Twins, and Mother and Teacher - Cover

Twins, and Mother and Teacher


Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Her honey moon was the beginning of something she could have never imagined in her life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

Carolyn awoke with the vivid memory of the evening before imprinted upon her brain. She blushed once more as she thought of the passion her old school friend had brought out in her. It was so strange, and so upsetting. Still, Carolyn could not deny that the experience had been something completely out of the ordinary... something completely special that would haunt her for a long while to come. She was thankful that only she and not Shirley had seen the twins tiptoeing from the living room, returning to their own rooms after having watched their fill. Her hatred for their meddling seemed to have grown a hundredfold and it was with difficulty that she even thought about them. How she had ever allowed the perverted little bastards to touch her, let alone force her into a lewd act of submissive intercourse was beyond her, and once more the doubts about her sanity, the confusion of wondering what on earth she ought to do, besieged the twenty-one year old bride.

She'd known many friends who were in analysis, and now she thought of calling one of them to get the number of a psychiatrist who might be able to help her. Still, this morning she didn't feel nearly as groggy as the day before, and Carolyn hoped it meant she would not have any more of the disturbing spells! She rose around noon, her usual time, and took a cold shower. Beneath the jets of cool water, she could not help remembering Shirley's fingers at her breasts, and she wondered what the other woman was doing that day.

Carolyn didn't have to wait long to find out, for when she got out of the shower the telephone rang and it was Shirley. Would she want to come over for lunch at her place? Carolyn accepted, unable to shake the pleasurable memory of the other woman's body close to hers. Perhaps it would happen again, only this time she would be away from the house, away from the dreadful twins!

A short while later she was dressed in a becoming summer pants-suit and a straw hat for the sun. Instead of going into the kitchen to make coffee she decided she would have some at Shirley's. She would stay out late, and that way Don would be home by the time she got back. But before she got out the front door she heard a small voice behind her.

"Going to get some more pussy, Mom?"

Carolyn whirled. Both Tim and Bennie were standing in the doorway to their room, grinning ear to ear like Cheshire cats.

"I'll get even with you spying bastards!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, her normally pretty face distorted by an ugly grimace. "I'll get your father to send you away. You'll be lucky if you get back even on holidays when I've finished. God, how I hate you little runts!"

But the boys' laughter echoed in her ears even after she had slammed out the door, and her threatening words seemed hollow and meaningless.

Nevertheless she rushed toward the waiting car and her friend's house and warm welcoming arms.

Inside the house the boys lounged around for some time before Bennie finally spoke. "You hear what she said about sending us away?"

"Sure I heard it. I'm not deaf," replied Tim, he was cleaning a pair of his old tennis shoes.

"Well, we gotta do something, right?"

"Right!" Tim agreed.

Together they slowly developed what seemed like a good idea to them, and then they set off for the local swimming pool to cool off.

"We'll see who sends who away!" Tim giggled as the two boys bicycled down the road.

At 7:00 p.m. the helicopter landed at Sausalito airport and the tired architect got off. His car was waiting in the nearby parking lot and he headed wearily toward it. He felt oddly old and defeated, even though the building plans were going well. The encounter with Gloria had profoundly depressed him, and after the aggressive girl had left his hotel room, the middle-aged husband had felt used, and one question had burned hotly in his mind. What was Carolyn doing that night? He still thought about that as he drove home on the freeway, and Don was glad that soon he would be home seeing Carolyn and that soon all his fears would be allayed, and his new wife would be close to him again. He scolded himself for being so apprehensive. Surely everything would turn out just fine, despite the growing awareness that his new bride's sexual drives were somewhat stronger than his. He felt that tonight he would certainly be ready for her when he got home. A sense of anxiety and guilt encouraged his desire for Carolyn as he made the turn for San Rafael and headed for his home.

It was a considerable disappointment to him to find when he arrived at 7:30 that his wife's temporary car was not in the driveway. His heart pounding anxiously, Don let himself into the house.

The boys had dinner waiting.

"Hi Dad... welcome home!"

