Helpful Wife - Cover

Helpful Wife


Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Cheating   Slut Wife   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Tim! No, please don't!" Melanie Cartwright protested.

She struggled for a moment with his hand, pulling it with hesitant force from beneath the top of her thin, low-cut dress. Tim Cartwright resisted somewhat drunkenly, and then let his hand be pushed limply away.

"Melanie, for God's sake!" the young man thickly hissed. "We're married, aren't we? Jesus, you act like we were still going steady."

"Oh, darling, it's not that," she moaned in a soft whisper against him. "It's that we're in a public theater, that's all."

"What's that got to do with it?" he growled in a low voice.

"I mean... I mean, it's not even a drive-in! We can't... we can't make a spectacle of ourselves in front of all the others here. We're not teenagers any more, you know."

"Not by very much," he chuckled wetly against her ear. "I bet you just don't want your new boss to see you necking, right?"

Melanie flushed slightly, feeling her rosy cheeks flare with heat in the darkened movie theater. "No," she protested, "it's not that at all. Mr. Andersson is a married man. He knows all about love." She dropped her head to his shoulder and began to sigh gently, trying to show her husband she wasn't such a prude as she sometimes sounded. "We'll have plenty of time for loving later, when we get home!"

"Think you can stand seeing sexy films like this every night while I'm gone?" her husband, Tim, whispered suggestively.

"You... you know I don't like them, Tim," she replied, stiffening. "Besides, I'll be out in the lobby all the time I'm working. Now hush and watch the movie. You're the one who wanted to see it so badly."

"Yeah," Tim breathed huskily, looking back to the screen with liquor-dulled eyes. "And man, it sure is a hot one, isn't it?"

Melanie Cartwright didn't answer, again feeling a rapid sensation of blood rushing to her face as she blushed with embarrassment. She'd never seen one of these so-called "art" films before, but avoided them by telling Tim that she was not interested in the more lewd and prurient side to love-making. But the curvaceous blonde wife, only twenty years old and married just one month over two years, had been continually urged by her handsome, twenty-two year-old husband to at least try one before she dismissed the whole idea. And her girl friends, those other young wives and mothers who lived in the apartment-house complex with her and Tim, always seemed to be talking in hushed giggles about the candid versions of wild erotica which their husbands were taking them to. In spite of her deeply religious upbringing and her own ingrained sense of what was decent and what was not, she couldn't help admitting that she had been secretly curious about what such films were like, titillated by their come-on newspaper ads.

Now, tonight, there had been no way of avoiding seeing one such movie, even if she had desperately been against the idea. For one thing, she hadn't been able to find the proper words to argue after all the drinking they'd done during dinner. Tim had taken her to a fancy restaurant before coming here, and they had lingered over their tasty food with different wines with every course, not to mention the before and after cocktails. Tim had more to drink than usual, and Melanie could see he was not very sober, but she, too, was feeling the alcohol's effects to a marked degree.

For a second reason, he had insisted that he wanted to go here, and she didn't have the heart to turn him down, as this would be Tim's last night with her for the next four months. Her husband would be away from home and bed for almost the coming third of a year, and of course Melanie had wanted to make this the best possible going-away night she possibly could. The reason her husband was leaving was one of those minor tragedies that can strike young married men "on their way up" who must sacrifice personal pleasure momentarily for a more secure and richer future. There had been many tears and even a few arguments ever since Tim had told his wife of the necessary parting, but they both knew that it would be best in the long run, a temporary parting that would only make their marriage happier later.

Tim Cartwright had left his menial job as warehouseman at McHugh Plumbing and Heating to join a new, progressive and energetic firm of plumbing representatives, Flynn & Associates. It was a real chance to make something out of himself, Tim had told Melanie; perhaps the only chance he'd have before he was twenty-five and most of the trainee positions were being filled by younger graduates. But as a new representative of many different plumbing manufacturers, he had to go to New York City and start learning a thousand different details at the parent office of Flynn & Associates, and travel all over the country visiting the multitude of factories for further teaching.

If Melanie could have gone with Tim to New York, there would still have been frequent times when they would have been apart. But a warehouseman doesn't make much money, and there hadn't been the savings available to allow her even that much. The sad fact was that there was hardly enough money to buy Tim the new suits he needed and send him to the other side of the nation. Melanie would have to stay in California, in the small suburb of Greenridge, and keep their tiny apartment for when Tim returned to his new sales position in the area. Partially out of a desire to keep her mind occupied and partially to help meet financial ends, Melanie had taken a job.

The new job to which Tim had just referred was the second reason they were at the movies tonight. Melanie had a high school education, having married Tim almost the moment she'd graduated. She didn't have the skills or the diploma necessary for many of the positions that were offered, and in a residential district such as Greenridge, there weren't many openings for the few things she could do, such as typing or filing.

