Door-to-Door Sex-Girl - Cover

Door-to-Door Sex-Girl


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - She never thought much about joining a pyramid marketing organization until it was too late.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Blackmail   Cheating   MaleDom   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Size   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Virginia Brooks? Is she that cute little blue-eyed blonde with the big boobs?" Hugo Foxx rumbled from deep in his big barrel chest, his pale blue eyes watching hungrily as Phyllis Hartman leaned over to pick up the wisp of nylon panties she had just shed. She was naked now, her curvy voluptuous body revealed to him in all its ripely mature beauty. "The one I spotted at the last monthly meeting and remarked about?"

"Yes, she's the one," Phyllis affirmed, "and it makes me so damned mad the way Art had to go over every little detail about how he made it with her... how she caved in and was begging him for it!"

It was Art's philandering that had been responsible for driving Phyllis Hartman into Hugo's arms and ultimately into his bed. She had been horribly worried about it when she had first found out about one of his affairs. It wasn't quite clear to her exactly how it had happened, but she had gone to Foxx's office to turn in a sales report for her husband. Soon, as she sat in Hugo's office, from which he administered the sales campaign for much of Southern California for Eko-Klean, she thought she recognized a sympathetic listener, one who might be in a position to help her. Somewhat foolishly, Phyllis had told him in tearful fits and starts about her husband's infidelities. Hugo had listened and comforted her, offered her a drink or two, and before she knew what was happening, she was in his private office, adjacent to his business office, the very room in which she was now stripping off her clothing with such willing anticipation. This room contained no desk, but it did have a well- stocked wet bar, hi-fi, projection equipment, and a private, attached bath. The couch was a quickly convertible bed with a soft mattress, making the change from seductive coaxing to sexual congress an easy progression. And it had been easy! He had convinced her that it was certainly one way she could even the score with her husband. At this point, she wasn't sure how many times she had evened things up. She was Hugo's mistress now, and she usually visited him three or four times a week.

She looked down at his burly bulk as he lay stretched out full length, naked on his big bed, remembering how repulsive she had thought his hairy body when she had lain there, almost petrified with fear, that first time, as he had brought her to searing arousal then ultimately to an earth-shaking climax, the like of which she had never before experienced. Now she knew every inch of his bearlike body intimately and she had to admit to herself that he was an unlikely lover. Unconsciously, her eyes drifted up to his craggy face, clean-shaven and smooth, as was his high- domed pate. He had so little hair remaining on his head that he merely shaved that off too each day. Her eyes had been locked onto the rock-hard massiveness of his erect penis, which stood up straight, thick and long, like a mighty obelisk, spearing out of the dense brush of his once jet- black but now graying pubic hair. Once she had asked him bluntly his age. He had refused to tell her, but from scraps of information she had deduced that he was about fifty-eight years old, give or take three or four years. One thing she had to conclude: If he was near sixty years old, he certainly hadn't slowed down sexually. He was married, Phyllis knew, to Annabelle, who was in her late twenties and was obviously a second (or even third) wife. If there were other women in Hugo's life, she didn't know about them. She had learned early in their relationship not to probe; he had made that clear, forcefully so, but she guessed that he probably did bring other women into this room. In a way, she would have been surprised if he had not. Damn, if the truth were really known about Hugo... it wouldn't surprise me if he had a regular harem of sorts! She'd never know, of course; the man was tight-lipped and secretive, and perhaps it was this aura of mystery surrounding him that kept her coming back to his big bed.

"Did you say her name was Virginia Brooks?" Hugo queried, taking her into his arms as she came to the bed and crawled up on top of him, lowering her mouth to his and accepting his sinuously probing tongue into the sweetness of her mouth, while at the same time she spread her thighs, then clamped them tightly as she captured the jackstaff of his heatedly pulsating cock in the fleshy trap between them. It lay hard and throbbing up against the naked pink flesh of her pussy.

"Yes," she mumbled into his mouth, as he flexed his hips ever so minutely, rubbing the thick base of his pulsing cock on the throbbing vibrant shaft of her fully hardened clitoris.

Phyllis felt the tingling tickle of his extremely hairy chest against the sensitive buds of her erect little nipples, and she rotated them through a short, repeated arc, back and forth across his chest, enjoying the sensation it produced in her. It was particularly tantalizing. Before she had begun this affair with her husband's boss, she hadn't known that her breasts were so sensitive and that they could be stimulated so easily.

Hugo's oversized hands roamed caressingly up and down her back, paying special attention to the round, protruding globes of her pliantly soft and smooth buttocks as he cupped them up, then pinched and massaged them, making ridges of her silky flesh ooze like white butter through his strong fingers. After a few moments, he felt her ripely naked loins undulating counteringly, as she began to slide her moistly naked cunt up and down the rock-hard shaft of his cock.

