Twins, and Mother and Teacher - Cover

Twins, and Mother and Teacher


Chapter 17

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 17 - Her honey moon was the beginning of something she could have never imagined in her life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

"What do you brats want now?" Emma Worthington did not bother to hide her extreme dislike of the Larsen twins. Why should she? It was clear they were over-privileged, smart-mouthed little brats, spoiled rotten! The fact that she knew they managed to pull the wool over practically every teacher's eyes in the entire school only added to her desire to treat the boys with the ill- humor she felt they truly deserved.

"Teachers' pets!" she thought ruefully, thinking of all the special privileges that she knew the twins had received since they'd been at the school.

Tim and Bennie looked askance at the school principal's secretary. They were each thinking that the time had come for an all-out war between them. Nobody got away with calling them brats... not to their faces anyway, and Miss Worthington was no exception.

"We'd like to see Mr. Armstrong, please," Tim said politely, taking in Miss Worthington's pinched features, the drab, colorless hair piled atop her head, still containing a shade of red that hinted at a prettier color in days gone by. Her spreading figure might have been good once, but lack of exercise and overeating had sent it to the borderline, and certain parts of her once trim hips spread opulently over the edge of her chair, despite the long-line girdle that she wore.

"AGAIN?" Miss Worthington cried. "You boys just can't keep on coming up here like this. Mr. Armstrong is the principal of this school. He's a very busy man. He hasn't got time to keep answering your questions!"

The secretary's voice became so shrill that a shadow appeared at the ripple-glass door that had the word Principal neatly lettered on it. Brad Armstrong peered outside and looked questioning and, the boys thought, disapprovingly at his secretary.

"What on earth is the trouble, Miss Worthington?" he asked. Then spotting the twins who were standing with their hands politely clasped behind their backs, he realized what the commotion was. "Oh! It's you boys again," he said. "Well, come on in. I've got a second to spare."

Triumphantly the Larsens marched past Miss Worthington, and just before closing Mr. Armstrong's door, Bennie, who was the last inside, turned to flash a brilliant smile at the thirty-five year old secretary. Emma spluttered and returned to her typing. The nerve of them, she thought indignantly.

Brad Armstrong turned to face his freshman students, once he'd returned to his position behind his desk. He cleared his throat and tried to look benevolent.

"I told you two that I'd let you know as soon as I have word about Miss Appleton's return. More than that I cannot do!"

"But she was due to be gone only a month!" Tim said, shifting from one foot to the other.

"Yes... well she called in to ask for an extension of that time, and she could be gone for as long as another month." Armstrong said with an annoyed tone. He was sick of them coming to ask about their teacher. Obviously a schoolboy crush, and in Miss Appleton's case, thoroughly justified. She was probably out there getting herself screwed silly every night, he thought, and the very idea of it irked him no end. All he was getting these days was Emma Worthington, and his interest in his secretary was beginning to decline, to say the least, since those first days several years before when she had been a "semi-beautiful" young woman, a virgin, whom he had delighted in debauching. But even debauchery with Miss Worthington had its limits and there were only a limited number of things she could be counted upon to do.

Besides, her giggling at crucial moments was beginning to get on his nerves.

"Now run along children... just run along. And I don't want to see you here again, unless it's for a good reason!" Unceremoniously, Brad ushered the disconsolate teenagers out of his office, and Miss Worthington looked smug as they passed her desk.

Once back in their room, the boys lay brooding on their twin beds.

"We've gotta do something about them," Tim finally said, breaking the long silence.

"Yep," Bennie agreed, knowing perfectly well that his brother was referring to Mr. Armstrong and his ugly secretary. Scotsdale boys were never referred to as children, for one thing. The accepted term was "men" or "young men". Their principal's reference to the teenagers as children only proved something the boys had long suspected about the grey-haired head of the school. He was insincere, and pompous, unfit to be the head of Scotsdale School. What was more, no one had called either of them a "brat" since their father's former wife, 'old Carolyn', and they knew what they'd done to her! She was the ex-Mrs. Larsen before the marriage was two months old, but not before she had endured the most stringent of tribulations with the twins under the influence of the formula. Tim and Bennie still chuckled when they thought of their former stepmother and the family dog, Shep. Certainly Shep would never forget the first and perhaps only female human being he'd had the good fortune to mate with! Then there was Carolyn and her girlfriend. Shit, that had been most interesting to see, when the boys made sure that both girls got a good dose of their special aphrodisiac sauce in the daiquiri mix. Both the adolescents were pleased about the resulting divorce. That had been their only goal; after all, they'd not wanted to ruin the pretty blonde adultress' entire life, only her life with their father. All their actions were justified they felt by Carolyn's naturally lascivious nature. The way they'd caught her carrying on with that magazine salesman. And right in the kitchen of their own house! Yes, they were both proud of how they'd made things turn out then, and the silence between the boys now was an indication that they felt that certain measures needed to be taken again!