Both Tim and she had felt very lucky that the Bijou Theater in the small downtown shopping area had needed a girl to take tickets and operate the candy and popcorn concession in the lobby. The owner, Amos Andersson, had wanted somebody to replace his wife, Syble, from the chores, and was most pleased that someone as smart and beautiful as Melanie was available. Older women, he'd said to her, were continually getting sick or baby-sitting their grandchildren, and teenagers from school were eager, but often irresponsible. Melanie was, as far as Amos Andersson was concerned, the perfect combination, and he'd been glad to allow her the few extra days... and nights... with her husband until Tim left. But tomorrow evening she would be going to work at the Bijou, and the theater was the leading movie house for erotic, sex-oriented films...

After watching the picture, SINNING STUDENTS, for almost an hour and a half tonight, Melanie was beginning to feel slight twinges of doubt about whether she should have agreed to see it with Tim. Or, for that matter, that she should have taken the job at the Bijou at all, considering the kind of movies they were showing! She had told her husband the truth about working out in the lobby, closed off from the images on the screen by the closed swing-doors... but still and all, just knowing this was the type of films the customers were viewing would be a shameful thought continually torturing her mind. The soft mewling sounds coming from the other women in the audience around her, and the grating noise of heavy deep breathing from their male escorts was telling enough of the effects such eroticism was having. She could see through the dim light the vague shapes of other couples wrapped in tight embraces around the darkened theater.

Her eyes glanced back to the screen just as the climactic moments of SINNING STUDENTS were being unreeled in vivid color. It was the age-old story of seduction behind the stone walls of an exclusive girl's school. There had been the usual scenes of teasing foreplay with different young teenage girls, all of them beautiful in their youthful, firm innocence, as they fought for all they were worth against the perverse temptations that were continually being forced upon them. Melanie had been watching a number of scenes where one after the other of the girls were shown in various stages of undress, with their budding, tautly uplifted little breasts often filling the screen in larger than life detail, or fleeting glimpses of their hair-fringed pubic mounds and lithely rounded buttocks as they nakedly displayed their nubile young bodies.

But now the wide-eyed wife was viewing the most lecherous of the professors as he was thumbing through a book in his small room. At first glance it appeared as though he were reading it very quickly, but as the angle of the camera turned, she could see that he had photographs secreted between its pages. His eyes gleamed lasciviously as he studied them, but the camera did not show them to the avidly awaiting audience.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. He snapped the book shut, looking up as the door opened and a young brunette schoolgirl hesitantly entered. She couldn't have been more than fifteen or sixteen, Melanie thought with disbelief; where on earth had the film producers ever been able to hire such sweet, innocent virgins as her? The teenaged girl was dressed in the school uniform and carried a set of books in her arms, and the dialogue was to the effect that she wanted the teacher to help her with one of the lessons. She didn't understand it, she said, and the professor, a wicked gleam in his eyes, said he would be more than glad to explain it better. She sat down and shyly opened her book to the page from which he'd been teaching that morning, and the sound track went over the lesson, the professor inching around closer and closer to the seemingly unsuspecting girl. Then the teacher straightened, snapping his thumb, and said he'd forgotten something that would make the lesson easier, and he excused himself and left the room.

The girl sat erect in the chair, looking around the small room nervously, biting her lip as if she felt a certain danger just being there all alone. But after a few moments, curiosity got the better of her fears, and she reached across and took her tutor's book to check a figure in her own studies. The camera showed the gasp of surprise and the shocked expression on her face as she opened the book and saw the pictures hidden inside. Her first reaction was to close the book and slide it back across the table, but then her innocent wonder took over again, and she reopened the book, shuffling the photos with increasing interest.

The pictures were on an angle to the camera and slightly out of focus to give a tantalizing, erotic build-up, but enough was shown so that Melanie could see that they were pornographic pictures of a man and a woman nakedly entwined in lewd sexual intercourse. The camera switched back to the girl's face as a slow change from amazement to wide-eyed excitement seemed to come over her emotions. The stimulating effect the obscene pictures on her immature mind was apparent, for Melanie could see her eyes slowly dilate and the unmistakable smoky haze of passion begin to flicker through them. The violin music began to grow as she breathed harder and panted in a rhythmic excitement, and she writhed with increasing passion on the chair. The camera lowered to the floor and viewed upwards under the table. The student girl pulled her skirt up slightly and inserted her middle finger up under the tight leg band of her flimsy nylon panties, gently stroking the barely hidden crevice of her moistly parting vagina. A few curls of dark pubic hair and occasional glimpses of soft pink flesh could be seen glistening wetly as her slim inner thighs quivered and her firmly rounded little buttocks undulated. She slipped more of her finger deeper into her virginal young pussy and rotated her hand faster and faster with increasing arousal...

Melanie held her breath as she watched the school-girl fingering herself on the screen. She had never in her life seen anything like this, and was grateful for the protective covering of the darkness around her.

