Twins, and Mother and Teacher - Cover

Twins, and Mother and Teacher


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Her honey moon was the beginning of something she could have never imagined in her life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

Carolyn smiled back at her new husband. The hot sand of the beach slipped between her toes as she wriggled them downward. Beyond, the sparkling clear water seemed to dance in the sunlight. Carolyn had to narrow her eyes against the glare as she took her sunglasses off.

"Happy, darling?" Don asked. The wedding had been small but most satisfactory. Immediately afterward, Don and Carolyn had headed for the airport where they boarded the airplane for Acapulco. The twins had been on hand to wave goodbye, and Don was satisfied that they would be all right since the housekeeper would look in on them daily and cook them dinner every evening.

Don was pleased to have this two-week honeymoon all alone with his new bride. He knew that Carolyn had never been out of the country before, and it was gratifying to be able to offer her the expensive trip below the border.

"I've never been happier, love," Carolyn replied, gazing past her husband's shoulder.

There was a man sunning himself nearby who had been staring at her since the first day she and Don had arrived at the posh resort of El Molino. The young man and his wife were staying in the adjoining cabana and they shared the same swimming pool. All the guests at El Molino stayed in little houses rather than in hotel rooms, and each group of houses had a large pool at the disposal of its guests.

Carolyn had nodded to the man and had had a few short conversations with his wife who was a pretty redhead. But the other couple only used the pool when the Larsens were not in it, so Don and Carolyn refrained from joining them in the warm water. Instead, they had come down to lie on the beach.

Carolyn noted now how handsome the sandy-haired stranger was, and thought it would be nice to get to know him. She knew though that Don had no desire to socialize with any of the other guests. They were, after all, on their honeymoon, and Don wanted her all to himself. The young blonde had gone along with this for the first few days, but now they'd been at El Molino almost a full week, and Carolyn was beginning to feel a little restless.

It was no longer quite enough to know that she was the most beautiful young woman at the resort, and that all of the hotel boys gaped in admiration when she walked by in her bikini.

The drinks at the bar were wonderful, but Carolyn wanted to dance the fast numbers and Don only felt comfortable with the slow ones.

Suddenly feeling a bit daring, the young blonde wife returned the stranger's gaze boldly, meeting his stare for what seemed a long time, and then breaking the contact. Flushed and excited, she lay back down on the blanket beside her husband who had noticed nothing of the exchange. She could feel her breath coming in quick little gasps as she lay trying to calm herself. How silly, she thought, but nonetheless she shivered a bit with excitement.

"Would you like me to rub a little more lotion on?" Don asked. She could already hear the sound of the tube being undone.

"Yes, darling," she replied. "Just a bit more!"

Carolyn turned over on her back and gave herself up to Don's fingers as he rubbed the creamy lotion into her already bronzed skin. His smoothing fingers moved onto her calves and then upward to the shapely firmness of her thighs.

"Mmmmm..." she said. Her eyes were closed and it was easy enough to imagine that it was someone else's fingers on her skin, touching her intimately like this. Why not imagine the stranger? There's nothing really wrong in it, and no one will ever know anyway, she thought, a smile of contentment coming to her lips.

"Do my back too, love," she whispered, reaching back to undo her bathing suit straps. The full firm shapes of her breasts felt heavy as they were freed, and Carolyn let them push softly down into the blanket that covered the sand beneath her. Her nipples stiffened from the contact, and the young blonde sighed as a shiver of desire coursed through her sun-warmed flesh. Don's fingers were firm on her back now, and she wanted him to move down to touch the sides of her naked breasts, but she knew he wouldn't do it unless she asked. Don was very self-conscious around other people, whereas Carolyn had a tendency toward exhibitionism. It was nice to be admired and to know that her beauty was appreciated.

She suddenly felt it was too boring to ask Don. If he couldn't do it on his own, then it was no longer as exciting as it ought to be. Sometimes Don was exasperating, to say the least! She was willing to bet that the sandy-haired man who was perhaps still watching from his spot further down on the beach, was not hesitant about such things. In any case, it was fun to imagine that he wasn't. That he would boldly begin to massage her breasts right there on the beach where anyone who was looking could see!

