Every Inch A Nymph - Cover

Every Inch A Nymph


Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - After being raped by her uncle, newlywed Melanie just could not bring herself to love her husband like she should. Melanie thought every type of sex act, other than just laying there for her husband, was sinful and she would not allow any other type of sex in her house. A friend of hers talks her and her husband to go on a vacation at a special spa in Mexico. Here she gets drunk and is coerced into all kinds of sexual situations. Will it change her attitude towards sex?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Cheating   Incest   Uncle   Niece   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

Slim Ranito and Will Monroe stepped back, studying the result of their work, leaving Melanie standing by the large table and feeling their heated gazes searing across her naked titties and pussy. They stood a few feet away from her, obviously moved by the tautly curved magnificence of her voluptuous body and smooth white flesh.

Despite herself, Melanie could not help feeling a certain pride well up in her as their awed eyes took in every generously rounded curve of her hotly quivering body, her contours bathed in the soft sunlight filtering into the room by the health bar.

Will Monroe gasped, "God, your cunt's fantastic!" and the sincerity in his voice made Melanie want them to fuck her hot little cunt more than ever! It made them seem more like friends, with whom she was going to share the loveliness of her naked cunt and titties, and she wanted them to enjoy her as they wished since their eyes told her how much they would appreciate the privilege.

"Oh, yes... ooohhh... yes... please... Slim... Will... I need you to fuck my pussy!" the drugged blonde whispered brokenly, not knowing what she was saying or even what she wanted them to do, but hoping they would understand better than she did.

Will Monroe grinned lewdly and turned her naked body around. Then, clamping his hands tightly around her hotly pulsing tits, he backed her toward the edge of the table. As the older man manipulated her whitely billowing tits in warm, teasing motions, Melanie felt the surprising thrill of a strange new kind of excitement. In that moment it seemed to her that she wanted to be used, to be fucked forcefully and even humiliated by the two muscular men! She wanted to turn herself over to them, to let them fuck her pussy again and again with their huge throbbing cocks until she came like a wild banshee!

Suddenly a startled look came over her beautiful face as she fell back onto the table under the force of Will's insistent pushing. Hot tremors surged through Melanie's pussy as her naked asscheeks landed on the table, the contact with the cold wood exciting her warm flesh. Her body was alive with lewd sensations and desires she had never before known. Never had she experienced such depraved wanton craving, and her blonde-furred pussy quivered hotly as though she already had one of the men's thickly fucking pricks buried deep up in her burning little cunt. Her gaze met the lust-crazed eyes of the older man standing before her, then quickly flicked past him to where Slim stood, an expression of lecherous triumph on his handsome face. The latter's expression unnerved her, made her feel like nothing more than a whore, and suddenly she felt another tremor of fear in the face of her own wildly uncontrollable passion.

"Oh God, I changed my mind... " she moaned, knowing that pleading and begging was her only chance, because she no longer had the strength or will to resist them for long.

"It's too late, Melanie," Slim taunted her. "We're going to touch your hot little pussy and fuck it and fuck it, and Tony will never find out. No one can disturb us in here."

Slim's mention of Tony would probably have strengthened her resistance had not Will chosen that second to lean over and kiss one of her pinkly erect nipples, driving the taunting words from her consciousness with a whip of pure sensation as he enclosed the erected bud with his mouth, swirling his tongue thrillingly over the tender, sensitive flesh. Melanie groaned involuntarily at the exquisite titillation, yet still had enough of a sense of the immorality of what she was doing to attempt to twist away from the sudden exciting contact, but his hands, playing over her quaking thighs and hips, held her firmly down against the cool table. She gasped breathlessly as he began to nibble and suck at the erect tips of her nipples, causing a blissful tickling that descended feather-like all the way down to her pussy. The pinioned blonde's breathing quickened and, in unconscious reaction, her asscheeks began a slow impatient grinding down into the slick surface of the table. Then her eyes closed in pure rapture as Will's middle finger slid deep into her lust-soaked cunt and she began to provocatively writhe her starving cunt hard up against the lewdly probing digit. A final passing sense of shame at what she was doing swept over her, even as the prurient quivers agitated her body, while, slowly and rhythmically, the rancher thrust his finger deeper and deeper up into her moistly throbbing cunt.

