Twins, and Mother and Teacher - Cover

Twins, and Mother and Teacher


Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Her honey moon was the beginning of something she could have never imagined in her life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

Don greeted the mailman, and noted with pleasure that he had received a letter from the twins. He was lonely in the big house all by himself, and now most of his pleasure came from the weekly letters the boys sent from their boarding school farther north up near Sacramento.

He sat back down in his reclining chair and opened up the envelope to read the letter:

Dear Dad:

We were sorry to hear about the divorce, but glad to know that "Mom" is okay and living with her friend Shirley now.

As you will see from the enclosed report-card we are making good grades here. We have a neat chemistry teacher, Mr. Boyse, who allows us to do our own special experiments whenever the lab is free.

All in all the school is pretty nice and we like it so far.

Love from,

Tim and Bennie

P.S. Sure hope you get married again Dad, and if you do, we'll be ready to love and accept anyone you choose!

Don smiled to himself. What a miracle that the boys were not scarred for life by the terrible things they'd experienced. God, he felt himself to be a very lucky man, indeed!

At Scotsdale School for Boys, Tim and Bennie hurried to the lab. Mr. Boyse had told them it was available, and they had a very important experiment in action. When they entered the room, Bennie went over to their private locker. Inside was the cage with the guinea pigs.

Tim took out his stopwatch and they settled down to observe and make notes. By the time two hours had passed, it was clear that the new timing action they'd created for their special 'sauce'... the 'formula', they called it now... was working splendidly. They would have to return periodically to observe the guinea pigs, but so far it seemed as though the formula would work over a twenty-four period, going on and off approximately every two hours. In a few days it would be ready for testing on a human being.

When Tim and Bennie left the lab, carefully cleaning up and turning out the lights before hand, they were elated by their own brilliance. Flushed and excited they walked briskly down the hall toward their dorm room. Several students and teachers passed them, for it was the end of the class day, and one of them stopped to congratulate the twins on their last English composition.

Pretty Miss Appleton was enthusiastic, and the boys liked the way her perfume smelled, and the pretty dark brunette hair that was always coming undone from its prim chignon at the back of her lithe, long neck.

"I'm very proud of you boys," Miss Appleton said, her blue eyes sparkling, for she took her work very seriously. "Both of you. I'm hoping you will read your compositions in class tomorrow morning!"

"Sure, Miss Appleton!"

"Right on, Miss Appleton!"

They stood to watch the young teacher clicking away on her high heels down the hall. The soft curve of her hips and buttocks was definitely exciting, they both agreed, and by the time they reached their own room, each twin knew just who would be the first recipient of their new 'formula'.

"Imagine doing it to Miss Appleton." Tim mused later on after lights out.

"That's just what I'm imagining!" Bennie replied.

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