Twins, and Mother and Teacher - Cover

Twins, and Mother and Teacher


Chapter 13

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 13 - Her honey moon was the beginning of something she could have never imagined in her life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

Anxiously, the Larsen twins looked at the clock. It was early morning--8:45 am to be exact, and according to their calculations their English teacher, Miss Appleton, should have experienced recurrent flashes of the formula they'd given her in a carefully dosed glazed apple. If all went well, Miss Appleton ought to be appearing for her class and then just after the class was over, the formula would reactivate within the pretty brunette's system.

Tim and Bennie waited in the classroom. They were early and very nervous. Unable to return to the faculty wing of the private school after having left, they had no idea how things had gone after the licentious scene they'd witnessed between Miss Appleton and Mr. Boyse, the chemistry teacher. Hopefully, now they would be able to find out if Miss Appleton was feeling well enough to come to her first class of the day.

Further down the hall, Alice Appleton was making her way to the classroom. It wasn't the easiest thing she'd ever done, attending this class as though everything were perfectly all right. In fact, Alice felt perhaps it was the most difficult thing she'd ever accomplished in her life. Still stunned from her lewd experiences of the night before, Alice was unsteady on her feet. The memory. The dreadful shameful memory of what happened with Ed Boyse struck terror in her heart, and yet Alice felt it was therefore all the more important that she not cancel her English class this morning, that she continue her life as normally as possible under the circumstances, and most of all that she not let her students down.

What had happened to her after her special tutoring session with the Larsen twins was a mystery, and one which she could only hope would be cleared up at the complete physical examination she would be getting at the doctor's the following day. For Alice knew that her behavior had to have a cause beyond that of her natural loneliness. After all, she thought, she had grown accustomed to that... or had she? A shiver of horror ran through the comely brunette as she recalled waking up during the night-- long after Boyse had left--and feeling still sore down there from what he had done, yet having to use only the utmost willpower not to go out looking for him... or anyone else who could soothe her still voraciously hungry flesh. But she had gotten through the night... how was a vague memory which Alice endeavored to keep that way, but even so, images of her nakedly writhing body bumping and rubbing against the walls of her apartment like a moth trying to reach a flame came back to the English teacher's disturbed mind.

"Good morning, Miss Appleton!"

Alice jumped. She had expected the classroom to be empty, and now she was forced to face the twins. But how could she even look the darling boys in the eye? There was no question about it. She had to. It was her duty as a teacher.

"Good morning, boys," she replied weakly, sitting down behind her desk as rapidly as possible.

"Are you feeling any better, Miss Appleton?" Bennie asked, carefully inspecting Alice's drawn features from his vantage point in the first row of seats.

"Better? Oh yes... thank you... a bit... but I think I must have a touch of flu, boys. You mustn't come too close or you might catch it."

"We've had our flu shots, Miss Appleton," Tim replied. But the boys remained in their seats in any case, all through the long period which proved to be one of the most difficult lessons that Alice Appleton had ever given. Several zeros were placed on boys' records when they did not know the answer to a particular question or when they could not adequately complete a sentence. It was torture for the pupils in the class and everyone wondered what had happened to turn Miss Appleton into such a horror. Everyone knew that she was strict, yes, but no one had ever seen her like this.

In the rear of the class 'Bull' Johnson groaned a loud noise of relief when the final bell rang. He'd already gotten two zeros, and knew that if the class continued much longer he was on his way to a third. His father, a wealthy industrialist in nearby Sacramento, would kill him if he flunked English again.

Bennie and Tim could see that Miss Appleton was perspiring heavily even though it was not at all warm in the classroom.

The twins lingered after the others had gone, and then flanked their languishing teacher as she prepared to leave the room.

"I... I think I must go down to the cafeteria, boys, for some fruit juice..." Alice stammered. Her tongue felt thick and the cafeteria was the closest place to get something fast.

"We'll go with you, Miss Appleton!" the boys volunteered, and Alice let them help support her downstairs where they sat her at a far table in the empty room and rushed to get her some fruit juice. Gratefully the disturbed young woman drank the pineapple juice they brought her, and then she knew that it was happening again, knew by the trembling of her inner thighs where they lay sleekly together beneath her knee-length skirt. Then deep in the pliant warmth of her hidden pussy, the molten desire simmered to the boiling point.

"Oh!" she gasped, her normally pale features turning crimson with the recognition of what was going to happen and within moments! "I've got to leave boys... got to get back to my apartment!" But both Alice and the boys knew that the drugged twenty-three year old would never have time to make it to her apartment. Nevertheless it had to be attempted. The trio left the empty cafeteria and headed for the stairwell. There they could hear footsteps of scores of pupils coming down beading for the early lunch period. Tim tugged at his teacher's hand and Bennie encouraged the dazed young woman to follow as they ducked beneath the stairs where no one could see them and they could see no one. The space was large enough for them to stand up and the thunderous sound of footsteps and shouting boys echoed around their heads.

Alice was aware of the two boys crowding close to her, of their lithe young forms pressing warmly against her as she backed against the cool wall for support.

"Oh God," she gasped, "oh!" For she had just realized what she wanted to have happen. And yet it went against every moral principle that the normally prim twenty-three year old had.

Her face glistening with nervous perspiration, Alice struggled valiantly against the forces of depravity within her. Then it happened. The nightmare began. The boys were whispering kind remarks to her, asking her what was wrong, telling her to relax, feeling her forehead, holding her hands. And then Bennie's fingers slipped down from her face to her neck and then to her shoulder. Through the wool of her sweater he tenderly squeezed her breast, creating such a wealth of lurid excitation within the older brunette's drug-sensitized system that she had to moan out loud, letting her arms hang limply without protest to her sides. She could feel Tim's hands too now on her other breast and the boys were talking to her, their breathing coming deeper, almost as deep as hers. And to her utter consternation, she did nothing at all to stop them.

"Does it hurt here, Miss Appleton?"

"Does it feel better when I do this, Miss Appleton?"

"Ooooh, ohooohhhhh!" Alice felt hypnotized into mobility as the sensuous touching continued and she sensed that it was too late to stop the impetus of her own excitement, too late to pretend to herself that she did not want these lewd intimate touches from these teenagers, her innocent young students! It was lewd and exciting, but so immoral that Alice's contorted face was the image of torment, alternately mirroring the desire and the dismay that she felt about what she was allowing, indeed encouraging to happen!

Then the boys' fingers began to slip back and forth upon her thinly clad breasts, searching out the lust-swollen tips of her nipples and squeezing hard, making her want to cry out with delight. In a few seconds, she told herself she must stop them! At all costs she must stop them! And yet, as the thundering steps above them continued, Alice emitted the deep-throated sounds of rapidly mounting pleasure that betrayed her uncontrollable passion.

Sensing this, Tim unbuttoned the top buttons of his teacher's sweater, and without difficulty, both he and Bennie let their small agile fingers insinuate themselves under Miss Appleton's lacy brassiere to cup the soft resiliency of the drugged young woman's naked flesh. Hopelessly aroused by the drug they'd fed her yesterday, Alice could not resist.

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