Door-to-Door Sex-Girl - Cover

Door-to-Door Sex-Girl


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - She never thought much about joining a pyramid marketing organization until it was too late.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Blackmail   Cheating   MaleDom   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Size   Novel-Pocketbook  

Time had run out for Virginia. It was ten-thirty Friday morning, and right on time she heard Mr. Hartman's car in the driveway, the slam of its door and the jangle of her front door bell. Hastily she dabbed away the tears that had brimmed her eyelids and trickled down her cheeks unnoticed as she had sat almost catatonically waiting for this dreaded moment, imagining all sorts of ugly scenes with her sponsor, feeling like a condemned prisoner during the last few moments before he is led away to his place of execution.

Putting on a bright smile, she opened the door with a leaden heart and greeted him lightly. "Oh, hello, Mr. Hartman. You're right on time."

His somber, black eyes lighted up in his rather long face, dominated by a large, patrician-straight nose, below which a long upper lip curled in a smile. His once-black hair was graying and thinning on top.

"Good morning, Mrs. Brooks," he greeted her. "Yes, I always try to be on time for my appointments."

Not waiting for her invitation, he headed for a comfortable chair in her living room. Virginia followed with trembling knees, knowing that there was no escape from telling him the exact truth and owning up to having made a serious mistake.

Hartman eased his tall, thin, slightly stooped frame into the overstuffed chair opposite the couch and asked, "Well, how did your sales go this week?"

"Very good..." She hesitated for an instant before going on, "but I-I don't have all the money I owe you..."

His good-natured smile was misleading. "Get your account book, and I'll go over it with you, okay?"

With a gloating smile of anticipation, Arthur watched her cross the room to a small kneehole desk to get her sales book. Her smooth, rounded buttocks moved under her dress with a sexily unconscious undulation, and his hands itched to get hold of them to caress and massage. And it won't be very damned long, either!

Hesitantly, Virginia brought him her account book, knowing that the figures wouldn't lie. He took it with a smile and checked her arithmetic quickly as she sat opposite him on the couch, nervously twisting a tissue in her hands.

It took him but a few moments to go through her transactions. Looking up at her over the tell-tale sheets, his face now grim, he grated, "It seems that you're almost two hundred dollars short. A hundred and ninety- eight dollars to be exact!"

Virginia couldn't look at him; the guilt weighed too heavily upon her. "Th-that's right..." she murmured, "and I don't have it to pay you..."

"Well, I'm sure that you know I'll have to make it up when I make my own report tomorrow!"

"I-I'm sorry..." she faltered, "but if I had more time I could make it up gradually..."

"I don't see how I can do that!" Hartman growled. "You've had one extra week already."

At a loss for further words, Virginia dissolved into tears. "I-I don't know what t-to do," she sobbed. "I-I tried to borrow the money... so I could pay you..."

"I know what you can do!"


"Pay me another way!"

"Like what?" she asked. "I can't pay you today... but if you'd give me some... t-time..." She didn't get his pointed hint.

"That two hundred ought to be worth four or five sessions in bed with you!" he snapped, the words cracking out of his mouth in a machine-gun staccato.

Unbelieving, she stared at him for an instant. "You said... in bed... ? You mean... ?"

"Exactly, Virginia! That's what I said. Four or five sessions of good old-fashioned screwing!"

"N-no! Oh, no! I-I'd never do anything... like that!"

She shrank away from him, back into the comforting softness of the overstuffed couch. "I'm married... and I-I love my husband!" she moaned. "I-I couldn't! I... just couldn't!"

"I'm not talking about love, necessarily. I'm talking about sex - fucking!"

"Get out!" she flared, her face livid with anger now. "Get out of here!" On her feet, facing him defiantly, she went on, "Y-you're trying to treat me like a cheap whore... and I won't be talked to like that!"

Hartman remained in his seat. "All right - either you pay me, or I'll bring suit against you, and I've all the legal help behind me that Eko-Klean can furnish. I'll get my money plus costs. Besides, in the process, your husband will find out that you frittered away almost two hundred dollars!"

Defensively, she cried out, "I-I didn't just fritter it away! I bought a washing machine that I needed desperately!"

"With money that belongs to Eko-Klean!" he spat. "That's stealing! I could call a policeman right now and have you arrested!"

"Oh, G-godddd! Y-you... wouldn't... !"

