Southern Tramp - Cover

Southern Tramp


Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 -

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Incest   Father   Daughter   Novel-Pocketbook  

Melanie shimmied down the rope from the hay loft and wandered back to the large main house in a daze. Her body felt warm and tingly, and occasionally, darts of urgent need cut through her loins. The pretty blonde sixteen year old was flushed with desire. She looked incredibly sexy with her cheeks burning red and her sky blue eyes heated with carnal lust.

She went into the house and flounced up the stairs, hurrying down the corridor to her bedroom. She shut the door carelessly behind her, not noticing that it didn't completely close.

Then, she sat down on her canopied bed and thought about what she had seen. She couldn't repress the excited tremors that were rustling through her nubile young body. A stab of impatience flew through her. Why couldn't she do what Brutus and Dahlia did? After all, she was the most privileged, prettiest girl in the state. She knew there were dozens of boys dying to get into her panties, and even more importantly, she knew dozens of boys she would LIKE to get into her panties!

Melanie stood up and unzipped her dress, taking it off and folding it neatly, placing it on the back of a chair. Slowly, she took off her slip and brassiere and panties, and stood in the middle of her room, naked.

She walked over to the full length mirror on the side of her closet and stared reflectively at the image of herself. A surge of pride rushed through her. She had a voluptuous body. One that put Dahlia's to shame, even. Her flesh was pale and porcelain smooth, creamy and silken in texture. Her high, jutting breasts were firm and melon-shaped with large strawberry-red nipples. Between her luscious legs was a lambent triangle of golden hair, glistening in the sunlight that streamed through an open window.

Luxuriantly, Melanie drew her hands over the full aching globes of her breasts, squeezing them and rubbing the palms of her hands across the throbbing nubbins. Then, she ran her hands slowly down her body, across her soft, flat belly and along her hips, feathering her fingers through the silky, damp curls of her golden pubes.

She quivered with pleasure as her cuticles brushed over the swollen puckered lips of her mons veneris. She dug her thumbs into the petals of pink flesh and drew them apart, studying the sweet glistening jewels of her cunt in the mirror. Her clitoris was erect and quivering, and she lightly brushed the tip of her forefinger across the slick knob. A bolt of electric pleasure coursed through her loins and she gave an involuntary sob of delight.

A soft sigh of excitement rustling in her throat, she began to draw her fingers back and forth across the puckered lips of her vulva and over the slick cap of her joy stick. Remembering what she had seen in the barn sent darts of white hot lust through her loins and she hooked her fingers inward, probing the hot, oily interior of her furrow.

Her heart began to pound with excitement, and all her nerve endings seemed to be on fire. Gasping with lascivious anticipation, she darted back to the bed and flung herself upon it, lying on her back and throwing her legs wide apart. She brought both of her hands between her moist thighs and began to stroke her fingers over the slick mound, titillating her clitoris and sticking her digits to the first knuckle into her tight virginal chute.

Flickering flames of rapture consumed her loins and she began to toss about and moan aloud, bucking her hips and running her fingers faster and faster across her oozing quaking slit. Her boobs bounced becomingly, the nipples jutting and erect with desire.

Meanwhile, another member of the Wilkerson family was approaching the homestead. Jarvis Wilkerson impatiently spurred his steed onward, and Marmaduke, the big thoroughbred stallion with magnificent black and white markings neighed and galloped faster toward the stables. Jarvis was sweaty and tired from the long, grueling ride he had just finished. He had ridden a good twenty miles to the town of Tremberley and had a few drinks with some buddies at a local bar. Now, his senses were slightly dulled by beer, but his athletic body was in fine shape, aching deliciously from the work-out he had just had.

In his riding outfit, Jarvis was a fine looking figure of a man. The white breeches, flaring at the hips and tucking into leather boots, clung to his hips and crotch and ass snugly, outlining his bulging basket. His jacket was perfectly cut to fit his powerfully muscled contours, and his ruggedly handsome young face was tanned by the sun and flushed and damp with perspiration, his green eyes glowing with young life.

He leapt easily down from his steed and caught Marmaduke by the bridle, patting the froth-flecked horse on the neck and speaking to him in a soothing tone. Then, he led the horse to the barn and drew open the door.

As he led Marmaduke into the barn, Jarvis heard a frantic commotion and some whispering. He looked up in surprise and saw a rather comical sight. Brutus was frantically buckling his belt while Dahlia, dressed in a frock and blouse, looked terrified and in great disarray. The two black servants had just scrambled out of Marmaduke's stall where they had quite evidently been fooling around.

Jarvis forced himself to repress a grin and said sternly, "Brutus! What on earth have you been up to! Slacking on the job again?"

"Uh, no, Mister Jarvis, sir. I - I been tawking with Dahlia here about something," Brutus stammered lamely.

