Twins, and Mother and Teacher - Cover

Twins, and Mother and Teacher


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Her honey moon was the beginning of something she could have never imagined in her life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

It was almost two weeks later when Carolyn lay in bed and sleepily watched as Don blew her a kiss and closed the bedroom door behind him. He was leaving for work. She never bothered to get up anymore, since when she'd complained, her understanding husband told her that he could perfectly well fix his breakfast himself as he had for so many years. He was concerned about the effect that his sons were having on Carolyn's nerves, and encouraged her in her own desire to rest as much as possible.

The housekeeper came in every morning and took care of whatever cleaning had to be done, so Carolyn felt completely justified in staying in bed until almost noon every day.

Life should have been beautiful for the attractive blonde, but in fact it wasn't. She hated to admit it, even to herself, but Don just wasn't satisfying her. She thought about it now as she lay with her eyes closed in the softly darkened room. It wasn't that Don wasn't willing, but sometimes he was so tired that he came right away, and certainly at his best he usually failed to continue the strenuous lovemaking that Carolyn wanted. Five minutes, maybe ten and it was all over, and what was more, she'd been unsuccessful in her attempts to add spicy little things to her new husband's repertoire. Kooky things like her old boyfriends used to do to send her up the wall.

"I miss that!" she whispered softly to herself, moving her sensuously naked legs slowly back and forth beneath the covers. "I could even put up with those two brats, I bet, if I had the right kind of loving!"

Even though she had promised herself not to think about it, Carolyn's thoughts returned to the cute magazine salesman who'd stopped by the day before. He'd had a cup of coffee, and from the way he looked at her and the things he said, the young wife knew that he wanted more than to sell her a subscription. She'd told him to return later in the week after she'd asked her husband. As a matter of fact Carolyn had mentioned it to Don, and even though he'd gagged at the price, he'd told her that of course she could subscribe to any of the magazines she liked.

As she turned over in bed, Carolyn realized that she wanted the salesman to return. Anything to break the monotony of the day, to talk a little, flirt a little. What was the harm? If the young man did in fact return that afternoon, it would be perfect, for Carolyn knew that her stepsons were due to go on a scouting picnic in the woods. She'd have the house to herself, free from their spying and prying.

Lazily, Carolyn reached out, letting her hand slip into the bottom of the dresser drawer. There she pulled out a new book she'd picked up in San Francisco the other day. It looked very, very interesting; and the young bride was in the mood for something that would take her mind off her own problems. She flicked the light switch on and began to turn the pages slowly, so that she would miss nothing of the lewd contents of the book.

"Max felt his own organ swollen to a near-aching hardness as he watched Jennifer O'Hara's licentious performance before the hotly flushed greedy faces of her half-drunk, lust-aroused audience that seemed to be shifting nervously with overwhelming excitement. Hell, he wasn't sure if he was going to be able to wait until the beautiful brunette finished her last show! He'd have to find something else and fast!"

Carolyn snuggled down to continue reading and the time passed faster than she thought. She'd heard the vague, indistinct noise of the twins as they made their breakfast, and then a car had pulled up and she'd heard them shouting something and slamming the door as they ran out. With a sigh of relief she'd gone back to her thrilling story. Now, suddenly there was the ring of the front doorbell, and a quick glance at the clock told her that it was already 2:00 PM. The housekeeper would have come and gone, the boys were off. The person at the door was more than likely her magazine salesman!

Hurriedly, Carolyn jumped out of the messed bed and tossed a light-weight jersey peignoir over her flushed naked body. It covered her curvaceous form completely, but as she could see in the mirror before she ran out of the bedroom, it outlined her body to such perfection that it might as well be transparent.

Carolyn shrugged. "Can I help it if I have a good figure?" she asked herself, rhetorically, for she was already opening the door eagerly, while giving her hair a last pat in place.

"Mrs. Larsen! My, you're looking lovely this afternoon!"

"Why... why thank you." Carolyn blushed convincingly. It was nice to be told nice things.

"May I come in? I'm here to offer you the tremendous deal I offered you the other day. You can't go wrong... and I'm sure if you discussed it with your husband he agreed..."

"Yes, yes... come in." Carolyn led the way, aware of the salesman's eyes on her moving, swaying hips as they entered the living room.

"In this deal there are hunting magazines and True Mechanics for him, the latest in ladies' magazines for you, and if you have children... I saw two boys playing outside the other day... well we've got some great magazines for them, too!"

"Oh, they're not mine! I mean those are my husband's boys. Listen you don't have to convince me anymore." She was still sitting down across from the young dark-haired man on the sofa, while he poised on the edge of a chair.

"I like all those magazines, even the hunting and fishing kind." The new Mrs. Larsen smiled winningly. "Would you like coffee, a drink?"

"I'll take whatever you're having," the young man replied.

Carolyn went into the kitchen, it was spotless, except for a note which the boys had left her, which Carolyn threw into the trash.

"Dear Mom... gone to the picnic. We know you'll miss us, but we'll be sure to be home for another of your delicious meals! Love, Tim and Bennie."