He was certainly the type who would make love to his wife on the kitchen floor if he felt like it, and not wait until they were in bed together!

Don was rubbing the suntan lotion over her smooth shoulders now, and the familiar scent of it made her nostrils flare slightly. It reminded her of lovemaking, of sweating bodies and hot sun, of what it was like to lie on the beach right after being completely satisfied by a good thick cock. It reminded her of one of her old boyfriends. She and Don, her new husband, had made love every night since they'd arrived at the resort, and a couple of times in the afternoon during siesta, but even though Carolyn couldn't complain that she was frustrated, she didn't feel that sensation that she loved, the feeling of being completely fulfilled by sex, so exhausted that she felt limp and breathless, totally mindless and happy.

Carolyn certainly couldn't say that she was mindless. She was thinking quite a lot as a matter of fact; a certain sign of her restlessness. The surroundings were so lush and exotic and the heat beat down so steadily, even at night. It was all very dramatic, as if something ought to happen that was out of the ordinary. So far nothing had. Still there was a feeling of strange anticipation in the air, and it created a strange stirring in the twenty-one year old girl's veins.

"More?" Don asked tenderly.

"No... thanks, that's enough," she answered, ready now to take a short nap. Then she would go in the water again, just once more before going back to the cabana. That night she and Don would go to the club again. A new trio was playing and Don wanted to see them. But Carolyn had planned to get him to take her in to a discotheque in the town too, one where the dancing and the music might be a bit wilder. She hoped to see some exciting seedy types, too, not just the rather boring tourists who were all rich enough to afford to stay at El Molino and were consequently dull as paint. All, except the sandy-haired fellow in the neighboring cabana, that is. He was decidedly interesting.

Carolyn lifted her head up for a brief second and looked in the direction where the stranger had been sitting. Gone. The beach was practically deserted. Even though she knew it was silly, the young bride felt a stab of disappointment.

"Looking for someone, darling?" Don looked up from the magazine he'd been reading.

"No... I was just wondering if that man who sells iced drinks was still there."

"Then you were looking for someone!" Don said lightly.

"Yes, I guess I was," Carolyn admitted, vexed by the entire conversation.

"No, he's gone now," Don said, speaking of the barman who wandered the beach with a small cart during certain hours. "But I'll run up to the main building and get you one. What do you want, another Rum Collins?"

"Yes, yes, that would be fine," Carolyn said, trying to smile pleasantly up at her husband.

She was lying there thinking about what she would say if the stranger came by while Don was up getting her a drink. Still she lay with her eyes closed, digging little patterns into the sand with her feet. It was highly unlikely that he would come by, she decided. He'd probably gone back to the cabana several minutes ago. He was probably swimming in the pool with his wife right now, probably making love to her, or at least wanting to. His wife was pretty, no doubt about it, but Carolyn felt pleased with the thought that her own legs were better than the redhead's. She was just beginning a complete mental comparison, something she often liked to do where other women were concerned, when she felt a presence at her head and a voice spoke down to her.

"Some weather, isn't it. Not a bad day since we came!"

Carolyn looked up with a start. It was him!

The stranger's gray-green eyes gazed curiously down at her while Carolyn struggled to turn over and sit up. She felt at a vague disadvantage having him looking down at her like that while she was lying out flat.

"Oh... you startled me!" she exclaimed, searching for her sunglasses. Sunglasses always made her feel secure, people couldn't tell so well what you were thinking when you wore them. Fitting the glasses over her eyes, she looked up at the tall, good-looking man. "Yes, it is beautiful here, isn't it?"

"On your honeymoon?"

Carolyn did not want to admit that she was, for some reason. But obviously it was not the kind of thing you lied about. "Yes," she replied, "as a matter of fact, I am... that is, we are!"

"Me, too," the man replied. "By the way, my name is Jack Williams."

"Mine is Carolyn Bak-... I mean Larsen.

Jack laughed. "Having a hard time getting used to your new name?" he asked.

Carolyn laughed too. She liked him. He made her feel comfortable right away, unlike some men she'd known. "Yes; you men have it easy. You don't have to change your names!"