"No, I wouldn't," he smiled lewdly, his eyes devouring the lush ripeness of her voluptuous young body. "No, I wouldn't do that... if you came across! Now, don't you think that's a fair exchange, after all? Four or five good lays, and I'll forget you owe me that two hundred!"

Virginia sagged back down on the cushions of the couch.

"B-but my husband... ?"

"Hell, he'd never find out! I'm not going to tell him, and I know damned well you won't!"

The whole situation had taken a turn she had never anticipated, and her mind was churning with fear and helpless indecision. She was in a hell of a fix! Damned if she did and damned if she didn't!

Talking almost as much to herself as to him, she choked, "How could I... just l-let you do it to m-me? You're a stranger... and to just let you go ahead... and make love to me... it'd be kind of like prostitutes do! Why, it'd really be the same thing... because there's money mixed up in it."

"You can get off that whore kick!" he growled. "You're just feeling sorry for yourself - but make no mistake, I'm going to fuck the ass right off of you!"

His words kept jarring her, and she wished he wouldn't use those four-letter obscenities; even the very idea of what he had suggested was preposterous, yet at the same time there was a salacious tingle to the whole thing, including his forceful use of those words.

Arthur Hartman was going on now: "Maybe what you need is a good stiff drink to help you make up your mind? I don't have much more time to wait around!"

"I-I don't drink... hardly at all, and I-I really don't like the stuff!" she told him.

"It'll loosen you up! You know what they say, 'Candy's dandy but liquor's quicker!'" he guffawed, getting to his feet. "Where is it? That husband of yours must keep some around somewhere?"

"In the dish cupboard above the sink," she told him, "but I don't really care for a drink." She was miserable in the knowledge that she was caught up in a situation from which there was no escape, and it seemed that Arthur Hartman was almost diabolically clever in the way he had trapped her. He must have known, somehow, that I couldn't pay...

Hartman found a half-bottle of bourbon and glasses. He poured himself two ounces neat and added water to Virginia's. Bringing the drinks into the living room, he handed her the glass and said, "Drink up!"

"I don't want it."

"It'll relax you and make you feel better, so drink hearty!" He tossed down half of his uncut whiskey.

Virginia reluctantly sipped from her glass and felt it warm her belly. All his talk of sex had begun to work on her; she was aware of a glowing warmth in her loins; there was also that telltale moisture down there between the petals of her wetly throbbing inner vaginal lips that told of her unwanted arousal.

Resuming his seat opposite her, Hartman lounged back, watching as she sipped steadily, a slight, lewdly appreciative leer on his face, as he went on, "It'll also make you enjoy it more... when I get you on a bed!"

Noisily, she banged her empty glass down on the coffee table between them. She'd made her decision! There just wasn't any possibility that she could go through with it. It's unthinkable! God! I'd never be able to live with myself!

"Mr. Hartman, I'm not going to bed with you, now or ever... so you can get the hell out of my house, r-right now!"

"It's too late, Virginia!" He was calm and unflustered. "You see, I've got a one-track mind and a hard cock, and if I don't get the money then I use my cock in that tight little cunt of yours!"

"Then sue me... or have me thrown in jail!" she flared. "But I won't let you do it to m-me!"

"What you need is another drink. You're being foolish about it all. The scandal of being arrested as a thief and the expense of lawyers and all of that would just about ruin your husband, and that service station of his would go down the drain!" he told her.

"Oh, God. I-I didn't think about that!"

"And he finds out that you can't be trusted!"

He reached over to the bottle of whiskey and poured another double into her glass. "Drink this and you'll make it easier on yourself!"

Virginia's hand swept out for the glass to knock it over, but Arthur moved faster. His hand caught her wrist and held it tightly. "I said drink, damn it!"

Her free hand arced toward his face. He caught that hand too and held her immobile as he moved around the coffee table to sit beside her on the couch.

"Oh, Ooohh, you're hurting m-me!"

Holding the glass to her lips, he grated commandingly: "Drink!"

Dominated by his commanding demeanor, held tightly by his strong hands, flooded suddenly with the realization of the complete hopelessness of the position her unthinking fool-hardiness had placed her in, Virginia drank the raw whiskey in huge gulps as he held the glass to her lips. The searing burn of the undiluted bourbon blazed a painful path down her throat, which brought tears to her eyes and a gasp for breath, followed by a fit of uncontrolled coughing.