It was very difficult being without their dear Miss Appleton, and especially hard since they'd heard not a word from the charming twenty-three year old since her departure from the school over a month ago. The fact that she was staying away beyond the period of her original leave was alarming to say the least. Dealing with people like Mr. Armstrong and Miss Worthington only made life that much more horrible and frustrating. Yes, definitely something would have to be done. After all, it wasn't only a question of honor... it was a question of amusement!

After the supper that evening the boys began to plot out their latest plan. A surge of excitement reanimated their innocent-looking faces as they set to work again. Soon, things would be jumping again!

Emma Worthington set the tray down on her desk for a brief moment when she heard her name being called from outside her office. She'd been on her way inside with it, having fetched it from the cafeteria at the usual time: 10:15 a.m. Brad always wanted his coffee then, and Emma was particularly sure to stir in the correct amount of sugar and cream herself. The coffee ritual was very important to the faithful secretary because this was most frequently the time when her boss would be in need of her services... her 'other' services.

She stepped outside into the hall, puzzled that someone would be calling her out there. Who on earth could it be. Outside she saw no one, and deciding that it must have been her imagination she returned to the tray on her desk.

Just one last look in her compact mirror before she entered Brad's office, and she would be ready. She didn't want the coffee to be cold, after all!

Emma tugged a bit on her long-line girdle. They weren't supposed to ride up, but for some reason hers did. Hopefully she would soon be removing it... hopefully Brad would be in a loving mood that morning!

The faded redhead tapped lightly on the inner office door and then entered, bearing the small tray with its coffee. The principal was seated behind his desk, reading a book. Emma admired the older man for a moment before he looked up. He was so studious, she thought, so scholarly!

When the silver-haired principal looked up, Emma smiled her best smile and chirped. "Here it is... piping hot, and just the way you like it!" Emma blushed when she felt her boss's eyes lingering at the level of her well-developed breasts. She was glad she'd gone out to that sale the day before even though it had been raining pitchforks, to get one of those cross-your-heart bras. It had done wonders for her full breasts, and she felt sure Brad was noticing now.

"Thank you, Emma," he said in his deep baritone. Such a lovely speaking voice he had. Emma never failed to be thrilled at the Graduations and other occasions when Brad got up to speak.

"Is there... anything else I can do for you?" she asked, almost shyly. How good it would feel, his wonderful male hardness surging into her belly! His warm encouraging words of tenderness... intimate words that he would use when touching her where no one had ever touched but him! It would be especially good today, Miss Worthington felt... especially good since she was so much in a mood... a romantic mood!

"No... no, that will be all for the moment, Emma. Thank you very much."

Emma could hardly believe her ears, and yet she returned Brad's pleasant smile and exited from the office in a suitably humble manner. Yet as she sat back down at her desk, the thirty- five year old secretary felt crushed. Her boss was definitely losing interest in her, and their exciting secret meetings were becoming less and less frequent, and she was beginning to see the writing on the wall. It was all the more distressing therefore when the intercom buzzed and Brad Armstrong's voice came booming out. "The coffee is lousy, Emma! Did you make it yourself or something?"

All of her protests were to no avail. The coffee, as far as she knew, was the same that the cafeteria always made. She offered to get him another cup, but he told her no thanks, he'd finish it anyway, even though it was sickeningly sweet and disgusting.

Emma was crestfallen. She knew that she had put the same amount of sugar in that she usually did... exactly one and a half lumps. Whatever had gone wrong was certainly not her fault, but Brad would never believe that, and somehow Emma sensed that their entire clandestine relationship had been ruined by the particularly unfortunate mistake.

She sat despondently at her desk, listlessly typing some reports for the next parent-teachers' meeting. She had to have at least one advance copy ready by 11:30 when the head of the association was due to stop by to discuss the upcoming meeting with Mr. Armstrong.

