Twins, and Mother and Teacher - Cover

Twins, and Mother and Teacher


Chapter 15

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 15 - Her honey moon was the beginning of something she could have never imagined in her life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

Alice lay sprawled on the soft grass, anxiously waiting the return of the twins. She'd sent them off to get a cold drink for her in hopes that the spell she felt coming on would have passed by their return, but now Alice knew that she wanted them to return for another reason, to assuage the yearning she felt, that insistent desire that erased all other considerations from her mind with its pulsing madness!

In her mouth, the drugged young teacher could still taste the raspberry flavored jelly that the boys had given her in a sandwich, and for some odd reason this taste seemed to add to her licentious state of mind. It was also reminiscent of something else, but Alice couldn't think of what. She couldn't think of anything, in fact, but the burning, tingling torment down between her legs. Fortunately she was in a secluded spot, and while she still had a measure of self-preservation in her, Alice rolled still further into the bushes, carrying with her a discarded tennis racket that she'd been carrying, hoping to give it to the rightful owner.

Now, however, Alice had other plans for the tennis racket, and as she felt its thick handle in her perspiring palm the tormented woman knew for certain just what they were.

Scrambling out of her panties took a split second, and with a moan of terror combined with longing, Alice spread the cream-white nakedness of her thighs as her stockings dropped limply down to her calves, unhinged from their garter snaps. Holding the unwieldy racket in both hands, Alice bared the dark curl of her quivering cunt, revealing the glistening inner coral of her tender pussy lips. Within those tight petal-like lips an inferno was raging, and with a little groan of self-pity, Alice lowered the oddly shaped pole between her lewdly widespread legs until it reached the desire-drenched entrance to her aching pussy.

It felt cold and hard, and yet Alice had to try to get it inside her... somehow or other she would get the surcease she needed from this obscene instrument, and perhaps it would be over and she would be fine by the time the thirteen year old twins returned.

The leather grip covering on the handle made little headway within the passion-drenched opening of Alice's widespread pussy, and yet, with determination and more muscle than she thought she had, the drugged teacher was able to insert the oddly shaped handle just a fraction of an inch up into the wide-stretched orifice of her hair-fringed vaginal passage.

"Oooooooohhhhhhh!" she crooned, "Uuuuuuuuuugggghhhh!"

Miss Appleton's whereabouts would have gone completely undetected by the searching seniors had they not heard the rising tones of the wildly thrashing brunette's lust. It was Champ who first heard them. They were passing right by the little clump of bushes. And then the others heard them too, and within moments they had moved into the brush to investigate the strange sounds.

Alice opened her eyes wide as she heard the noises. She hoped it was only her imagination, for the obscenely inserted tennis racket handle was twisting and turning within the heated confines of her fully presented pussy, bringing her to the wild climax that she needed in order to survive at all!

"Christ, will you get a load of that!" It was Slim speaking, for the others--even Champ--were absolutely speechless in front of the most licentious display any of them had ever seen or dreamed of!

Champ was the first to recover his voice, however, as his eyes met the terrified eyes of his old English teacher, Miss Appleton, as she lay half-naked in the bushes with the tennis racket shoved up between her legs. Nothing he could have invented about her would have matched this moment for pure obscenity, and yet, to the tall overgrown senior, it seemed suddenly that every lie he'd ever told about Miss Appleton had been true. That she had indeed propositioned him, that she was in truth a hot nympho who would do it with anybody who came along... especially him!

His thick lips parted and Champ smiled, a cocky self-assured expression set itself on his irregular features and he spoke. "Hey, Miss Appleton... all you had to do was tell me... if its screwing you want... I'd be happy to oblige! Me... and maybe some of the other boys, too!"

He might just as well have struck the mortified young teacher. The impact would have been no greater. As Champ came down over her, she raised her hands between them, planting them against his broad chest as if to hold him away. But he grabbed hold of the tennis racket, and began to thrust it deeper inside her than she herself had gone. With a cry of alarm, Alice stared at the big boy with horror while the delicious sensations continued to torment her entire being.

None of the circle of boys even saw Tim and Bennie as they came running up behind them, and throughout the entire unprecedented event no one ever noticed that the twins were standing on the borderline, observing everything.

"I told you we never should have left her!" Tim cried. "You could have gone and I could have stayed here!"

"And let you get in on everything first? Just because you were born first doesn't mean you have to get everything first!"

"What difference does it make now?" Tim replied angrily. They'd done it... fluffed their big chance again, and now they dared not get involved with what was about to happen. The best they could do was to hang around to make sure that nobody got caught. The best they could do was to hope that they would have better luck next time!