"God! That's... horrible!" She leaned back against the cushions of the couch weakly.

Hartman released her wrists then, and she slid down dejectedly, sitting back on her tailbone, her skirt riding up the smooth, tapering whiteness of her thighs. She knew he was watching, but she didn't care now. It's... It's going to happen... and I can't do anything to stop him! She felt exactly as a wild animal must feel when the steel jaws of the trap are sprung and snap down painfully on a paw.

"You're really quite a woman, Virginia," Arthur murmured, his hand reaching out to caress her sleek inner thigh just above the knee, feeling the silky smooth warmth of her flesh, as his gently massaging hand moved upward on the creamy white skin.

She had to try one last plea. Her voice was choked and hoarse. "Please... ? Mr. Hartman... won't you g-give me a chance to pay you back... ?

"Yeah! You're making the first installment today!" he told her with a lewd grin, as his hand reached the hem of her dress.

Almost imperceptibly, her legs moved involuntarily apart, the feeling of helpless defeat strong in her, and Arthur moved upward with confidence, his exploring fingers scouting the way.

Then his hand was there on the warmly throbbing mound between her slightly spread legs, his fingers rubbing searchingly along the flimsy nylon panties that just barely covered her warmly moistened vaginal slit. Slowly, his out-stretched middle finger slipped in under the elastic legband, and, before she was fully aware of what was happening, he was caressing the already bloodswollen lips of her wetly pulsating pussy. The sexy feel of her warm young flesh, the softness of her sparse, golden pubic hair, light against his exploring fingers, inflamed him with passion and an urgency to follow his searching fingers with the hardness of his massively erect penis.

Although Virginia sat there quite still except for the involuntary slight splaying of her legs, she was a rolling morass of sensations... feelings that she hadn't expected. Her body was reacting to him! She was getting hot, and it was all against her will. The sensitive nerve endings of her suddenly responding cunt, just now beginning to be inflamed by the whiskey she had drunk, were signaling their readiness to be titillated and satisfied, and she didn't want it! God! Her sensually awakening body was becoming traitorous, disobeying the rational, lawful orders of her mind - orders based on decency and morals and the knowledge that no man other than her husband had ever touched her secret parts before. She couldn't help it! With her body out of control, now, she knew that it was going to happen, that she was going to let him make love to her, and, whether she wanted to or not, she was also going to enjoy it. Already there was the heated moisture of her arousal down there in that place he was caressing so expertly, bedewing the tender pink petals of her pussy; added to this was the sensuous glow of building warmth deep in her belly and loins. Unbidden, a tiny moan escaped her lips. "Ooooh, please, Mr. Hartman... d-don't..."

He was leaning over her then, ready to kiss her. "You'd better start calling me Arthur or Art, baby! As close as we're going to be in a few minutes, that Mister's going to be getting in the way!"

Then he kissed her hard, his tongue, pointed and demanding, bursting through her wetly parted lips to stab probingly into her mouth as his arm sucked around her trim little waist to crush her voluptuously trembling body close to him. Below, his finger played at the moistened mouth of her hotly throbbing vaginal opening, dipping just inside her pussy lips with sensuous insistence, then moving upward under the flimsy covering of her nylon panties to find the heatedly pulsing shaft of her already hardened clitoris.

Virginia moaned up into his mouth as his extended middle finger made electric contact with the sensitive little nerve bud, and her hips moved under her in a futile, writhing attempt to escape his tantalizing fingering. It was no use! There was no escaping its teasing brushings along the short, hot length of her clitoris for, only a few moments later, her wantonly writhing hips were thrusting up with a fevered urgency against his teasing finger. Suddenly the aroused young wife stiffened, catching herself up short God! What am I doing? I'm acting like I really want it... like I want him to do it to me... just like when Leon gets me all worked up... and I c-can't help myself, I'm so far gone! Then the painful realization: Leon! Oh, my God, I'm almost ready to cheat on him! It was something she had never intended to do! But what can I do? Arthur's got me both coming and going!

As Virginia's body went rigid, Hartman pulled his head-back, breaking the kiss, and looked down into her face quizzically.

"What now?"

"Leon, my-my husband... I can't be untrue to him!"

