Twins, and Mother and Teacher - Cover

Twins, and Mother and Teacher


Chapter 16

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 16 - Her honey moon was the beginning of something she could have never imagined in her life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

"A leave of absence, Miss Appleton?" Brad Armstrong sat behind his desk, his paunch partially hidden by the papers in front of him.

"Yes, that's right, Mr. Armstrong. You see... I... I haven't been myself recently. I need time to recover my health so that I can be a good teacher to the boys and a credit to the school."

"Well... I suppose we can arrange it, Miss Appleton." Brad was thinking. Supposing he told her she'd have to get down on her hands and knees and suck him off before he'd let her go! That would be something all right! But while nothing prevented the middle-aged principal of the Scotsdale School from thinking about such a thing, he knew that he wouldn't suggest such a thing.

"Yes... we can certainly arrange it," he added. "May I add that we will miss you sorely, my dear! You must hurry back to us!"

Alice was grateful. She stood up. "Oh thank you Mr. Armstrong. I will... I certainly will. A month should be sufficient!"

As she turned to go out the door after shaking the principal's hand, Alice was confident. She hurried out of the office, unaware of Brad Armstrong's lascivious stare on her ripely swaying ass-cheeks and long shapely legs.

She'll go way, get laid by someone and come back feeling a lot better, he thought to himself as he sat back down at his desk.

"Good day, Miss Worthington!" Alice sang. She was free, free... and she would recover... she would!

The principal's secretary bid Miss Appleton a frigid 'good day' in return, curious and jealous about why the younger woman was in such good spirits after leaving her boss's office, and thinking she'd better find out!

"Oh, glad you came in, Emma. I've got a little dictation."

"I thought you might need me, Brad!" Miss Worthington cooed, sitting down in the dictation chair beside Mr. Armstrong's desk.

"Before we begin, Emma..."

"Yes, Brad?" Emma looked up hopefully. It had been a long time... she was beginning to wonder. Her heart thumped in her throat as she waited.

A twinkle came into Brad's normally stone serious eyes as his tone changed completely.

"Come here, gorgeous!" he said, holding his arms open wide.

"Oh Brad!" Miss Worthington flew into the offered embrace. It was wonderful to love and be loved in secret by the Scotsdale principal. It made up for all the work she had to do... for the low salary, and for the impertinences of the various teachers.

"Go lock the door, Emma. I want to see you... really see you!"

"Oh Brad... yes, yes!" Emma ran to the door, her flesh thrilling as she thought of how she would be nakedly pressed against Brad's masculine chest, she would know these delights which he and only he had brought out in her. Oh they might think she was a 'professional virgin' all right, but she knew different!

"Leaving, Miss Appleton?" Tim and Bennie Larsen couldn't believe their ears. The bitter memory of how the other boys had taken advantage of the aphrodisiac they'd given to her still burned in their minds. They recalled all too well the pleasures the others had reaped from their own dear Miss Appleton, when they should have been the ones! They had been the ones to go and carefully dress their unconscious teacher after the others had had their naked fill of her drug-stimulated body. They'd pinned up her hair and made her look as respectable as possible under the circumstances.

But now, they honestly felt the pain of the young teacher's departure, and tried desperately to think of something they could do about it.

"It's for you, boys," Alice said earnestly. "I'm leaving so that I can be in perfect health and return to teaching you the way I did before!"

"Gee, Miss Appleton," Tim pleaded, thinking quickly, "would you give us just one more of those special study sessions again before you leave?"

Alice agreed to show the boys all of her art books on the night before she was to leave the school. She arranged a special 'stay up' pass for them, and at 7:15 p.m. they were to meet in the empty study hall.

However, before Alice was ready to leave, at precisely five minutes after seven, she heard a light tapping at her door. Opening it, she discovered the two eager thirteen year olds, hair brushed and faces shining clean, dressed in their best vest sweaters and shirts, long pants with cuffs and brown oxfords. All of this constituted a kind of school uniform, but on Tim and Bennie the familiar outfit looked more special than usual. Alice was taken aback by their presence, and when she wondered aloud how they had been able to get into the faculty wing, they told her the truth. They had shown their special pass, plus the large important-looking bunch of flowers that they had gone to town that afternoon to buy for their departing teacher, and the old man on duty had indulgently let them in.

Alice sat down on the studio couch, somewhat nonplused. Her eyebrows knit together in consternation at the realization that she was alone with the boys in her small apartment. Evidences of her packing were all around, and all the knickknacks and special mementos that had been placed about before, were now temporarily gone. It gave the small apartment a forlorn air, and Tim and Bennie were the first to feel the stark reality of Miss Appleton's leave-taking.

