated secretions of release flowed from her throbbing cuntal passage, drowning his impaling cock with a sticky warmth. She reached frantically around under her squirming buttocks with both her hands to caress his testicles that were pressing into the split of her behind. She felt them spasm...

"Cum! Cum with me! Ohhhhhhh, God, cummmmmmm!"

She could feel her insides splitting delightfully apart as the head of the deep-sunk penis suddenly flared into a hugeness that threatened to tear her belly in two. It began to spurt and she could feel his delicious thick sperm shooting into her like molten lava, erupting in spilling answer to her own hot flowing cum into the already filled cavern of her pinkly quivering vagina.

"Ohhhh, fill me up! Fill me up!" she moaned incoherently as the tender flesh of her pussy clasped like a hungry glove around his wildly spurting cock, sucking the last drop as it continued to gush her own hot streams of orgasmic fluids. She screwed her buttocks up tightly against the still squirting shaft in her cunt and, with another scream from between her tightly clenched teeth, felt her body exploding over and over into what seemed a thousand tiny sparks. Her strength was suddenly gone and she collapsed back on the cushions, feeling Andersson's once-hard penis slowly begin to deflate inside her cum-flooded pussy.

"Ahhhhh..." she sighed dreamily. She'd been fucked and fucked better than she had ever been before in her life. Her pubic area throbbed with a sweet continuous ache, and her flesh trembled from the passionate sensations which had turned her into a sex-craving animal. So wonderful... and as the very shamelessness of her wanton surrender flickered hazily through her mind, the mental image of her naked body being fucked to orgasm by this lewd man lying above her incited her drugged mind once more to arousal. The hunger in her belly began raging out of control again almost instantly. Unconsciously she began to undulate her buttocks in tiny circles, squeezing with her cuntal muscles at the fleshy, flaccid penis still pulsing inside her loins. She had milked it dry once, but spurred on by her newly discovered sexuality and the marijuana in her blood, Melanie was gripped by the desire to have Amos' long thick cock harden in her again. She wanted more of his hot thick sperm to fill her thirsty cunt until it overflowed and ran down her already wetly covered thighs. She wanted to wallow in it again, wallow in her new-found depravity.

"Again... Oh, God, again!" she sobbed out with frustration into his mouth. But it was useless. As much as she squeezed her buttocks up against his softened penis, it would not come alive, again, its mastery lost over her seething emotions. With a satiated sigh of contentment, Amos Andersson rolled from between her still gyrating thighs and onto the floor beside the couch.

"Noooooo! Nooooo, I want more! Fuck me! Fuck me again!" Melanie was beside herself now with her drug-induced lust. She kicked her legs wide out in the air, her own fingers manipulating ineffectually the hair-fringed slit between her thighs. She dug into her vaginal flesh greedily, trying to reach that impossible height to which that vanquished cock had sent her a moment before.

Syble smiled and tripped the camera she was holding another time or two, a glitter of obscene desire burning in her eyes. Then she handed the camera to her husband, who was sprawled on the carpet, and said: "All right, lover, now it's my turn with her."

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