"That's a bunch of crap!" Arthur exclaimed. "Because you're ready, right now, and you'll fuck... no matter what you say! Anyway, do you think he'd pass up a chance for a good screw if he had it?" The salesman didn't wait for an answer. "You know damned well he wouldn't!"

Rising from the couch, he pulled her up with him and, taking her by the arm, led her firmly toward the short hallway that opened into the living room. "It's time to get you on a bed!" His voice was husky, and his breath came in short, heavy pantings.

Virginia found herself going with him docilely. Almost like a zombie, the dizzying effect of the whiskey and her own unwanted sexual arousal taking effect, she allowed him to guide her, unresistingly, down the hallway and into the bedroom. It was then, as she saw the waiting bed, that she cringed back, unwilling to take that final step toward it.

"N-not here!" she whined. "This is where Leon and I... sleep..."

"And fuck?" he leered "Hell! That'll make it even more fun! Now, peel back that bedspread, so we can use it!"

Not wanting to do it, yet powerless to resist his demands, and the roiling sensuality of her own rising desire driving her perversely to it, she stripped back the bedspread, blanket and top sheet. Then she stood there uncertainly, looking at the bed and thinking: If Leon ever finds out I'll lose him! He'd leave me... and get a divorce!

"What're you waiting for, damn it? Start getting undressed! I want you bare-assed naked!" he commanded imperiously.

Leadenly, Virginia began undressing. Turning her back to him, she pulled her housedress up over her head and tossed it aside. She wasn't wearing a slip; the weather was too warm, and she had dispensed with it. Then, as she reached back behind her to release the clasp of her brassiere, she felt Hartman's hands already there, unhooking it. She leaned forward, releasing the fullness of her globular breasts.

Hartman's hands, itchily grasping for their pliant softness, groped around her from behind, capturing them and feeling their satiny warmth. As he dug his fingers into her massagingly, the coned-out, berrylike nipples spiked out hard against the palms of his hands. Virginia stood quite still as he caressed her breasts brutally, mashing them with the hardness of his hands, while his lips kissed the back of her neck, causing even more tingling sensations to flash through her almost fully aroused body. Below, in the small of her back, she was aware of the huge, warmly throbbing bulge of his penis pressed up tight against her.

"Oh, Ooooohhh..." she moaned, unable to control herself at all. She couldn't understand it. A half-hour ago, she would have scoffed if anyone had suggested that she would be going to bed with a strange man. She would have been even more indignant had it been predicted that she would be standing here in anticipation and wanting the full enjoyment of such an illicit coupling.

"You've really got it, Virginia," he whispered complimentarily in her ear, "and in all the right places."

But it's all wrong! There was no way she could get out of it, but there was no reason she had to be so wanton. Steeling herself, she resigned her body to its fate and attempted to tell herself that she would not become emotionally involved with this man. Somehow... I-I've got to get it over with... and done!

Lithely writhing from his grasp, Virginia stripped off her panties and lay down on the bed, her legs spread obscenely, invitingly (she thought), and looking up at her sales sponsor, said, "H-here I am! If you want me... come and t-take me!"

Lewdly, Hartman grinned down at her and replied, "You're not going to cop out that easy, baby! Before I'm through with you, you'll be begging me to fuck you!"

She watched as he began peeling off his jacket and tie.

"Do you have to be so foul-mouthed all the time?" she flung up at him.

"Come off it, Virginia, baby! You know the words!" His shirt was off, now, and as he pulled off his undershirt, he went on, "And you'll be using them too!"

"No, I won't!"

"We'll see! Now, turn over on your belly!" he rasped out at her.

Virginia did it, hating herself for obeying him, but reasoning that if she did everything he wanted, the sooner it would all be over.

She heard the sigh of cloth on skin and knew that he had taken off his trousers. Twisting her head around, she saw him remove his shorts, releasing the massiveness of his lust-hardened cock to her awe-stricken eyes. She gasped. My God! It's so big! Her eyes rounded in surprise. Arthur caught her look and chortled gloatingly, "Admiring my prick?"

"No-no!" She straightened her head so that she couldn't see it.

"Don't kid me, baby! You had to see it, didn't you? You had to see it, because you're curious... and because you probably wanted to compare it with your husband's... What's his name?"

"Leon!" she said. "My husband's name is Leon!"