"Ooooooh," she moaned, trying to writhe from his grasp, to make a last desperate effort to stave off the seduction she felt at least half responsible for, but the pressure of the grinning man's strong grip was altogether too much for her to resist in her present passion-torn state of mind. She had forgotten about Tony, forgotten about everything in the world except for the sheer erotic bliss of being touched by this wealthy older man with his huge lusting cock, and feeling him skillfully manipulate her hotly tingling pussy to even greater heights of passion.

Melanie watched in undisguised delight as he reached down with one hand and began yanking his swimming suit off. She held her breath at the sight of a dense mass of curly pubic hair; then suddenly she heard Slim speak up from behind.

"Not so fast, Will. What's your hurry? Before we fuck her, why don't we make sure that she's really hot?"

Uncertain of the meaning of Slim's words, Melanie lifted her head from the table and peered forward to observe with a start that Slim bad quietly removed his own swimming trunks while Will had been greedily fondling her voluptuous naked body. Drunk with passion, she let her gaze wander boldly over his broad, hard- muscled body, beautifully tanned and firm, until it reached the impossibly thick hard-on standing out from his hairy pelvis. Through lust-glazed green eyes, Melanie saw that her girlfriend's lover, who had never seemed to her particularly appealing, now appeared incredibly masculine and desirable! At the sight of the huge, thickly pulsing cock, her eyebrows went up and her smoky eyes again widened in disbelief while Slim's arrogant grin broadened and his hand began to stroke his jerking hardness back and forth, causing his sensuously dangling balls to sway gently between his muscular thighs.

"A little bigger than what you're used to. But don't worry, we'll get it in somehow." He snickered delightedly as Melanie almost choked with the shock of viewing the immense throbbing prick. Slim glanced at Will for a second, then grinned salaciously at the older man's obvious impatience. "This won't take long, you fucker. It'll give you a chance to get your kicks, and I'll have this little chick begging for a taste of your dick!"

It was with clear reluctance to give up the lushly contoured body for even a few minutes that Will Monroe stepped back from the table. Immediately, before the wealthy man had a chance to change his mind, Slim moved closer, grasping Melanie's shoulders to push her down until she lay flat on her back on the table, her knees dangling uselessly over the edge, Above her, the powerful man seemed larger than life to the excitedly cringing blonde as he stared lustfully down at her, his lascivious eyes feasting lewdly on every swelling curve of her ripe female form. His huge hands moved down over her torso to clasp the firm white flesh of her sloping hips and she felt herself being slid along the smooth wooden table until she was completely stretched out on the cool hard surface. Then she was suddenly aware of the hands on her thighs, pressuring her legs apart with a sudden jerk. Then, before she had time to think of clamping her legs. together, Slim climbed up onto the table and positioned himself on his hands and knees between her wide-splayed legs, grinning up at her through the deep valley of her nakedly trembling tits. Then, before her dazed brain quite realized what was happening, Will's voice exploded the horrible truth across her brain.

"Jesus! Suck it, man, suck her cunt! Let's see how she likes it!" she heard the older man urging his friend. Melanie twisted her head to see if he too was naked, but before she could locate him back behind the hulking body of Slim, she suddenly quivered in an uncontrollable spasm of pleasure as she felt hotly clasping lips close over her hotly palpitating cunt.

"Ooooooooh, noooo! Oh, Gooooodddddd!" she whimpered as he planted wet, teasing kisses on her curl-rimmed pussylips, his tongue flicking teasingly at the tiny pink cunthole. Melanie's blonde head lifted from the table and she watched in mounting excitement as the head rocked up and down in greedy feast between her legs, the vision of his face buried in her wildly contracting cunt increasing the pleasure a thousand times. She began to wriggle and squirm her trembling asscheeks in ungovernable little circular motions, trying to get more of the delicious sensations, but the spa owner held back, taunting her with sharp little stabs of his tongue against the tiny pink bud of her now erect clit.