"Where's Carolyn?" he asked. The last thing he felt like doing was eating, but after washing his hands, he sat down at the table anyway.

"Oh, Mom's out with a friend. She ought to be back soon!" Bennie replied.

"What friend is this that she's seeing so much of?"

"Oh, I think she has lots of different ones!" Tim replied ambiguously.

Don tried some of his lamb chop, cooked to perfection by the twins, but he still wasn't hungry. There was an empty feeling in the pit of his stomach, as if there were a hole there.

"Have you seen any of these... uh... friends?" he asked, fearful as to what the answer might be.

"Well, last night she brought one of them home with her. He was kinda weird, named Cyril I think," Tim mumbled while chewing his chop.

"Uh..." Don choked and stood up. "Listen boys, I'm not much in the mood for eating. I think I'll just go in and lie down until Carolyn comes back. Thanks for fixing dinner though. It's pretty good!"

"Well, Dad, we were hoping to get a chance to talk to you about Mom. She's been acting strange lately, and we thought you ought to know."

"Strange... how strange?" Don asked, halfway toward the living room.

"Uh, well, it's hard to describe, Dad!"

"Well, perhaps I'd better wait then and discuss it when Carolyn returns."

Don just couldn't bear discussing his pretty new wife with the boys. All he wanted was for her to return and to tell him that everything was all right, that there was no reason for this terrible feeling of impending doom that he had.

The door closed behind him and Tim and Bennie looked at each other. Now that Dad had gotten back before Carolyn it was going to be a little harder, but somehow they would manage anyway.

A short while later Bennie knocked on his Dad's door and entered the room. Don was lying on the bed, but was not asleep.

"Forgot to replace the toothpaste for Mom, Dad. I'll just put it over her sink."

"Fine, son." It was touching how devoted the boys were to Carolyn. Don closed his eyes once more and sighed. Why didn't she come home?

The toothpaste securely in place, Bennie exited and said good night to his father.

Don was suddenly very tired... the plane trip, the helicopter, the bustle of Los Angeles, all had conspired to make his return home a let down, especially since his wife hadn't even been there to greet him. It wasn't that he'd been that far away or away all that long... it was just the principle of the thing.

He drifted into a half-sleep, and just as he was on the brink of a profound sleep, the door opened and Carolyn came into the room. For some reason he lay still as though he were sound asleep, watching her as she moved.

Carolyn paused over the bed and thinking her husband to be asleep yawned and went into the bathroom. Christ, that girl could go on forever! Not that Carolyn was complaining about Shirley, she had thoroughly enjoyed her lunch, and had stayed on until now, renewing the intimate contact the two women had known the night before. Thinking about Shirley, Carolyn began to undress, taking off her pants-suit and revealing the total lack of any underwear underneath to her husband on the bed. Never suspecting that she was being watched, Carolyn rubbed her palm appreciatively against the golden mound of her pussy, and then turned to go into the bathroom. The light flicked on, and she stepped into the shower, rubbing away the traces of her female companion's perfume as quickly as she could.

Then stepping out of the warm water, Carolyn opened up the new tube of toothpaste she found over her sink and began to brush her teeth.

The taste of the toothpaste was oddly familiar, but pleasant, and Carolyn brushed lengthily, knowing that there would be alcohol on her breath as well as the familiar scent of another woman's excitement.

Refreshed and ready for bed, Carolyn padded barefoot back into the bedroom, and slipped between the sheets on the other side of her husband.

"Aren't you even going to say hello?" Don asked.

Carolyn jumped. "Oh, Don, are you awake? You seemed to be sleeping so well that I didn't want to disturb you... How are you darling, welcome back!"

Carolyn's voice sounded false on Don's sensitive ears, and as Carolyn leaned forward to kiss him, he roughly pulled her to him.

"What the hell have you been doing? Why weren't you here when I got back?"

"Don, you're hurting my hair. Let go!" Carolyn felt frightened. She'd never heard Don use this tone of voice with her and a new side of his personality was making itself known to her.

"Answer me! Who is it you've been out with?"

"Shirley... my old friend Shirley, you've heard me talk about her. I was lonesome... cooped up here with those... kids. I needed someone to talk to!"