"Touche. But think of it this way. This is the third time I've given my name away!" Jack was squatting down beside her now, balancing easily on his haunches, his strong muscular body deeply tanned and healthy looking.

"You mean this is the third time you've been married?" Carolyn was astonished.

"Give the little lady a silver dollar!"

Carolyn blushed. Imagine being someone's third wife! But then she thought about it and she realized that she was Don's second wife, after all. Of course his first wife had died, and she assumed that Jack had had two divorces. She wanted to ask, but decided not to. "I'll bet this is your first time out," Jack continued in the same vein.

Carolyn thought that the words were a little fresh, but decided to ignore that. He was just being friendly and, well, nice.

"Yes," she replied. "I've never been married before." She noticed that he was looking at her strangely as though he were thinking things about her that he would not tell her. She felt suddenly uncomfortable and decided to parry his question. After all, he'd asked her something intimate. He could do some answering too!

"What about your wife?" she asked. "Has she been married before?"

"Peggy? Oh yes, we're old hands, both of us. That doesn't mean it isn't still fun, though. Don't get me wrong!"

Carolyn felt more comfortable now. She reached into her bag for her nail polish and began to give her fingernails a second coat of "Blushing Pink". "She's pretty, your wife," Carolyn said.

"A real beauty," Jack agreed, rocking back and forth as he clasped his bent knees. "But then, so are you," he added, boldly letting his eyes roam over the soft exposed surfaces of the new bride's scantily clad body.

"Well, thank you," Carolyn replied, thinking of her superior legs with pleasure.

"Let's have a drink together one night, shall we?" Jack asked, getting to his feet.

"Yes," Carolyn replied, "That would be nice. I'll mention it to Don."

"And I'll mention it to Peggy," Jack said as he waved and began to walk off down the beach. Carolyn waved back and then applied the last coat of polish to her little finger. She felt flushed and excited. As she was wriggling her fingers to dry them more quickly, she noticed that Don was returning to their blanket. She wondered if he had seen Jack Williams talking to her, and she decided that she would say nothing about it if Don didn't mention it.

The Club St. Louis was jammed full of young people doing frantic dances back to back, side to side and sometimes front to front. Often it wasn't possible to tell just who was dancing with whom. Carolyn tried to explain to Don that it really didn't matter, but still she felt that he didn't quite understand the ambiance of the place.

They sat in a small corner booth from which the dance floor was entirely visible. On the table before them were the accumulated glasses of several Rum Collinses which the couple could not seem to get their waiter to take away. He would bring the new drinks when asked, but seemed to be saying in Spanish that someone else would come for the dirty glasses. But no one ever did. It hardly mattered now, though, as they would be leaving shortly.

Don had been ready to go some time ago, and could hardly stifle a yawn he felt coming. It was far too hot in the nightclub and the music--or was it all that rum?--was giving him a splitting headache.

Across from him, Carolyn sat, or rather bounced, on her seat, keeping a beat with the frantic music. It made Don nervous every time his pretty blonde wife jiggled up and down, for it looked as if her barely covered breasts might leap from the top of her dress at any moment. He could see several Mexican men standing nearby, doing nothing but watching his wife with a curious fixed expression that Don found irritating. He was glad that his twenty-one year old bride had agreed to go back home with him as soon as she finished her drink. She hadn't seemed too disappointed either when he'd told her he couldn't possibly dance another of those dances after the first one. The music had gone on and on for about twenty minutes without stopping, and he had vainly tried to keep on going, since everyone else seemed to be holding up! But at the end he was reduced to just swaying back and forth and smiling as though he had invented some new dance step. Meanwhile, Carolyn was gyrating and contorting her lithe body all around him, not really seeming to notice the difficulty Don was having in keeping up.

Don finally managed to attract the waiter's attention to pay the bill, and while he was counting out the pesos Carolyn was still bouncing. Don noticed with some annoyance that the waiter didn't even bother looking at the money, but stared licentiously at Carolyn's jiggling breasts, taking in their lush near-nakedness as though somehow just by looking he could make them his.

