Door-to-Door Sex-Girl - Cover

Door-to-Door Sex-Girl


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - She never thought much about joining a pyramid marketing organization until it was too late.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Blackmail   Cheating   MaleDom   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Size   Novel-Pocketbook  

Awaking with a start from his dozing sleep, Leon Brooks looked around to see that Virginia was not there beside him in the lounge chair; neither was she in the water. Damn! She took off! He got up and walked away from the pool area, thinking that he would check their room first. Seeing the cocktail waitress, he signaled her to him and inquired whether she had seen his wife leave the pool.

The green-eyed, red-haired waitress thought a moment. "She's blonde, right? Oh, yeah, I remember, she was paged for a phone call... and she went off somewhere with two men..."

Leon thanked her with a generous tip, went to the main desk of the hotel and found out the number of the Foxx room. He called on the telephone from his room, when he found that his wife wasn't there.

"Hello?" It was Annabelle.

"Annabelle? Do you know where your husband is?"

"Is this Leon?"


"He's off to some special meeting in another room. Why?"

"Virginia's gone!"

"And you think she's with Hugo?"

"Maybe... I don't know. If you see her, tell her I'm looking for her, okay?"

"Okay, I sure will, Leon."

There was little promise of getting anything going with Hugo's wife right away, he decided, although her voice was warm and concerned. Anyway, there's still plenty of time for that! Right then, his chief interest was in locating his wife. A call to the Hartmans' room was fruitless; there was no answer. Damn! There's at least a hundred and fifty other rooms in this hotel... and she's in one of them! She's got to be! But how in the hell do I go about finding her? He got dressed and started making the rounds of the public places in the hotel: bars, dining rooms, shops, beauty salons. He even checked the swimming pool again... to no avail...

"Y-you can't!" Virginia choked. "You can't d-do this t-to me!"

"The hell we can't!" Hugo told her, taking charge again. "Come along... into the bedroom!" He took her by the upper arm and propelled her toward the bedroom door.

The other three crowded in after them. Art Hartman closed the door and locked it. Dazedly, Virginia looked around the room and saw that the bed had been disassembled, the mattress placed on the floor. But as her eyes focused on an upholstered chair in the corner, she saw that it was occupied by another man. He sat there, in his shorts, pulling on a drink, his handsome but vacuous face looking up at her, his dark eyes in a contrasting pasty complexion lighting up with interest as they swept over her appreciatively.

"Very nice, Hugo!" the seated man complimented. "She'll do... if she's clean!"

"She is!" Hugo rumbled.

The implication was clear to her instantly. My God! He thinks I-I'm a prostitute! "How dare you!" Virginia flared out at them.

Hugo ignored her outburst and said, "She's one of ours, Stan. She works under Hartman."

"I see..." The man Hugo had called Stan stood and went on, "That's good enough for me!"

Setting his drink aside, he came to Virginia, his eyes now filled with raw lust, and took her into his arms, pressing her close, until the warmth of his throbbing erection was tight against her abdomen, only the cloth of his shorts separating them. He ran his hands down her back and his fingers dug into the plaint softness of her moonlike buttocks. "Yes! She's definitely all right!" he murmured. Virginia stood stiffly, refusing to respond to him, even though she had noticed that the other men, including Hugo Foxx, seemed to be deferential to him. He revolted her. But he must be important! She wondered then whether he could be the president of Eko-Klean, a man she had heard about but not yet seen. He's supposed to give a speech at dinner, this evening...

Stan was walking her backward now. Her bare feet slid reluctantly across the rug until the backs of her ankles touched the mattress on the floor. Then he pushed her lush young body down onto the top of the mattress and stepped back to divest himself of his shorts, stripping them down over his thighs to reveal his long, thin, slightly curving penis lancing out almost horizontally from the graying black curls of his pubic hair. He must dye his hair! Then she thought about that overly handsome face and wondered: Maybe he's had plastic surgery! That means he's really older than he looks! Finally, she knew. Stan? Of course! He must be the president of Eko-Klean... Stanley S. Townsend, the Second!