The tingling began in the lower pit of Carolyn's belly and she knew she was having another attack. Desperately, she tried to persuade Don that he had nothing to be upset about. She apologized profusely for having been late in getting home, and when her husband let go of her hair she could not help beginning to rub her naked body licentiously against his clothed form.

Before much time had passed, she was begging and pleading with her husband, "Oh, Don, fuck me... fuck me, quick... please, please, do something!"

In spite of the many doubts he had about Carolyn, Don was aroused by the beautiful young woman's agitated motions upon his prone body, and he began to fondle and kiss her, feeling the sleek, white nakedness of her flesh responding to his touches and hearing her urging him to do more.

Hastily, Carolyn helped Don out of his clothing, and while he lay back she moved swiftly and surely over him, letting his hard cock penetrate the widespread lips of her besieged cunt, rising rapidly up and down over and over again, squealing and gurgling as her lust was satisfied again and still again, and still Don managed to remain hard and to refrain from cumming.

"Oh, baby, oh honey, oh Don, oh sweetheart! Oh, it's good, it's so good... oh can you do it more and more and more... I've got to cum one more time... just one more time!"

Don continued to give his young wife the hard up-thrusting that she demanded, as she crazily spun and flung herself down upon him over and over again. And then finally, exhaustion overtook him, and the strain of withholding his orgasm had drained all desire and excitement from him. Still, he climaxed with an unsatisfactory feeling, knowing for sure that something was wrong now. His ejaculation over, the tired architect fell into the relief of a deep and dark sleep.

"Oh no, lover! No... no... not yet... not yet!" Carolyn cooed. But she saw that it was too late. Don's limp penis slid from the seething orifice of her flooded pussy, leaving the drugged wife with a horrible need still untouched within her straining loins.

Hurriedly, she climbed from Don's still body and stood in the middle of the room. She knew what she had to do, no matter how distasteful it might have seemed to her under ordinary circumstances.

Slipping from the room, she padded out into the living room. Her naked body glistening with perspiration, her breathing coming in jagged, uneven bursts as she tried to deal with the mounting desire within her drugged system. Knowing that within the house there was only one answer to her immediate problem, Carolyn headed for the twins' room. Utterly ignoring the dark interior of the room, which she had never even really seen before due to a complete lack of interest in the thirteen year olds, Carolyn headed directly toward the two still forms that lay in the twin beds on the opposite side of the room.


"What are you doing, Mom?"

"Oh, Mom, we couldn't possibly do anything like that!"

"Stop it, Mom, stop it!"


"Stop, Mom! Stop!"

Even through the deep sleep that had overcome him in the next room, Don could hear the loud noises. They seemed, in fact, to be right in the room with him. Almost as if there were a speaker system there leading from one room to the next. Don woke up in a cold sweat, hearing his sons' strident calls for help, and his wife's words becoming more and more lewd. At first it seemed a terrible nightmare, and it was clear that there was no one in his bedroom, Don ran outside into the living room. The door to the boys' room was open, and he dashed inside.

Tim and Bennie in varying states of undress were clearly attempting to defend themselves against their new mother's attack, as they scampered to the opposite ends of the room to try to escape Carolyn's clutching hands. With one excited lunge, however, Carolyn reached forward and grabbed hold of young Tim's leg, pulling him over and down onto the mattress of his bed, and hurriedly reaching inside his pajamas to find his youthful penis. Her head darted down, her parched lips widened to accept her stepson's swelling cock in her mouth, her seeking, hungry, sucking mouth. While Bennie leaped upon her back in an attempt to pull her away from his brother.

"Help! Help!" Bennie cried, as Carolyn turned on him and managed with her superior strength to get him down on his back. The excited twenty-one year old blonde then pushed her nakedness forward and began to writhe lewdly upon the twins on the bed. While her husband watched in an abject state of shock, Carolyn cried out to the boys, "Oh fuck me, oh suck me, oh do anything to me! Just do it! God, I think I'm going to die! Don't just lie there! Do something!"

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