Twins, and Mother and Teacher - Cover

Twins, and Mother and Teacher


Chapter 18

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 18 - Her honey moon was the beginning of something she could have never imagined in her life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

Emma Worthington sat dismally over her tasteless tuna fish salad. The slices of hard boiled egg on her plate seemed to stare back at her with hateful eyes. She'd been down in the lunchroom for about ten minutes now, having left her office shortly after Mrs. Stilton's arrival. She would stay for the entire hour she decided, until that awful woman had left, and then perhaps she could find something... some small favor perhaps that would put her back in Brad's good graces. The thought gave her a glimmer of hope. With a deep sigh, she took another bite of her tuna salad.

Tim and Bennie finally spotted the solitary figure of Miss Worthington sitting in a corner of the lunch room. They moved quickly, without at the same time appearing to rush, in her direction. Tim carried the cup of juice carefully so as not to spill a drop.

When Emma looked up and saw the two thirteen year olds, she groaned.

"What do you want?" she asked with ill humor. "If it is about that Miss Appleton of yours, I haven't heard a thing and neither has Mr. Armstrong, so don't go bothering him!"

As far as she was concerned, the drab secretary hoped that Miss Appleton never showed up again. Besides, she'd heard rumors about the pretty young teacher. Very compromising rumors. She'd overheard some of the older boys talking one day and she'd gotten quite an earful before they spotted her and shut up.

"Whoa, Miss Worthington, it's not about Miss Appleton!" Bennie said, pleasantly. But inside he was seething at the way the principal's secretary spoke the name of their most favorite person in the world.

"No," Tim added. "We've just brought you some juice, Miss Worthington. To go along with your salad."

Emma looked at the paper cup full of juice. Her mouth was rather dry, she realized, due to the uncompromising nature of her salad. "Well, thank you," she said, tasting the liquid. It tasted good, different from the grape juice she'd expected it was. It was about time she got a little service in this school. She hoped that some of the teachers who were sitting at a distant table had seen and noted that the twins had brought her something to drink! Maybe people would begin to take more notice of her. She was tired of being kicked around like an old shoe, when she knew she deserved more, much more!

Silently, Emma downed the entire cup, thinking her own resentful and spiteful thoughts as the odd-tasting grape juice slid down her throat and into her stomach.

"Oh by the way, Miss Worthington," Tim said, when he saw that the cup was empty, "Mr. Armstrong was asking for you. Said he wanted to see you right away!"

"WHAT?" Emma stood up. A bit of tuna fish clung to her mouth, unnoticed, as she glared at the twins. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? Why didn't you tell me right away?"

Neither Tim or Bennie got the chance to answer, for Emma flew out of the cafeteria and headed for the stairs. The twins looked at each other and smiled. Soon things would be swell. Things would be hunky-dory!

Inside the principal's office, on the rug before his desk, two figures writhed, oblivious to time or place. It was a kind of struggle for life for each of them, the one driven by a drug's devious turnings in his system, the other driven by self- preservation.

Mrs. James Stilton's palpitating vagina widened and flared with animalistic desire. It was swallowing the whole of Brad Armstrong's lewd penis as it plunged mercilessly to the very core of her belly.

The beautiful woman, who had headed the local best-dressed list for the last five years, accepted each and every fierce thrust into her softly accepting cuntal depths, for she was thinking of that day so long ago, feeling the hot sand, the taste of the salty sweat from the Mexican's brow as it dropped to her parted lips. He had brought his hand around to where his firmly and deeply ensconced penis was sliding smoothly in and out of her desire-drenched pussy, and she felt him begin to fondle the tender hair-trimmed lips of her cunt, milking at his own rampaging hardness, continuing to play there until softer groans of unrestrained lust formed in her slender throat and escaped to the sea air. The widening sheath of her grasping pussy accepted the quickened stroke, now as hot and pulsating and deep, it moved within her, causing a tormenting agony of pleasure that caused her to thrash insanely beneath him. And then he was pressing his hands under her knees and moaning along with her as he ground down hard and deep until she was like jelly beneath him. Her straining loins burned, blazing at her mind, overpowering all thought other than that of the magnificent pressure building inside her. His hands were like fluttering angel's wings as they ran over her, creating friction and desire wherever they went. This was loving! This was life!

Emma Worthington could hear the groaning and moaning, the wet skewering thrusts clearly as she opened the door to her outer office. They were coming from inside... inside where Brad had been meeting with Mrs. Stilton! As she raced inside, the effects of the formula the Larsen twins had mixed in her juice was already making itself felt, and this, along with her normal thoughts and feelings added to the fact that she was completely ignorant of the fact that the two good-looking thirteen year olds were right behind her. As in an old Bette Davis movie she had seen, whose scenes still lurked in her subconscious, Miss Worthington flung open the door and stood stock-still in horrified dismay.

"Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me, Juanito, darling!" Jennifer Stilton moaned lustfully, just as she had that day on the beach, calling to him with the obscene words that were necessary to describe her great pleasure. "Wonderful! So wonderful! Harder, harder, my darling. Make me yours... no one but yours!"

Emma Worthington could see the PTA president writhing and panting obscenely, while above her the purplish face of her own dear Brad puffed savagely with each mighty rocking thrust of his loins. Lewdly, they were both dressed--above the waist that is-- while below, their naked loins ground lasciviously together, Armstrong's pants and shorts having been thrust down to his knees while Mrs. Stilton's skirt seemed to be completely missing for the moment.

Oblivious of the intruder, Jennifer felt the principal's deeply fucking penis swelling within her like a huge, unrelenting animal, raging and hurtling into her trembling belly, making her loins tingle in the grips of a heavenly dream. Oh, it was fabulous, the most incredible thing she'd ever done. And Jim would never know how much she'd enjoyed the peasant boy's nakedly thrusting loins, how she'd spread her legs so willingly, so wide for him, knowing that he'd fuck her hungrily aching pussy better than it had ever been fucked before!

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