It was almost as though Townsend's action was a signal. As Virginia knelt there on the mattress and Stan began lowering himself down beside her, the other four men started undressing. An awesome sight it was for her, too, as one by one they shed their clothing rapidly, and massively hard cocks were revealed in a pulsating ring around her. She already knew that there was no escape for her... but if it had to happen, she'd have to have something to bolster her.

"I'd like to have a drink," she said.

"Okay, baby!" It was Art Hartman who responded. "I'll get it for you!" Then, to the other men, he observed, "She's a hell of a lot better lay when she's got some liquor in her!"

Hugo growled, "Hell, she's just stalling!" He reached for her and stretched her out beside him on the mattress, capturing her lips to kiss her hard, his tongue lashing deep into her half-open mouth.

Below, she felt hands prying her clamped-together legs apart, then begin caressing the inner softness of her nakedly sensitive thighs, with fingers running all the way upward between her widely spread legs to play in the golden curls for a moment, before an outstretched finger slipped down into the warm cuntal slit to titillate the already hardening bud of her clitoris. She was pretty sure that it was Stanley Townsend who was stimulating her there. Then another pair of hands was cupping and fondling her ripely straining breast on the opposite side from Hugo. The fingers dug into the tender softness of it, and she winced. The fingers relaxed; a man's moistly heated mouth was there now, sucking hard on the sensitive nipple, which sent quivering chills of ecstasy shimmering through her body. God! It was happening again! All those delicious sensations! I-I just can't resist them! I get so hot... so fast!

"I've got her drink here!" Hartman was growling. "So how about letting her up long enough to drink it?"

"Drink it yourself, Hartman! We're busy now!" Stan told him.

Virginia struggled to free her lips from Hugo's possessive mouth. Succeeding after a moment, she gasped: "I want it, Art! Please bring it to me!" She tried to sit up.

Hugo tried to stop her, but finally gave up. "Okay! Slug it down then so we can get on to some real fucking!"

The beautiful young wife sat up then, surrounded by the five naked men, and accepting the glass of whiskey from Hartman, drank greedily.

When Leon looked for Virginia for the second time around in the Vaquero Room, he spotted Phyllis Hartman and Annabelle Foxx seated in a booth. They were drinking vodka martinis.

"Have you found her yet?" Annabelle asked.

"No, damn it! She's not in any of the obvious places and I found out that she didn't go of her own free will with those two men who met her at the swimming pool!"

"Do you mean she was taken by force?" Phyllis asked, her eyes widening with concern.

"According to the lifeguard, she tried to get away from them... but they caught her!" he explained worriedly, "You know, I'm just about ready to call the police in on this, because it looks like she's been kidnapped!"

"Kidnapped?" the two women chorused.

"But, God, Leon... you were thinking Hugo had something to do with it!" Annabelle said, excited now. "I don't think he'd do something like that... and if the police investigated it, it'd be just horrible! The scandal of it would really hurt him!"

Phyllis broke in, saying, "Art's a kind of a rat... but he couldn't be involved with something like kidnapping!"

"Well, maybe so, and maybe not. Do you know where Hugo went for that meeting, Annabelle?"

"No, not really, but I'll find out!"

"I'd sure as hell like to know where she is!"

"We'll help!" Annabelle assured him. "We'll have to, now!"

Amid ribald remarks and impatient, fondling hands, Virginia drank her whiskey quickly, not liking it but thankful for its warming numbness. As she handed the glass back to Art, who merely set it on the floor near the mattress, Stan Townsend grunted, "Now you can start off by sucking my cock for a while!"

"But, I-I..."

"You do suck cock don't you?"

"She sure as hell does!" Art answered.

"And she will!" Hugo said grimly.