Without conscious volition, Melanie moved her own hands sensuously down over her throbbing tits to the smooth flat plane of her stomach until they came to rest on either side of his tantalizing lips. Her fingers stroked gently for a moment at the flexing hollows of her inner thighs, then, no longer able to bear his cruel teasing of her shamelessly tingling cunt, she moved her fingers and slowly spread her softly curling pussylips far apart, allowing his ravenous lips and tongue complete access to the smooth glistening center of her squirming, lust-soaked cunt. Then, quaking convulsively with expectation, she jammed her elbows tightly against her ribs and jerked uncontrollably as Slim's attacking tongue snaked out, its stiffened tip circling the shivering raw nerve of her clitty.

Suddenly, the breath emptied from her heaving body in a great gasp as she felt his lips begin to suck, drawing the warmly quivering flesh of her pussy deep into the hot cavern of his mouth as his tongue continued to tease maddeningly against the straining bud of her clit. The sensations were almost more than the voluptuous young blonde could bear, and she groaned throatily as the probing tip worked its way up and down the length of her hot moist cunt, starting at the lower belly and skimming down, down over the tight-rimmed opening of her excitedly clenching cunthole and into the tightly clenched crevice between her wildly wriggling asscheeks.

Slim grinned wickedly to himself in lustful glee as he flicked the tip of his tongue into the little puckered hole of her ass nestled just below the opening of her wantonly streaming pussy.

"Uuuuuuuugh... ooohhh!" Melanie grunted as he stabbed into the tight puckered ring and a wave of tiny goosebumps rippled across her quivering belly and heaving tits.

"Oooohhh... ooooohhhh!" she moaned as he stabbed again, the searing intrusion into her sensitive asshole bringing soft mewling sounds of lewd pleasure from between her passion-clenched teeth. Her naked asscheeks ground frantically down into the hard surface of the table as new, unfamiliar sensations went racing through her entire body.

Slim was working hungrily, delighting in the sensation of the softly curling pussyhairs grazing gently against his cheeks and the boiling cunt-juices from her hotly twitching pussy smearing his face. A feeling of pure power was rising in him as he ground his nose deep into the sweet, perfumes of her flame-seared cunt. After all this time of being looked down on as some sort of crude uncultured man by this sexy little blonde it was he who was seducing her into complete sensual abandon by the most refined of means; nothing rough or crude, just the soft teasing of his skillful tongue. Before long he would have this stuck-up bitch squirming and begging for more, completely at his mercy, and that would prove once and for all his superiority over her!

Melanie's groans were driving his tongue to move even faster as it worked its way up and down her nakedly spread cunt. Slim had wanted her pleading for it when they were ready to ram it to her and she was almost there. It was important, he knew, that she get so excited and revved up that she would never slow down into her silly Puritanism again. But Christ, he had never seen a chick get so hot so fast, even with the Mexican aphrodisiac helping her along, and this sexy little cunt was going to get all she wanted-- and more! He knew that she was no longer in any position to fight them, and crazy random pictures flashed through his mind of all the obscene things they could do to her. Slim felt her hands desperately clawing at his hair, and chuckled in lascivious delight as she guided his face hard down against her hotly palpitating cunt. Just to make her suffer a little, he ran his tongue into the greedily clasping depths for only a second and then withdrew it to tease again at the wide-stretched pink edges.

He was too excited by the spiraling sense of his domination of the nakedly writhing young blonde to be able to hold himself off for long. With an animal-like groan of surrender, he let her force him directly down over her tight little cunt up between her flexing thighs. His sucking lips enclosed the hungrily pulsating opening and he thrust his tongue deep up into it, bringing a low husky groan from the woman whose supple thighs now closed in convulsive surrender around his rocking head. He could feel her devouring cunt-flesh encase his obscenely probing tongue, clamping around it with a greedy nibbling motion as though trying to draw him deeper and deeper into her.