"Uh huh, I'll bet you have! Well, soon as you get your pants up, take care of Marmaduke, now, you here? And you, Dahlia! You better not let Dotty catch you fooling around like this while you're supposed to be working, or she's liable to kick up a big fuss!"

"N-No, sir, Mr. Jarvis, I - I won't, sir!" Dahlia gasped, near tears, and rushed in a frenzy from the barn.

As soon as she was gone, Jarvis guffawed loudly and clapped Brutus on the back. The black buck grinned sheepishly, looking down at his feet in embarrassment.

"You're one helluva lady killer, Brutus, my man," Jarvis said, "But if my Dad ever finds out you're poking Dahlia, you'd better start hunting for another job. In another state!"

Brutus got serious immediately.

"You ain't gwana tell him, is you, Mister Jarvis?"

"Me? It's none of my affair who you're fucking, Brutus. Hell, I'd like to get into Dahlia's pants myself sometime! Just keep a low profile, that's all. It's pretty dumb to be fucking around in the barn in the middle of the day."

He handed Marmaduke over to the black man and winked at him before striding out of the barn. As he strode up to the house, thinking about the illicit liaison he had broken up, Jarvis grinned and felt a lazy tug of lust at his loins. Shit, he needed a good fuck himself! And Dahlia was sure a succulent peach of a girl. He'd known about his father and the mulatto wench for years. His bedroom was right next to his Dad's, and virtually every night, he could hear Dahlia's moans and screeches of carnal pleasure and the loud squeaking of the bed springs.

He wandered through the house, looking around for his sister. She didn't seem to be about either. He frowned slightly. Well, maybe she'd gone over to Missy's house. He knew his Daddy wouldn't like it if he found out Melanie was traipsing around without his permission.

Jarvis decided that he needed a shower. He tossed off his jacket and began unbuttoning his shirt as he mounted the stairs. He drew his shirt off, flexing his tired, sweaty muscles, and strode down the corridor toward the bathroom. On the way, he had to pass his sister's bedroom.

Jarvis might have walked right on by if he hadn't heard soft cries emerging from behind the partially opened door. Raising his eyebrows in surprise, he immediately stopped in his tracks and pushed the door open, not thinking that he was intruding on a private scene. What he saw made Jarvis' jaw drop and his green eyes smolder with unexpected passion.

His gorgeous sixteen year old sister lay sprawled on her bed stark naked, her legs spread wantonly apart, her hips lewdly bucking back and forth while her fingers worked frantically at her sweet, dripping pussy. Her eyes were closed, and little trilling noises of carnal delight escaped from between her full coral-pink lips.

It was the sexiest thing he'd seen in a long time, and Jarvis was paralyzed with lust and confusion. He knew immediately that it was wrong to lust after his own sister, but she was the sweetest, sexiest looking thing he'd ever set eyes on, and from the way she was responding to her probing fingers, she was also hot as a whore...

Melanie was so enwrapped in the whirling, heated sensations that had taken possession of her body that she hadn't even heard the sound of Jarvis' boots on the stairwell. But now, she suddenly sensed that there was someone in the room, perhaps because a draft had begun to blow through the opened door.

With a shock of startled fear, she opened her big blue eyes suddenly, and through her lust-clouded vision found herself looking into the smoldering eyes of her own brother.

"J-Jarvis!" she squeaked breathlessly, too shocked to make any attempt to cover herself.

Her lust-heated eyes drank in the sight of his heavily muscled, tanned torso and the conspicuous bulge in his trousers. She also saw the answering glimmer of lascivious excitement in his troubled eyes.

Quivering with passive excitement, her huge baby blue eyes fixed a pleading look on her big brother's face.

Jarvis stared at her, dumbfounded, and then took a deep breath, stepping quickly into the room and closing the door behind him. He turned the latch, and then walked slowly to the side of his sister's bed.

"Melanie, honey," he said huskily, sitting down beside her, "You've gone and blossomed into a young woman without my even noticing! Shit, honey, I must have been blind."

His burning green eyes raked over her trembling, translucent flesh, and he gently reached out and brushed his fingers over one of her pillowy bosoms, drawing it down and plucking at the ripe red nipple.

"J-Jarvis," Melanie whispered feebly, "D-Do you think we should?"

"I don't know," he replied hoarsely, looking at her, "Do you want to, honey?"

Melanie gave a ragged sigh and said softly in a quavering voice, "Yes! I - I really do!"

Jarvis nodded, his head reeling with excitement, unable to resist the temptation of his sister's luscious, beckoning body, and yet, unable to shake the nagging voice which told them that what he was contemplating doing was wrong. His heart pounded violently in his chest, and his loins seemed to be on fire. His rigid pecker stretched painfully against the tight material of his trouser leg.

He licked his lips, running his hand slowly over his sister's body, reveling in the sensation of her delicate, satiny flesh against the coarse skin of his palm.

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