Townsend lay back on the mattress with a lewd grin. "Well... ?" he questioned.

"Okay, baby, you heard him!" Hugo growled. "So crawl over there between his legs and get started!"

Virginia shot him a malevolent glance, but she obeyed him. Nakedly crouching down between Stan's widespread thighs, she reached out for the long, thin shaft of his cock, grasped it and hesitantly lowered her head down to it.

Moving his bearlike body in behind her subserviently kneeling form, Hugo rapped out, "Quit stalling or I'll give you one across the backside, like I did last time!"

Frightened, Virginia worked the loose foreskin back and forth a couple of times before taking Stan's lustfully throbbing cockhead into her wetly ovalled lips. Remembering what Art had told her last time, she used her tongue swirlingly all around the smooth rubbery head of it, and heard the older man groan in lewd delight. Soon she was bobbing her head up and down over the wetly glistening shaft. The kneeling young wife could feel the dizzying effect of the alcohol and wished that she could have drunk enough of it to wipe out all consciousness, so that she wouldn't know what was going on, as these five sex-crazed men used her body so vilely. "Christ!" Jack Keller was complaining. "I wish she was sucking on my cock!"

"Don't worry, Jack. You'll get your turn!" Hugo promised.

On both sides now - Bruce on one side, Jack on the other - she felt their hands lewdly caressing and exploring her naked young body, cupping and fondling her heavily swaying breasts. Behind her, she was aware that Hugo's big body was leaning over her kissing her back, beginning up near her shoulders and moving downward, trailing his moistly licking tongue down her spine. In spite of her resolution not to enjoy this, the wetly heated kisses made her shiver with unwanted delight as his tongue progressed on down, down, and down with inexorable slowness. As Stan began to flex his hips to drive his hotly pulsing penis up farther into her tightly ovalled mouth, Virginia began absorbing more and more of his long thin shaft into the soft warm cavern of her mouth and partway down her throat. She was relaxed this time and to her surprise, as she took more and more of his pulsating length into her wetly sucking mouth, there was no discomfort. Closing her eyes, she began hollowing her cheeks to exert more sucking pressure, while at the same time her head twisted slightly on the axis of his cock-shaft, her tongue swishing around and around the pulsing head on each outstroke. After a few moments, her other hand involuntarily went under to fondle his sperm-bloated testicles with gentle care.

Behind her, Hugo was now bestowing moist warm kisses on the softly pliant moons of her buttocks, while at the same time his hamlike hands on either side dug into the satin-smooth flesh, his fingers massaging deep into them. Then he was prying her ass cheeks apart at the crevice, and his tongue pressured downward until it was teasingly licking at the tiny puckered opening of her anus.

Cringing away from his tantalizing tongue at first, Virginia was shocked by his obscene stimulation of her back there, but as erotic sensations continued to crackle through her, inflaming her belly, she wriggled back against his face, accepting abjectly his wetly salacious caress against her sensitive rectal orifice. She couldn't understand how it was that she seemed to have no control over her sensually eager body anymore; why it was that she caved in to these men like this and was soon so far gone in sexual arousal that she was helpless to prevent them from doing what they wanted with her. God! I'm putty in their hands now! Anytime! Anywhere! Like a shameless whore!

Bruce Holcombe on one side of her was sliding his hand down over her belly, and Hugo, behind her, let his mouth drift downward, until his long licking tongue was wetly lashing deep into the now seething portal of her eagerly throbbing cunt. Bruce slipped his outstretched middle finger into the moist warmth of her quivering young pussy-slit and began to tease her pulsating clitoral bud with a gently erotic stroking, which was feather- light and almost unbearably sensual. Soon her hips were undulating against both Hugo's wetly sinuous tongue and Bruce's erotically maddening fingering. God! It felt good! Oh, I'm getting so worked up, so hot... and ready... but I-I can't help it!