Melanie's body felt as though it were being struck by flash after flash of pure lightning. Her legs flew out around Slim's intruding head, her feet beating down onto his back, and his mouth and tongue worked with increasing wildness at her widespread pussy. Her hips kept jerking forward involuntarily, burying the searing tongue to its roots again and again. Every muscle in her body was taut as it strained upward toward that incredible laving between her legs. Drug-contorted pictures of Tony flickered through her mind as she listened to the loud sucking noises that Slim was making at her drenched pussy. For a passing second she wondered how she would ever be able to face him again. But passion was building in her body faster than she could control it, and any thought of the consequences was overwhelmed by the delicious darts of pleasure piercing her flesh like tiny prickling needles of fire. Her updrawn legs opened and closed around the tormenting head that was licking gluttonously at the open pinkness of her wildly quivering cunthole, and tendons in her neck and legs pulled taut as she strained desperately to draw the tousled head even farther into her steaming curl-rimmed pussy.

Through the bright haze of her desire she suddenly distinguished the wry cocky smile on Will Monroe's face as he grinned down at her, and she shut her eyes tightly while the swirls of sensation that were turning her body into an uncontrollable, writhing mass of pleasure started to build and build. Nothing mattered now but the tiny licking sparks of delicious fire that were shooting hotly through her loins.

"Oh, no! Wait! Come back!" she suddenly moaned as the wonderfully obscene ministrations of Slim's tongue abruptly stopped, just as she was about to explode in a mind shattering cum. Her eyes flew open and she saw the handsome man crawling off the table, being hustled away from her by the impatient cattle rancher. The young blonde's ecstatically aching cunt was so shamelessly aroused that she did not even look twice at Will's lewd grin, but cried out again, and reached down to try to pull Slim back onto the table. She no longer cared how wanton she must seem, she was so close... so close! "Come back..." she whimpered, knowing she would cum in another few seconds if only Slim would just get on with his remorseless licking and sucking of her shamelessly excited pussy.

Then, almost before she knew it, Will was crouching over her, his face above hers, and she raised her head so that her eyes could look greedily at his thickly pulsing prick jutting out from his kneeling body above her. Beside her, she saw Slim moving closer to the table, his chin and upper lip still gleaming from the mingled juices of her cunt and his saliva. The sight of his glistening face reminded her of her frustration and her throbbing pussy began to grind frantically into the air, searching for the hard, blunt tip of Will's cock. Suddenly there was nothing in the world but the aching need, the horrible void between her legs, and she wanted to fill it now!

"Oooooohhh... please... fuck my pussy! Fuck my pussy!" she screamed, looking up at the handsome older man. He was grinning down at her agony of passion in smug delight, as if he knew exactly how much she wanted him and planned to tease her a little before giving in. Melanie lay with her thighs wide open, her breath gasping out in machine-gun bursts. Her belly quaked and heaved as she rotated her smoothly curved asscheeks, trying to capture the head of his cock in her moistly gripping cunt. But the heavily breathing Will Monroe carefully eluded her and instead leaned over and let his lips roam wetly over her trembling tits, making her asscheeks grind down even more impatiently into the slick surface of the table.

"Christ Almighty, you're a hot little cunt!" he gasped in simple awe as he lifted his head from her ample chest. "Tony's a lucky man," he added, the envy in his voice forcing Melanie to the painful, slightly guilty reflection that Tony had only once seen her this excited, so that maybe he wasn't as lucky as these men thought. In the midst of her passion, she wondered for a second if her own attitudes about sex had been wrong all along. Then her thoughts were cut off by a sudden change in Will's tone of voice, the lust clearly shining in his eyes as he said, "But you're a lucky girl, because I'm going to fuck you like you've never been fucked before!"

