Twins, and Mother and Teacher - Cover

Twins, and Mother and Teacher


Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Her honey moon was the beginning of something she could have never imagined in her life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Come on, Don Baby... the boys won't see... we'll go into the garage!" Carolyn anxiously tugged on her future husband's sleeve and guided him with determination away from the ranch-style house toward the garage.

"I don't know, Carolyn..." Don Larsen hesitated at the door, looking back toward the house where his two teenage boys could quite easily be watching them. Carolyn was so impatient, he thought to himself, almost too impatient for his tastes, and yet he didn't really want to disappoint her. He was too much in love with the girl for that! Still and all, you'd think she might be able to wait until some decent time. Or at least until after the wedding on the very next day.

"Come on, Don! Don't you want me as much as I want you?"

Don followed his young bride-to-be. She was only twenty-one, almost a teenager herself, and Don considered himself lucky at forty-five to have her.

"All right, Carolyn. Of course I do. You know I do!" He was following her into the back seat of the car where the young blonde girl had already arranged herself in the corner. "It's just that..."

But Carolyn's arm snaked out and upward, catching the older man around the neck and pulling him close to her invitingly reclining body. While her moist tongue thrust impetuously in between his lips, her hands fumbled downward, reaching for his to place them upon the already palpitating mounds of her naked breasts. It was not difficult to reach the smooth silken skin of Carolyn's voluptuous breasts, bare beneath the light summer dress she wore. There they were right inside the low-cut top of her dress, set high and full and tantalizingly firm in their beckoning warmth and softness.

"Oh, God, Carolyn! You're so beautiful... so exciting!"

"And you're wonderful, lover!" Carolyn replied, already giving herself up to the delightful tingling sensation emanating from Don's careful manipulation of her naked breasts. "Oh, that's good! I like it like that!"

How long had it been since Don had felt a woman warm and responsive in his arms? It wasn't the first time he and his bride-to-be had made love. It was perhaps the fourth or fifth time, and yet the widower still felt like a novice after the long years without a wife, and only an occasional relief during that time from the loneliness he usually felt.

And to think that tomorrow all this would be his! Irrevocably his!

"Oh, Carolyn!" he cried. Already his thickening cock was throbbing in lustful anticipation, knowing that Carolyn wore no panties beneath her dress, already feeling her parted thighs rubbing against him, slowly, sensuously. It was hot in the garage and hotter still in the car. June in northern California was usually not this hot, but there'd been a long dry spell and it was almost as if this were Los Angeles, instead of San Rafael.

But the fresh air and the trees, apple and oak and redwoods, fir and elm that surrounded Don Larsen's property all spoke of the particular atmosphere in Marin County where he and his twin sons had been living ever since his wife's death some years before. The house itself was large and sprawling, designed by Don himself, who made his living as an architect of good reputation in the area. There was a great deal of wood in the house and a lot of glass, and it was through the largest pane of glass at the side of the house that the two boys now peered intensely.

"Yep, they went inside!" Bennie said with his usual calm.

"Of course they went inside! I told you they would, didn't I?" Tim was irritable, as he was frequently wont to be.

Two small freckled faces pressed against the pane of glass and two tousled shocks of blond hair could have been seen from the outside, had anyone been watching. The twins looked almost exactly alike, although a few years before neither one of them had liked it very much, now they were beginning to enjoy it thoroughly. Not only were they each other's best friend and confidant, but they were able to derive a great deal of pleasure by mystifying friends and relatives with their uncanny resemblance. At thirteen, Bennie and Tim thought themselves to be at the height of their intelligence, and perhaps they were.

"They're doing it!" announced Tim. "I'm sure of it!"

"Let's go see!" cried Bennie. The boy's blue eyes flashed with excitement as he looked at his brother. Both boy's freckles were arranged in perfectly symmetrical and identical patterns across their noses, only Bennie had a distinguishing extra freckle on his right ear. But because they wore their hair at almost shoulder length, this freckle was rarely visible.

"You bet!" replied Tim, and they were both scrambling out the door of the house across the perfectly kept green lawn and toward the garage.

When they reached the door they paused, however. "This calls for stealth, Bennie!" Tim whispered. "We can't make a sound or they'll hear us and stop what they're doing!"

Tim was the natural leader and they both accepted this, him being a few minutes older than his brother. "Right!" Bennie replied. "Stealth it is!"

With exceeding care Tim pulled the garage door open just enough so the two boys could squeeze through the narrow opening. Dressed in T-shirts, shorts, and sneakers without socks, they looked the picture of wholesome American youth, but within their cunning little minds the boys felt a strong determination to prove themselves to be the very opposite of what they appeared.