Mrs. James Stilton III had her chauffeur wait downstairs. Then she briskly walked up the impressive stairway of the main building of the Scotsdale School for Boys. Her own son was a senior there, and due to graduate that June. It would be her last year as head of the parent-teachers' association, but as with everything, Jennifer Stilton planned on doing an excellent job. Her slender figure and soft pretty features belied the fact that she was a woman past 35, a woman older than Miss Emma Worthington for example, who could have easily passed for Jennifer's mother. It was not only the money that helped. Good genes, helpful beauty hints passed on from her own beautiful mother... all these things made Jennifer Stilton the most sought after young matron in the Sacramento Valley area. Her son Edward, nicknamed Slim because of his slender lanky form, was not exactly an honor student at the school, but neither had he disgraced himself in anyway, and for this Mrs. Stilton was grateful in this age of adolescent strife. She was pleased to have chosen Scotsdale School for her son, and glad that her judgment had proven valid. Mr. Stilton had little to do with his family, being far too busy most of the time running his interlocking corporations and expanding them so eventually they had become a mysterious international cartel. So just about every facet of home life was left to Jennifer, and the attractive dark-haired woman was proud of the strength and talent she'd shown in these fields.

Sometimes it was a bit lonesome, being isolated by both her beauty and her money from others, especially since she found these wealthy people who were most nearly in her income bracket to be a good deal older than she, and for the most part boring as paint. Reading was Jennifer's primary source of true pleasure when it got down to it, despite the gala balls, the box at the opera, the attentive homosexual escorts. Curling up with chocolates, and her records playing, and a good best seller, was her idea of real relaxation.

In fact, Mrs. Stilton thought as she made her way to Mr. Armstrong's office, she would much rather be at home at this very moment than going to see the principal of her son's preparatory school. However it had to be done, and Mrs. Stilton would do it cheerfully, and of course, she would do it well.

"Good morning, Mrs. Stilton!"

Just before entering the outer office, Mrs. Stilton passed the cutest set of twins she'd ever seen. She replied, wondering just how they knew her name. She didn't believe that they were friends of her son; they were quite a bit younger, or at least appeared to be. The wealthy socialite had forgotten that her picture had been published in the weekly student paper, and that her impending visit had incidentally been mentioned. What nice boys, she thought as she closed the door behind her and encountered the glum countenance of Miss Worthington.

"Good morning. Mr. Armstrong is expecting you, Mrs. Stilton. You may go right in."

Emma glowered at Jennifer's back as the other woman entered Brad's office. How she hated that woman, with that figure and every hair in place and that perfume and those legs and those clothes that Emma would never be able to wear. God, she was annoying! Just the fact that women like her existed was enough to ruin Emma Worthington's day, if she chanced to think of it. It was similar to her feeling for Miss Appleton, Emma thought as she glared at the closed office door. Except that Miss Appleton was at least a working woman like herself, and not born or married rich! Nevertheless, there was a disturbing similarity in Emma's feelings toward both attractive women, and just as she hated a certain look that Brad got in his eye when he looked at the pretty young teacher, she hated the similar, though more guarded look that he got when he looked at Mrs. Stilton. How long since he had looked at her that way? It had been several years, and it seemed forever!

Tim Larsen looked at his watch. "It should be fully activated by now."

"Great!" Bennie replied. He'd been the one to call Miss Worthington's name in the hall, while his twin brother, already hiding in the outer office, had easily slipped a good portion of their special "formula" into Mr. Armstrong's coffee.

Now it was only a matter of waiting to see what would happen. Whatever happened, though, the twins were sure that they could and would turn it to their advantage!

Inside the office, Brad Armstrong paced nervously up and down. He'd been perspiring heavily for several minutes, and now he felt suddenly cold. There was another disturbing factor too. He had a raging erection. Now that Mrs. Stilton had arrived, Brad quickly sat down behind his desk again to prevent the influential matron from seeing. But God, how he longed to rub his stiff and throbbing member! For some reason he was having trouble focusing on Mrs. Stilton's patrician features. Yet, he knew from memory how she looked. She was probably one of the most beautiful women in California, he thought now, his mind racing feverishly, while his lips struggled to carry on a conventional conversation... about what? The disturbed principal wasn't even sure... oh yes, about the coming PTA meeting, and the topics that would be presented to the members of the association.

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