"Let's get out of here!" Don said gruffly. It's hard not to be jealous when you have a wife who looks like Carolyn, he thought to himself. Especially when you're newly married and in a foreign country.

"Some of those Mexicans are cute!" Carolyn proclaimed as they were getting into their rented car. She was obviously a little tipsy, and her speech was slightly slurred.

"Cute!" Don said indignantly. "I was just thinking the opposite."

"Don't you like those pretty little girls who sell flowers on the street?" Carolyn asked.

"Well, yes, but..."

"They're cute, aren't they?" Carolyn said.

"I suppose so," Don replied. There was no use arguing with Carolyn about the smallest point. She always likes to be right. Besides, his lovely young bride was in no more danger from those "cute" Mexicans now that they were on their way home from that place.

Don headed back toward El Molino, and as the car began the mounting climb up the steep grade he knew that he would be glad to get to bed. He'd had far too much to drink and the outing had exhausted him. Carolyn had turned on the car radio and the mellifluous tones of Mexican guitars filled the night air. That was more like his kind of music, Don thought, wishing that they could have spent the evening at the resort club where a more sedate group was playing. But after one drink there, Carolyn had asked him to take her into town. And how could he refuse, after all? It wasn't really that much, as long as Carolyn was happy.

They pulled up beside the cabana, the tires crunching in the gravel as their car came to a halt. Carolyn waited until Don came around and opened the door for her, then she danced and swayed all the way up the steps to the little house that was theirs for the duration of their stay at the resort. Next door Carolyn could see that the lights were on. The adjoining house was identical to Carolyn's and Don's down to the last detail. Carolyn looked curiously at the bedroom window, and noticed that she could see shadows moving behind the window shade.

Then Don guided her up the short flight of steps and into their cabana. She turned on the lights and went toward the small refrigerator that was furnished by the hotel. Turning back toward Don, she said, "Let's have a drink. There's rum in the 'frig!" The hotel had supplied several bottles and mixers as well as fresh fruit.

To her surprise, Carolyn saw that her husband was already in bed. He'd undressed in a flash, was wearing his pajamas and had slipped under the covers of the bed. She'd never seen anyone move so quickly!

"Are you going to sleep?" she asked accusingly.

"Well, I... uh..."

"The evening's just beginning!" Carolyn's voice reflected her incredulity at the fact that Don was passing out on her.

"I'll make it up to you tomorrow, darling," Don said. "Just forgive me this once. I'm absolutely exhausted!"

"Oh Christ, what a bore," Carolyn said under her breath, as she turned back to the small refrigerator. Well, she'd just make herself a drink first, and then go to bed. But she was in no mood for sleep. The drinks she'd already had had stimulated her to a point where she felt like either talking or dancing, or at least making love! It looked as if she was going to get none of these things, not tonight, anyway! The disappointed blonde carefully prepared an elaborate drink for herself, complete with slices of fresh orange and pineapple, and then sipped it.

"Mmm... perfect!" she declared.

She looked toward the bed where her new husband was lying dead to the world, and sucked her teeth in annoyance. Carrying her drink, she moved toward the front door, opened the screen and went out. She wandered down toward the swimming pool and thought of going for a swim. It seemed a wonderful idea. All she had to do was put on her bathing suit and then she could enjoy the smooth warm water. But it seemed too much effort to go inside again, so Carolyn decided to swim in her panties and brassiere. They were just like a bathing suit anyway, she reasoned, except that they were pretty transparent. Besides no one would see her anyway, she decided. She looked up toward the other cabana as she slipped off her brief dress. They were obviously busy in the bedroom up there. They wouldn't be coming out for a swim. Anyway, she wouldn't stay long. Just a short dip to refresh herself.

The new bride put her drink down on the side of the pool and dove in. Down beneath the water, she turned and twisted with delight at her own idea. If anyone could have seen her, they would have noted the gently rounded shape of her pubic mound, clearly delineated by the taut silken fabric of her panties, and behind, the smoothly shaped round buttocks that were cupped tightly by the same transparent fabric. Her brassiere fit over her full breasts, allowing their expansive shapes to explode over the top of the narrow band of cloth that supported them underneath. She splashed and dove, feeling like a dolphin, or perhaps a mermaid in the clear aquamarine water. Around her the night was black as pitch and the pool shone like a gem in the center of the thick foliage that surrounded all of the cabanas.