"Listen!" Tim cautioned his brother, and they stood stock still there in the dimness of the garage. From the direction of the car came the unmistakable voice of their future stepmother.

"Do it to me, Don. Take me now, honey!" She was completely naked and cramped in the confining back seat of the Buick; before her Don, too, had removed the last article of his clothing, except his shoes and socks, which he felt would take too long to put back on. Carolyn knew that in moments she would be writhing in sensual torment beneath her future husband, enjoying the wanton meeting of bodies that had never failed to excite her beyond anything she'd ever known, since the young girl's first complete experience at fourteen in her boyfriend's playroom. She wanted to hasten the moment as she now felt Don's heavy legs pressing hers outward, and suddenly pulsing near her nakedly trembling belly, the fiery pole of his lustfully swollen cock.

With one sudden movement, the blonde girl's long legs were parted by the widowered architect's naked leg, and the smooth rubbery head of his heated cock slid eagerly up between her spread-eagled thighs until it bumped against the narrow cleft of her sparsely hair-lined pussy.

Nearby, Tim and Bennie approached, and when they reached the side of the car, they daringly peered into the back seat. There, before their amazed eyes were the quiveringly hard naked buttocks of their father, and below, the wide-spread silken thighs of their future stepmother, separated by their father's thrusting body, while Carolyn's slender calves gripped compulsively around Don's back.

"CRIPES! THEY ARE DOING IT!" Bennie did not have to speak the words, one look exchanged between the twins was enough to send the shattering message back and forth between them. Wordlessly, the teenagers looked back at the most lascivious sight their young eyes had ever seen.

It certainly was going to make life more interesting, each thought in his own way. Nothing in fact would ever be the same again. And that was all right with them, considering the dullness they usually had to contend with.

Inside the car, Carolyn chanted, "OH, OH, OH, OH, OH!" Her heated cuntal passage ached for the hard length of Don's advancing penis. She wanted so badly to feel him inside her that she felt she would scream if he didn't hurry! Once more his excited fingers were working steadily at the soft fullness of her breasts which were swollen and filled with desire. That was all that seemed to exist now of the former student at Berkeley--her stinging breasts and the moistly secreting pussy that accepted the hard blunt tip of Don's surging cock as it rubbed against her straining young pussy slit. The increasing friction was almost unbearable. Impulsively, the young blonde began pushing her hips up higher and higher off the car seat, trying to get him to enter her. But Don's sliding teasing cock continued to grace her tortured gyrating pussy until Carolyn began to claw wildly at his back, begging him in a raspy voice.

"Please... Don... please. Oh, God, please take me, take me now!"

Outside the window of the car the twins again exchanged glances and with bated breath returned their gaze to the lewd encounter between their father and the twenty-one year old girl who was soon to be their new mother!

The thick sleek head of Don's raging cock stopped its incessant rubbing between his fiancee's fleshy cuntal lips and slid downward, poised at the tiny pink entrance to her widespread vagina. As the older man panted a bit in expectation, his hands slipped underneath Carolyn's long legs, drawing them upward so that they splayed outward and nestled higher upon his back, her heels digging in for support. He let his thick shaft part the girl's sparse blonde pubic hair and insinuate itself into the incredible wetness that surrounded her small pussy opening, searching, burrowing, sliding.

Don's muscles started jerking involuntarily and he had to push, push hard against the moaning twenty-one year old, feeling the softness of her vagina give way, the petal-like lips beginning to open wide to admit his hardness deep, deep up inside her. The little hair-fringed mouth between Carolyn's open, cream-white thighs yielded willingly, and in one sudden thrust Don rammed halfway up inside the girl's crazily trembling belly.

"AAAAAAAAAAAH... AHAHAHAHAHAH!" Carolyn moaned, her head tossing from side to side, her fingernails trailing long red lines along Don's naked back as deep within her contracting cuntal walls she felt his heated hardness, the thick rigid cock of the man who was going to marry her tomorrow.

It was good. It was very good. And the young girl thought that once they were married, she would be able to turn Don into quite a lover. Just the kind of lover she needed. Everything was going to turn out just fine; she would have the security she always wanted, plus the good loving her body craved. As soon as fall came she would arrange to have the pesky twins sent off to school somewhere, and then her life would be absolutely perfect.

But all of this was but a flash in Carolyn's thoughts as, totally unaware that her new charges were watching every sordid detail of her lustful encounter with their father, the young blonde felt Don moving up still higher within the already filled passage of her pliant cunt. He certainly did have a good size... a very good size! Nice and hard and big and thick. With a little shudder of delight, Carolyn let herself snuggle downward against the upward grinding of Don's turgid cock, enjoying the pressure of her own tightly clasping vaginal muscles as they rippled wetly and smoothly around the older man's surging penis.

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