Twins, and Mother and Teacher - Cover

Twins, and Mother and Teacher


Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Her honey moon was the beginning of something she could have never imagined in her life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

It was another bright sunshiny day in Northern California, and the boys looked forward to it with their usual enthusiasm. They had made several decisions since the day before, and one of them included modifying the formula for their special sauce. They planned to make it a liquid for one thing, and for another, they wanted it to last for a shorter length of time. That way they could be free to use it almost any time, not just during the times when their father was out of town.

All day long they worked in the kitchen, and never once did they see Carolyn. Her door had been closed the entire day when they finally hit upon what they decided would be a proper mixture for their aims.

"I didn't get straight A's in chemistry for nothing," bragged Tim to his brother.

"Well, I only got one B myself, and let's just test it out to make sure it's right before we get carried away!"

The boys squabbled as they usually did, but there was an even greater bond between them than before. They had really managed to take themselves over the brink from childhood into manhood, and each felt a special glow about that fact, and self-congratulations were certainly in order. They smiled a lot during their 'work' and seemed to still feel the delightful tingle in their youthful loins that their stepmother had so agilely inspired.

Although neither had mentioned it really, they both knew that they had further things in store for their adulterous stepmother, and already a final plan, more drastic than any yet devised, was a promising speck on the horizon.

"Okay... go get the cat!" Tim said at last. "We'll try it out!"

"What's the matter, lover, are you shy? Don't you like my looks?"

"No, no, it's not that!" Don protested. As a matter of fact he liked the exciting brunette's looks quite a bit. What's more they were alone in his hotel room. A present from the contractor. It seemed terrible to think of a human being in this manner, but that was most certainly what Gloria Morrison was.

He thought about Carolyn, his new, young wife, wanting to be back in San Rafael with her, not stuck in L.A. on business. Before his recent marriage it hadn't seemed hard to travel, but now that he had something special to go back to, it was only annoying to have to spend time away from home.

"Your wife! I bet you're thinking about her, aren't you?" Gloria had noticed the new wedding band on Don Larsen's ring finger.

Don blushed. "Yes," he admitted, "Yes, I guess I was."

Gloria took in the craggy good looks of the middle-aged architect. She'd been paid, and it looked like she wasn't going to have to do anything for it! But she liked Don's looks and thought him a considerable change from her usual clientele. The least she could do was talk to him!

"I know lots of guys think about their wives," she said confidentially, toying with the little pieces of lace that stuck directly between the large shapes of her breasts, breasts that were barely covered by her low-cut dress.

"But most of the time, you know, they think it's not taking away from their wives, it's really adding to the relationship!"

Don was really missing Carolyn now, he wanted to call her again. Yesterday's call had been strange, oddly unsatisfying. Even though his new wife had told him she'd been napping and so was a little groggy, she'd sounded odd.

Gloria was continuing, and Don was wishing she would leave soon so that he could call Carolyn.

"Yeah, you know some wives are, how do you say it, a little cold. A real hot-blooded guy now, he wants more action than that. Suppose he was to get involved with some other chick, well that's no good. This way, you got no hang-ups, and you get a little fun, too!"

"I'm afraid I've got to make a phone call," Don said.

"Gonna' call her huh? Well, that's okay... listen I won't even listen. Who knows, you ever think she might be having a little fun, too?" Gloria chuckled. Her pride was hurt. If this guy thought he was just going to throw her out, he was crazy. She'd leave when she was ready. She had a heavy date later on, but that could wait if necessary.

Don felt embarrassed and slightly confused. He didn't want to be downright rude to the girl who'd suddenly appeared at his hotel room. He hated unpleasant scenes.

"Fine," he said in an exasperated tone.

He picked up the phone and asked the hotel operator for his home number. The phone rang several times before it was answered.

"Bennie? Tim? This is Dad. How's everything?"

"Tim, Dad. Everything's just fine."

"What's all that squealing I hear in the background?"