Townsend writhed in lewd delight beneath her warmly sucking mouth, and his now expanding cock lurched involuntarily as the glistening shaft moved smoothly in and out between her nibbling, tightly ovalled lips.

"That's it!" he gasped pantingly. "Now crawl up here on top of me... and finish it for me!"

Deferentially, Bruce and Jack on either side of the naked young wife slid away, waiting their turn, aware of a corporate pecking order that was in force even in this situation. Virginia hesitated. It was one thing for her to remain passive, to let them do with her as they pleased because she hadn't the power to resist them, another thing entirely for her to be an active participant.

Behind her, Hugo withdrew his wildly stimulating tongue from her moistly ready cunt's mouth and growled, "Damn it, Virginia, baby, you heard him! What's the matter with you? Get your ass up there and start fucking!"

Foxx's rumbling, commanding voice galvanized her into action. With trembling limbs, she crawled timidly up over Stan's hips, straddling him, and without being ordered her tiny hand guided the long thinness of his impatiently throbbing shaft directly into her dully pulsating vagina. Slowly, she lowered herself onto the long impaling penis and felt it smoothly slide into her moistly ready cunt, the rubbery cockhead finally lodging deep up against her sensitive cervix opening. She paused for a moment, but the naked older man beneath her was in a hurry now, his hips bucking eagerly up against her.

"Come on, gal, let's have a little action!" he gasped.

Slowly, then, she began to rock back and forward on him, raising her body and lowering it to drive his lust-hardened penis in and out of her tightly clinging cuntal sheath; meanwhile Stan Townsend reached up to the full mounds of her ripely swaying breasts and massaged them in tempo with her smoothly pumping hips. For the time being, there was little that the other four men could do but watch as Virginia's nakedly churning buttocks began to move at a faster speed at Stan's urging, as he put his hands on her waist and guided her. As she worked, she began leaning forward until Townsend wrapped his arms tightly around her and pulled her lush young body down to his chest. Her smoothly rounded buttocks were still defenselessly high in the air behind her as she slaved away at actively fucking the president of Eko-Klean, and by his sudden rapid breath she knew that he was already close to cumming.

Her hands were free now, and Jack on the one side of her saw his chance. Sliding over close, his thick, hardened cock lancing out yearningly, he grasped her hand, placed it on his wildly pulsing shaft and began flexing his hips, sliding the hot fleshy penis in and out of her tightly gripping little hand.

Now Hugo moved in close behind her, watching with fascination as her wetly clinging pussy slid up and down the long, thin shaft of his boss's cock. Reaching out, he again caressed the smooth, warm flesh of her buttocks, reveling in the feel of them as her muscles rippled under his hands. Then, as an inspiration struck him, he lubricated his middle finger with saliva and pushed it tentatively through her widespread ass cheeks and against the defenselessly exposed opening of her anus, remarking to no one in particular, "This ought to speed things up a little!"

Virginia knew his intention and she cringed, attempting to clench her buttocks tightly together and finding it impossible in her spread-leg position over Stanley Townsend. In the next instant, she felt Hugo's thick finger enter her fearfully puckering anus and thrust with one smooth stroke into her heatedly quivering rectum. She moaned with the pain of it and emitted an involuntary cry of, "Oh, please... d-don't..."

There was only an obscene chuckle from Hugo, as he began to move the extended finger in and out of the hot sponginess of her rectum, countering her fucking movements up and down Townsend's now wildly throbbing cockshaft.

Beneath her, Stanley Townsend felt the bulging intrusion on the thin separating tissues. It rubbed directly along the sensitive underside of his penis, intensifying the fantastically exciting feeling of her tight little cunt, and after a very few seconds he knew that he would be cumming. Writhingly, he bucked up against her as he felt the signaling jerks of his coming ejaculation, "Agh! Agh! AAAAAaaaaaugh!" he groaned loudly as his wildly throbbing penis exploded. His heatedly churning sperm was flooding through him in a hot stream to spew deep up into her warmly milking vagina, and he stopped moving, holding himself rigid as his long jerking cock pumped it from him. He tried to grab her frantically moving hips and hold her motionless too. "That's it!" That's it!" Stan complained. "You can stop now! Stop! Damn it!"