Tim thrust the bouquet of flowers into Alice's arms and the boys stood back, admiring the beauty of the red and white carnations below their teacher's lovely flower-like face. They were striking together, the colorful flowers and dark-haired Miss Appleton, and seeming to sense this and the dramatic sadness of the moment, Alice began to cry.

She didn't want to leave the school. She had never wanted to leave, not for a moment, not even for summer vacations. So far she had spent the summers tutoring boys who were failing, and looking forward to her regular students in the fall. Now, she was going away, forced into leaving really by the terrible shame of her own unexplainably lewd behavior. She would be leaving these wide-eyed young creatures, both so beautiful really that they didn't quite look human... more like some kind of woodland animal. Yet she couldn't remain to corrupt them. She must be someone the twins would always remember with affection and... yes, respect, despite her obscene lapse under the school stairwell that day. As far as the tragedy that had taken place on the day of the school picnic was concerned, Alice was not at all sure that she hadn't imagined seeing the Larsen boys' faces looking earnestly on while she took on the entire bunch of rowdy seniors. Yet deep down inside she knew that they must have seen it all, hadn't they been due to return any moment with a cold drink for her? If only she hadn't sent them away, she might have been with them instead of those disgusting boys who would now spread ugly rumors about her to the entire class.

Just the thought of the things they'd say made Alice blush fiercely, and as Bennie took the flowers from her trembling arms and went in search of a vase, she continued to sob softly to herself. It was all crazy and mixed up, and it didn't seem fair that any of this should be happening to her. What had she done to deserve such suffering?

By Bennie's return, Tim had moved to comfort his teacher, sitting close by her side and gently stroking her arm.

"There, there..." he muttered.

"Don't cry, Miss Appleton." Bennie sat on the other side and soothed at Alice's pretty dark hair, brushing it back from her face. Both boys knew that what they were attempting was an experiment beyond any they had previously thought out. They had not brought any of the infamous "formula" with them. Not a single drop. It had been too awful watching Miss Appleton go through those body-and-mind-shattering torments at the picnic. Too painful to see that something usually went wrong and they were thwarted from their amorous goal.

Alice felt Tim's lips gentle upon her neck, and then the young boy's breath was blowing warm on the exposed area of her upper chest, his chin moving the fabric of her soft blouse downward toward the hidden cream-whiteness of her firm full breasts. Alice continued to sob softly for a time, letting herself become completely limp in their arms. Her two prize pupils held her and petted her, kissed their teacher gently, ardently while in her mind Alice thought of what might have been... the long-ago lover that might have become a loving husband, had he not chosen to take her virginity, all her young passion, and then move on... the career that might have been spotless, untarnished by the lustful necessities of her body! But this was what she wanted, desired like this. This was what she needed from her two young boys! Her long dark eyelashes fluttered wildly as she felt Tim's flushed face pressing now against the heated surface of her breast. How had her blouse come unbuttoned? How had she let this happen? And the clasp of her brassiere seemed to have melted to nothingness! Deep in her trembling belly the aroused young teacher felt the strongest surge of lust she had ever known. This was different from before --much different. Her motivation seemed to be coming from her mind as well as her body, rather than originating with her body and eventually clouding her mind. This time she wanted to give herself up to love... not to the shadow of her long departed lover, but to these beautiful children! Her own students. Now it seemed as though it had been these tenderly caressing fingers she'd wanted all along. On some subconscious level, they were the ones she'd felt would give her just what she needed!

"Beautiful... fantastic..."

"Incredible!" The thirteen year old boys murmured over and over. Moving slowly, they easily and without the least bit of resistance removed each delicate article of Miss Appleton's clothing. Gracefully she turned to allow them each withdrawal, each uncovering of her splendid nakedness. It was all right, it was perfectly all right! She kept telling herself. It had to be, didn't it... for she was going to do it anyway!

Tim and Bennie were overwhelmed as never before by the sight of their teacher's pale, almost translucent skin, gleaming like a rich and exotic jewel against the dark plaid couch cover, for they knew that her arousal this time was real... not forced by the drug they'd originally invented from a book of aphrodisiac recipes. Their flesh burned at the sight of the lovely creature who decided to give herself to them without the benefit of the precious "formula"! Already they could feel what it would be like to possess this willingly waiting woman ten years older than they. Shortly they would know the delights of her secret flesh, the way they had known those of their father's unfaithful second wife. But this time love would be their motivation, rather than hatred! It was better... much better!

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