"It's the cat, Dad. Bennie gave her some catnip and she's freaking out!"

"Oh, well, put Carolyn on, will you?"

"Mom? Oh, I don't think she's here, Dad. She went out a little while ago."


"Oh, I don't know... some friends of hers."

"I see, well tell her I called. She can call me later on when she gets in."

"Swell, Dad, I'll be sure to tell her. We'll see you tomorrow, right?"

"Yes, around 7:30, I guess."

"So long, Dad!"

Don hung up the phone. He felt vaguely uneasy, and somehow depressed and seeing Gloria's svelte figure across the hotel room did not reassure him at all.

For the first time in their short marriage, Don was really worried, even though he knew he had no good reason to be. Carolyn certainly had a right to go out with a friend. But the fact that she had made him think about the difference in their ages. Perhaps marrying a girl so much younger than he would have its problems after all. Even if the problems were only in his head, they were still problems.

Gloria turned and came back with two full glasses.

"Bourbon and soda," she announced, "Out, huh?"

"I thought you weren't going to listen," Don replied, taking a glass.

"Oh, you didn't believe that, did you?" Gloria asked sitting down beside him and laughing close to his ear. It was a soft, sensuous sound that caused a chill to run up and down Don's spine.

"No... I guess I didn't," he replied pleasantly.

The orange cat streaked past Carolyn and out the front door, bumping into her legs and just narrowly avoided running into Shirley's. The two women entered the living room and nervously Carolyn turned on the lights. She'd persuaded her old girlfriend, Shirley, to return home with her after meeting her for a drink in a tavern in town. It was clear to Shirley that her old school chum was in some kind of trouble, but she had never quite gotten out of her exactly what it was. Something to do with her husband's twin boys, but Shirley couldn't imagine that the boys would cause Carolyn that much trouble. But then she knew very little about children, so she was willing to go along with Carolyn's request to sleep over with her one night until her husband returned from Los Angeles.

"Gee, Carolyn!" the pert redhead exclaimed, "What a swell house! You sure are lucky!"

Carolyn was too upset to secretly gloat over her friend's envious statement. Somehow what once might have been a moment of triumph left the disturbed blonde bride cold.

"What would you like Shirl, a drink, coffee... anything..."

"I could go for another drink. Hey, I'll bet that TV's color... right?"

"Yes... turn it on if you want to!" Carolyn disappeared into the kitchen. It was spotless. No sign of the extensive hours the children had put in there.

"How about a daiquiri?" she called back from the kitchen."

It was the first bottle that Carolyn spotted, and it seemed easiest just to grab for it. She didn't realize. of course, that any of the bottles in the liquor cabinet would have created the same effect for her.

"Say, where are those two little monsters anyway?" Shirley asked as Carolyn returned to the room with the drinks.

"I... I guess they're in their room. Asleep, I hope!"

"Gee, it's terrible that you don't get along! I mean everything could be so perfect! Say, this drink is great!" Shirley settled into the deep sofa, her short skirt revealed almost the entire length of her sleek, tanned thighs. She could have gone out with Harry tonight, but this was proving more fun. Just hanging out in such a beautiful place, Shirley couldn't help but hope that some of the elegance would rub off on her. The daiquiri tasted really good and the prospect that before the evening was out she might hear some interesting tidbits of gossip from her friend was decidedly titillating.

"So tell me more about your husband. What's his name again, Don?"

Carolyn was distracted. Her head had been fuzzy all day long and now it was beginning to throb again the way it had when she'd first awakened around 2:00 that afternoon. The same doubts about her sanity were returning even though her friend was there. Had she imagined everything? she wondered for the umpteenth time that day. But the soreness between her legs and the scratches on her smooth creamy body were evidence enough to tell her that everything that she remembered was real. But what had come over her? What strange lapse had made her succumb to such horrible desires? She knew that she'd been feeling frustrated, but certainly not to that extent? Or had she suddenly turned into some kind of nymphomaniac?