Virginia didn't want to stop right then. Her eagerly pulsating pussy felt so good, and her climax was close for her, too. God! I could cum in less than another minute! Then she realized what Stan was saying, but more than anything she realized that the older man's cock was softening, that it was no longer filling her. In the next instant, she felt herself being lifted and rolled bodily, as Hugo behind her ripped his thick finger from her rectum and hauled her nakedly resisting body from on top of Stan. She was forced to release her fingers' tight grasp of Jack's massively pulsating cock as Hugo turned her expertly over on her back and eased his burly body down between her obscenely wide-spread thighs which had opened of their own accord in lewd invitation...

"We've found out where your wife is and what's going on!" Annabelle told Leon breathlessly.

"Where is she?" he demanded.

"She's in Mr. Townsend's suite! There are five men there, I think, and they're all going to lay her!"

"Five?" Leon exploded. "Christ! That's a gang bang! Who the hell are they?"

"Well, there's Mr. Townsend; you know who he is... ?"

"No! Who?"

"He's the president of Eko-Klean!" she explained. "Hugo's there, of course... and Art Hartman... then there are two other men! Do you know who they are?" she asked turning to Phyllis who had just joined them in the lobby.

"Jack Keller and Bruce Holcombe," she supplied. "I just found that out!"

"Okay!" Leon said thoughtfully. "We know where she is... but how in hell do I get her away from something like that?"

"We could even things up a little, I suppose," Annabelle suggested with a little salacious smile.

"What do you mean, even things up?" Leon queried.

"Well, it's five to one, right now! If Phyllis and I were to barge in there it'd be five to three... wouldn't it?" Annabelle reasoned. "Which would be just about right..."

"Or six to three... if Leon came along?" Phyllis added.

"Don't worry, I'm going with you! I want to make sure my wife gets out of there without getting hurt!" Leon worried. "But how will you get in?"

Phyllis said thoughtfully, "Let me try on that!"

Arthur Hartman had been content merely to watch for the last several minutes, but now, as the president of the Eko-Klean company gasped out his orgasmic pleasure, he took his rightful place in the pecking order that prevailed. He watched as Hugo Foxx turned the shamelessly aroused and begging-to-be-fucked Virginia Brooks to her back and lowered his bulk down between her widespread trembling thighs, his massively thick cock prodding into the wetly clasping portal of her flowered-open cunt. As he watched, Art had decided that there was one thing he wanted to do with this sex- crazed young wife, something he'd not tried with any woman yet. Watching as Hugo began to fuck in and out of her moistly gripping pussy with long smooth strokes, he saw the shock of the deep, body-jarring thrusts reflected in the jouncing of her ripely quivering breasts. Damn! She's got the prettiest tits I've ever seen!

Crawling across the mattress and crowding the eagerly panting Jack Keller aside, Art's eagerly itching hands reached out to both of her firmly upthrust breasts. Cupping them up, he pulled them close together, noting how prettily they created a deeply fleshed cleavage and came up into high-standing cones. Yeah! Damn it! That'll be a hell of a lot of fun!

The telephone rang!

Automatically, Bruce Holcombe, who was nearest the instrument reached up to the bedside table to answer it. "Yeah?"

"Don't answer it!" Art whispered - too late.


Holcombe listened then turned to Hartman. "It's for you."

"Who the hell is it?"

"Your wife, I think..."

Groaning his disgust, Art shot a malevolent look at Bruce, took the telephone receiver and barked, "Phyllis? What the hell do you want?"

Phyllis, on the other end of the wire told him, bluntly. "Listen, Art I know that you've got Virginia Brooks in there, and that there are at least four other men with you! Annabelle Foxx and I are coming up there to join you... and sort of spread the fun around!"