Breaking the deep kiss, he rumbled in his deep bass voice, "You can go down on me, this afternoon, doll..."

It wasn't exactly an order or a command. He was just telling her what he wanted her to do, and somehow, without being forced or coerced, she had always obeyed him unquestioningly.

"Okay, darling!" she breathed, agreeing instantly and giving him a bright smile. What she had learned in the months since she had been coming here to Hugo's office on the afternoons he designated, was that her willingness, her efforts to give him pleasure, had had an indirect effect upon her and Art's standard of living. The number of representatives working under her husband had increased; in fact the numbers had almost doubled... and Art had been told, at least the hint had been dropped, that he was being considered for an area supervisorship, perhaps encompassing one whole state, such as Nevada or possibly Arizona. Phyllis was sure that her husband was not aware that Hugo was supplying him with the extra salesmen and thereby substantially increasing his take-home pay. To hear him tell it, he's making it all on his own! Of course, she certainly wasn't going to tell him what she had surmised. She'd just let him go on thinking the way he did, and she sure as hell wasn't going to let him know about her clandestine affair with his boss. It was the secrecy of it that kept making her think she was extracting a sweet revenge. So, she was more than willing to do whatever Hugo wanted.

She slithered nakedly down over him, pausing for a moment to lick and suck at both of his tiny nipples, burrowing down through the thick hair on his chest to get at them. Phyllis knew that he liked it, so she bore the intense tickling sensation his hair produced on her lips and nose. It was a small favor in return for the complete satisfaction he gave her each time they fucked.

Foxx moaned his satisfaction with her as she subserviently knelt - her heavily ripened breasts swaying like fruit ready to be picked - between his widespread legs. She was holding the lust-thickened shaft of his cock with one hand, while the other reached under to caress his sperm- laden testicles in their scrotal sac. In spite of the erotic pleasure she was bringing him, his mind was on other matters. Changes, of which Phyllis wasn't aware as yet, were in the offing. At the last meeting he had attended at the home offices in Connecticut, he had strongly recommended Hartman for a position that was just opening up in Idaho, and it was fairly certain that he would get it. The president of the company had agreed to fly out to Palm Springs in two weeks to look Arthur over during Hugo's own area-wide sales meeting to be held in the desert resort city. In a way, he hated to see her husband promoted. It meant that he wouldn't be able to see Phyllis as often. But hell... change is what makes the world spin! He was already thinking about that lusciously voluptuous blonde, Virginia Brooks, whom Phyllis was so uptight about. She had made a helluva impression on him, and now that he knew for sure that Arthur would probably be going to Pocatello, taking Phyllis along with him, he'd have to see what he could do about replacing her. That Brooks bitch is young and tender, too! I like them like that! Get a sweet young thing like her... and you can teach them right!

He realized, of course, that Hartman had gotten to her first. That's no problem! I'll have Hartman in my office first thing tomorrow morning! He'll listen to reason and pass that cute little blonde along to me... or else! Hugo always got what he wanted, one way or another!

Nakedly kneeling below him, Phyllis had sucked up one of his egg- sized testicles into her soft warm mouth and was gently laving it with her tongue. His hands went down to her jet-black hair to smooth and caress her. In the next few moments, she had likewise sucked on his other sperm- filled ball. The feel of her hot little mouth working down there between his legs gave him a whole series of erotic sensations. Then she was licking him, her tongue flicking back along the sensitive flesh behind his scrotum until she was moistly nudging her tongue tip into the sensitive, puckered ring of his anus. He moaned and writhed under the electric charge of it, groaning, "God, baby... that's it! That's nice! Damned nice!" He felt his wildly aching cock throb and lurch involuntarily, and after a moment, he gasped. "That's enough, Phyllis!"

His hands on her head pulled her wetly probing tongue away, then he was guiding her hungrily opened mouth toward the bloated head of his massively pulsating penis. Her smoke-gray eyes bored up at him sexily as she murmured, "That must have given you quite a charge, I hope!."

"You know damned well it did! Christ! My cock stood up and yelled for attention!"

"Mmmmm!", she mumbled unintelligibly as her sensuous lips ovalled and slowly slid down over the heatedly pulsing head of his penis, her wet little tongue instantly beginning to swirl around and around the smooth, satiny flesh. One hand held the long thick shaft while her other caressed his scrotal sac, scratching lightly with her nails. Every now and then, she slid her middle finger back and under a little farther to press against the saliva-moistened flesh of his anus. All were things that Hugo Foxx had taught her.

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