"Dear God, no, no, no!" Alice was crying, but she watched in an unwanted, suddenly inflamed, half-stupor while the others moved closer, encircling her and Champ. To her dismay they were at Champ's suggestion unbuckling their belts, letting down their trousers, exposing their lust-hardened shafts of varying sizes wherever she turned. They were jutting out from the boys' youthful loins, pointing at her almost accusingly, rigidly ready and poised to punish her for what they had found her doing in the bushes!

"It can't be! It just can't be happening!" Alice whined, shaking her dark curls in utter disbelief as the burly senior rose before her, pulling with him the offending tennis racket, making her feel the harsh scraping of its exit from her delicate vaginal interior. But she saw that he too was unfastening his pants to let them slip to the ground, baring his thick projecting rod of flesh to her horrified eyes.

"No... you're mistaken... No you've got to let me alone. Boys, please... please go away!"

A wave of sniggers and chortles came down to her burning ears as if in answer to her plea, while Alice gaped incredulously at the grinning young seniors, looking from one face to the other for some assistance, a spark of pity. But she found none. The boys had been too well convinced... first by Champ's made-up stories, and then by her own lewd circumstances. They stood above her with legs spread apart, each boy obscenely stroking his individually lust-hardened penis.

"We got time!" Champ declared, answering his own mute question. "You want to take your clothes off yourself? Or shall we help you. A lot of the boys ain't never seen an English teacher naked, you know! Won't take a second!"

As she read the obvious enjoyment that Champ was deriving from his brutal words, Alice tried to speak. But she couldn't. The words seemed to stick in her throat. Still, she raised up to her knees groggily, looking up at Champ, her tearful eye pleading for mercy. At the same time, Champ caught hold of her long unpinned hair, and with a short yank, pulled Alice's face toward the rubbery wet-tipped end of his penis. Alice cringed back in pure revulsion, feeling nausea overcoming her.

"Aw come on, Champ... she's sucked your dick enough... let's get her clothes off!" Teddy spoke, and Slim, Jerry, Tom and Mel agreed.

"But Champ fucks her first!" Champ said with a snarl.

"I want her to suck me off like she done you!" Teddy added.

The boys seemed to derive pleasure from letting their grammar grow progressively worse, as though this would further humiliate the captive English teacher.

The ugly words circulating around her suddenly gave Alice the strength to jump to her feet, her passion-weakened body and drugged brain reacting in a vain attempt to escape them. She lunged forward, but they caught her easily, two of them holding her while Champ's hands pulled at her clothes. "She's already got her panties off. That's a help. But let's get a look at those boobs!"

Alice stood helplessly shivering while they stripped her, their hands pawing obscenely at her breasts, buttocks and loins as they became completely exposed to the teenager's depraved eyes. There was nothing that the terrified young teacher could do against their number and strength. She was completely at their mercy.

Then they were pushing her backward, and she felt the grass cold and almost refreshing beneath her naked buttocks. Then she was flat on her back, and it seemed as though at least four of them were holding her, but she couldn't be sure. Everything became a blur and jumble of assorted scents and words and boyish hands, obscenely touching hands!

The boys bent wild-eyed over her to drink in the beautiful young woman's cock-rousing nakedness. Many of them had never seen a naked girl before, and most of them had certainly never touched one. But this was special. This was no ordinary girl. As Champ reminded them, "remember who she is. I've been telling you about her, boys. She loves it. Don't be fooled. Would she have been out here doing it to herself with a goddamned tennis racket otherwise? This is Miss Appleton, the English teacher, the one who gives out all them zeros... remember?"

Everyone remembered, and a lustful groan of agreement went up from the naked teenagers.

"Just look at those tits!" someone said.

"Man... that soft black-haired little cunt... look at it!"

Momentarily Alice thought she might faint, but she was not to be so lucky. In spite of all the terror and revulsion at the horrible way her helplessly defenseless body was exposed to the lustfully crouching students, tiny wisps of forbidden pleasure still whirled deep down within her quivering belly, and her fully rounded breasts jiggled sensuously with each jagged breath she took.

Then through the sea of faces above her, she once more distinguished the wickedly leering face of Champ Ribozo, and she knew that within moments she would be his victim.

She shut her eyes tightly while the whirlpools of unwanted yearning shot through her. Dear God! She had to fight it with all the strength she had! She couldn't succumb to the awful betrayal of her body the way she had with the twins... the way she had with Ed Boyse! She had to resist them!

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