"You can't do that, God damn it!"

"I can and I will... because if Leon Brooks has his way, he'd be signing a police complaint charging you and those other men with kidnapping her!"

"Oh God! Is he coming up here too?" For a moment, Art's poise fled him; he looked ready to bolt.

"Yes, he is!" Phyllis told him. "If we change your little gang bang into a real swinging party, maybe Leon'll relent on the kidnapping thing!"

"Stop talking about kidnapping, God dammit!" The word shocked every male in the room to attention. Only Virginia, bent on her hot quest for orgasm, remained unaffected.

"Do I have to spell it out, darling? You forced her to go up there against her will! That's kidnapping!"

"Bull crap!"

"You'd better believe me! It's serious! The lifeguard saw it."

"Okay! Come on up! The more the merrier, I suppose. It's room two- twenty!"

Art hung up. To everyone in the room he made the general announcement: "Annabelle Foxx and my wife, Phyllis, are bringing Virginia's husband up here to swing with us!"

"What the hell?!" Hugo growled. "Why'd you agree to that?"

"It's a long story... but in a nutshell, he thinks we kidnapped his wife!" Art explained. "He was ready to go to the police... until Annabelle and Phyllis talked him out of it. Anyway, a swinging session will be a lot more fun for everybody!"

"I'm for that!" Jack Keller enthused.

"And I second it!" Bruce Holcombe grinned.

"Not with my wife!" Hugo snarled as he drove his thickly demanding cock deep and hard into Leon Brooks's wife's moistly seething vagina. "Aaaaaggghhh!" she moaned loudly, unaware of what had been said.

"There's not much choice! There'd be hell to pay, if the police ever got in on the act!" It was Stanley Townsend speaking. His face showed the first signs of fright. "They just might prove it!"

Locating his shorts and slipping them on, Arthur left the bedroom, went into the sitting room of the hotel suite and poured himself another drink. He downed it quickly and speculated on how it was possible for Phyllis to have found out about Virginia Brooks and what was happening in the president's bedroom. He had agreed to it only because Hugo and Stanley Townsend insisted upon it. Hell! She probably knows the whole fucking story! Her mention of swinging made him think also that she was more knowledgeable than he had thought. Maybe she's been getting a little on the side herself! But who the hell with?

The doorbell sounded and Art went to open it.

Phyllis, standing in the forefront flanked by Annabelle Foxx and Leon Brooks, smiled sweetly at him, her eyes taking in the bulge of his still half-hardened penis inside his shorts. She smiled and said, "I'm sorry to take you away from your fun, darling... but it's not quite fair, is it?"

"What's not fair?" Art growled, opening the door wider and waving them inside urgently.

"For one woman to get all that attention!"

"Well, hell... that's what Hugo and Stan... Mr. Townsend, wanted!" he whined. "I had to go along with it!"

Annabelle walked to the bedroom door; opening it she looked inside to see her husband's bearlike figure nakedly slaving away above Virginia's wildly responding body, his hips rising and falling with machinelike regularity as he jackhammered his lust-thickened cock into her wetly quivering vagina. Walking over to the edge of the mattress on the floor, Hugo's wife looked down at him, remarking, "Hugo, darling, I'm here... and you're going to get your chance, now, to watch me get laid by another man, whether you like it or not!"

"The hell!" Hugo didn't miss a stroke into the wantonly writhing cunt below him on the mattress.

"It's just like I told you a few days ago. Two can play at this game... but now we're going to make it a swinging scene!"

Jack Keller, who was lying close beside Virginia, had placed her hand again on his eagerly pistoning cock, while his own hands caressed her softly mounded breast, his finger and thumb rolling her sensitive nipple- buds to a full erectness. Looking up, he saw Annabelle standing there, a platinum-blonde, blue-eyed sensual vision of loveliness. Suddenly he knew from what she was saying in defiance of his boss's words that she was available... desirably so! He was on his knees in seconds before her, as he forced Virginia's tightly gripping hand from his hardened stalk of maleness. "Do you mean that, Mrs. Foxx?" he asked.