He sat down on the edge of the bed and reached out for her, his fingers gently tracing the outlines of her nakedly alluring contours, lightly drawing them down over her back and across the swelling, softly pliant moons of her buttocks; down over her smoothly tapered thighs he moved, allowing them to drift back up the soft, satin flesh of her faintly trembling inner thighs to the twin protuberances of her smooth white bottom. He paused to knead and caress the warmth of her unblemished flesh, his fingers, gentle and light the instant before, now suddenly hard and brutal as they dug in hard to leave welts on her ass cheeks.

Again she moaned, partly in pain and partly in uncontrollable, rising passion.

"Yeah, baby, you've got it, all right! You've really got it!" he breathed.

"Oh, God, Art... why don't you just go ahead... a-and do it to me! I-I won't tell anybody that y-you... forced me to..."

Hartman cut her off in mid-sentence. "I'm not forcing you to do anything! You're doing it because you want to... and don't you ever forget it!" His voice was harsh.

"B-but I'm not!" she whined down into the softness of the mattress.

"You will though! I told you you'd be begging me to shove my prick into your tight little cunt!" His voice was modulated, a little softer, now, as he continued, "And what kind of man would I be if I didn't oblige a woman who's begging to be fucked?"

His reasoning escaped her for the time being. God! How she wished this ordeal were finished. Over and over, she told herself that never again would she be so foolish in the handling of other people's money. And afterward... how would her life be affected? God! Things couldn't be the same!

Then his moistly warm lips were on her neck kissing her, his tantalizing tongue tracing down along her back as he crouched naked over her, his long hard penis like a spear sticking out from the bottom of his belly. Finally, his mouth and tongue were on the satin skin of her buttocks sending tiny chills of sensual anticipation flashing along her nerve endings; on downward along the softly smooth taper of her thighs, to the backs of her knees, the curve of her calves and her ankles, he kissed and licked at all of her lush young nakedness. Then he was working his way back up again, his mouth warm and moist on the inside of her thighs as he levered them further apart.

High-voltage sensations rippled through her as Hartman's teasing tongue burrowed deep into the dark mystery of the crevice between her buttocks, the curling tip of his tongue licking briefly at the tiny puckered opening of her anus. Virginia shivered and recoiled involuntarily as the new and surprisingly erotic sensations shimmered like desert heat devils through the core of her being. Then his month was gone from that sensitive spot and moving upward again; finally, after what seemed ages to her, he was back at the nape of her neck. Now it was her ear; his agile tongue licked all around the rim, then tantalized the hole with its pointed, teasing tip.

Shuddering with the impact of luridly exciting sensations she had never known before, Virginia was aware that her shamelessly aroused body was a raging furnace of desire, everything seeming to concentrate there in that hotly throbbing hole up between her legs and then radiating outward to her belly, her breasts, arms and legs. Even on the smooth skin of her back, it seemed as though she could still feel his moist kisses. Oh, he's driving me out of my mind... making me want him... but I-I can't let him make me get involved! I won't! I WON'T!

"You can turn over now!" Arthur commanded. "I want to see if the front of you is just as yummy as the back!"

Complying, Virginia turned over on her back, thinking: God! Maybe he'll go ahead and do it now! She wished it fervently... wanted it all to end before she dissolved into a quivering mass of desire and she would be doing what he said she would: begging him to fuck her! I'll never do that! I'll never beg! Never!

Instantly, Hartman's tongue darted across the tip of a distended, coral-pink nipple, his hotly salivating mouth dipping to take the whole of it, including the goose-pimpled aureole between his hungrily sucking lips. He used his other hand to stroke the ripely swelling fullness of the other breast, cupping and massaging the milk-white mound of softly pliant flesh, kneading it hard as his thumb and forefinger teasingly rolled the painfully erect, berrylike nipple.

Virginia felt the rampaging erotic shock of his caresses, and she mewled deep in her chest with the pleasurable sensations, knowing in that instant that she wanted to be plundered by this strange man's massively hardened cock... wanted it more than anything else in the whole world. And he hasn't even touched me... down there! Hard on the heels of this new self-knowledge came a devastating thought: God! I-I'll be an adulteress... not because he forced me... but because I w-wanted it! But what can I do? I'm so far gone, now that I've just got to have it! I want him to f-fuck me... and I-I can't help it! Dear God! I CAN'T HELP IT!