Burning the frozen TV dinners could happen to anyone, Carolyn reminded herself and then put the whole thing out of her mind. She'd make them drinks. There was some Whiskey Sour mix in the bottle in the cupboard. Humming a little to herself she added the whiskey and in a short while returned to the living room where the salesman was now standing and admiring a painting on the wall. He turned to take the drink from her, and Carolyn realized that he was even cuter than she'd remembered.

Was it an accident that his hand brushed the tip of her breast as he removed the glass from the tray? A delicious shiver of excitement coursed through the bored housewife as she returned to the sofa and placed her glass on the cocktail table.

"You must get around quite a bit with a job like this," she began, picking up her glass again to sip daintily from it.

"I guess you could say so, Mrs. Larsen. May I sit here?"

Carolyn moved slightly making room on the sofa for the young man to sit beside her. The Whiskey Sour tasted really good considering she'd had no breakfast at all, and the scent of the salesman's cologne was a pleasant limy one which she found quite agreeable.

The second tray came equipped with a pitcher and this time, as they sat down, Carolyn knew that it was no accident that Bart, that was his name, let his fingers linger a long while over her hand before he let go.

"Are you a model?" he asked. "You're so beautiful!"

"No... no..." Carolyn laughed. "Once a friend was going to get me started but I decided against it." She did not move her hand now when he began to examine her rings.

"Lucky guy, your husband. Married long?"

"He's real sweet," she replied. "No, not too!"

Just how far do I want to go, the young wife of a few weeks was asking herself. It doesn't seem right, but it's so nice, and he is a doll. Who would know? No, no, I couldn't. But maybe a kiss or two and then I'll throw him out!

His face was nearing hers. All through her the raging fire was burning, wanting, wanting to let him kiss her. She moved her hand just the slightest bit. Enough to let him know it was all right to kiss her. But when he did she giggled and pulled away.

"Hey, doll, come on," he said softly. "Who's going to know? Nobody's home is there?"

"No... no, it's not that. It's just that I can't. Why I hardly know you." Nervously, Carolyn sipped her drink, finishing off the glass once more.

"It'll give you a chance to get to know me. I guarantee you'll like me just as much as I like you!" His voice was soothing, convincing. His words were almost her thoughts exactly. Yet she couldn't give into him just like that, and she wasn't sure that she would give in at all.

"I think you'd better leave," she said, suddenly, decisively. Tossing her blonde hair back, the young twenty-one year old wife stood up. "I'll just take these things into the kitchen," she announced in a matter of fact, no nonsense tone.

Carolyn started toward the kitchen without turning around and once there at the sink she began to rinse the whiskey sour glasses. Something that she wouldn't ordinarily think to do, but which now would give her time to think. But before she could think of anything he was behind her, tall and strong, his arms enfolding her from behind, circling her waist as the hard column of his penis insinuated itself between the soft mounds of her buttocks through her jersey peignoir.

"OH!" she said, but the magical thrills were too much for her as the bold salesman's fingers searched the opening of her gown and moved inside touching the smooth, white flesh of her slender waist. Carolyn felt her knees momentarily buckle. She whirled to face him and to her surprise, he kept her close to him, his hands once more within her gown, touching her hotly, insistently. The new housewife hadn't anticipated the shock of his hot flesh upon her near naked body, and a giddiness overcame her as with an odd gentleness he passed his fingertips over her silken, ivory skin, upward along her arms and across her shoulders as the peignoir fell away to reveal her perfect nakedness.

"Christ!" the young salesman gasped. "You're more beautiful than I thought. Hell, yes, beautiful!" He let the ends of his fingers trace the small bone contours of Carolyn's facial features while she stood immobile, hardly able to breathe beneath the grazing feel of his surprisingly stimulating hands.

"A stranger..." she thought. "An absolute stranger!" Memories of the roomer in the upstairs room when she was a little girl returned to her, making her begin to tremble with excitement.

"You're like velvet, so smooth, so soft," he hissed, and Carolyn could see from his expression that the young man was almost mesmerized by the sight of her creamy nakedness.

"Oh God!" she thought, "What am I doing? I'm nothing but a sluttish whore... letting him do these things to me... even wanting him to! But his hands... they're as gentle as a child's. I... I can't help it!"

There in the well-equipped and spacious kitchen with the California sun streaming through the curtained windows Carolyn's breath caught in her throat as the salesman began to massage and knead, stroke and caress her nakedly palpitating breasts, pinching at the tiny, hard, cherry-like nipples and rolling them between his fingers, causing new, wild sensations to jolt excitedly through the young blonde's entire body. Then he was kissing her breasts and his tongue was tracing a wet line of excitation along her trembling flesh. Leaning back against the sink, cold and steely at her back, Carolyn closed her eyes in the intoxicating delight that the magazine salesman was giving her. It was enveloping her, until at last as she stood there, her brain swirling in the erotic madness that was rapidly gaining control of her love-starved body, she felt him pulling her along, moving her over to the kitchen seats, two long wide benches which framed a wooden table.

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