It all looked so real and true-to-life that she couldn't believe it was only being acted, and again she found herself wondering where tender-aged girls could be gotten to do such sordid things in front of a camera. Through a lightheaded intoxicating haze of martinis and wine which she'd had during a pre-movie dinner, she could feel her own body begin to tingle in sympathy with the school girl on the screen. She remembered lying in her own bed when she'd been no older than this girl, and touching her private parts with her own fingers to relieve the building force of her flowering womanhood. That had been years ago, but still she blushed slightly from the shame and guilt flicking through her conscience, and she squirmed her own buttocks nervously, feeling the soft edge of the seat brush electrically against the tender swelling of her vagina. She twitched from the unexpected shock the contact brought, her breath quickening involuntarily.

Tim eagerly pulled Melanie close to him again, letting his hand dangle gently over her shoulder. His fingers lightly touched the tip of her breast, and he felt her jump slightly from his fingertips, but he held her tighter, pressing his hand gently against the softness of her throbbing breast. The young husband was growing more aroused by the second, and lewdly exciting images of the things he would do to his luscious wife's soft body ran through his mind. Man, tonight would be the last night for at least three or four months with her... and after watching this hot sex film, he would turn Melanie every way but up, and then maybe that way too. She had never liked different variations because she thought them to be perversions, but after tonight she'd know she had been fucked when he finished with her, whether she liked it or not!

Up on the screen, a spasming look of horror came on the school girl's face just as Tim Cartwright returned his attention to the movie in front of him. The professor had come back into the room unexpectedly and caught her finger fucking herself with the pictures spread out on the table. The man grabbed the young girl roughly and cursed her, while she mewled and pleaded for forgiveness, but he marched her over to his bed, obviously bent on punishing her. He pulled her down over his knees and she kicked out wildly behind her. Then he lifted her little skirt up over the trembling moons of her fear-quaking buttocks and began spanking her through the flimsy white panties with the palm of his hand. The slappings were harsh and authentic sounding as they came through the speaker, and the girl screamed and kicked under his brutal spanking, her sleekly naked thighs shivering piteously before each cruel blow.

While the teacher yelled at her to leave his private things alone, the camera zoomed in on her flailing buttocks, where he was slowly beginning to draw the white nylon panties down over the delicious firmness of her reddened buttocks. When her panties were all the way off and thrown to the floor, the professor pushed the girl from his lap. She knelt in front of him on the floor, tears of pain and humiliation streaming from her eyes as she pleaded for mercy and begged him not report her to the headmaster of the school. The corrupting teacher's face shone with a cruel glint then, and he outlined what she must do for him if she didn't want to be expelled that very moment...

"Take your clothes off, my little peach. Strip and then we'll do some of the lovely things you were looking at."

"No! No!" the sweet angelic voice cried back.

"Yes!" the insidious professor demanded. "Be quick about it!"

Quaking with fear, the teenaged girl rose to her feet and began to slowly remove the clothing from her budding young body. The professor did the same, grinning satanically as his pants dropped to the rug. His big, hardened penis was just out of the range of the camera, but the whole audience including Melanie knew it was no more than an inch past the bottom of the screen. The girl stood naked in front of the older man, her arms crossed futilely over her well-developed, high-tipped breasts. The curly hair covering the mound at the base of her tender white belly was soft and sparse, and the tiny folds of flesh covering the narrow slit of her pink vagina were plainly visible.

The teacher gleefully made her sit down on the edge of the bed and spread her legs wide apart so that he could kneel between them and see up between her parted thighs. He reached forward and placed one thumb on either side of the rounded hair-fringed lips of her pubic mound to splay their tender flesh slowly apart. The camera zoomed in to expose all of the moist pink valley of her tight young pussy, and her gently throbbing clitoris could be seen just above the puckered opening of her little cuntal hole...

Melanie gasped in increasing surprise, unable to believe her eyes and ears. A tightening sensation was gripping the pit of her stomach, and she blinked her eyes that were hazy from the dinner drinks, trying to bring them into proper focus and assure herself she was actually seeing correctly. The horribly filthy movie was against every moral lesson she had ever been taught, and she knew it was terribly wrong to even be watching it! Yet instead of the absolute revulsion she would have sworn she'd have felt, she was experiencing a strange, light-fingering tingling deep up between her own thighs, and tiny licking flames of unwanted arousal burned through her raw nerve ends. Dear God, it was lunacy to be sitting here at all, but she was perversely enjoying it as well!

Her husband had pulled her so close against him now that she could hardly move and during the excitement of watching the young girl strip, he had inserted his hand down into the bodice of her dress again. She could feel small pinpricks of delicious sensations racing through the tips of her naked breast as he rolled the hardening nipple teasingly between his thumb and forefinger. The heat of his breath seared her ear as he turned his head toward her again and locked his lips wetly against her. She tried to twist away, but the pressure of his hand and mouth were too great for her to fight.

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