Melanie stiffened under the prodding of the obscene words. Their very lewdness excited her for reasons she didn't understand, but the feeling of guilt was beginning to return to her mind. What would happen to her if Tony suddenly walked into this room? she wondered in sudden terror, and the thought took root in her brain and grew.

"Let me see you move that ass of yours, honey!" he breathed hoarsely. "I'm going to fuck you right out of the ball park!"

"Please... no... Will... I can't!" she began, almost whimpering in the torment of the struggle between her passion and her guilty fear. But then the wealthy rancher lowered his body several inches and she felt his thick hardness against the full length of her craving, wide-stretched pussy. The jerking head of his cock rested between her eagerly clenching asscheeks, then worked its way up and down in an arousing motion that caused her once again to squirm her smoothly curved asscheeks up toward it, all doubt draining in a rush from her mind.

Will Monroe could feel her sudden abandon and grinned triumphantly. "All right, take hold of my prick and stick it up your cunt!" he ordered, and was rewarded for his patience as she moaned and reached down in complete submission between their naked bodies to wrap her fingers around the stiff shaft of his burning cock, but then she hesitated as though suddenly fearful of its size.

"Come on, sweetie! Ram it in!" he snapped impatiently above her.

Melanie, trembling half in terror and half in desire, drew the hugely pulsing cock up the moist crack between her trembling asscheeks to the passion-drenched cunthole, using the thick head to part her wildly twitching pussylips, the searing contact sending further shivers of pleasure raging through her body. She held Will's cock in place at the entrance to her boiling pussy- hole and placed her free hand on his muscular asscheeks, tugging with all her strength to pull his huge, pussy-stretching cock into her so that it could put out the painful fire burning out of control deep in her hungrily quivering cunt.

"Ooooohhh! I've got to have my pussy fucked... oooohhhhh!" she moaned, and it was all Will could do to keep from shoving forward now and impaling the beautiful squirming young blonde on his painfully aching cock, but he managed to hold off, smiling obscenely above her as he tried with all his willpower to taunt her for a few moments longer.

Then suddenly the grin on his face was wiped off and replaced by a contorted expression of sheer unadulterated lust. He couldn't take it any more, staring down at this exciting, naked blonde writhing frantically beneath him like a bitch in heat, with the head of his nearly bursting cock just barely disappearing into the soft golden hair of her shamelessly squirming pussy. He had to fuck her! He had to!

Will Monroe dropped forward, crushing her huge white tits against her chest as he thrust his hips harshly forward, fucking his cunt-stretching cock far up into the hungrily clasping walls of her cunt like a guided missile that nothing could stop. It seemed to drive into her forever, until suddenly, with a loud groan, his cum-swollen balls smacked their full weight against the upturned cheeks of her ass and his pelvis rammed with a bone- shattering jolt into hers, his hard tanned stomach clapping flat against the yielding softness of her belly.

With sudden astonishment, Melanie realized that the seemingly huge cock had slipped easily into her greedily devouring pussy without pain, and she strained forward against him, trying to get even more of his wonderful rigid hardness into her insanely contracting cunt. She writhed her hips from side to side around the thickly impaling hardness, her cunt dilating as her passion mounted, but his prick was not big enough to satisfy the wild cravings created in her by the aphrodisiac and the two men's intensely skillful tauntings and caresses.

Groaning in frustration, Melanie kicked her legs wider to allow him greater access to her hotly aching cunt, but nothing did any good as the lust-goaded older man, unaware of her dissatisfaction, began skewering his thickly pulsing cock in and out of her, bringing tiny gasps of pain when his pelvis hammered against her upthrust cunt with each savage thrust. Then Melanie moaned again, for he was driving her toward climax by the furious pummeling of her body alone! She bucked insanely beneath him, gyrating her nakedly upraised asscheeks faster and faster in a wild race for completion. But abruptly, she felt the wealthy rancher's deeply fucking cock stiffen and swell without warning. Her crazed pelvic motions had been too much for him and he could not hold back any longer. He had to cum!

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