"Hey, Carolyn, I'm talking to you!" Shirley suspected that there was really something wrong between Carolyn and her new husband, but that the pretty blonde was shy about coming right out and saying it. The television set droned on in the background as the two women sipped their drinks and Carolyn tried to assure Shirley that there was nothing wrong between Don and herself.

"Say, Carolyn, how'd it be if I brought my boyfriend over here to meet you one night. You and Don I mean. It would be nice, huh?" Shirley was beginning to wish that she had gone out with Harry. She could feel a mellow warmth in the pit of her belly that signaled the start of desire for the ardent caresses she'd come to expect from Harry. He picked her up every night after work usually, and they'd go to her apartment and make passionate love until it was time to go out and get something to eat. Sometimes Shirley would make them spaghetti or something like that and they'd stay in, and on nights when Harry didn't have the early shift at Ms job he might stay over.

The small redhead had a compulsive urge to talk about Harry now since she couldn't be with him.

"And he's real cute, Carolyn," she said.

"That would be nice," Carolyn said running her fingers through her blonde curls. "You two could come to dinner. Maybe next week, Shirley." That funny pulsing deep in her well-used pussy was starting again, and Carolyn's throat felt dry, and as she drank more of the daiquiri she found that she was salivating too much. Shirley was going on and on about her boyfriend and Carolyn hardly listened. She was having trouble focusing again, and she felt she ought to go into her bedroom, but she didn't feel she had the strength to stand. Suddenly snatches of Shirley's conversation were reaching her, and the young girl's words struck her with the impact of tiny arrows which stimulated and teased wherever they hit.

"And he's got the biggest thing! Carolyn. You'd have to see it to believe it! And you know, he knows just how to stick it up inside me. Not too fast, you know... nice and slow, and by the time he's all the way in, for crissakes, I'm nearly out of my skull! And he can go on for hours... really, I'm not just making it up.

"Boy, what a workout! Whenever I see him... just see him, Carolyn, you know? He makes me get all sticky down there just wanting him, and all I can think of is spreading my legs wide and saying, Harry baby, come and get me!"

To Carolyn's distorted vision it seemed as if the young redhead were writhing about on the sofa next to her. The girl's words seemed to be exciting her and her fingers had begun to move up and down the trim outline of her tightly encased body. Shirley's dress left little to the imagination, and Carolyn could see the outline of the other woman's breasts, the hard, little nipples, and the full round forms that surrounded them. Her soft little belly seemed to quiver as she spoke, and between her long, exposed legs, Carolyn could imagine a tight redheaded little cunt, not unlike her own.

"Jeez, Carolyn, I feel so... so funny! All horny-like, you know?"

Although she did not answer, Carolyn knew what her guest meant, for she herself was having a hard time keeping her hands from an intimate self-caress not unlike what she had attempted the day before.


Carolyn spoke then. Her voice was hazy, low and smoky. "Why call him. We don't need him, do we? We've got each other!"


Carolyn's fingers moved slowly to the other woman's breasts, two hands that were soft and feminine cupping the twin mounds of flesh eagerly and holding their warmth as the blonde housewife stared into her friend's grey-green eyes.

"Oooooooh!" Shirley cooed, her hands covering Carolyn's, moving them as she squirmed beneath the other woman's touch. "That feels nice, Carolyn. I never thought I would like a woman before... but you... you're so... so pretty..." Shirley's words were slurred and jumbled together, but Carolyn wasn't paying any attention anyway. She was undoing the back zipper of the other woman's dress, and finding that Shirley was just as eager to help her as she was to get the restricting dress off.

As the dress came off, the creamy, brown-tanned flesh of Shirley's breasts became fully visible, and then the thin, indented waist that gave onto full shapely hips, a soft curving stomach with its deeply indented belly-button, and below the curl fringed red hair, the same color as that on her head that formed the triumphant triangle of the young girl's quivering pussy.

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