Now his demoralizing tongue was trailing with tantalizing fervor down across the flat white plane of her belly, stopping momentarily to screw flickingly into the shallow depression of her navel; then, as his mouth approached the sparse, golden blonde curls of her pubic mound, she knew instinctively what he was going to do. He's going to kiss my vagina. Oh God! She had never experienced it; indeed, had not wanted to experience it, having refused Leon every time he had wanted to use his mouth on her down there between her legs. God! She clamped her desire-trembling yet fearful legs tightly together to deny him ingress there, but unexpectedly then, she felt him leapfrog downward to her thighs. As his moist kisses worked slowly back up toward her warmly quivering pussy, it was his hand that probed, his outstretched middle finger insinuating itself into the soft, hair-lined crease at the top and pressuring downward until he discovered the secret bud of her clitoris throbbing in wild anticipation in its hidden fleshy valley. Lightly, he brushed the tip of his finger over it, caressing it, feeling it harden even more under his finger. The nakedly crouching salesman grunted with satisfaction as he felt her tightly clenched thighs relax ever so slightly. Damn! It'll only be a little while now... and she'll be all mine!

Never could Virginia have explained it. Her will, it seemed, was completely broken, for almost of their own volition her thighs relaxed and spread wide in utter surrender to the mass of erotic sensations that overburdened her nervous system. There was just no way the hopelessly aroused young wife could keep her legs tightly pressed together any longer. And with a sudden feeling of dismay, she realized she was going to let this virtual stranger do anything he wanted to do with her. Even kissing me down there!

Instantly Hartman's head dropped down between her erotically quivering thighs, while at the same time he placed both his hands behind her knees and spread and raised them, so that she was wide-splayed, completely and defenselessly open to him. For an instant his gloating eyes devoured the delicious feast before him. It was almost like breaching a succulent shellfish to get at the goodies inside. Then, with a suddenness almost too swift to follow, his hungry wet mouth was there on her desire-ridden cunt.

"Ohhhh... God! You mustn't... you can't... you... ohhhhh!" The young wife's lust-constricted voice bubbled off into a loud mewl of pleasure as his wetly licking tongue invaded her impatiently pulsating pussy.

Arthur's tongue probed for a moment until he found her erect, pulsating clitoris and began to lick at it moistly as he inhaled the warm heady aroma of her vaginal slit, which drove him almost wild with desire and caused his painfully aching cock to lurch in a lewd hunger. But I'll wait! I'll have to... because when she caves in it's got to be total!

Virginia moaned in agonized pleasure as he took the pulsing bud of her clitoris between his wetly ovalled lips. Holding it lightly he exerted a sucking pressure on its short, hardened length for a few moments before shifting again. Now, he was holding the erect little clitoris between his teeth, while his tongue played a drumming tattoo directly on its sensitive head.

The nakedly writhing young blonde was sure that she couldn't bear another second of this tantalizing torture. Moaningly, she implored him, "Oh, please... Art... please don't do that any more! You're driving me crazy!" Even as she pleaded with him, she knew that this sex-crazed man, acting so much like an animal as he licked slobbering at her genitals, would not stop until she was a quivering, helpless mass of mindlessly aroused desire. Her vision was beginning to swim, and there was a ringing in her ears. She couldn't think straight; the only thought spinning crazily around in her mind was the fervent wish that she could have that great thick cock of his churning deep up inside her, fucking its hot throbbing way into the deepest depths of her wildly impatient cunt. God! It had gone on so long!

Just at the point where Virginia was sure that she would scream if he didn't stop, Hartman shifted his mouth downward and his tongue slithered into the viscid moistness of her heatedly throbbing cunt's mouth. She did scream then - in a wild uncontained ecstasy - as she felt him wetly stabbing his tongue in and out of her fevered vaginal opening in imitation of a fucking penis. Uncontrollably, her nakedly aroused pussy undulated up to his sucking wet mouth as she tried to match the fucking tempo of his plunging tongue into that cock-hungry hole up between her frantically trembling legs.

His head buried in the searing muskiness of her hotly throbbing pussy, Hartman heard her loud whimpering mewls of pleasure as each time, now, he swirled his long, probing tongue around and around inside her thinly bearded, desire-swollen cuntal mouth. He could feel the silky curls of her blonde pubic hair tickling his cheeks, which only served to heighten his own arousal; however, he was still determined to wait her out. The hot little bitch! She's ready to start climbing the walls... begging me to fuck her! And that's just the way I want it!

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