She felt very special, swimming all alone like that, knowing that her husband was asleep up there, and that Jack and his new wife Peggy were probably having sex in their room. She was beginning to imagine what they would look like together, the things they would do. It was fun to visualize their coupling naked bodies. To imagine the sounds they would make! She giggled and sank down, down into the clear warmth of the pool, and when she was all the way down, she opened her eyes... just in time to see Jack swimming toward her!

For some reason she wasn't surprised at all, and she felt extremely pleased. She pushed with her toes against the hard concrete bottom of the pool and, holding her breath all the way, went soaring up to the surface. Bursting through to the air, she gulped the delicious oxygen, and looked around for Jack. He came up beneath her and wrapped his arms around her thighs, pulling her down again. Over and over they tumbled in the shining water, rising again and again to the surface, only to plunge once more to the liquid depths.

It was innocent fun, Carolyn felt, and she was completely relaxed as they once more rose to the surface. She shook the water from her eyes, her wet blonde hair flying backward behind her.

"Where's Peggy?" she asked. "Is she coming out?" Her fingers tried to pull up on the brassiere which kept slipping down to expose her nipples completely. But she figured Jack couldn't see that much of her in the dark anyway.

"Not just yet," Jack replied. "She's busy right now. What about your spouse?"

"Oh, he's sound asleep. There won't be a peep from him until morning!" Carolyn swam to the edge where her drink was waiting. She decided she'd better not get out of the water just yet with her soaked underwear, so she trod water as she took some more of the potent liquid.

"Funny meeting you like this," Jack said. He was directly behind her, and Carolyn turned, but not quickly enough, to see just how close he was getting. His strong hard body was pressing against hers, and there was nothing else to do but accept the forbidden kiss that he offered her. All thoughts of twisting away from the handsome stranger were lost in the violent thrill that Carolyn felt racing through her entire body, and she thought that she would melt from the heat of the excitement that rose inside her. The contact of Jack's long lean body against hers in the water caused something like an electrical current to race through her from the tips of her toes to her newly painted finger tips.

Jack could feel that there would be little resistance in the little blonde bitch as he started to explore her wet mouth with his tongue, and he took them both down beneath the surface of the water again. Halfway down, he undid the top of the new bride's brassiere so that her highly toned breasts swelled free in the water. Gently he massaged the pointed little tips, stiff and erect from the water and the excitement of his touch.

His large hands kneaded and molded at the twenty-one year old's naked flesh, feeling it slide beneath his fingers, as the two newlyweds performed a dream-like underwater ballet, illicitly locked together in each other's arms in the solitude of the blue water.

Despite the fact that her husband was sleeping not more than fifty feet away, Carolyn felt an almost irresistible longing rising within her liquor-sensitized loins. This was the kind of excitement she craved. This was the unexpected happening she'd been yearning for. But what about Don? Well, wasn't it his fault for falling asleep on her? What husband would fall asleep on his bride of a few days, no matter how tired he was? It was easy to work up a degree of anger against her sleeping spouse, and to explain away the desire that she could not resist. She could feel the hard ridge of Jack's cock pressing against her bare stomach, creating a tingling sensation that flowed along the length of her spine.

After a moment's hesitation, her tongue began to eagerly explore the inside of her neighbor's mouth, rubbing and pressing as he sucked gently on it. It felt unreal to her... she began to pretend she was another person... she was no longer a wife with a sleeping husband; she was in a living dream and there would be no consequences to her actions whatever they were.

And when Jack floated them both over to the edge of the pool, the blonde bride felt as limp as a rag doll, overcome by an overwhelming desire for the stranger.

By the side of the pool, rolling on the soft green grass, she lay her head back against Jack's shoulder. They were sheltered by the thick undergrowth, and could not be seen from the cabanas. Carolyn felt relaxed and contented. Any feelings of guilt that she had fleetingly harbored magically submerged as Jack's hands began a gentle stroking motion along the surface of her wetly glistening belly. He brushed his fingers lightly over her midriff, creating imaginary lines upon the softness of her flesh.