Annabelle looked down at his eagerly pulsating cock saw his complete readiness to fuck, and smiled. "Sure! Anytime! And, my name's Annabelle." She kicked off her shoes as she asked him, "Are you Jack... Jack Keller?"

"Yeah!" He reached up under her short skirt, his hands running smoothly up her thighs while she began removing her blouse. Jack assisted by slipping his fingers in the tight waistband of her flimsy little panties and peeling them down over her smoothly curving hips and thighs, as she smiled archly and stepped out of them, revealing her golden-haired pubic mound and gleaming white buttocks. Meanwhile, Bruce Holcombe, welcoming the chance to make it with another woman, especially his boss's sexually alluring wife, stood up and came around behind her. Without hesitation he unhooked her brassiere and removed it to reveal the ripe lusciousness of her full firm breasts, his hands going around her from behind to fondle her soft warm fleshy mounds. "I'm Bruce," he told her. "Bruce Holcombe."

"I know... " Annabelle murmured, reaching back behind her to grip his solidly erect cock that pulsated warmly against the small of her back.

Jack, still kneeling in front of her, finished undressing her by zipping down her skirt to allow it to fall down around her ankles. Then, with a low moan of hunger, he wrapped his arms around her long, smoothly tapering thighs as his mouth sought the blonde triangle of her pubic mound. Quickly, his tongue licked down from above into the warm pink moistness of her cuntal slit and came into tingling contact with the growing erection of her hotly throbbing clitoris. Annabelle moaned lewdly when she felt the delicious wet contact with her sensitive nerve bud and her legs trembled with weakness as she slid down to the softness of the mattress between the two nakedly virile men, her thighs splaying obscenely, giving Jack Keller and his wetly working tongue the complete freedom of her already moistly aroused pussy. Bruce was kissing her mouth then, his hands moving all over her lushly ripened curves and mounds as his tongue lashed deeply into the sweetness of her mouth. Annabelle sighed and quivered with a lewd expectancy, and her arousal was increased tenfold as she glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw, less than three feet away her husband, Hugo, slamming his massively thickened cock in and out of Virginia Brooks's tightly stretched cunt.

Art and his wife stood there, both in an argumentative stance, but Leon Brooks was not interested in listening to their differences as Hartman began to castigate Phyllis for interfering with his fun! "Listen, Art, I've gotten sick and tired of your playing around! I'm in on the same thing from now on!" Phyllis was rebutting him.

Leon moved off toward the bedroom following Annabelle's lead. Both she and Phyllis had briefed him, warning him not to show any jealousy; especially, they had cautioned him against starting a fight. It was all he could do to contain himself as he caught his first sight of his wife flat on her back, her passionately quivering legs spread wide and pulled up and back mashing her proud full breasts against her chest, accepting Hugo Foxx's massively hardened cock deep into her wantonly writhing cunt. He watched disbelievingly as the thick length of it cleaved her tender young pussy, her wetly throbbing cunt flowered open and distended tortuously to receive the rock hard penile shaft. He knew in that instant how much Virginia was enjoying it. His wife's face was distorted with a finely etched passion... a passion he had seen very seldom in her. Clenching and unclenching his fists, he seethed with anger, wishing that he could settle it with a few well-placed punches. But Annabelle said it'd be better to play it cool... make it a swinging thing, so I could at least keep my eye on her! Of course, there was that knowledge in the back of his mind that he, too, had had Hugo's wife, had fucked her to a soaring orgasm, but now, faced with the actual fact of seeing his own wife in the throes of ecstatic rapture beneath another man's wildly pounding penis was almost more than he could bear. The little bitch! She likes it too much!

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