Carolyn moaned softly as she felt his hands pulling at the thin elastic waistband of her panties. Her breasts trembled ever so slightly as she took a deep breath, and making a decision, she lifted her buttocks up from the ground so that the soaking material could be more easily removed. Jack pulled slowly, and the blonde bride could feel her flimsy bikini panties being peeled off bit by bit, first rolling down her shapely thighs over her calves and then off her feet. Freedom. She lay completely naked, fully exposed to her neighbor's adulterous gaze.

"Oh baby, you do look nice!" he said, speaking for the first time since he had begun to make love to her. Carolyn, opening her eyes wide, saw the steely glint of passion in his gray-green eyes, his wet hair curled in sandy ringlets on his head. There was no turning back now. Besides, no one would ever know. She knew she was going to go through with it. The whole thing! Her sensuous body seemed to be demanding that she indulge in it, as a shudder of desire passed through her. Jack was removing his swimming trunks. He lay beside her without ever removing his eyes from the sight of her cock-stirring nakedness. They lay there side by side scarcely moving for a long moment, anticipation rising between them, creating a heaviness, a weight between them as though they were somehow attached to each other. Then Jack reached out and gently turned the twenty-one year old blonde girl over on her side away from him. He assuaged her questioning gesture with a kiss, leaning way over her so that his virile nakedness pressed warmly against her from the back. She could feel the lust-swollen breadth of his penis pulsing against her cool buttocks while he kissed her, his mouth seemingly glued to her lips. And then the hardness of his penis was sliding downward, parting the natural slit between her soft buttocks until it finally arrived at the pulsating spot between her curvaceous thighs. The tip of his thick shaft throbbed heatedly against the hair-rimmed entrance of her moist warm pussy.

Jack's tongue began an in-and-out motion between her parted lips as he started an almost imperceptible thrusting of his hips, letting the full length of his torso press against her back. Instinctively, Carolyn parted her legs slightly and began an answering motion, making small but insistent jerking movements while she began to suck furiously on Jack's tongue, pulling it still deeper into her throat as she strained her head back to meet him.

Jack's rock-hard penis strained at the entrance to her tight cuntal passage, the sensitive opening giving a little more with each movement the illicit lovers made.

Then Jack pushed against her and, holding onto Carolyn's waist, he pulled himself up while pulling her beneath him. The upraised cheeks of her buttocks trembled above his cock as Carolyn was forced to assume a kneeling position in front of him.

"Oh!" she cried out softly, startled by this odd position. Then Jack gave a grunt behind her and she could no longer think about that, because the tip of his lust-driven cock forced the pliant circle of her pussy wide open, and his long thick shaft entered her, pushing back the soft moist flesh in its forceful wake. Slowly he sunk the long rigid shaft into her high-held cunt, until it was in to the hilt.

"Yeahhhh!" he whispered to her ear, shuffling lewdly forward while he pulled back on her hips, so that his pulsing cock was imbedded all the more deeply within the hot slippery tightness of the young wife's yearning cunt. She felt even better than he'd imagined. Nice and tight and wet and warm. His excited penis jerked inside of her, wanting to release a flood of semen into her quivering depths at that very second. But he would wait a while before that happened, he thought.

Beneath him Carolyn let out a soft gasp of ecstasy as her neighbor's cock filled her with its thick bulk. She felt wild and began to wriggle her hips, screwing herself back toward him so that he would enter her still further. The young girl acted as though she wanted to devour him, as though she had not been made love to in weeks. Indeed, she felt as though she had not been touched in a long, long while, certainly not like this!

Jack's hard-driving cock sped ever upward into the young wife's straining wet pussy, pushing back the trembling folds of her vaginal walls, massaging them internally with each steady thrust. He brought the glistening hardness of his penis all the way out of her clenching pussy, leaving just the tip of it within the elastic entrance of her nakedly quivering softness. And then with all his might he rammed back into her streaming passage, his naked loins grinding harshly against her upturned buttocks.

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